Well, well, there are some interesting prospects at my Whole Foods!


New Member
I sat down there to eat which I usually don't do because it's crowded and I want to get my groceries home fast. But this time I was only going to pick up one item (yes, hair related), so I got some soup and sat down at those booths they have up front near the registers.

The whole time I was in there, I was seeing a variety of well-put-together, thoughtful, polite (space was tight and I bumped into a lot of people, prompting murmured "excuse me"s) men of diverse ethnic backgrounds and personal dress styles.

2 men approached me in a respectful fashion to get to know me further, but I had to decline, as I have a loved one in my life/heart.

Anyway, here's a profile of some of the men I saw (can't promise they were all hetero, but some did approach me and several were eyeing, so here goes):

-- 5-6 Black American-possible men dressed in business casual trousers, shoes, and sweaters, some with well-cut leather jackets and messenger bags slung rakishly over their shoulders

-- 10+ Hispanic-possible, South Asian-possible, and Euro-possible men dressed in similar styles to the above

-- 2-3 "politically consciously-dressed" B.A.-possible men--the dreads, the tee-shirt with the African solidarity, environmental-themed , or jazz/reggae-slogans, the henmp and cowrie shells necklace, etc.

-- a group of West African F.O.B.s (not too FOBby, though, given the snippets of conversation I overheard) in comfy casual

-- workers at the store itself (Whole Foods uniform) who were friendly, well-informed, polite, and conscientious (I interacted with two when looking for items)

Sitting down at the front was like being in the epicenter of a storm of attractive menfolk: because I was in the front, I could see everyone, and they could see ME. Eye contact was made more than a few times. Because I was sitting alone for an hour reading a magazine with my laptop open in front of me, with an empty booth bench across from me, it invited interested parties to linger near my table as they picked up their bagged groceries from the checkout line and prepared to leave.

THIS WAS A Public Service Announcement for those looking to meet potential dates/mates in a neutral environment that is not a bar.

I have noticed really nicely dressed, seemingly eligibile single men at "yuppie" stores like Whole Foods and Panera Bread. Also a lot of nice guys chillin at Barnes and Noble.
what time of day did you go? lunch or after work?

I'm always shopping there, and see quite a few black men but they ALWAYS have becky on their arms :-/
Whole foods in my area is like this too..I remember going on a Friday night getting my turkey pizza fix and this nice fine brother was chatting with me..I didnt know what the hell to do I was in a black head scarf no makeup glasses and sweat pants..I high tailed quick but I was like dang he fine and he can speak..
There are always hotties at Whole Foods, Trader Joes and most indie coffee shops. Bookstores and art galleries are also good spots to meet people.
LOL.. I was just thinking the same thing. I went to WF when I got my Masochist lipstick in the mail (long story -- ridiculously expensive bright red lipstick that I am determined to wear until it is gone, but I digress), and went into WF with it on. Guy seriously were coming out of the woodworks at that place. There is a (gorgeous Black) guy that works there and when he saw me, he just so happened was every where I turned...lol. I was so shy...good god. I dont know what is wrong with me lately. Don't sleep on men that work @ WFs. they make like $20. WFs is NOT your run of the mill grocer...that's why I only get their pizza and their cheap boxed cookies. :lachen:
LOL.. I was just thinking the same thing. I went to WF when I got my Masochist lipstick in the mail (long story -- ridiculously expensive bright red lipstick that I am determined to wear until it is gone, but I digress), and went into WF with it on. Guy seriously were coming out of the woodworks at that place. There is a (gorgeous Black) guy that works there and when he saw me, he just so happened was every where I turned...lol. I was so shy...good god. I dont know what is wrong with me lately. Don't sleep on men that work @ WFs. they make like $20. WFs is NOT your run of the mill grocer...that's why I only get their pizza and their cheap boxed cookies. :lachen:

They have a lot of good natural hair products too. I hate their prices though! Trader Joes has the same gourmet/organic foods for much cheaper.
This is the truth! There's a new WF in Chicago that is huge. It's got a coffee bar, food court, wine bar and flat screen tvs with sporting events shown. So it's a nice spot to meet a friend for a drink or lunch and hang out. They even have free wi-fi so people hang out there and get work done. Tons of guys to meet there. Me and my friend refer to it as 'Club Whole Foods' :lol: I try not to even go there unless I look cute because I know I'll be mad if I'm looking crazy and see somebody.
This is the truth! There's a new WF in Chicago that is huge. It's got a coffee bar, food court, wine bar and flat screen tvs with sporting events shown. So it's a nice spot to meet a friend for a drink or lunch and hang out. They even have free wi-fi so people hang out there and get work done. Tons of guys to meet there. Me and my friend refer to it as 'Club Whole Foods' :lol: I try not to even go there unless I look cute because I know I'll be mad if I'm looking crazy and see somebody.

where is this whole foods?

i prefer trader joe's prices myself. Whole Paycheck is steep. all the same, i bet what op says is true. i like buppies. :yep: but the last guy i dated before the current guy only shopped at whole foods and that dude :nono:
um... where is this whole foods? :sekret:

I wish we had a Whole Foods. I never see anyone at our local co-op.

Mine is in an east coast city in a part of town that was "gentrified" like 7-10 yrs ago, which has resulted in the current neighborhood containing a mix of (pre-gentrificiation) lower-income Black American communities, new immigrant Africans and Hispanics, and a hefty helping of high-income Black American, Euro-American and Asian-Amerian professionals. I know that in other places I've lived, WF is much more all-Euro.

IMO, even if you don't have a Whole Foods (or one like mine), any place that has a draw (in this case groceries, which most people desire), a seating area, and is located in a neighborhood in which you see people who fit your aesthetic, dress, cultural milieu preferences....is worth investing your time in visiting a few times a week (if you're actively looking for dates/partners).

Just make sure you SIT down for a spell..maybe half hour at least. And look interested in what you're doing but not engrossed. I was distracted so I kept looking up and that's how I kept seeing the people eyeing me.

I have noticed really nicely dressed, seemingly eligibile single men at "yuppie" stores like Whole Foods and Panera Bread. Also a lot of nice guys chillin at Barnes and Noble.

I love Barnes and Noble but I got mad when a a bunch of them started removin those large cushy chairs some years back...I guess in order to create space for more shelves.

what time of day did you go? lunch or after work?

I'm always shopping there, and see quite a few black men but they ALWAYS have becky on their arms :-/

LOL. I was there like between 3:45 and 5:00. People who got off work a bit early were starting to come in large numbers. Being a weekday helped keep away the families with baby prams (nothing wrong with them, just they get in the way of LHCF man-hunting!LOL). The place was hopping, but was not TOO crowded.

I wonder what would have happened if I went when it was at max capacity and people were needing seats so bad, they would join strangers to share their table...hmmm...

Whole foods in my area is like this too..I remember going on a Friday night getting my turkey pizza fix and this nice fine brother was chatting with me..I didnt know what the hell to do I was in a black head scarf no makeup glasses and sweat pants..I high tailed quick but I was like dang he fine and he can speak..

But you KNEW that would happen when you showed up looking plain as oatmeal. That's what always happens, and that's my advice for ladies looking to meet men: show up in your oldest sweats, hair in an unflattering cotton wrap, Crocs on your feet, lips chapped and dry....and they WILL come up to you. As sure as the sun sets, they will come.

The Trader Joes Ive been to is where it's happening. LOL

There are always hotties at Whole Foods, Trader Joes and most indie coffee shops. Bookstores and art galleries are also good spots to meet people.

True, but Trader Joe's doesn't usually have seating areas, does it? I think the primely located seating area is what WF usually has going for it.

LOL.. I was just thinking the same thing. I went to WF when I got my Masochist lipstick in the mail (long story -- ridiculously expensive bright red lipstick that I am determined to wear until it is gone, but I digress), and went into WF with it on. Guy seriously were coming out of the woodworks at that place. :lachen:

Maybe it was the allure of that lippie that had them coming out of the woodwork!

They have a lot of good natural hair products too. I hate their prices though! Trader Joes has the same gourmet/organic foods for much cheaper.

OT: They seem to have more and more African-targeted natural hair products. I'm really stunned at the amount of space they take up on the beauty aisle. Apparently African-ancestry folk are a significant enough part of WF's clientele. I totally agree about the prices. Absolutely outrageous. There was a brand called Earthly Delights shampoo/condish for like 15.99 and all it was was the usual suspect oils and some essential oils for fragrance.

This is the truth! There's a new WF in Chicago that is huge. It's got a coffee bar, food court, wine bar and flat screen tvs with sporting events shown. So it's a nice spot to meet a friend for a drink or lunch and hang out. They even have free wi-fi so people hang out there and get work done. Tons of guys to meet there. Me and my friend refer to it as 'Club Whole Foods' :lol: I try not to even go there unless I look cute because I know I'll be mad if I'm looking crazy and see somebody.

Welll, that WF just puts my rinky dink one to shame! I visited a friend in Denver a few years back and there was a beautiful seating area with an actual cooked-to-order cafe in that WF...near the Deli section, but it had its own platform and counter and menu and all.

i prefer trader joe's prices myself. Whole Paycheck is steep. all the same, i bet what op says is true. i like buppies. :yep: but the last guy i dated before the current guy only shopped at whole foods and that dude :nono:

Yes, TJ is where I frequently shop, but WF is where I go if I need a specific item...TJ has mostly proprietary brands (which I LOVE) and less of the major national ones.

I'm sorry your WF man turned out bad. :ohwell:
But you KNEW that would happen when you showed up looking plain as oatmeal. That's what always happens, and that's my advice for ladies looking to meet men: show up in your oldest sweats, hair in an unflattering cotton wrap, Crocs on your feet, lips chapped and dry....and they WILL come up to you. As sure as the sun sets, they will come.

That is so true!
where is this whole foods?

i prefer trader joe's prices myself. Whole Paycheck is steep. all the same, i bet what op says is true. i like buppies. :yep: but the last guy i dated before the current guy only shopped at whole foods and that dude :nono:

Girl, if I lived closer than 50 miles to a Whole Foods, it would eat my "whole paycheck!"

I keep complaining that we don't have one near me, but in a way, it saves me from trouble! :evil:
This is too funny and just had to add it to the thread. "All The Single Ladies" should head to Whole Foods!

TODAY staff and wire
updated 9:05 a.m. ET, Wed., Jan. 13, 2010
CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. - One Broward County couple decided to tie the knot where they first met: Whole Foods Market.

Jack Frankel, 75, and 67-year-old Fina Nikolos met in May at the supermarket store in Coral Springs.

It had been raining when Frankel noticed a beautiful woman pass him. Nikolos offered to walk him to his car with an umbrella. He later thanked her by taking her out to lunch.

Story continues below ↓
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On Saturday the two returned to where their love began for a small wedding ceremony in the store's cafe.

To Frankel, the most irresistible thing about his bride is her eyes.

“She looks at me with those Spanish eyes and I melt,” he said.

About 40 people attended the ceremony as store employees and customers watched and smiled. The couple held each other close during the ceremony, sharing a few tears.

The two exchanged emotional vows. Nikolos was too overcome to finish hers aloud.

According to the Sun Sentinel, this was the first time customers tied the knot in a Whole Foods Market in Florida, though employees have been married there.

After the ceremony, the happy, loving couple had their first dance. Deciding on the song was an easy feat for Frankel. He chose “Spanish Eyes.”
I went to WF yesterday looking a hot mess and of course there were cute, well dressed guys walking around everywhere. It was somewhat embarassing :/
"It had been raining when Frankel noticed a beautiful woman pass him. Nikolos offered to walk him to his car with an umbrella. He later thanked her by taking her out to lunch."

Ladies take note--she made the first move!
where is this whole foods?

i prefer trader joe's prices myself. Whole Paycheck is steep. all the same, i bet what op says is true. i like buppies. :yep: but the last guy i dated before the current guy only shopped at whole foods and that dude :nono:

It's the new one in Lincoln Park. Right off of North Ave. and Sheffield behind the shopping area there. It's only been open for about 7 or 8 months now. It's HUGE! I don't even really grocery shop there because it's so expensive. I hit up the Trader Joe's down the street. I mostly go there if I want to grab something from the food court or meetup with friends at the wine or coffee bar.
It's the new one in Lincoln Park. Right off of North Ave. and Sheffield behind the shopping area there. It's only been open for about 7 or 8 months now. It's HUGE! I don't even really grocery shop there because it's so expensive. I hit up the Trader Joe's down the street. I mostly go there if I want to grab something from the food court or meetup with friends at the wine or coffee bar.

Here is the store website: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/lincolnpark/

WOW...that place is massive!
Very nice PSA! I would never think to go "cruisin" in Whole Foods, but you know what, that's an environment which attracts a certain demographic of menfolk...smart, possibly eco-conscious, $$, health minded...good look.
If it weren't so cold outside I would be making my way to Whole Foods now. It'll be warmer by Friday so I'll make it there.:yep:

Thanks for the heads up YankeeCandle!!!!
^^^^^ I really hope some of you ladies take advantage of your Whole Foods "meat department." :lachen:

jamaica68, you'd better go and tell us who you observed/met.

Remember: you don't have to buy anything at Whole Paycheck! Just bring a magazine and sit down. Or maybe even something unusual that will get people's attention and allow him to come up to you and break the ice--like knitting.

Personally, I'd invest in in a coffee at least, so that I can look like I'm legitimately there to eat or drink.
It's the new one in Lincoln Park. Right off of North Ave. and Sheffield behind the shopping area there. It's only been open for about 7 or 8 months now. It's HUGE! I don't even really grocery shop there because it's so expensive. I hit up the Trader Joe's down the street. I mostly go there if I want to grab something from the food court or meetup with friends at the wine or coffee bar.

I haven't been to that one yet. I usually go to the one Roosevelt. So, are you seeing black men at the one in Lincoln Park.
I haven't been to that one yet. I usually go to the one Roosevelt. So, are you seeing black men at the one in Lincoln Park.

Yeah, black men mostly from the Gold Coast and near northside neighborhoods. Especially on Saturdays and early evenings on weekdays. Don't go too late on Saturdays though because lame thirsty dudes hang out at the beer bar there before they head over to that strip club across the street.:rolleyes: