Well, the time is almost HERE!


New Member
As some of you may know, I began taking pictures (FINALLY!) of my hair and I am now down to four frames.

That means, for all you photo gurus out there, that this disposable camera is about to be disposed of.

I am going to wrap up the remaining four frames today and off to Walgreen's I go to have the pics developed.

The next stop will be sending the pics to a moderator who will post the pics of my hair :love:

Yes, it's been a long time coming but finally you will get to see Blossssom's hair, and a couple of risque shots of my body too. Heehee! I just sort of snuck them in because my finger got happy on the camera shutter and I was kind of "feelin' myself". My hair does that to me sometimes. Haha!

It won't be much longer, and I can prove to those who think I'm a "Becky" that I'm really a "LaQuita". Heehee!
Blossssom said:
As some of you may know, I began taking pictures (FINALLY!) of my hair and I am now down to four frames.

That means, for all you photo gurus out there, that this disposable camera is about to be disposed of.

I am going to wrap up the remaining four frames today and off to Walgreen's I go to have the pics developed.

The next stop will be sending the pics to a moderator who will post the pics of my hair :love:

Yes, it's been a long time coming but finally you will get to see Blossssom's hair, and a couple of risque shots of my body too. Heehee! I just sort of snuck them in because my finger got happy on the camera shutter and I was kind of "feelin' myself". My hair does that to me sometimes. Haha!

It won't be much longer, and I can prove to those who think I'm a "Becky" that I'm really a "LaQuita". Heehee!
:lol: Ooh I cant wait to see, Blossom. I will be keeping an eye out:lol:
Looking forward to seeing your pics, Blossssom. I always tend to identify you with whoever is in your avatar at the moment, so I need something to wipe the current one from my mind. LOL

ETA: Follow the link in KiniKake's signature to see a Fotki.
Miss*Tress said:
Looking forward to seeing your pics, Blossssom. I always tend to identify you with whoever is in your avatar at the moment, so I need something to wipe the current one from my mind. LOL

Poor Teva... I'm just glad no one knows her personally :)

I'm like you, though. When I see avatars, I think that's the person. Even celebrity avatars I identify the poster as being similar to.

There are a lot of "Halle Berrys" running around ;)
Miss*Tress said:
I always tend to identify you with whoever is in your avatar at the moment, so I need something to wipe the current one from my mind.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, i totally do that too!!! And i agree, it will be VERY nice to see a new face that will wipe that disturbing avatar pics out of our minds!!! :p
How long are we gonna have to wait again?

2nd question is:

How long will it take me to get that avatar picture outta my mind once we see "Blossssum revealed"?

LOLOL! My avatar is DISTURBING? LOLOL! Way funny!

I will drop the camera off today or tomorrow so hopefully, Walgreen's doesn't take forever (like I have room to talk) and the pics should be off to the moderators by week's end.

After that, they have to post them and I don't know how long that takes, but I'm doing my part ;)
Can't wait to see Blossssom.

Ok, I'm slow. I just got your joke in the last sentence. I was like what the heck is a Becky?
you know they have disposable digital cameras, so you can just upload the pics from a CD or CVS/Walgreens can email them to you..

Can't wait to see your pics :)
JLove74 said:
you know they have disposable digital cameras, so you can just upload the pics from a CD or CVS/Walgreens can email them to you..

I wish I had known that... it was enough to get the regular disposable to work. I had to read the instructions three times to figure out what the shutter was.
That's where the moderators come in at. I am going to send them the pics and they can upload them because I'm too stupid to figure out how to.
Blossssom said:
That's where the moderators come in at. I am going to send them the pics and they can upload them because I'm too stupid to figure out how to.

Aww, hon, I'm sure you are not stupid. You can always go to Kinko's and they will show you how to scan the pics in, email them to yourself, etc. But since you already have a plan to send the pics to the moderators, stick with that, there is no need to get stressed out.
Thanks CaPlush... thanks to everyone. I'm really excited about seeing the pictures on-line. It's been a long time coming and I'm finally GLAD that I'll be able to share what has been a long, tenuous road.
Can't wait for you big premiere I am on the sidelines waiting for your grand entrance. :D

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CantBeCopied said:
Good news Blosss. For the longest. I kept picturing you as Nancy Kerrigan! And that dam heffacat has been too much!

LOLOL! Heffacat! Ha!

Aw, I miss my Nancy. When I get tired of Beth and Howard, I'll put Nancy back up ;)

Thanks for the reminder.
shunta said:
Blosssom, who is the woman in your avatar BTW?
Thanx for asking. I always thought that was her. It cracks me up when I see it, the expression on her face is priceless. And every time I would read her comments I would picture her making that face afterward. Well whoever she is, she has a pretty complexion.
shunta said:
Blosssom, who is the woman in your avatar BTW?

That heffacat's name is Teva...

I stole that picture from a Yahoo story a few years ago. I couldn't help but to save it because of the expression on her face and how her hair is all over her head.

What happened was Teva was in a fight at a club and got arrested. That's her mug photo. I'm not sure why Yahoo felt the story was so interesting except to make fun of her picture, and I'm sure the police were laughing their a$$es off when they took the picture and leaked it to the media.

Most people find the picture funny, as it's meant to be found, but some folks don't care for it.

Teva does have a pretty complexion. She just had a rough night that night. Wherever she is, I hope she's pulled herself together.
Cincysweetie said:
Wow, I can't wait!!!

CotDAYUM! Your hair is beautiful.

You are another one who hardly shows her hair, then I found it one day and I felt like I found the "precious" lmao!:lachen: But it's so pretty.

ETA: I guess my original post was lost.

Lynne I love the new avatar, very sexy!

And Bloss, I am excited for you!