Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

Great job Shay72!
I thought I was the only one that did that! I'll get really close to a goal and then for some reason, go on a food binge. I have no idea why I do that and thought I was super weird for that.
Hey ladies! I've been really busy the past couple of days, my eating hasn't been all that great (:look:) but my physical activity has been on POINT. I took some advice from my homeboy about intensifying my workout. Instead of jst doing 30mins. of treadmill cardio I've uped it to a full hour, along with my weight lifting. Mind you I started working out on Wednesday with my old routine (jst 30 mins. on the treadmill). But for Thursday, Friday and Saturday I've been doing an hour each day:
Time and Calories Burned for Thursday: (I didn't let the time completely finish out before takin the pic, it should've been a total of 65:00 mins.!)


Time and Calories Burned for Friday:

Time for Saturday: (I didn't get a chance to catch the calories before it flashed off the screen :ohwell:

The plan is to make this a 5x a week routine, I will keep you guys updated on how it goes.
Also, I co-washed my hair last night with v05 Moisture Milk. That is all for now.

I know I do it because I am actually scared to accomplish my goal. I know it sounds weird but I've been here before. I've lost a ton of weight many, many, many times in my life only to put it back on again. I'm constantly working on self awareness and I feel like I am on a continuous evolution. I think the reason I gain back my weight has to do with the rigidity and structure of the diets. I'm too spoiled for all of that. That's why intuitive eating works for me. If I want it, I eat it. Once satisfied, stop. No deprivation, no denial. I haven't been to the carryout in 4 months even though I had to have it while "dieting". I still eat out several times a week but I prefer to eat good, quality food. Of course this won't work for everyone, but it works for me.

Being self aware helps you accomplish goals. Knowing yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself. Like with exercise I've realized I don't have to kill myself to see results so I will adjust accordingly. I need to be able to do this forever so I need to enjoy it. I'm working on figuring out what that looks like for me.
i haven't checked in, but thats partially because i've been slacking...i've been drinking alot more water, but i still need to improve my diet and exercise...i'm working on it though!
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):189lbs
Current hair length:TWAShort-term weight loss/BMI goal:3lbs a week
Short-term hair goal:1/2inch month
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:150lbs
Long-term hair goal:MBLAny other specific goals you'd like to reach:Taking vitamins regularlyWhat will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?Making healthier choices and exercise 5x weekWhat will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?vitamins, no heat, and moisture
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? weekly
I hate summer school. SMH kept me from working out. BUT I did this week's work this weekend so Im free to exercise! Kickboxing and elliptical tomorrow (:
Great job Shay72!
I thought I was the only one that did that! I'll get really close to a goal and then for some reason, go on a food binge. I have no idea why I do that and thought I was super weird for that.

I read an article on this back in the day about reasons most people fall off the NY resolution weight loss track. It said that seeing results only motivated people to cut corners. After reading that...I make it a point now to note it in my food journal when I feel like this.
Hey ladies! I've been really busy the past couple of days, my eating hasn't been all that great (:look:) but my physical activity has been on POINT. I took some advice from my homeboy about intensifying my workout. Instead of jst doing 30mins. of treadmill cardio I've uped it to a full hour, along with my weight lifting. Mind you I started working out on Wednesday with my old routine (jst 30 mins. on the treadmill). But for Thursday, Friday and Saturday I've been doing an hour each day:
Time and Calories Burned for Thursday: (I didn't let the time completely finish out before takin the pic, it should've been a total of 65:00 mins.!)

Time for Saturday: (I didn't get a chance to catch the calories before it flashed off the screen :ohwell:

The plan is to make this a 5x a week routine, I will keep you guys updated on how it goes.
Also, I co-washed my hair last night with v05 Moisture Milk. That is all for now.

Great Job girl!! Keep up the good work!
i haven't checked in, but thats partially because i've been slacking...i've been drinking alot more water, but i still need to improve my diet and exercise...i'm working on it though!

Keep trying! Good job on upping the water intake.
Take one day and make it a point to eat better and then after you've done that for a week, add the exercise.
Update since I went MIA :look::

Current Weight: 168.6 (taken 19 May) (loss of 5 our of 15 lbs:drunk:)

Right now I'm still running "only" but I've increased my weekly miles. I normally run about 4 miles 2 days out of the week and 2-3 miles on the other 3 days. I have my first "Gate to Gate 4.4m" race on 30 May! :yep: I'm SUPER excited about that.

I still have a goal to START weightlifing again, I just need to sit down and make a plan. My eating has been within the parameters but I can always do better.

I've been using protective styling and daily moisture with my hair and taking Nioxin vits. So far so good. I'm still APL of course.

Now I'm going to go read and see how the rest of you guys are!

Update! Today was RACE DAY! :yay:

I finished the 4.5m race in 49:15! I'd anticipated a 48m finish but the hill is what did me in and just when I felt the worst...I looked up and saw my amazing husband and 2 beautiful daughters. That gave me the drive to push it thru the finish line.

After the run I was pretty trashed...until I had breakfast at iHop. Simple scrambled eggs, cheese grits and hashbrowns, although I ordered the stuffed french toast I didn't eat it until about 6 hours later.

Last week my running was relaxed because I was preparing for today's run. I ran 4.5m last Monday and then averaged about 2 miles a day thru Thursday and took Fri, Sat, and Sun off. Saturday I played 18 holes of golf. :spinning:

Eating was ok. I went over my cal goal on one day since it was PMS week. I'll weigh in the am.

I'm going to go read up on this intuitive eating.
Checking in!

I made a lasagna using eggplant slices instead of pasta/noodles. Came out great. Ate off that all weekend. Been drinking a little too much diet soda though. I need to go back to my water routine.

I didn't DC this weekend so I'll be doing that tomorrow.
davisbr88 - No problem! Here's the recipe:

Lowcarb Lasagna

2-3 lbs ground beef or ground pork (or a mixture of both)
2 large globe eggplants
Italian seasonings
salt and pepper
mozarella cheese
cheddar or ricotta cheese (whatever you want to use)
parmesan cheese
16 oz tomato sauce
9.5" x 14" pan (or something close to that size)

Slice eggplants into 1/4" - 1/6" rounds, salt both sides of the rounds and place them on a large wire rack and place rack over sink to drain. Let them drain for 45 minutes. Afterwards, squeeze the excess water from them and set aside. (This is the most important step! Eggplants have lots of water in them an if you skip this step your lasagna will come out way too watery!)
Fry ground meat with garlic and spices/seasonings that you desire. When browned, add tomato sauce. add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 20 minutes or until meat is thoroughly browned.
(At this time I usually make a bechamel sauce and add shredded asiago, cheddar or some other cheese to it. You don't have to make the cheese sauce. You can just shred your cheeses up and layer them on to simplify it. If you want to make the sauce just google it. I always add a little nutmeg and mustard mine for extra flavor. After you make the sauce add your shredded cheeses to it except parmesan because it doesn't melt. Then just ladle it over the meat sauce and then sprinkle or grate parmesan over it and keep layering, etc. )

In a lasagna pan layer the eggplant like you would lasagna noodles, then layer on the meat sauce, then the cheeses (I usually use 3 different kinds of cheese, yes ma'am! :grin:) then more eggplant, etc. until lasagna pan is full. cover with foil and bake for 1 hour. Tadau! Lowcarb lasagna!!

I still prefer mine with lasagna noodles but I'm on a diet and I'm gluten intolerant so sometimes you have to make do with substitutions! Feel free to adjust recipe to your own liking/diet needs!:lick:
Hey ladies! Quick update. I made my short term goal of 169 by the end of May and my hair has reach SL! BTW - my start weight was 179.


My new goals:
Weight - 155 by the end of June
Hair - reach APL by the end of August
Hello Ladies,
I just wanted to share some news about this app I found out about through my co-worker called My Fitness Pal and there is a website too www.myfitnesspal.com and it is basically a food and exercise diary. It's great I love it, I inputted my info and I can have no more than 1200 calories a day and I have found that it's not even hard to do.

I know they have the app for androids and iphones, I have an andriod and my app has a scanner so I can scan the bar codes of food labels. My co-worker has an iphone and hers doesn't have the scanner.

If you go online you can add me as a friend my username is: tiffjust2002

Good Luck!
Hello Ladies,
I just wanted to share some news about this app I found out about through my co-worker called My Fitness Pal and there is a website too www.myfitnesspal.com and it is basically a food and exercise diary. It's great I love it, I inputted my info and I can have no more than 1200 calories a day and I have found that it's not even hard to do.

I know they have the app for androids and iphones, I have an andriod and my app has a scanner so I can scan the bar codes of food labels. My co-worker has an iphone and hers doesn't have the scanner.

If you go online you can add me as a friend my username is: tiffjust2002

Good Luck!

I use this app as well on my ipod/itouch and i like it alot. It gave me a caloric intake of 1200 a day a well but i really like the keeping track of what im eating and excerising, i have been using for the last 3 weeks and i think it helps. I come in under sometimes and it gives me that warning but sometimes its hard to be exactly 1200 calories a day.
I use this app as well on my ipod/itouch and i like it alot. It gave me a caloric intake of 1200 a day a well but i really like the keeping track of what im eating and excerising, i have been using for the last 3 weeks and i think it helps. I come in under sometimes and it gives me that warning but sometimes its hard to be exactly 1200 calories a day.

I know I hate that stupid warning :ohwell:
I know I hate that stupid warning :ohwell:

Me too its like you are doing something life threatening..LOL...but its a good guide to follow and keep track. I wish i had the ability to scan labels that would be so convenient, maybe whenever i breakdown and get an iphone...
Me too its like you are doing something life threatening..LOL...but its a good guide to follow and keep track. I wish i had the ability to scan labels that would be so convenient, maybe whenever i breakdown and get an iphone...

What kind of phone do you have now? I don't think the iphones have the scanner. My two co-workers have iphones and the other one has an itouch and they don't have the scanners. I have an adroid and I have the scanner. It does makes things easier though I just scan every label and it automatically inputs the info, I love it
Weighed in at 201.4 lbs. A loss of 1.6 lbs this week with an overall loss of 35.2 lbs. I am really happy with the 1.6 especially after such a large loss last week. It was a lazy week in terms of exercise. I did sign up for 2 water exercise classes this summer so it's to the point that as long as I go to what I paid for I don't need to do anything extra. So no excuses.

Will start on my Sunday hair routine in a minute. Cassia will most likely be a part of what I do today.
So I bought Supreme 90 Day it is sort of like P90X, I bought it on clearance at Wal Greens for $9.99 and it is no joke! It comes with workout calender a nutrition guide and 10 DVD's. All you need is a set of dumb bells and a ball. (I still need to get a ball) Each DVD is about 30-45 min long not too bad, I like it. Has anyone else tried this?
I have it. I did 20 days then decided I was doing too much. I was doing 2 a days at that point. It is no joke. Now the first video it seems like they are in competition, meaning going too damn fast but the other videos are great. I :love: that you can get a quality workout in less than an hour. There is a thread over in the Health & Fitness Forum.