Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

Hey Ladies....

Does anyone know of any good gadgets that will help count calories your losing while your running?
checking in...I had pizza yesterday and I'm feeling a little guilty. I'm walking tomorrow about a mile and then 30 min of abs on my workout dvd.
Weighed in at 206.4. So down 4.8 :woot:. My biggest weekly weight loss to date. I think upping my exercise finally showed on the scale. I'm at an overall loss of 30.2 lbs.I haven't exercised since Thursday though because I have pulled or strained something or I might just be really sore. I decided not to go to personal training this morning but may try this 14 minute pilates routine I saw on you tube.

Over the holiday weekend I think I may attempt to do some twists on airdried, stretched hair. Not sure how long I would want to keep them in. Minimally 1 week.
Hi Ladies. I'm late but I'm here!

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 152
Current hair length: Between SL and APL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 140 by August (going on a beach vacation)
Short-term hair goal: past APL by December 2011
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 130
Long-term hair goal: WL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I've been protective styling since I started my HHJ in March 2010. I intend to continue doing so until my birthday next year (June 2012)

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Exercise more and consistently. I'm a fan of walking so I'm starting again this week. This week I'm going to walk a total of 12 miles. I will increase my mileage incrementally every one to two weeks. Callanetics (or similar barre program) twice a week for toning/strength training.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Continue protective styling (currently crochet braids). Consistently use topical growth aids and take hair vitamins (currently Nioxin 2x/day).

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once a week. Every Sunday God-willing :)
checking in...I had pizza yesterday and I'm feeling a little guilty. I'm walking tomorrow about a mile and then 30 min of abs on my workout dvd.

Hey naturalTAN - you know, I used to think pizza was the WORST thing you could eat if you were watching your weight, but now that I'm becoming more calorie conscious, I know a little better.

My DH ordered Papa Johns last week, a large pepperoni pizza :perplexed. Because I had to log the calories, I looked it up, and each slice was only 330 calories (and 6 grams of fat)! And this was for a pretty thick slice of pizza.

So even with the pizza, I was able to stay under my calorie limit for the day
I've lost 6 pounds since my last weigh in. Don't ask how because I was sure I was going to have to relose weight I gained back. Officially restarting my diet and exercise routine tomorrow. :)

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Any of you ladies on My Fitness Pal and/or count calories? It's a God send. I don't get frustrated from "dieting" because I can still eat what I want and still lose weight. So far I'm down 27 pounds

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Checking in!:
So yesterday's menu consisted of:
Some black berries form a fruit bowl (which I still have yet to finish), some spaghetti with garlic bread (I feel as if I had two fairly small sized proportions of this), some Naked Juice (berry blast flavor) and my 64oz of water. I remained pretty full the entire day! No hunger-pang gaps at all :grin:

Today I started off with a salad that consisted of:
-Baby spinach
-Deli Style Italian grilled chicken
-Naked Juice Fruit Smoothie (power C-Machine flavor)<<---this stuff really fulls you up!

I plan on doing my JM's workout dvd (since I failed to do it last night :look:), and I will do my weekly shampoo and DC once I get back
Be blessed ladies!
I had a coconut macaroon and some coffee and yogurt for breakfast. I had two salad rolls for lunch and a diet soda - I need to lay off the pop, seriously. I'm planning on having smothered pork chops and green beans for dinner.

Today is wash day for me. My hair always feels so soft and lustrous after a DC!
So I have 4 weeks until the jp morgan challenge. So it's me and the wii at least 4 times a week plus walking at lunch time. My friend is also in on it she wants to start walking from work to the brooklyn bridge so that won't be bad its about a 3 mile walk and the challenge is 3.5 miles i should be good to go. No passing out on the train this year from exhaustion this year......yeah embarrassing when you have to crawl home from your train stop.
I've chosen a different outfit for my reunion (which is only in 18 days!!!!) that's more casual, and doesn't put on as much pressure for me to crash diet.
I've decided to take a different route by trying out intuitive eating. It's a basic concept that you eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full, and you can eat anything you want. It's actually really hard, especially if you have a food addiction, but after you've adjusted, it's so much easier, and it takes your attention away from food.
I remember doing this when I was around 12, and I lost so much weight doing it that people barely recognized me.
For me, this is about losing weight, but I really just want to break my addiction more so than anything and I definitely remember that being a time when I never thought about food and truly enjoyed life and putting myself out there. That was also the only time I "dieted" and lost the weight and actually kept it off for a long time (about 2.5 years) until I fell back into my addiction when my depression got really bad in high school.
Anyway, I am going to try it and see how I do.
The first 3 days are the hardest, especially the first day because usually if you have eaten a lot the day before, you don't really get to eat for a while because your body just isn't hungry. I remember when I first started that I wasn't hungry again for like 36 or so hours. Anyway, I will probably be on here like crazy needing to be talked off the ledge.
Please pray for me guys!
I've chosen a different outfit for my reunion (which is only in 18 days!!!!) that's more casual, and doesn't put on as much pressure for me to crash diet.
I've decided to take a different route by trying out intuitive eating. It's a basic concept that you eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full, and you can eat anything you want. It's actually really hard, especially if you have a food addiction, but after you've adjusted, it's so much easier, and it takes your attention away from food.
I remember doing this when I was around 12, and I lost so much weight doing it that people barely recognized me.
For me, this is about losing weight, but I really just want to break my addiction more so than anything and I definitely remember that being a time when I never thought about food and truly enjoyed life and putting myself out there. That was also the only time I "dieted" and lost the weight and actually kept it off for a long time (about 2.5 years) until I fell back into my addiction when my depression got really bad in high school.
Anyway, I am going to try it and see how I do.
The first 3 days are the hardest, especially the first day because usually if you have eaten a lot the day before, you don't really get to eat for a while because your body just isn't hungry. I remember when I first started that I wasn't hungry again for like 36 or so hours. Anyway, I will probably be on here like crazy needing to be talked off the ledge.
Please pray for me guys!
You'll be okay reunion and all:needhug:. No ledges please!
Okay so other than the fact that aunt flo has came to visit me this week :nono:, I'm ready to start on the right track with this weight lost tomorrow :grin:...

I went & brought a calorie tracker that I can attach to my pants as I run & it will count what I burned & the distance I've run or walked. Trying to just lost 2 pounds a week not trying to over do it but thats my goal, and I have given up soda (doctor's order :perplexed) too much sugar so water it is for me.
@ms_b_haven06: Enlighten me on this diet please. You just have to indulge in raw fruits and veggies? If so for how long? Is that a limit on how much you're allowed to eat?

Yea correct, raw fruits and veggies for 30 days. You can make smoothies and find stuff to get creative with.:lick:
Checking in!

So yesterday I did awesome! I followed my Weight Watchers points much closer than I did the past week and I hit the treadmill twice! The first time I got on the treadmill I wore my infamous "suit." What is the suit? Glad you asked! This is what I wear:

1. Short shorts and a t-shirt
2. On top of that I wear a sauna suit
3. And the on top of that I wear my old hoodie and some sweatpants

That will produce a really, and I mean really, good sweat! Caution though, if you try it just be careful and have plenty of water close at hand. Also I wouldn't recommend wearing this outside. I used to wear this at the track during the summer and I felt like I was on the verge of death...:nono:
Great job ladies!
And I am definitely going to work on more raw fruits and veggies once my body tells me it's hungry again. I'm pretty sure that won't be for a while because I totally binged last night. I finished eating around 1 AM. I'm going to hold out for 36 hours and if I'm not hungry by then, I will just eat an apple or something.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 205 at 5'11
Current hair length: CL to SL
Short-term weight loss goal: down 15lbs by mid summer.
Short-term hair goal: Full SL by end of summer.
Long-term weight loss goal: down to 170-175
Long-term hair goal: APL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Tone down my massive horse legs and firm the booty but not lose it!
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Back to counting calories, homemade bento lunches, and exercise. I was around 185 when I went away to University and lost a lot of weight doing the above. I help my Dad run his restaurant though... all that Vulcan-Jamaican food. Resistance is indeed futile. I WILL BE STRONG!
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Deep conditioning! (Continue) Protective hairstyles (Must start).
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least once a week.

So disappointed with my lack of progress of late. So busy and not consistent with my workouts. I used to be such a hardcore athlete (Track & Field, Field Hockey, Rugby, Archery) and I want to return to that point where I almost had a six-pack.... plus I want to play Varsity Rugby when I start school in the fall so I must, I must resist Curry Goat and White Rice :lick:. I MUST.
Hey naturalTAN - you know, I used to think pizza was the WORST thing you could eat if you were watching your weight, but now that I'm becoming more calorie conscious, I know a little better.

My DH ordered Papa Johns last week, a large pepperoni pizza :perplexed. Because I had to log the calories, I looked it up, and each slice was only 330 calories (and 6 grams of fat)! And this was for a pretty thick slice of pizza.

So even with the pizza, I was able to stay under my calorie limit for the day


thanks for that. too bad i ate more than one slice though. :look::blush: :lachen:
So far so good on intuitive eating. It's been pretty awesome.
I won't be weighing again until June 13, after 3 weeks eating intuitively.
How's everyone else doing?
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 218
Current hair length: a little past SL stretched
Short-term weight loss goal: down 10 lbs by 7/4/11
Short-term hair goal: APL
Long-term weight loss goal: 165
Long-term hair goal: BSL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Tone my flabby arms What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Counting calories, drinking tons of water, and daily exercise.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Protective styling
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least once a week.
So I went to the gym last night, and didn't regret one min. of it. I did the weight machines (3 for lower body, and 3 for upper body; 3 sets of 20 reps each) and I did 30 mins. of cardio (bicycle). My body is pretty sore today, but I love that feeling :) to me it signifies that it's "working" lol.

I washed and DC my hair the night before last; moisturized and sealed last night, only to discover that I may have porous hair. I'm going to do the "strand test" just to be sure of my hair's condition. If it proves to be true, I'm going to UP my moisture game something serious!
Hi ladies!!! I workout 4-5 days per week at the gym now and do dvd workouts the rest of the week when I don't go to the gym.

My personal goal at the moment is to burn 600 calories in 30 minutes using cardio machines only. I'm currently burning 620 calories in 40 minutes now,so I still have to work on that. I'm gettting there though.

I'd like to be able to burn a maximal amount of calories in a minimum of time. I still have to figure out how. Oh,and I'm still boxing. Keep it up y'all
Found out I'm not going to be receiving a grant for summer school and I'm not working because I'm doing an internship. So my workout can't at a gym, so I'll be running any other home work outs that work?
So I started going RAW on 6/21 weighting in a 186, I am now 187 and I blame that on the pizza I had with ranch dressing, 3 pints of Dryers ice cream, and a few Starburst. Overall I did pretty well with my eating but I did have my bad moments when I was out looking at other folks. I gotta do something different ASAP!
I was doing really well with intuitive eating but I've fallen back into my old ways. I am going to try and restart on Monday (I work on Monday so it's easier for me to start out on a day when I don't have enough time to even think about food since I may not be able to eat for a while). I am just going to be as healthy as possible tomorrow.
I only have a couple weeks left in my current set of cornrows and I really couldn't be happier. I can't wait to take them out and really clean my hair and scalp super well. And I definitely miss my hair!
Weighed in at 203. So down 3.4 for the week which makes for an overall loss of 33.6 lbs. I am getting really close to 199 which is my first goal. I am a self sabotager so I need to keep an eye on myself with being this close. I haven't been below 200 lbs since 2004.

Clarifying with bentonite clay today and doing a protein tx. Will begin the twisting process tomorrow :spinning:.