Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

I have it. I did 20 days then decided I was doing too much. I was doing 2 a days at that point. It is no joke. Now the first video it seems like they are in competition, meaning going too damn fast but the other videos are great. I :love: that you can get a quality workout in less than an hour. There is a thread over in the Health & Fitness Forum.

LOL :lachen:I know and when the host kept saying go at your own pace, I was thinking to myself "You damn sure right I am going at my own pace" That buff blonde chick was going super fast like it was a race. Yeah I can't follow that calendar though I was like super sore there was no way I could workout the next day. I almost threw up when I did that Tabata Inferno :nono:

I will check out that thread thanks!
LOL :lachen:I know and when the host kept saying go at your own pace, I was thinking to myself "You damn sure right I am going at my own pace" That buff blonde chick was going super fast like it was a race. Yeah I can't follow that calendar though I was like super sore there was no way I could workout the next day. I almost threw up when I did that Tabata Inferno :nono:

I will check out that thread thanks!

I H.A.T.E. Tabata Inferno :nono:
Hi, ladies!
If it wasn't obvious, I've been avoiding this thread like the Plague!!!! Lol.
But first...
Luscious850: Congrats on the 10 lbs and making SL!
Diva_Esq: Good luck on your increase in workouts. You can do it!
Shay72: You are SO putting me to shame with that 35 pounds. That's all I need to lose!!! It would be so great to say I lost it already. *jealous*
naturalTAN: Congrats on BSL!

So... update for me....
Pretty much a failure. Again!
I just can't seem to kick my addiction.
I know this will sound crazy but I bought a self-hypnosis mp3 that is supposed to help to train your unconscious mind to eat healthier. I've only listened to it once, but when I did the foundation hypnosis mp3, I really think I did get hypnotized by the guy's voice!
Who knows? I am going to just get back on Weight Watchers (but I am going to do a modified version so I don't have to pay) since that was the only time I really ate what I wanted and still lost weight. I am going to listen to the mp3 every night for a while and see what happens. I promise to update more. I need to be held accountable.
Checking in after about 3 weeks...
Keeping healthy with the diet but haven't been recording calories:( Keeping up with all the workouts and now have added Malibu Pilates to my regimen. It's tougher than mat Pilates. Overall looking more toned and thinner. Will weigh myself in one month.

Had my relaxer last Friday and I am back to MBL even with a little trimming by Juanita:) Thank u OCT!
Bought some Nioxin Hair Booster for my temples (looking a little thin and this has worked for me in the past). Will start using this 3 days/week.

Happy growing and toning!
Checking in. It's been a minute. I've started the 5am fitness program and I'm loving it!! Tough to get up at 4:10, but worth it. I am working on eating habits too.

My hair has been pinned up a lot! It's HOT! Went swimming this weekend and it COMPLETELY dried out my hair!

ANYONE HAVE ANY TIPS ON HOW TO REDUCE THAT DRYNESS? I am deep conditioning furiously. I'm a fish...got to have my pool time in the summer!

ETA: Here's a thread I posted about some progress since last year that I noticed in my pics of a style I frequently wear using an EZ comb. :lick:

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Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 183.6 Never in my life did I ever think...
Current hair length:
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:
165 by September
Short-term hair goal:
to retain ALL growth
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:
126. I know it sounds extreme considering where I'm at but I'm only 5'4" and that is me at my healthy fit/active weight
Long-term hair goal:
WL by 2013 (not sure how to link up to that challenge page)
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:
steer clear of self-sabotage in all areas

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
Start working out, stop eating when I'm full. I love me some food.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Seal and protect my friggin ends. I am the worst with that. Other than that I think I'm pretty good. Just need to make sure to protective style and keep the scissors down. I'm an emotional hair cutter:look:

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
Not sure. Checking in isn't my strength but I can say that I will check in!
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Woot Woot! So here's my update:
Lately I've been hitting the gym 5x's a week. Starting this week I'm incorporating a cut-off time to my consumption (No eating after 8:00 p.m.). Also as of last night I started my very own food diary. I am a huge fan of myfitnesspal.com and sparkpeople.com etc. But let's face it, sometimes those sites just DON'T [appropriately] list what you eat, and all of the calories in it o.O.

Yesterday I did pretty bad on my eating, but after I went to the gym it evened out nicely :yep:. I ate a total of 1,721 cals., after my workout I burned 545cals. which brought me back down 1,176 cals. I stayed under 1200 cals!

Today I didn't eat much, my calorie total is 940 cals. after I shave off another 545cals. tonight I will fall at 395 cals. I'm happy it's wayyyy under my goal of 1200, but is that really healthy? o.O
I have been avoiding this thread...hmm...lol, but for real:

So, I went off my calorie-counting path and went back up to 236, from 233! But I'm back down to 234, when I see 229, I will be jumping for joy, I have been in the 230's for 2 months. Anyway, I have completely fallen off my bootcamp bandwagon which is crazy because I LOVE bootcamps, but I don't like this guy, IDK why...I just don't. If I could afford it, I would go back to my old girl, but I can't swing it right now.

Anyway, I have a mini-goal of 228 by July 4th, that's about 6 lbs in a month or so...I have also decided to STOP buying sweets; I thought before that I could get those little 100-calorie packs of stuff, but I end up eating 3 or 4 of them in one night, so what's the point? Until I can control myself, they will NOT be in my house.

As far as my hair goes? It's frustrating; I'm CL in the front and NL in the back and I can't do anything to it; I can't twist it, I can't do WnG's I can't do anything...I'm sick of it. I need to bite the bullet and put my kinky twists in for 6 weeks so I can stop looking at it.

WOOSA...okay, that's it for me, you ladies keep it slim and healthy!
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 191
Current hair length: BSL (last length check in march I was hovering in a weave now so IDK for sure)
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:178 by August
Short-term hair goal: to retain ALL growth and hit MBL by November
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: Maintain 148-155
Long-term hair goal: To be fully transitioned with BSL hair by March 2013
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I have to force my self to not relish in eating...I seriously just basque in eating ice cream, chinese food...it really is soothing to me...I guess I am an emotional eater and if I could conquer that I would be much better off....I love to cook and I love trying new stuff and if it turns out right, whew I just go crazy...my latest creation was a spicy ranch bacon burger on the grill and my husband and kids love it sooo much I am making it at every week (twice one week) this summer so far...bad.. I know....
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I have in my first install right now and if my results are good, I plan on staying weaved up thru summer, a few wigs until spring and let my hair come out to play in March for my b-day :)

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
I mostly lurk but this will help me keep up with everything so I will say weekly :)
@itsjusthair88 you can do it...baby steps..get on the scale today...pace yourself and go hard for a week and get back on the scale and it will move for sure!! Once you see the numbers change and see it working, it motivates you more!!!

@D.Lisha Okay you are doing the dang thang, but I think and I'm no expert that your body does need more calories to carry out your day to day functions, I would imagine such a low intake would impact your energy level.....One day like that is not likely to hurt anything though IMO but I don't think it should be something you do long term like for a week or something because you risk going into starvation mode and slowing down your metabolism and your body using muscle instead of stored fat for fuel. But you are a going hard and will definitely reach your goals, you got a lot of will power and discipline and that is what it takes :)


@Diva_Esq What about a swim cap??? It might not look as sexy but it will protect your tresses from that chlorine and whatever other chemicals are in there to keep the water balanced
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I need to bite the bullet and put my kinky twists in for 6 weeks so I can stop looking at it.

That is EXACTLY what I am doing. I am keeping my hair in Senegalese twists until the end of the summer. When I'm frustrated, I end up overmanipulating my hair because doing my hair is really therapeutic, but then I get more frustrated later because my hair will be breaking from handling it too much - vicious cycle, right? So I vowed to leave it under wraps until Christmas just to give me a break, especially because I had a setback in April and I was super frustrated. Sometimes all you need is a break and to not think about it.
So, back from an unscheduled vacation. After 2 weeks of really bad eating and lots of drinking. I need a detox.

I had an easy time and great results with the Fat smash diet 9 day detox, on Monday I will start that, adding in 4tbsp of coconut oil daily into my oatmeal. Figure I will try out this coconut oil, if it fails I will use it on my hair.

At this time im weighing in at 218, so still at a loss since the start of the challenge, im ok with that

For the hair, wore it out everyday or 2weeks. Back at work so making a real effort to keep it braided, even on my off days. Going to go for some highlights on Wednesday really looking forward to that.

Chopped off about 1/2 inch last month of some really damaged ends(first BKT, bad application). Halfway back to the length pre-cut so yayy!
I know I'm all late (I just subscribed a few days ago), but I couldn't pass up on this challenge!

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 205 :nono:
Current hair length: CBL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: I just want to lose 5 to 10 lbs. a month; I don't have a specific short-term weight goal.
Short-term hair goal: APL by November '11 (w/ transitioning hair)
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 140-150 lbs by Jan. 1 2012
Long-term hair goal: 100% natural & APL hair by April 2013
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: can't think of any right now (it's late :yawn:)

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will exercise 5-6x's a week, twice a day, and cut out extra carbs
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Create a regimen & stick to it & get trims when I know I need them.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once a week, hopefully!

I haven't been checking in on this thread because my body is acting real stupid right now!! I've been working out consistently eating right at least 6 days out of the week but I've been stuck at the same weight for about two months :nono: As a matter of fact I think I gained a couple of pounds but I probably can count that as muscle since I started weight lifting as well. Can somebody tell me whats going on?? I'm also taking BC and I plan to stop taking the pill for about a month to see if that helps... I'm just frustrated:wallbash:
checking in...I slacked this week, but I'll be back to my 5-something a.m. walks tomorrow morning and for the rest of the week.
Checking in... I successfully completed my 1st week of the 6 day a week, 8-week body transformation workouts. I fell in complete love with BOXING, enjoyed Zumba, worked my abs daily, and even had to do my age in sit-ups in front of the class b/c the 11th was my 36th birthday! Love it!!! Hoping to make some serious changes. My body is getting more firm already.

On the hair tip, I'm really enjoying the length I have now. Still doing the same stuff, but I am thinking of incorporating hot oil treatments into my regimen for additional moisture and detangling.
Congrats tiffjust2002! And happy belated bday Diva_Esq!
I'm super anxious because tomorrow is my first WW weigh-in and I haven't been doing that great. I haven't gone over the weekly allowance plus the activity points I earned but some days I ate almost double the amount of points I am supposed to! :nono:
My goal for this upcoming week is to not eat any more than 5 points than my daily allowance.
I started doing the stomach vacuum 3 times a week because I'd like to lose 7" from my waist. I also will make myself walk back and forth from work (5 miles total) at least twice next week. The goal is to walk back and forth every time I am working an early shift (so I won't have to walk home in the dark) by the end of the summer.
Nothing poppin with hair. I am still in Senegalese twists, but have decided I am only going to keep them in until the end of July instead of the end of August, and will wear a protective bun style until my nappiversary on August 18, when I'll straighten and even up my ends with the creaclip. And then it's going right back into a bun. Lol. I am excited about reaching my protective style goals this year.

I haven't been checking in on this thread because my body is acting real stupid right now!! I've been working out consistently eating right at least 6 days out of the week but I've been stuck at the same weight for about two months :nono: As a matter of fact I think I gained a couple of pounds but I probably can count that as muscle since I started weight lifting as well. Can somebody tell me whats going on?? I'm also taking BC and I plan to stop taking the pill for about a month to see if that helps... I'm just frustrated:wallbash:

How are your clothes fitting? Remember the scale is not the only indicator that you are doing well.

I weighed in on Friday because I knew I couldn't weigh in this morning. I weighed in at 199.8. Meaning I was down 1.6 lbs for a total loss of 36.8 lbs. I am only .8 lbs away from meeting my first goal. Once I meet that goal my next one is to lose 20 lbs.

Today is a full wash day but I just started since I just got back in from being away for the weekend.

Well you know your body is half lean mass and half fat mass, so when you first start working out the mass are evening out so you don't see a change in the first month/months because of that but if you keep up with it you will start to see changes. And some of the fat might be turning into muscle so thats probably why there isn't a weight change.
Well I weighed in this morning and I only lost 1 pound last week. I really can't complain because I ate horribly, so I'm actually pretty thankful I even lost that, and didn't gain.
I'm happy I got a fresh start and even though it's only a pound, it's one pound closer. :)
I think I am going to get on the treadmill tomorrow since I just found out I have the day off. Since I was supposed to walk 5 miles tomorrow to work, I will try and still do that anyway in the gym.
Thanks everybody, my pants have more room around the waist and the butt is flatter =( but the thighs and scale aren't going anywhere lol. I'm gonna up my workouts and see how that goes
Thanks everybody, my pants have more room around the waist and the butt is flatter =( but the thighs and scale aren't going anywhere lol. I'm gonna up my workouts and see how that goes

Hey simplybeauty it sounds like you're building muscle mass somewhere and HOW much are you eating?You'd be surprised how eating too little can negatively impact our weight loss goals, make sure you are giving your body enough fuel to keep going. If all else, fails, you might want to try calorie cycling or maybe even a restrictive phase to "jump start" your body; I know sometimes I have to give my body a shake-up, whether it's a new exercise, or a super high calorie day, followed by 2-3 low calorie days...the body is extremely adaptable (thank God...sometimes:ohwell:) and the more you keep it guessing, the more it will use that metabolism to burn those pounds...HTH!!!

Well ladies, I'm finally back on the horse and I'm down to 234, my only goal by the end of June is to be out of the 230's FOR GOOD and if I just keep this up, I can do it. I'm taking it day by day...no more week by week stuff. My hair is acting right, I put my first set of 2-strand twists in with NO added hair and I am still cised 3 days later!!! Even my "live-by-the-hotcomb-die-by-the-hotcomb" granny said I look nice LOL...Have a great day and you can do it ladies!!!!
Lol itsjusthair88. I knew it!
I was born in Hanau! (Army brat)

So, I am still in my Senegalese twists but am thinking of taking them down early since I'll be moving to a warmer climate soon and think I will be abandoning any kind of fake hair for the most part to keep cooler and not have any on my back.
I walked 4 miles yesterday and now am pretty sore (it was mostly uphill) but I feel good that I can get in some much-needed exercise.
I will walk another 2.5 on Saturday.
I'm hoping for a good weigh-in this time around. I've been sticking to my daily points and have only used 2 of my allowance points so far this week. I don't plan to use any more.
davisbr88 I was NOT a fan of Hanau, so small...but really beautiful...my mom used to have to go there for work all the time

So ladies, I woke up and I was NOT feeling like working out; I was tired, I had the craziest dream, I feel asleep on the futon so my body was so sore and mangled BUT I decided to go and weigh in (I had to pee anyway) and I was down to 233.6!!!!! WOOHOO!!! and so I made myself get up and go to bootcamp, which flew today...

This is just a testimony to daily weighing ladies; if you step on the scale in the morning and it's bad, you feel motivated to work out to get it down, if you step on it and it's a good number, you feel even more motivated to get out there and see a smaller number tomorrow...I love it, have a good weekend ladies, I won't be in touch until Monday
I rewarded myself by purchasing a Michael Kors bag. This was for making my goal of getting below 200 lbs. All my purses and work bags are Coach and black. Decided to go with Michael Kors for brown and chocolate bags. I changed my ticker to reflect my next goal of getting to 179 lbs. Weighed in at 197.6 lbs this week which means I'm down 39 lbs overall. It was really a lazy week for exercise because work is so damn busy.

Today is a full out wash day as usual. I will do an amla treatment and follow up with trying a new dc--Jasmine's Hibiscus dc.
Hi Ladies :wave:

I found some information regarding weight loss and hair loss via WebMD:
*For those of you who crash diet or try to lose abnormally large amounts of weight in a short period of time*

The Big Picture: A Balanced Diet for Healthy Hair

When it comes to foods for healthy hair and beauty, variety is the best way to go.

"An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like salmon and low-fat dairy will help keep hair healthy," Giancoli says.

If you're tempted to drop pounds fast with the latest fad diet, it could leave you with less-than-healthy hair -- along with a growling stomach. Low-calorie diets are often low in some of the most important nutrients for healthy hair, including omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin A. In addition to stunting hair growth and leading to dullness, super-low calorie plans may even cause hair loss.

"Crash diets can affect the hair cycle," Mirmirani tells WebMD. "Losing a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time can affect that normal hair rhythm. Two to three months later, you might notice a significant increase in shedding. This is a temporary problem that you recover from with a well-rounded diet."
