Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

checking in... I haven't been walking consistently, but I did up the time on my workout dvd. I also found a good routine from youtube called burn it up. i'm exhausted afterwards, but it does feel like it's working.
My Gosh! I've certainly been ghost for a lil minute! Well, I had my Weight Watchers weigh-in yesterday. And let me tell you...wait for it...I lost 6.8 pounds in ONE week! I am down from 191.4 to 183.2 with a grand total of weight loss of 8.2lbs! SO FAR! This is only the beginning! Cheerio! I'm ready for my celebratory shopping spree at Victoria's Secret...
Checking in........
I did the jp morgan challenge and was okay afterwards 3.5 miles.
I have been working out with the wii and discovered (again) i have no rhythm when it comes to latin dance. I'm trying i just can't get the steps properly. But for now i like the cardio boxing and walking.
Keeping up with drinking my water trying to up the dosage little by little
Working on cutting a lot of things out my diet. Except for the inner sugar demon that says "FEED ME A COOKIE NOW!!" I think i'm okay.
I'm a little bit under the weather so i just washed and conditioned my hair no deep conditioning. My hair is growing at least is growing down instead of sticking up in the air looking like pin head from hell raiser.
I'm in better late than never! :drunk:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):166
Current hair length: Apl
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 150
Short-term hair goal: to get to BSL by Christmas even though I'm bc'ing in 2012
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:140-145
Long-term hair goal: Mbl natural by 2014
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: no more love handles, or chin fat, I am aiming to eat better, raw and clean foods and to be healthier in my 30's than my 20's

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? TurboFire, walking/running, eating clean, drinking water etc.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
take my vits, protective style, hide my hair via sew ins braids and maintain my current length
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?

Let's get it, ladies!
I'm down 3.2 lbs today. I am happy because I am only .8 away from my goal. I was hoping to be 155 this time and weighed in at 155.8.
I'm making slooooooow progress because I am still battling binges, but I think I'm getting better little by little. Last week, I only lost a pound, and this week I lost 2.2. I already know that if I just do what I'm supposed to, I can lose weight and get healthy so I just need to get it together!
I am late but I'd Like to join:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 135
Current hair length: WL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 125
Short-term hair goal: Whip Length by January 2012
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 115 by December 2011
Long-term hair goal: Full Whip Length
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I'd like to decide on a Career finally
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I am going to change my eating habits, eat healthier and Exercise.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least once a week :)
Thanks for the support Janet'!
How's everyone doing?
I haven't had a binging incident this week so I think I am getting better. I think that is also contributing to me feeling a lot less depressed lately, too.
So far so good. I am actually forcing myself to eat the snacks LOL
I am actually doing more days then I planned with the Zumba. I am anticipating my Elliptical and wanting to not be out of shape when it comes :)
I am excited right now totally!
Weighed in today and I didn't lose a ounce let alone a pound I am the exact same weight from my last weigh in :ohwell: at least I didn't gain anything
tiffjust2002: Don't be discouraged! Maybe you have gained muscle mass? How are your clothes fitting? Are you bloated from your period? I can gain up to 6 lbs the week before and during my period. I don't even weigh during those times because I know it'll just leave me depressed.
Also, I know some people that don't lose anything one week, and then lose a huge amount the next! That's what happened to my mom. +1 one week, -5 next week!
@tiffjust2002: Don't be discouraged! Maybe you have gained muscle mass? How are your clothes fitting? Are you bloated from your period? I can gain up to 6 lbs the week before and during my period. I don't even weigh during those times because I know it'll just leave me depressed.
Also, I know some people that don't lose anything one week, and then lose a huge amount the next! That's what happened to my mom. +1 one week, -5 next week!

Maybe you're right (hopefully :grin:) My clothes fit looser I actually tried on a pair of capris last night that I bought months ago that I could even button back then now they fit nice and comfy. I have been working out everyday doing my Supreme 90 and I am not sore anymore Thank you Jesus! That soreness was no joke I was walking around my office looking like a dang fool :blush: Hopefully I'll be like your mom on our next weigh in
Okay it is really starting to hit me how much weight I have lost. The 18's are gone and the 16's are very loose. Kind of mad though because I waited too long to try on some pants I couldn't wear and now they are too big. I plan to go shopping next weekend. I'm preparing myself because regardless of the weight loss I know I will still experience some frustration.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 128.75 pounds 24.7 BMI (I'm petite).
Current hair length: CBL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 121 pounds - 22.9 BMI
Short-term hair goal: APL by Dec 11
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 111 pounds BMI 21 - this might be too thin, I'll stop if I feel right before I get to this weight
Long-term hair goal: BSL??? - I don't know whether I need that much hair :look:
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: To comfortable fit into a UK size 8 in any shop (think that's a 4 in the USA). I have bought a size 8 dress and I'll try it on every week until it fits.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Eating healthily, going to the gym regularly and plenty of sit ups. My challenge is to go to at least one gym class per week in addition to my private sessions.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Eat less, do more.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least once a week.
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I keep popping in this thread - I better join. I am really trying to grow my hair & been trying to lose weight but sticking to nothing. So this keeps me accountable -- here we go:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 160
Current hair length: SL (transitioning)
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 150
Short-term hair goal: APL
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 125-130
Long-term hair goal: BSL (natural stretched)
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Food control & exercise dedication

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I have to really think before I put anything that is unhealthy in my mouth, and think of long term repercussions - just need to say no to food (junk) and really focus on exercising no matter what

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Try to cut sugar consumption, fried foods, fast food, and exercise as much as possible

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least weekly

Wow you,re going really hard well done :yep::spinning:- my workout sounds very similar to yours - I was thinking of upping it to 1 hour on the cross trainer too! (can't do treadmill as I need to be gentle on my hip joints). How did you find it the first time you got to 1hr - I'm kinda scared to go there! (I'm such a baby) :lol:

Great to see someone else managing an hour of cardio - makes it seem a bit more achievable, thanks for sharing!

Hey ladies! I've been really busy the past couple of days, my eating hasn't been all that great (:look:) but my physical activity has been on POINT. I took some advice from my homeboy about intensifying my workout. Instead of jst doing 30mins. of treadmill cardio I've uped it to a full hour, along with my weight lifting. Mind you I started working out on Wednesday with my old routine (jst 30 mins. on the treadmill). But for Thursday, Friday and Saturday I've been doing an hour each day:
Time and Calories Burned for Thursday: (I didn't let the time completely finish out before takin the pic, it should've been a total of 65:00 mins.!)


Time and Calories Burned for Friday:

Time for Saturday: (I didn't get a chance to catch the calories before it flashed off the screen :ohwell:

The plan is to make this a 5x a week routine, I will keep you guys updated on how it goes.
Also, I co-washed my hair last night with v05 Moisture Milk. That is all for now.

Ladies, I need some help! I haven't found an exercise plan I can stick with. My previous exercise plan was to do intervals & cardio everyday, but I can't take joint pounding running/jogging everyday. I also realize that I probably need to do some strength training. I want to drop a size or two before my trip to New York in August so I know I really need to find a plan I can stick with. Can someone give me some links and advice on good exercise plans?
I hope someone can help you out, queenbree!
I also can't do a whole lot of pounding/jogging for medical reasons (although I would really love to) so now I'm walking for most of my exercise. I am working towards getting 5 miles per day. Right now, I'm averaging about 7.5 miles per week, so I have a ways to go, but I'm also not working out for a certain date. Since you are, maybe you can be a bit more aggressive. I just slid walking in as a regular part of my daily routine (when I do it) since to work and back is exactly 5 miles. I don't know if weight comes off as fast as with running, but you may be able to drop a couple of sizes between now and then if you also clean up your diet some. My walk is also uphill a lot so I am definitely strengthening leg muscles. I can't help you with weight training much because I did A LOT of weight training in high school so I'm really just trying to lose the fat around the muscle... lol. I know it sounds crazy but for some reason, whenever I lose my weight/fat, my abs, arms, and legs emerge out of nowhere like I never stopped training.

Wow you,re going really hard well done :yep::spinning:- my workout sounds very similar to yours - I was thinking of upping it to 1 hour on the cross trainer too! (can't do treadmill as I need to be gentle on my hip joints). How did you find it the first time you got to 1hr - I'm kinda scared to go there! (I'm such a baby) :lol:

Great to see someone else managing an hour of cardio - makes it seem a bit more achievable, thanks for sharing!

ebsalita: I will admit, when I first started doing 1hr cardio in the beginning, it was CHALLENGING. But what I do is start off walking on the treadmill at a speed of 3.0 mph for approx. 5mins. Then I would amp up my speed to 4.5 mph and keep it there for 10-15mins. then I would repeat my 5mins. walk at the speed of 3.5 and turn it back up to 4.5 mph for another 10-15mins. all the way until I completed one hour. But now that I've been doing it for so long I can go at the 4.5 speed for at least 20-25mins. while maintaining my 5mins. walk-breaks in between.
ebsalita: I will admit, when I first started doing 1hr cardio in the beginning, it was CHALLENGING. But what I do is start off walking on the treadmill at a speed of 3.0 mph for approx. 5mins. Then I would amp up my speed to 4.5 mph and keep it there for 10-15mins. then I would repeat my 5mins. walk at the speed of 3.5 and turn it back up to 4.5 mph for another 10-15mins. all the way until I completed one hour. But now that I've been doing it for so long I can go at the 4.5 speed for at least 20-25mins. while maintaining my 5mins. walk-breaks in between.

Aah - I see! You are varying the speed and having bursts of relative speed- I tend to just stay at 4.0mph for the majority of my time on the trainer. I will try this tonight or tomorrow morning. It may mean that I'm going a lot slower than I've been doing, just so that I'll last the distance, but at least I'll get used to the idea of staying on for 60 mins. Thanks again! I'll come back and let you know how I got on...
Weighed in at 196 lbs this week. Wasn't sure I was gonna lose anything since I did not exercise at all but my eating was pretty good. I've lost 40.6 lbs overall. My Michael Kors bag arrived and I love it.
Congrats Shay72!
You're doing the damn thing!
No update for me this week because I was sick this weekend and went back and forth between throwing up and pigging out (someone told me to fix nausea with as much greasy food as I can find...). I'm not gonna lie, it did work, but I know I did some damage.
Stomach is feeling at about 85% today, so I will try and eat really clean and fresh for a while and hope that gets me back to 100% soon.
I am noticing that no matter what I seem to do, my ends stay dry. I just cut out all of my damaged ends two days and my ends already feel not so fresh anymore, despite the fact that I have been constantly moisturizing and all that. I am beginning to think that my anemia paired with my crappy diet is contributing to this in some way.
I am going to try out a hair healthy diet (still on WW) for the next 3 weeks and see if I see an improvement.
Can I join? Been underweight most of my life (even during pregnancy) but after the birth I gained weight o.O

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 126.4 (down from 140)
Current hair length: SL?
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 119
Short-term hair goal: APL
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 105-110. (I'm rather short so that's healthy-18.6 BMI)
Long-term hair goal: HL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?: Stop eating everything in sight. Unfortunately I work at Popeyes and live in Germany, the land of food and beer and city of Pork.
What will you continue to reach your hair goal? Protective styling + moisture.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Every week!
Just checking in. Nothing to report. Will get back on track after a crazy weekend. I need to re-weigh cause I am sure I added a few pounds. Will walk on my lunch break.
I tune into your channel, didn't you just get your hair braided?

I am noticing that no matter what I seem to do, my ends stay dry. I just cut out all of my damaged ends two days and my ends already feel not so fresh anymore, despite the fact that I have been constantly moisturizing and all that. I am beginning to think that my anemia paired with my crappy diet is contributing to this in some way.
I am going to try out a hair healthy diet (still on WW) for the next 3 weeks and see if I see an improvement.

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Not sure if this counts but my sister and I did the Beyonce Move Your Body Dance today :look: and other wild dancing Ices Brown style :lachen: I will weigh probably the end of next week. As for my hair it feels so thick and healthy! I am very pleased with my relaxer results I got today. I had a few broken hairs but that is normal for me after a relaxer. I will do a protein treatment next week. Still on the search for a new Shampoo and Conditioner!

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