
natural for good
*awesome marriage conference*


AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Marriage Conference, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

My husband and I attend this conference every year....its awesome! :clap: We love it so much, we have decided to become group coordinators for the event.
We would like to see as many couples attend as possible. Conferences are held all over the united states...I'm sure there's one near you. Check out the site and if you have any questions whatsoever, just PM me!


(p.s....I hope this is the appropriate place for such a thread??:perplexed)
Thanks for posting this! I have been wanting to go to this with my husband for a long time He complains about the price. I think that if it will save a marriage then it is worth the price and even more.
I sure hope you & hubby will find one near you to attend. You can save $40 per person ($80 per couple) if you sign under a group..... :)
Do you live in NJ still? Are you attending the Whippany conference?
I would love for DH to attend but we have a prior engagement on the 26th.
Is there an itinerary for the weekend? Maybe we can leave in the evening and come back the next day.
Do you live in NJ still? YES, I do.
Are you attending the Whippany conference? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!
I would love for DH to attend but we have a prior engagement on the 26th.
Is there an itinerary for the weekend? Maybe we can leave in the evening and come back the next day.

Here is an itinerary for the Weekend to Remember activities:

Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. It will truly be an awesome weekend!!:yep:
No, I've never been. Sounds nice, though. The church I've been attending highly recommends this for all couples. I'm on the church's mailing list (for updates and upcoming events).
Thanks. There's one every month, year-round, in different parts of the country. Hopefully there's one in your state, too... :yep:
ONLY 4 MORE DAYS !!!! :bighug:

I can't wait :dance7:

Only 4 more days 'til weekend to remember in parsippany, nj.... :woot: :woot:

will I see you there???? LOL!!
Wow...This year's Parsippany Conference was once again a SMASHING success.
We had over 440 couples registered and attended. It was simply awesome.
I would like to share with you all the top 10 comments (...ok, ok...the top 11....LOL!!!) from the weekend.

1) I'm not a Christian and had hesitancy coming, but there are great basic teachings that apply to anyone. Thank you for letting me be a part of this wonderful program. I think everyone should be encouraged to attend.

2) We had a good relationship before the conference, but I believe the conference will help us to have a GREAT marriage. (underlining mine)

3) I think (this) may turn out to be the best wedding present we will ever receive.

4) We can love each other again like in the beginning.

5) Question: Did the conference meet your expectations? Answer: No.
Why/Why not?: … I was expecting something boring. I am so glad I was wrong.

6) I am like and arrow pointed in the right direction with momentum behind me.

7) I learned that I am settling for a mediocre marriage rather than a dynamic LIFE-giving partnership (that) God has for me/us.

8) (I) never wanted God to be in my life as much as I do now!

9) Encouraged that after 7 years of marriage that we are on the right path. It was a good healthy check-up.

10) My husband humbled himself to me. It was the most moving moment and it brought us closer together.

11) SHE SAID: An answer to prayer. We had gone from a situation where my husband had stated he wanted a divorce on August 27 (1 month prior to WTR) - our 26th Anniversary… to now this conference helping us restore God as the head of our marriage and we are with renewed spirits and rekindled passions. Praise God.

HE SAID: We came to the conference as a "last resort" we were about to divorce. Now we both agree to try and save our 26 year marriage.

There are still seats available for all the other upcoming conferences around the country. Most likely there is one near you as well.

Remember to use our group code: TheAddisonGroup for a savings of $80 per couple for conference tickets!!!
Cool. Are there one-on-one sessions or is everything done as a group? This sounds very interesting.

ETA: Oops. Nevermind, I actually read the website. Thanks!
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The one-on-one workshops in between the sessions if just for you and your mate to learn more about each other. Or perhaps say to each other the things you really have in your heart to say. All in all, its quite worth every single dime. My husband and I go every single year!!