
Your joy can be felt through your writings. :-

Can't wait to attend one of these seminars when the time is right!

sweetvi - thanks! Just a few more days til the March 8th event in Poconos, PA. I am so excited to be going again..LOL! Soon to be married 25years, and I feel like a newlywed each time I come away from these getaways!

Its truly a revelation when you realize your spouse is God's gift to you. Doesn't matter how you met!...he/she is God's gift to you once you are bonded in marriage. To reject your spouse is to reject the gift God has given to you. WOW!! Its realizations like this that make it all worth it. What if....just suppose...that your marriage is designed to make you HOLY, instead of make you HAPPY!? We all want the fairytale "happily ever after ending" don't we. But this is the REAL world. Sometimes we "rub" each other the wrong way. But my marriage should demonstrate the same unconditional love for my spouse that God demonstrates to me....even when I rub HIM the wrong way..

All these "pearls" of wisdom - and more! - are what I get when I attend the Weekend To Remember getaways! One day, I'm sure I'll meet up with some of you long-haired :grin: ladies at an event...LOL!!!
My husband and I attended a Weekend to Remember in Savannah years ago - it was a tremendous blessing to our marriage. My prayers are with all those who plan to go this year! :drunk:

To be honest, we had not been married very long at the time. Much of what was shared I didn't fully comprehend until years later - so remember to take notes!
My husband and I attended a Weekend to Remember in Savannah years ago - it was a tremendous blessing to our marriage. My prayers are with all those who plan to go this year! :drunk:

To be honest, we had not been married very long at the time. Much of what was shared I didn't fully comprehend until years later - so remember to take notes!

momi - You are so right!! Once we get past that "infatuation" stage of marriage, that's when real-life and reality sets in. Learning to "become one" with someone, after being ONE all your life (...and all by yourself!...) is a continuous process. The tools taught at a Weekend To Remember are so crucial in helping us be the unit God intended!!
My husband and I just finished the Art of Marriage seminar which is comprised of many of the elements of the Weekend to Remember. It was great and made us address some issues that have caused resentment. Attending this seminar have reminded me of the spiritual importance of the marital relationship.
My husband and I just finished the Art of Marriage seminar which is comprised of many of the elements of the Weekend to Remember. It was great and made us address some issues that have caused resentment. Attending this seminar have reminded me of the spiritual importance of the marital relationship.

YES!!! This is exactly where Family Life Ministries is going with all this!! Satan is viciously attacking the church at its most base level - the home! Strong (Godly) marriages make strong families! Strong families make strong churches! Strong churches make strong communities! If the enemy can strike at the heart of the matter, then all the rest will come a-tumbling down. Family Life's motto is to fight for the Lord "...until every home is a Godly home...". Of course, this may or may not happen, but that does not diminish the fight!

Art of Marriage is a spinoff from Weekend To Remember, so most of the principle taught are included. Glad you enjoyed it!!
This is the weekend!!! Whoohoooo....we're off to the Poconos!!! Will let you all know how wonderful is the get-away!!! Be Blessed!!
Some "Take-Aways" from this weekend:

1 - The NUMBER ONE goal in marriage should be to PURSUE, ACHIEVE, and MAINTAIN......ONENESS!

2 - My total reason for being married is to mirror God's image, to mutually complete one another, and multiply a Godly legacy.

3 - Marriage is more significant than you may have thought. Marriage was DESIGNED by God and is DEFINED by God. Marriage is at the center of God's purpose for mankind.

4 - YOUR SPOUSE IS NOT YOUR ENEMY!! Satan's purposes are threatened by couples who are becoming one, therefore Satan concentrates his major attacks on them.

5 - Our culture's pattern for marriage has obviously failed.

6 - Conflict is common to ALL marriages. The goal of marriage is not to be conflict-free, but to handle conflict correctly when it occurs. Couples must be willing to SEEK and GRANT forgiveness!

7 - Forgiveness is the OBLIGATION of those of us who have been forgiven by God.

8 - Biblical priorities are at the heart of becoming the wife and mother God intends us to be.

9 - A wise WOMAN embraces God's design for her home. A wise MAN depends on God.

10 - A man takes responsibility to follow Christ, for his role as a husband, and for his role as a father.

11 - Oneness in marriage consists of three essential ingredients: (a) Extravagant Love (b) Generous Forgiveness (c) Enthusiastic Encouragement.

12 - Leaving a Godly legacy requires more than an inward focus. It requires thinking outwardly as well. Leaving a Godly legacy requires (a) a Reality Check (b) Developing a Godly family (c) Putting a stake in the ground.
We had such a wonderful time this weekend. Just amazing!!

The next Weekend To Remember hubby and I will be attending is the upcoming New Jersey event in October 2013!!! I am looking forward to it tremendously.

We learn so much from the speakers thru the way they open their hearts and lives to us....baring all - the good, the bad, the ugly - just to share their God-changing experiences.

I hope a few of you can attend a Getaway in the near future. They are in every state around the country. If not, share this with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Nothing but good can come of it.!!
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AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Getaway, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

Take a break from the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse!!!

Check out these amazing testimonials:

The upcoming Parsippany, New Jersey Event is October 11-13, 2013. And we will be there, as always.

But these events are held in EVERY STATE around the county, so choose the one closest to you and ENJOY!!
Every speaker is unique and brings something new to us!! This is a WEEKEND YOU WILL NOT FORGET!!

I guarantee you will not be disappointed. There is something for EVERYONE at this 'feast'!! :flowers: :flowers:

And DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE EVER!!! Be sure to use a groupname: TheAddisonGroup (..shameless plug...:hide:) to get $120 OFF per couple!!!

Click HERE, or click the link in my signature to get started. Hope to see you and your spouse there!!

This is just beautiful...

Hopefully we can attend one of those weekend events. Thanks for sharing the take-away!

Some "Take-Aways" from this weekend:

1 - The NUMBER ONE goal in marriage should be to PURSUE, ACHIEVE, and MAINTAIN......ONENESS!

2 - My total reason for being married is to mirror God's image, to mutually complete one another, and multiply a Godly legacy.

3 - Marriage is more significant than you may have thought. Marriage was DESIGNED by God and is DEFINED by God. Marriage is at the center of God's purpose for mankind.

4 - YOUR SPOUSE IS NOT YOUR ENEMY!! Satan's purposes are threatened by couples who are becoming one, therefore Satan concentrates his major attacks on them.

5 - Our culture's pattern for marriage has obviously failed.

6 - Conflict is common to ALL marriages. The goal of marriage is not to be conflict-free, but to handle conflict correctly when it occurs. Couples must be willing to SEEK and GRANT forgiveness!

7 - Forgiveness is the OBLIGATION of those of us who have been forgiven by God.

8 - Biblical priorities are at the heart of becoming the wife and mother God intends us to be.

9 - A wise WOMAN embraces God's design for her home. A wise MAN depends on God.

10 - A man takes responsibility to follow Christ, for his role as a husband, and for his role as a father.

11 - Oneness in marriage consists of three essential ingredients: (a) Extravagant Love (b) Generous Forgiveness (c) Enthusiastic Encouragement.

12 - Leaving a Godly legacy requires more than an inward focus. It requires thinking outwardly as well. Leaving a Godly legacy requires (a) a Reality Check (b) Developing a Godly family (c) Putting a stake in the ground.

AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Getaway, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

Take a break from the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse!!!

Check out these amazing testimonials:

The upcoming Parsippany, New Jersey Event is October 11-13, 2013. And we will be there, as always.

But these events are held in EVERY STATE around the county, so choose the one closest to you and ENJOY!!
Every speaker is unique and brings something new to us!! This is a WEEKEND YOU WILL NOT FORGET!!

I guarantee you will not be disappointed. There is something for EVERYONE at this 'feast'!! :flowers: :flowers:

And DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE EVER!!! Be sure to use a groupname: TheAddisonGroup (..shameless plug...:hide:) to get $120 OFF per couple!!!

Click HERE, or click the link in my signature to get started. Hope to see you and your spouse there!!

:bump: :bump: :bump:
baddison, Praise the Lord! I have been looking for something like this close to home (Jersey)! We are celebrating 2 years next month, and I want us to be able to rejoice 25 years from now (like you), knowing that we continue in wisdom. Hubby and I already have weekly date nights, once a month getaways, and a yearly vacation. We also pray together and read couple devotionals. Marriage ministry at our church is great also. But I longed for a WTR for enjoyment, growth and transformation. I don't like the statistics on marriage and divorce in the Kingdom. :ohwell:
I am looking forward to sharing this with DH and others who may be interested! :grin:
baddison, Praise the Lord! I have been looking for something like this close to home (Jersey)! We are celebrating 2 years next month, and I want us to be able to rejoice 25 years from now (like you), knowing that we continue in wisdom. Hubby and I already have weekly date nights, once a month getaways, and a yearly vacation. We also pray together and read couple devotionals. Marriage ministry at our church is great also. But I longed for a WTR for enjoyment, growth and transformation. I don't like the statistics on marriage and divorce in the Kingdom. :ohwell:
I am looking forward to sharing this with DH and others who may be interested! :grin:

Well that is certainly good news. I can tell you for sure that this year's Parsippany event is going to be tremendous!! Please share this with your Marriage Ministry team at church. Maybe you can get a nice group together too....for every 5 couples that register, a free registration is given!! Its a nice incentive, and these make great wedding gifts!! :yep: :yep:

I do hope to meet you & hubby at this years getaway!!
If you have attended a "Weekend To Remember" get-away, please be sure to share your experiences here.:yep::yep: We would LOVE to hear how this ministry has blessed you life - and your marriage relationship!!

WOW!!! Fabulous feedback....Have you decided to register for a Weekend to Remember Getaway?

If not, see what one of our guest had to say about their experience this past weekend.

"For a 19 and 21 year old to be married with a 6 month old boy in this generation is hard. To stay married and have God at the center is harder! This getaway was like a married version of church camp. Pop culture was silent, and “16 & Pregnant” was turned off. I’m only 19 but I’m a part of a family and I will have a successful marriage."
That's so refreshing to hear about that young couple! I have nieces with children who just don't see the importance of marriage... :ohwell: still praying for them. We've not yet registered...but we will, when we decide where.. lol

"Marriage is a lifelong bond that is stronger than your feelings or your circumstances. It's a commitment to love someone even when they're being unlovable, respecting them even when they're not acting respectable and seeing the best in them even when they can't see the best in themselves."

AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Getaway, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

Take a break from the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse!!!

Check out these amazing testimonials:

The upcoming Parsippany, New Jersey Event is October 11-13, 2013. And we will be there, as always.

But these events are held in EVERY STATE around the county, so choose the one closest to you and ENJOY!!
Every speaker is unique and brings something new to us!! This is a WEEKEND YOU WILL NOT FORGET!!

I guarantee you will not be disappointed. There is something for EVERYONE at this 'feast'!! :flowers: :flowers:

And DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE EVER!!! Be sure to use a groupname: TheAddisonGroup (..shameless plug...:hide:) to get $120 OFF per couple!!!

Click HERE, or click the link in my signature to get started. Hope to see you and your spouse there!!


"Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side. (Ziglar)"