Love and respond to your mate the same way your Heavenly Father loves and responds to you when YOU fall short & miss the mark: lovingly, patiently, generously.

"You'll never see your mate's good qualities if you're constantly on a manhunt for his/her bad qualities. Expect good. Think the best. Search for the beautiful, not the ugly."

"Sacrificing for your mate should be the norm in your marriage, not an event. When spouses prefer one another above themselves, marriage works!"

It can be difficult to forgive an offense - especially if it's not the first time it's taken place. Therefore, it's key to remember that you must forgive because a) you've been repeatedly forgiven by God for your offenses, and b) you cannot progress as individuals or a couple as long as bitterness is ruling your heart.

If your spouse is not where you want him/her to be, ask God to put you where you need to be to demonstrate His grace and love. #marriageworks

Your obedience to God greatly impacts your marriage relationship. Don't ever underestimate the value of your "Yes!" to God. #marriageworks

Faithfulness to your mate starts in the heart, and is then acted out in your behavior. Guard your heart! (Pro 4:23) #marriageworks

God is an honest judge. He will right wrongs in your marriage. It's not your place to seek revenge. You're called to love, not hit back. #marriageworks

Great marriage advice we received years ago: "There are times when you need to get out of your mate's face, and get in God's face." Prayer softens hard hearts like nothing else will. #marriageworks

AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Getaway, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

Take a break from the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse!!!

Check out these amazing testimonials:

The upcoming Parsippany, New Jersey Event is October 11-13, 2013. And we will be there, as always.

But these events are held in EVERY STATE around the county, so choose the one closest to you and ENJOY!!
Every speaker is unique and brings something new to us!! This is a WEEKEND YOU WILL NOT FORGET!!

I guarantee you will not be disappointed. There is something for EVERYONE at this 'feast'!! :flowers: :flowers:

And DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE EVER!!! Be sure to use a groupname: TheAddisonGroup (..shameless plug...:hide:) to get $120 OFF per couple!!!

Click HERE, or click the link in my signature to get started. Hope to see you and your spouse there!!

:bump: bumpity-bump-bump!! :bump:

Love is a decision, not just a feeling. Decide to love your mate. Know that your decision will be tested. By God's grace, hold firm to your decision. #marriageworks

Forgiveness is neither forgetting nor pretending the offense never happened. Forgiveness is refusing to retaliate, and walking in love. #marriageworks
Here is what a recent Weekend to Remember attendee had to say: "After 15 years of marriage, due to kids, work, and the busy life we all live, our marriage was falling apart. We, as a couple, were falling apart. We had no communication, no intimacy whatsoever. We were living like roommates. This getaway brought us together and most important – reminded us that we still love each other and we want our marriage to continue forever. Thank you for a great weekend." Maybe YOU should join us soon!

Oftentimes when praying to God about your spouse, He will change you. Be open to that. #marriageworks

Ongoing marital education is a key to developing a strong marriage‬. Keep investing in yourself and relationship with your mate. ‪#‎marriageworks‬

Seek peace and pursue it in your marriage, and keep your mouth from speaking evil. Doing so will add life to you and your marriage. ‪#‎marriageworks‬

AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Getaway, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

Take a break from the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse!!!

Check out these amazing testimonials:

The upcoming Parsippany, New Jersey Event is October 11-13, 2013. And we will be there, as always.

But these events are held in EVERY STATE around the county, so choose the one closest to you and ENJOY!!
Every speaker is unique and brings something new to us!! This is a WEEKEND YOU WILL NOT FORGET!!

I guarantee you will not be disappointed. There is something for EVERYONE at this 'feast'!! :flowers: :flowers:

And DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE EVER!!! Be sure to use a groupname: TheAddisonGroup (..shameless plug...:hide:) to get $120 OFF per couple!!!

Click HERE, or click the link in my signature to get started. Hope to see you and your spouse there!!


You must know & accept the value God has given you as truth (He thinks you're precious). Otherwise, you'll second guess your worth when/if your mate treats you less than precious. ‪#‎marriageworks‬

It takes faith and right motives to do good to your spouse even when it seems your efforts are in vain. Remember this: "God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name." (Hebrews 6:10)

AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Getaway, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

Take a break from the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse!!!

Check out these amazing testimonials:

The upcoming Parsippany, New Jersey Event is October 11-13, 2013. And we will be there, as always.

But these events are held in EVERY STATE around the county, so choose the one closest to you and ENJOY!!
Every speaker is unique and brings something new to us!! This is a WEEKEND YOU WILL NOT FORGET!!

I guarantee you will not be disappointed. There is something for EVERYONE at this 'feast'!! :flowers: :flowers:

And DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE EVER!!! Be sure to use a groupname: TheAddisonGroup (..shameless plug...:hide:) to get $120 OFF per couple!!!

Click HERE, or click the link in my signature to get started. Hope to see you and your spouse there!!

WOW....its getting CLOSER!! October 11th will be here soon enough.
