What most men really need is a wife who is involved, initiating, and is interested in him. That does so much, not only for them physically; but that does so much for them emotionally and mentally. (Priscilla Shirer) What would you add?

Strong marriages, like strong trees, take time to develop. During the development time, there are storms to endure. This is where strong roots are essential. What is your marriage rooted in? ‪#‎marriageworks‬

Secrets erode a marriage like termites destroy a home. You can't hear or see them, but they do massive damage. Favor transparency. #marriageworks
Many marriages breakdown due to incorrect teaching or no teaching at all about roles in marriage -- and society's standards can make it worse! Learn what the bible says about these roles at a WEEKEND TO REMEMBER!!!!

I love this message. Thank you baddison for your faithful support with Marriage. More than ever, Marriage needs our prayers and support and correct teaching and teachers as well.

So very true! God's entire institute of marriage, and biblical principles, is under attack. We are quickly becoming the minority. So very sad...:sad::sad:
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FAMILYLIFE WeekendToRemember BOGO !!!

Great News!!!

We just received details from our Marketing team about the fall pre-season offer for the October 11th - 13th Weekend to Remember. Starting September 2nd through the 16th, Family Life is again offering a Buy One, Get One Free promotion!

Here’s what you need to know. Each guest that registers using our Group Name ("TheAddisonGroup") during the BOGO offer period will receive the special BOGO rate! This means that the group rate will be $74.99/person during September 2-16 and will go back to the regular group rate of $89.99/person on September 17.

Just go to: http://www.familylife.com/events/featured-events/weekend-to-remember and REGISTER NOW! Don't forget to enter our group name on the registration page: TheAddisonGroup

Can't wait to see some of you there!!

Don't give up on God. He is able to do the impossible in your marriage. Put more faith in Him than you do what you see occurring in front of you. #marriageworks
So very true! God's entire institute of marriage, and biblical principles, is under attack. We are quickly becoming the minority. So very sad...:sad::sad:

With Ministries and hearts for Marriages such as yours, we will 'Revive and Survive' what God's intentions were for us all along.

Marriage in God is Victorious!


You forgive your mate the same way God forgave you -- through the blood of Jesus, which was shed on the cross. #marriageworks
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When your mate acts ugly, remember that you can choose to walk in love. God's grace will empower you. #marriageworks
Family Life Weekend To Remember

Now, after many years of marriage, I would say that a wife’s role in marriage can be summed up in three words: love, support, and respect.

Ephesians 5:33 commands, “The wife must respect her husband.” There are times when that is a hard job; you may not feel that your husband is worthy of respect. You are still commanded to respect him. Even if there are many things that he has done wrong, you can find something to respect. Does he work hard to financially support the family? Does he play ball with your child? (Barbara Rainey)

Scott Garmon couldn’t understand why he should stay in an unhappy marriage.

After 18 years of marriage, Scott Garmon woke up one morning, looked at his sleeping wife and thought, Who is this woman lying next to me? He began to weep. He felt something inside of him was missing.

Whatever threads of feeling Scott once had for Suzette had long disappeared. Isolated ... lonely, Scott had felt disrespected by Suzette throughout their entire marriage. But Suzette was oblivious to her husband’s despair.

Scott became more and more disconnected from Suzette. Although he wore a smile at church and work, he believed his marriage was doomed. A few months before their twentieth anniversary, he went on a weekend renewal retreat for men. God, if You are here, he prayed, show up, because I’m at the point where I’m ready to walk away and give up on life.

When Scott returned home he had a glimmer of hope for his marriage. But that hope dimmed after he told his wife that he wanted to go on a short mission trip to Africa. “No you’re not!” she said.

From the expression on his face, Suzette was jerked into reality. She realized she didn’t really know her husband. In her mind she was Scott’s wife and he was supposed to make her happy.

Both Scott and Suzette had come to the same conclusion: Their marriage was in deep trouble.

“You’re not meant to break up”

After months of fighting with Scott, Suzette told a dear friend Dana about their hurtful arguments. “You need to go to a FamilyLife Weekend to Remember®” Dana said. “You’re not meant to break up; you’ve been together too long.”

Reluctantly the Garmons agreed to attend the November 2005 marriage conference. They went purely out of an obligation to Dana and her husband, who had surprised them by paying for their registration. At the time Scott had no desire to live the rest of his life with Suzette. He was secretly making plans to divorce her.

During the conference, while learning about God’s purposes for marriage, the couples were assigned to write love letters to each other. Suzette didn’t even know how to begin. She told God that she didn’t understand how to be a good wife and promised she would do whatever it took to save her marriage.

After praying, Suzette had an overwhelming sense of peace. She sensed God saying, Your marriage will make it, but it’s going to be hard. Suzette didn’t care how hard it would be. She was determined not to lose Scott.

When the conference ended on Sunday, Suzette told Scott that she had changed. “We’re going to make it! We’re going to be okay!” She also said she had checked a box on the evaluation form indicating that she wanted to join the FamilyLife volunteer team.

Scott looked at Suzette with disbelief. “I am not going to volunteer for this organization.” He said if she happened to be recognized as a volunteer at the 2006 marriage conference, she’d either be alone or with another man.

The test of a lifetime

Suzette began to read Love and Respect, a book that she had purchased at the conference. She learned that God made Scott with a special need for respect and that she had been created with a special need for love. She recognized how she had repeatedly disrespected Scott over the years and vowed that, with God’s help, she would show him unconditional respect.

Suzette did her best to please her husband, but he would respond by saying, “I don’t love you!” He constantly told her, “You need to find another man.” He even suggested that she find “one of those rich, divorced fathers” at the school where she worked, and start dating him.

Suzette answered with a kiss. “No, you’re my man,” she’d say, “I’m not leaving you.”

Sometimes when she left for work, Scott stood at the door and yelled, “I don’t love you. I don’t care if you come back.”

When that happened Suzette cried all the way to work. God, this is so hard, she prayed, but I know You want me to do this.

On December 20, 2005, Suzette began to doubt if her marriage would make it. That’s the day when she found some new e-mails Scott had sent to his old high school girlfriend. Suzette read a long poem that he had written to the woman, “What if you had been the one I had been with?”

“It just killed me,” Suzette says.

Overcome with emotion, she shoved the computer screen to the floor. Was there any hope?

New hope

Thinking about giving up on her marriage, Suzette called her friend Dana.

“You’ve got to stay strong,” Dana said. “You can get through this.”

For the next four days Suzette had plenty of time to think about Dana’s words; she and Scott were not speaking to one another. Then, on Christmas Eve as Scott put the children’s bikes together, Suzette walked up to him and said, “I want to make love to you.”

Suzette explains that she sensed God telling her to love her husband no matter what he had done. “So I had to just keep doing things like that, and that would amaze him,” she says.

After two months of testing his wife’s claim to be a changed woman, Scott became tired of his charades. He stopped taunting her, thinking, There is something different here.

Suzette had new hope for her marriage when Scott gave her a Valentine’s Day gift. “Are you coming around?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “That’s just for the memories I used to have.”

It was a start.

Several months later, when Scott told his wife that he wanted to go on a mission trip to East Asia, this time she replied, “I want you to go.” He was stunned.

On a prayer walk during his mission trip, Scott realized that he had been wrong to want to do missions work when he was abandoning his first mission field, his family. God reminded him not to throw away His gifts of Suzette and their children.

When Scott returned home, he told Suzette that he knew that God wanted them to stay together. Then he added, “I don’t love you. I feel nothing for you. I am here on faith because God said ‘Go home.’”

Suzette continued trusting God.

The turning point

Two weeks after Scott returned from East Asia, he and Suzette sat at church like wooden bookends. Their children were seated between them. As the minister began his sermon, Scott reflected on something he had learned at the Weekend to Remember: Love is not a feeling, but a choice. He bowed his head and begged God to help him once again feel love for his wife.

After his prayer, Scott whispered to the children, “Move, I’ve got to get over there near your mother.” Suzette was shocked as he scooted near her side. Some people seated nearby turned to see what was going on.

Scott faced his wife, “I love you again! It’s all coming back. I love you more than I ever have.”

Scott had finally joined Suzette in the fight to save their marriage.

Over the following months he and Suzette worked through their many problems. Little by little God transformed their relationship. Scott even joined Suzette on the FamilyLife volunteer team to help promote the conference

And when Scott and Suzette went to their second Weekend to Remember in 2006, and the local volunteers were asked to come to the stage to be recognized, Scott and Suzette walked to the front of the hotel ballroom … together.

They had made it.

Successfully married couples practice loving acts, speak gracious words, and know that love is not based on their emotions, rather a choice. #marriageworks

Proverbs 14:1 says that a wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands. As a wife, you have power to create or destroy your relationship with your husband. In your attitude, remember that God is in control and you can trust Him. Also remember that you have to choose to obey God through honoring and obeying your husband. In these ways, you can build a strong house. (Barbara Rainey)

AT Family Life's Weekend To Remember Getaway, you can put aside life's daily distractions and focus on each other again! :2inlove:

Take a break from the busy-ness of life and reconnect with your spouse!!!

Check out these amazing testimonials:

The upcoming Parsippany, New Jersey Event is October 11-13, 2013. And we will be there, as always.

But these events are held in EVERY STATE around the county, so choose the one closest to you and ENJOY!!
Every speaker is unique and brings something new to us!! This is a WEEKEND YOU WILL NOT FORGET!!

I guarantee you will not be disappointed. There is something for EVERYONE at this 'feast'!! :flowers: :flowers:

And DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE EVER!!! Be sure to use a groupname: TheAddisonGroup (..shameless plug...:hide:) to get $120 OFF per couple!!!

Click HERE, or click the link in my signature to get started. Hope to see you and your spouse there!!

10 more days!!! whoohoooo....Its almost here!!!
A recent attendee of the FamilyLife Weekend to Remember marriage conference getaway had this to say: A This experience and education brought life back to a corpse of a marriage. Now, I’ll refer to this as 'Resurrection Weekend.'"
