We are going to Elope!


New Member
Although the true definition of an elopement is when two people go on a whim with no plan and get hitched, I kind of wanted to do a semi elopement:) You see, we have been engaged since November of 2010, and we were set to have a wedding October 22nd of this year. After months, and months of planning, it got too stressful, and it wasn't exciting anymore. We have been together for 3 years, and we have been living together for a long time. So me and my boo decided to let that original plan of wedding kick rocks, and do what we felt was right. So on September 8th, we will be traveling to New Orleans, get our marriage license, get married the next day (New Orleans has rules similar to Las Vegas as far as getting that license) and leave for our 7 day cruise on the 10th! Am I nervous of what my mom is going to say? Hellz yeah, but in the end it's going to be me and him, so we are going to do what we want! I guess, we lost sight of what we were trying to accomplish in all the mayhem of wedding planning, which was to come together in holy matrimony and be happy. Just wanted to share!
Heyyyyyy!!! I live in New Orleans and my wedding is on September 10th! Totally OT I know lol

As far as your mom, I think most moms get upset when they think about missing out on their baby's big hoorah but she knows how happy you guys are going to be and that's all that'll matter. Go for it girl!
Promise Mom that she at least can plan a nice "reception" for you two when you return! Congratulations and I wish you and the soon-to-be-DH, the best! :yep:
I wish you well but you might want to consider that years from now, you'll wish you'd had that nice wedding, stress or not.
Good for you.
If I ever get married I would like to do the same thing. I don't care much for big productions and I would like to spend the money on a down payment on a house instead.

Have fun and congratulations in advance!!!
Good for you.
If I ever get married I would like to do the same thing. I don't care much for big productions and I would like to spend the money on a down payment on a house instead.

Have fun and congratulations in advance!!!

EXACTLY!!!!!!! Thanks so much!
My family would burn both of us if I ever got married without them being there. :lachen:
But congrats to you and SO, future DH ;) !

21 months natural and loving it!
This is actually how I wanna do it and use that money on something else. I wish you and your future hubby the best!!
Congrats! It's refreshing that you and your FH are doing what works for the two of you and your relationship. Have fun! You know we're going to want to see cruise pitchas! :grin:
Congrats CDawnLewis! DH and I had the same issue, decided to "elope" and have never looked back. I hear what you are saying about a big wedding. The day really should be about you guys but people often forget that. The saying is that the wedding is for friends and family and the marriage is for you two but at the end of the day the people who truly love you will either understand and accept or they will put it behind them and move on. In the event that they don't you have to look at it as doing what is best for you and your future together as a married couple. I sincerely wish you the best of luck! Have a fabulous wedding day and honeymoon:grin:
Congratulations! I used to want a big wedding with all of the pomp and circumstance, but now I just want it to be about me and FH. That's what really matters at the end of the day :)
Good for y'all! Wedding planning is stressful, which can suck all the fun out of it. Weddings are expensive (invest for the future!). And it's really about the two of you, anyway. Have fun and enjoy!

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This idea always sounded fun to me. Over the years, though, I've come to have an appreciation for the whole wedding uniting two families, as well as the celebration of a happy union. Your plan sounds romantic and wonderful, but I hope you will give your close friends and family an opportunity to celebrate with you and show their love!
Congratulations! It's so liberating to just up and do what makes you happy. I'm excited for you!
How exciting! Best of luck to you and your future husband. It's best that you two do what makes you happy:yep:.
Although the true definition of an elopement is when two people go on a whim with no plan and get hitched, I kind of wanted to do a semi elopement:) You see, we have been engaged since November of 2010, and we were set to have a wedding October 22nd of this year. After months, and months of planning, it got too stressful, and it wasn't exciting anymore. We have been together for 3 years, and we have been living together for a long time. So me and my boo decided to let that original plan of wedding kick rocks, and do what we felt was right. So on September 8th, we will be traveling to New Orleans, get our marriage license, get married the next day (New Orleans has rules similar to Las Vegas as far as getting that license) and leave for our 7 day cruise on the 10th! Am I nervous of what my mom is going to say? Hellz yeah, but in the end it's going to be me and him, so we are going to do what we want! I guess, we lost sight of what we were trying to accomplish in all the mayhem of wedding planning, which was to come together in holy matrimony and be happy. Just wanted to share!

YAY!!! We quasi-eloped too! I couldn't do all that wedding planning foolishness. Easy and fun was what I wanted.

Congrats on the decision and YAY again for you and hubby to be! ENJOY EVERY MINUTE!
DH and I did this just 2 weeks ago. My mom was told the day before, and now she's pissed. We literally had a screaming match over the phone. Oh. Well. We decided to get married (he's in the military) now and have the big wedding in a years time for the friends and family. I actually am looking forward to the ceremony but until then we are glad of our decision. I also want to go to Europe for our honeymoon which will be a lot better because DH will be allowed to have an actual vacation. You can't please everybody, and if you want you can still have a ceremony and reception when things have calmed down. Who's gonna stop you?
I plan to elope. I hate big wedding productions. Too much money thrown down for one day, for the purpose of impressing the peers and family. Congrats OP!
I'm seriously considering eloping. I know my family would be really hurt and pissed, there's something about eloping I find really romantic.:grin: Heck, maybe I'll do both. Have a simple wedding for me and FH (when I find him:look:) and have the ceremony for our families.