Water Challenge! - Closing Date


Well-Known Member
Today is the last day for the Water Challenge! Please post you experieces from doing this challenge. I'll go first:

I feel much healthier these days, and so is my hair! I will continue to drink 6-8 cups of water a day because it just a healthy thing to do. If I am healthy inside it will show through on the outside.

What about you guys?
I think the water challenge really benefited my body. My body has a way of letting me know when I need to drink more water. Also, the water really help to stop breakouts when taking biotin. I will continue to drink 100 ounces or more a day. The trick to make sure that I drink the required amount was using a bottle.
I enjoyed this challenge and hope to continue drinking more water. It keeps me feeling more refreshed and hydrated. I think my entire body benefitted from this.
i really loved this challege, i'm down from 3 litres per day to about 1.5, things have been hectic for me getting adjusted to school and work but i love my water

I enjoyed this challenge also, I will continue to drink my 2+liters of water a day INSHAALLAH (ALLAH WILLING). Congrats to all of us who survived...