Well-Known Member
Thanks so much Bubbln, I have a gut feeling that I won't be using the relaxer at all but it does help get me through this transition. It can be hard at times because I am so used to relaxing that it just comes natural at this point. I think many of us have relaxed so much that it is a part of our normal routine, you stop thinking about and just do it. I love Countrygal's thread a while back about being prepared to go natural. You guys have all been so inspriing to me I can't thank you enoughBublnbrnsuga said:Jewelle, the Mizani tub may still be in your home, but at least you are recognizing there IS something deeper to this hair thing. You are questioning your motives for relaxing and going natural. This is great and healthy and I applaud you for this.
Heck, there are times I consider getting another relaxer but then I am like, for what? To make my hair more so called 'manageable?' To be pampered? To have swanging hair that flows in the wind? To have more chemical burns all in the sake to get straight hair? Been there done that, got a t-shirt and everything. I think we as black people will always have remnants of issues we thought we dealt with a long time to creep back up, but that's just being a human.
And thank you for posting pics, you are my numero uno hair inspiration and I can't wait to get to where you are!!! I am doing a long transition because I love long hair on me but I am pretty excited! I just picked up a tub of hair meringue from Ricky's NY and can't wait to try it out.
BTW: I just love you new siggy pic, just beautiful