When I used "you"/"your" in my post, I didn't mean you personally (I didn't even think you are natural b/c comments like yours usually come from relaxed/texturized women). I meant it in the generic sense, which is actually poor grammar anyway. I should have used "one."If you want to disagree, that's fine. However, please don't assume things like that my hair is not automatically growing or that I am making excuses or anything of that nature.
I know what to do with my natural hair. And I know how to care for it. However, I was really speaking from the point of view that alot of people have. We are saying the same thing.
I have always said in various posts, that one of the reasons why we don't retain alot of length is because of how we style our hair, whether it's natural or not.
I know what to do with my hair. And I'm not making excuses. However, since we are all in this boat together, it would just do my heart a little justice if your tone was a little bit softer toward me, thanks.