Was our hair meant to be this difficult?

Once I took the time to understand my natural hair, it's been all love.

Black hair rocks!
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I thought the natural state of our hair is loc'g? People with loc's don't do much to their hair and they have long lengths. I know the shed hair is intwined in the loc but they still have retained most of their growth.

If we lived in a loc accepting society, this wouldn't be a issue. That one picture of an African in the 1700's or 1800's showd she had locs down to her butt.
Very interesting thread.
The truth is traditional African cultures did not care about length of hair, it was what was done with the hair that matters. That's why they used to have so many elaborate hair styles. This styles would last for months, so to the Africans hair was definitely not difficult at all.
I will admit, i am amazed at how some whites and Asians can do a big chop and it all magically reappears withim a year. I think it really depends on how well you take care of your hair. I have friends who complain about how hard is it to manage their hair: these are the same girls that wash their hair everyday and use way too many products. "They dont want to get their hair too greasy/oily" they say...but little do they know that moisurizing is probably THE most important part of hair care. Same with your skin and nails.

There are some women whose hair cannot hold a curl, and some who cannot keep a flatiron job. My mom has fine hair, but I got my dad's thick, coily hair. It can be a challenge, but we can do so many things with our hair. Braid it, weave it, dye it, twist it, loc it, curl it, straighten it, etc. We just have to pay attention to the products we use, and how your hair responds to it.