Was I Wrong ?


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm wondering...

My mother and her boyfriend recently broke up and have not talked for several weeks. Out of the blue my mom's ex call's my boyfriend to talk about what happened between him and my mother.
My boyfriend tells me about their conversation and then tells me not to tell my mom:blush:.

My mother and I are really close and there is not much that I don't tell her and I thought that since this was in a way concerning her I should tell her and I did.:perplexed

The only problem is that she called my SO to get more details and made a feeble attempt to hide the fact that I can't hold water !:rolleyes:

Now my SO is very upset with me and he feels that he can not trust me with private matters.

Was I wrong to talk to my mom or is my SO over reacting ?:wallbash:
I would have told my mother too. Tell SO the next time that if he has something he doesn't want you to know then he shouldn't tell you. What were you supposed to do? That's your mama. Shoot I ride or die for my moms. Don't talk about stuff about her and think I won't tell her about it, please?
Yeah I think you are right, it's just some things that men don't understand. Now I just have to find a way to smooth things out with him.
Your mom's ex talked to your boyfriend because he knew your boyfriend would tell you and you would tell your mom. It worked. Your mom called to get more clarification thereby opening the lines of communication to her ex.

Mom's ex now knows she still cares and mom knows he still cares. If neither did, no one would be talking to anyone.

You and your boyfriend are merely conduits for the ex and your mom to start back conversating. Remember the skits where the parents are supposedly mad at each other and they talk through the kid. "Tell your father I said..." "Well tell you mother I said..." And all three people are sitting right there at the same damn table.

Kinda sorta. I hope it works out for your mom. Mom's deserve to be happy. Here's to moms!!!
Your mom's ex talked to your boyfriend because he knew your boyfriend would tell you and you would tell your mom. It worked. Your mom called to get more clarification thereby opening the lines of communication to her ex.

Mom's ex now knows she still cares and mom knows he still cares. If neither did, no one would be talking to anyone.

You and your boyfriend are merely conduits for the ex and your mom to start back conversating. Remember the skits where the parents are supposedly mad at each other and they talk through the kid. "Tell your father I said..." "Well tell you mother I said..." And all three people are sitting right there at the same damn table.

Kinda sorta. I hope it works out for your mom. Mom's deserve to be happy. Here's to moms!!!

I didn't see it like that, that's excellent. Op you should tell your bf these exact words (bold).
Good points have been made.

Might I ask that you tell your bf not to ask more of you than he's willing to do. He should not get mad at your "loose lips" when he had them to start with. Obviously he can't hold water either.
Tell people things on a need to know basis. If they don't need to know, don't tell them!

What was his goal in sharing this gossip with you? Just so that you know? I mean, if someone tells you gossip about someone else, sometimes you listen just for the entertainment factor (I know that's bad but don't act like y'all don't do that:lachen:). When someone tells you something about someone you know, what do they expect you to do with that info? Your man should've known better than to tell you unless he wanted you to spill.

Now, if you were married it may be a bit of a different story. He'd still be an idiot to tell you, but you'd have to wrestle with the idea of maintaining the privacy of what you and your husband reveal to each other.

In fact, I just think he shouldn't have told you, not just because you it's unfair of him to expect you to keep the secret, and secondly, that man is your mom's ex. Is it really necessary to know anything about what he says/thinks? What good will that do?