Waist Length in 2010


with becoming waist length and I know its only January but I am having serious doubt...Thank God I have you ladies to keep me in check. :)

We are >>>here<<<<! I am obsessed. I'm trying to remember that the last time I made it to waistlength, I did nothing special and didn't watch the clock. I wish I'd have done it with healthy hair practices so I didn't have a setback.
Cool updates ladies. I am glad that everyone's hair is fairing well.

LadyPaniolo- I think you have already reached WL. You look like you are grazing HL. I think I told you this on another thread but it is worth saying again, your hair is GORGEOUS :yep:. Very thick and healthy looking. Awww! :blush3: Shucks, :hugxplode: The longest layer of my hair is almost there @ WL, but the majority of my hair isn't quite there. I have confidence that I CAN do this :armyhat: I'm so pregnant that it's hard to see my waist in the pic, lol. My pants are at my waist, so you can see my hair is not quite waist yet. My hips are right up under my waist though, so I should hit the one and then the other right away.

I am doing well too. I am so close to WL. I conditioned my hair today and did a length check in the shower, A good portion of my hair is only 1.5 inches away from my natural waist :grin: (my hair grows in a slight V and I have some long layers).

I have been wearing buns all year. I had gotten really board with them but I have recently gotten my second wind. I've been spicing them up a bit using braids. I never really did PS before, I wore my hair down most of the time. But now I don't feel right if my hair is out. Even when I am in the house I keep my hair up and my ends tucked away. When my hair is down I feel like every second that my ends are exposed damage is being done. Like the air is somehow damaging my ends. It is ridiculous and a bit extreme but that is how my mind works :lachen:. The good thing is that I have no desire to straighten my hair. Let's just hope this feeling lasts through the winter.
I feel the exact same way, because I KNOW it to be true! When my hair was down last week, I could FEEL my ends get caught on my clothes and snap off, a couple of times each day! Imagine if I kept that up on a daily basis? I'd be back to APL in a week! Those ends were mostly the scraggly ones that I had to S&D and cut off the damage. That's why they were catching on stuff, they were split. But now that they are snipped and clipped, I hope the snapping off stops.

Same here.
My hair is doing well. I am also in the rollersetting challenge so I've been rollersetting every 5-7 days. I'm 5 weeks post and plan to relax the first week of March. I'll do a length check then.

I admire your ability to rollerset... I just cannot do it. :nono: I'm too feeble :spinning:
and uncoordinated. It would be so wonderful if I could rollerset but I just can't get it. :cry3: I would go to the Dominicans to have them do it, but they are too rough and put too much heat on hair for my taste.
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Checking in!

I attempted to texlax my hair for the first time today. The back half of my hair really didn't process.. not sure what I'm going to do about that. But anyway, that's another story! :) I flat ironed, and decided to take a pic.


I won't be doing another length check until April (hopefully).
Checking in!

I attempted to texlax my hair for the first time today. The back half of my hair really didn't process.. not sure what I'm going to do about that. But anyway, that's another story! :) I flat ironed, and decided to take a pic.


I won't be doing another length check until April (hopefully).

Your hair looks great! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised in April.

I've gotten mini-obsessed over here. I'm trying not to length check till May.
Checking in!

I attempted to texlax my hair for the first time today. The back half of my hair really didn't process.. not sure what I'm going to do about that. But anyway, that's another story! :) I flat ironed, and decided to take a pic.


I won't be doing another length check until April (hopefully).

Lovely! You are grazing WL already and it is still January; way to go :yep:. I cannot wait to see your April pics. Are you also in the HL challenge as well or is WL the longest you want to grow it?
I've gotten mini-obsessed over here. I'm trying not to length check till May.

I feel you on the obsession. I find myself doing mini length checks every time my hair is under the shower (twice a week) :nono:. I need to stop. I want to get through the entire month of February without checking for length. That way I will be pleasantly surprised when I do my March check in. We will see how long this lasts :spinning:.
Lovely! You are grazing WL already and it is still January; way to go :yep:. I cannot wait to see your April pics. Are you also in the HL challenge as well or is WL the longest you want to grow it?

Thanks :)

Never considered entering the HL challenge. Focusing on getting to full WL for now. Eventually that'll be my goal though. I prefer not to wear my hair bone straight, so I need to get it as long as possible so that my curlier styles still appear long (ie. MBL).
^^^ Girl you are doing the dayum thing!!! Your hair is so long and thick, I :love: it! You will definately be at waist before you know it! :up:
i'm gonna reach for the stars and join this challenge. I am currently APL reaching for waistlength on December 31, 2010 @ 11:59:59PM. lol. I mostly bun. occasionally I clip it up, straighten, or do a braidout or something. but bunning 95% of the time.

most recent pic is from the beginning of the month.


i also take vitamins, eat healthy, and workout when I get a chance.

thats it i guess..

still transitioning. I have about 1 1/2 inches to cut off still.
oooh... came back to porn! yay!

9 days then i'll do a length check. then i'll try and hold off til apr or may. buy then i want to be wl. i want to fully claim it then too, no grazing or anything lol
i'm gonna reach for the stars and join this challenge. I am currently APL reaching for waistlength on December 31, 2010 @ 11:59:59PM. lol. I mostly bun. occasionally I clip it up, straighten, or do a braidout or something. but bunning 95% of the time.

most recent pic is from the beginning of the month.


i also take vitamins, eat healthy, and workout when I get a chance.

thats it i guess..

still transitioning. I have about 1 1/2 inches to cut off still.

:welcome2: to the challenge!!!! It looks like you have some beautiful thick hair. I can't wait to see it when you reach your goal :grin:!
Well ladies I did a S&D followed by a light dusting this evening and I am so pleased with my hair. My hair felt like satin from root to tip, my ends were not bad at all (very few splits and only five pixie knots) and I have gotten a tad bit over a half an inch of new growth this month.

I really think that bunning has made the difference. It is the only thing that has changed in my routine and I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner :wallbash:. Oh well; I guess better late than never.

Have any of you added something to your routine (that you had previously slept on) that made all the difference in your hair?
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i dont think i've tried anything new (that i can think of) but i've always said bunning and milk is my secrete to fast growth and retention lol
Have any of you added something to your routine (that you had previously slept on) that made all the difference in your hair?

Well I have been using natural oils like coconut, evoo, and avacado and they have really helped with softening up my hair. It's smooth and soft now as opposed to rough and dry. And I also have just started using shea butter ( 2nd day today) and I think I'll really be liking this too :grin:
i dont think i've tried anything new (that i can think of) but i've always said bunning and milk is my secrete to fast growth and retention lol

I am a believer, bunning is the truth :yep:.

Do you drink a lot of milk or do you use it topically in your hair (like as a rinse)?
I am a believer, bunning is the truth :yep:.

Do you drink a lot of milk or do you use it topically in your hair (like as a rinse)?

i drink it... a lot lol

by my self i go through a gallon in 2-3 days. when my lil brother lives with me we go through a gallon a day every day!!! lol

i know a lot of people cant drink milk cause it messes with their tummy. but i've always been a milk drinker.

i never thought anything about it but then i learned that milk has biotin in it so i thought maybe that had something to do with it cause a lot of people always comment on how fast my hair grows. and that seems to be the only obvious difference that i do that a lot of people arent doing... so i say its my secret weapon. dont really know how true it is though lol

i'm drinking milk as i type lol
I wish I could stomach milk. Someone I hate with a passion was always in my grill drinking milk straight from the jug, backwashing all in it and walking around with a milk mustache.... :wallbash: :burnup: :boxing: So even the thought of drinking milk makes me want to puke.

I have heard it's good used topically on your hair, though, the lactic acid loosens curls I think I've heard said.

Right now I'm sitting with my henna on my head and I will be putting more indigo on in just a little while. My previous indigo treatment didn't penetrate 100%, I missed a few greys and I have some reddish brown clumps that didn't get indigo on them.

After I indigo I will DC and then apply my new secret weapon! Avocado butter. I ordered it from Camden Gray, since FlowerHair swears by it. :love: :shocked: :drool: :cloud9: The first time I used it I could tell it was something special. :yep: I first applied aloe vera gel/juice, and then the avocado butter. OMG. My braidout was so soft and shiny! :love:

In short, Avocado butter= :infatuated: :gorgeous:
Loving this thread!
I'm currently in Crochet braids to stop myself length checking every week -lol!
May leave this in for 4-6 weeks. Still taking my supplements and I have a smoothie with whey protein added most days.
Check out my results of self-installing crochet braids: :woot:
Crochet braid tutorial
I know milk is really good for you but I just can't do it :nono:. It doesn't bother my tummy or anything I just never got into the taste of it. Now my daughter, I am convinced that she is going to turn into a little calf one of these days. She LOVES milk. I am hopping that will stick with her.

lolasmane- Your crochet braids look really good! What a great way to fight hand in hair disease (also know as lengthcheckitis :grin:).
growing up broke my mom would yell at me and my brother all the time for drinking all the milk so fast lol she would yell "yall drinking all this damn milk like some newborns!!!' lol

Now i dont know about regular milk relaxing your curl pattern but i know coconut milk does. a lot of ricans do like a dc type thing with coconut milk to relax their curl pattern. in fact when i was younger i would cry every time my grandmother would try to do it. i cant remember why i was scared of coconut milk (i'm sure some craziness my cousins told me as usual). but she would chase me around the house and i would scream and hide, then she'd catch me and put me in the sink and pour that stuff all over my hair and body and i would have a fit. then after she would give me a bath (in the sink again lol i was little) and then i'd sit at the kitchen table with hot chocolate milk and watched her clean til my mom came home... aaaah, memories lmao
:rofl: the visual of you getting chased down for a coconut milk texlax is hilarious! I remember when my older brother would tell me stuff and I'd believe him :nono: Like that tomatoes were filled with congealed red spiders for instance. If only one kid refused to eat something, my mom would still cook it. But if BOTH of us refused to eat something, she wouldn't make it. Hence his motivation to scare me spitless about all kinds of normal foods like onions and tomatoes.

We have some coconut milk in the pantry, we use it for making indonesian dishes. :scratchch I may have to try this coconut milk thing. Should I sit under the heating cap?
i dont know about sitting under heat. i know its something you have to do it regularly and keep doing cause it wears off. but grandma never put me under heat or in a cap... just would leave me in the sink crying lol so i dunno. once i was big enough to take a bath in the tub i just played with toys lol. so yeah, i have no clue now lol
My brother was like that with mustard, it was so gross til this day i have never tried mustard:rolleyes::lachen:

Ok let me get my short haired butt outta this thread
I wish I could stomach milk. Someone I hate with a passion was always in my grill drinking milk straight from the jug, backwashing all in it and walking around with a milk mustache.... :wallbash: :burnup: :boxing: So even the thought of drinking milk makes me want to puke.

I have heard it's good used topically on your hair, though, the lactic acid loosens curls I think I've heard said.

Right now I'm sitting with my henna on my head and I will be putting more indigo on in just a little while. My previous indigo treatment didn't penetrate 100%, I missed a few greys and I have some reddish brown clumps that didn't get indigo on them.

After I indigo I will DC and then apply my new secret weapon! Avocado butter. I ordered it from Camden Gray, since FlowerHair swears by it. :love: :shocked: :drool: :cloud9: The first time I used it I could tell it was something special. :yep: I first applied aloe vera gel/juice, and then the avocado butter. OMG. My braidout was so soft and shiny! :love:

In short, Avocado butter= :infatuated: :gorgeous:
Checking in! I've been keeping my hair in cornrows for the past 2 weeks. I redid them individually last night after using Giovanni TTT shampoo and protein infusion deep conditioner. I also used giovanni deeper moisture. I cowash with my conrnrows in. I'm about 10weeks post, but i have some good new growth!
I think I'm going to take out my sew-in next month, and then decide what I want to do with my hair then. I'm kinda sick and tired of this bang. I'm not sure if I want to do one last install from April - August. I'm thinking that I should be WL by July or August. When I checked in December, I needed 4". We'll see.

Good luck ladies! :)