Waist Length in 2010

Hi ladies,

One thing I have noticed over the years is that hair anorexia is real :nono:. The longer our hair gets the shorter we feel it is. I know there was a time when I thought that APL was long, then the marker moved to BSL. Now marker is creeping towards MBL :spinning:. Many of us are always chasing long but never catching it because our definition of long changes as our hair grows.

So this got me to thinking; I know many of us are seeking longer lengths than WL so how can we fight hair anorexia once we reach WL? I think that one thing we should do is plan a way to celebrate our length once we reach our goal this year even if it is not our ultimate goal.

So what are you going to do to celebrate reaching WL?

To celebrate reaching my goal I am planning to do a big reveal for my hubby. I will be wearing buns most of the year and avoiding heat. So as a treat, once I reach my goal I am planning to flat iron and take hubby out for a night on the town :yep:.

What about you?
Hi ladies,

One thing I have noticed over the years is that hair anorexia is real :nono:. The longer our hair gets the shorter we feel it is. I know there was a time when I thought that APL was long, then the marker moved to BSL. Now marker is creeping towards MBL :spinning:. Many of us are always chasing long but never catching it because our definition of long changes as our hair grows.

So this got me to thinking; I know many of us are seeking longer lengths than WL so how can we fight hair anorexia once we reach WL? I think that one thing we should do is plan a way to celebrate our length once we reach our goal this year even if it is not our ultimate goal.

So what are you going to do to celebrate reaching WL?

To celebrate reaching my goal I am planning to do a big reveal for my hubby. I will be wearing buns most of the year and avoiding heat. So as a treat, once I reach my goal I am planning to flat iron and take hubby out for a night on the town :yep:.

What about you?

omg that is a good idea!!! i would have never thought of that!

hmmmm... what will i do? i dunno, i'mma have to think about this one
Hi ladies,

One thing I have noticed over the years is that hair anorexia is real :nono:. The longer our hair gets the shorter we feel it is. I know there was a time when I thought that APL was long, then the marker moved to BSL. Now marker is creeping towards MBL :spinning:. Many of us are always chasing long but never catching it because our definition of long changes as our hair grows.

So this got me to thinking; I know many of us are seeking longer lengths than WL so how can we fight hair anorexia once we reach WL? I think that one thing we should do is plan a way to celebrate our length once we reach our goal this year even if it is not our ultimate goal.

So what are you going to do to celebrate reaching WL?

To celebrate reaching my goal I am planning to do a big reveal for my hubby. I will be wearing buns most of the year and avoiding heat. So as a treat, once I reach my goal I am planning to flat iron and take hubby out for a night on the town :yep:.

What about you?

Great idea. I'm kind of alone in this journey b/c no one understands why I want more hair. For example, my DH doesn't really care about length - he said I have too much for the length it is now. He's more into texture and curls and when I straighten, he's asking how long it will be until I wash it out. I don't think it'll be a big deal to celebrate with him. I have to think about what my celebration will be.
Hi ladies,

One thing I have noticed over the years is that hair anorexia is real :nono:. The longer our hair gets the shorter we feel it is. I know there was a time when I thought that APL was long, then the marker moved to BSL. Now marker is creeping towards MBL :spinning:. Many of us are always chasing long but never catching it because our definition of long changes as our hair grows.

So this got me to thinking; I know many of us are seeking longer lengths than WL so how can we fight hair anorexia once we reach WL? I think that one thing we should do is plan a way to celebrate our length once we reach our goal this year even if it is not our ultimate goal.

So what are you going to do to celebrate reaching WL?

To celebrate reaching my goal I am planning to do a big reveal for my hubby. I will be wearing buns most of the year and avoiding heat. So as a treat, once I reach my goal I am planning to flat iron and take hubby out for a night on the town :yep:.

What about you?

This is a good idea. I haven't had a "long hair style" yet, so my celebration will be to consider getting a style. I have a Hispanic friend who is HL, and she always has a cute style that doesn't sacrifice her length. She has it with bangs, or sometimes layered in the front, etc.

If I chicken out from doing the style, lol, I'll treat myself to a flat-ironed, straight look to showcase my length. I'm normally in rollerset curls/waves, so wearing my hair straight is a real treat.
Hi ladies,

To celebrate reaching my goal I am planning to do a big reveal for my hubby. I will be wearing buns most of the year and avoiding heat. So as a treat, once I reach my goal I am planning to flat iron and take hubby out for a night on the town :yep:.

What about you?

I love your idea of doing a big reveal for your hubby! I've got to find a way to show off some more length without the heat to appease my other half. He was not happy with the constant buns, but he just might have to deal with it because I really want to make WL this year!!! If you ladies have any ideas on various styles that still show length please share them!:yep:!
Great idea. I'm kind of alone in this journey b/c no one understands why I want more hair. For example, my DH doesn't really care about length - he said I have too much for the length it is now. He's more into texture and curls and when I straighten, he's asking how long it will be until I wash it out. I don't think it'll be a big deal to celebrate with him. I have to think about what my celebration will be.

I can kind of relate. My DH doesn't really care about length either. He likes that I can do lots of different things to my hair and since I straighten it so infrequently he always likes it straight.

It's kind of funny, I have always gotten attention because of my hair. One thing that attracted me to DH was that he was not studding my length or my curls. But now that I am putting so much effort into growing it really long I want him to be suddenly transformed into a man that loves long curly hair :rolleyes:.
This is a good idea. I haven't had a "long hair style" yet, so my celebration will be to consider getting a style. I have a Hispanic friend who is HL, and she always has a cute style that doesn't sacrifice her length. She has it with bangs, or sometimes layered in the front, etc.

I love that idea. This is what I am planning to do next summer when I reach my final goal of HL (hopefully). I am planning to take a trip to NY with some girlfriends and get my hair cut at Devanchan (sp). I want to get face framing layers and have my curls pampered by people who won't butcher them :yep:.
i never wanted to be wl before, but hair anorexia is getting to me, and mbl is sounding short to me..if/when i reach bsl this march, i may enter into this challenge lol
Alert ***If you requested to be in the challenge before December 22 but your name is not on the list please pm me so that I can add it. ***

Ok so I just read through this thread and found a whole page of ladies that I didn't add to the list :blush:.

Fine 4s, angel_tee, pretyhair73, classychic1908, Whimsy, and beauti I am so sorry. I feel really bad but somehow I managed to miss a whole section of posts :nono:. I have added your names.
I know I posted in the MBL 2010 one but why not try for both (especially since they're so close). I'mma be positive:

mnemosyne- mbl challenge??? you look there to me lol i dunno if you're a hairorexic or if i'm delusional about length lmao
^^^ I know; BSL and MBL are tricky markers because for a lot of folks they are at about the same point on the body. There are even some folks who hit MBL before BSL. Heck I have a friend who has a very short torso and for her BSL and WL are only like an inch apart if that. For her BSL, MBL and WL are all just about one in the same :spinning:.
Hi ladies,

One thing I have noticed over the years is that hair anorexia is real :nono:. The longer our hair gets the shorter we feel it is. I know there was a time when I thought that APL was long, then the marker moved to BSL. Now marker is creeping towards MBL :spinning:. Many of us are always chasing long but never catching it because our definition of long changes as our hair grows.

So this got me to thinking; I know many of us are seeking longer lengths than WL so how can we fight hair anorexia once we reach WL? I think that one thing we should do is plan a way to celebrate our length once we reach our goal this year even if it is not our ultimate goal.

So what are you going to do to celebrate reaching WL?

To celebrate reaching my goal I am planning to do a big reveal for my hubby. I will be wearing buns most of the year and avoiding heat. So as a treat, once I reach my goal I am planning to flat iron and take hubby out for a night on the town :yep:.

What about you?

I do have hair anorexia (APL did seem long once upon a time)!
My idea is to do a Sylver2 style braidout
:gorgeous:and take the family out. OR just wear a BIG, BAD TWISTOUT at a formal event!!!! :giggle:
I'd like to join! My goal is to have waist length hair with healthy thick ends by the end of the year. I have about 1 or 2 inches to go before I reach waist. I have a pic in my avatar. I'll post a better one when I get my hair flat ironed again.
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I do have hair anorexia (APL did seem long once upon a time)!
My idea is to do a Sylver2 style braidout
:gorgeous:and take the family out. OR just wear a BIG, BAD TWISTOUT at a formal event!!!! :giggle:

I like both of those ideas but I really like the one underlined :yep:. I love wearing big hair to a formal event, it is so unexpected. And then for that big hair to be long; honey hush :grin:.
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I'd like to join! My goal is to have waist length hair with healthy thick ends by the end of the year. I have a pic in my avatar. I'll post a better one when I get my hair flat ironed again.

:hiya::welcome: ADB. You look like you are well on your way to WL. Your hair looks great in your avatar, nice blunt ends :yep:.
Just checking in: I've been cowashing every other day (or every 2 days....its soooooo cold out!) and airdrying in braids or plaits. I've been wearing daily sock buns (braid out buns, smooth buns, etc). Yesterday I used AOGPB conditioner on dry hair for about 30min, then used paul mitchell shampoo two to clarify. I then used giovanni deeper moisture and used a mix of EVOO and giovanni direct leave-in and put my hair in 5 plaits to airdry. My new growth is really lookin good. I'll be 8 weeks post relaxer this tuesday. I don't plan on getting a relaxer till march, so this regimen is helping me keep my NG tamed and moisturized.
Just checking in: I've been cowashing every other day (or every 2 days....its soooooo cold out!) and airdrying in braids or plaits. I've been wearing daily sock buns (braid out buns, smooth buns, etc). Yesterday I used AOGPB conditioner on dry hair for about 30min, then used paul mitchell shampoo two to clarify. I then used giovanni deeper moisture and used a mix of EVOO and giovanni direct leave-in and put my hair in 5 plaits to airdry. My new growth is really lookin good. I'll be 8 weeks post relaxer this tuesday. I don't plan on getting a relaxer till march, so this regimen is helping me keep my NG tamed and moisturized.

Thanks for the update bigbrowneyez; it sounds like your reggie is really working for you :yep:.

How about the rest of us, how is it going? I know we have not gotten into February yet but how are you ladies doing?

I have been doing a really good job of sticking to my reggie. I have worn PS everyday since the start of December (with two exceptions on Dec 19th and 20th) I have been taking my daily vitamine daily (which is huge for me) and I have faithfully DT every week. The one thing I have not done so well is keep up with my exercising which I am supposed to be doing this year three times a week.

I can already see a noticeable difference in the length of my hair and the feel of my ends. My hair is really soft from root to tip and it feels really well moisturized and strong. This is a huge accomplishment because typically during the winter months my hair is dry and feels fragile.
How about the rest of us, how is it going? I know we have not gotten into February yet but how are you ladies doing?

My hair is doing pretty well. Style wise--I’ve been keeping it in twists lately (medium/large twists pinned up) to be exact. I’ve been getting a bit bored with them since I’ve been wearing twists for the last 3-4 weeks, it’s time for something else. *lol* Next week I will go back to my buns/updo’s and alternate between that and the twists just to keep any ‘hair boredom’ at bay. Length wise--I don’t see too much of a difference (as of yet) I’ll do a good length check in March to see how much closer my hair is to my natural waist, it’ shouldn’t be too far off, heck I should be there by then, that’s what I’m expecting/hoping. :crossfingers: Health wise--I’ve been sticking with my same regimen. Staying on top of my moisture most of all, and keeping any manipulation as low as possible, my hair feels and looks good overall.

Just curious~ How many naturals are in this challenge besides myself and testimony?
I'm checking in just to say hi. I have been doing ok I guess, everyone is saying that my hair is growing like crazy. But I am hairnorexic (sp) anyway I feel like my hair is way thicker, no idea why and not asking questions, lol.

Btw, I'm natural and I think my hair is in the 3 range, I was told 2, but I really dont think so after reading so much about hair type. I take my vitamins, I work out, drink my spirutein whey protein shake and have upped my spinach salad intake and this is all on a daily basis.

I will continue my twistout updos and buns and getting my hair blown out occasionally (I have to!).

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Hair Growing!
Hi Ladies :)

Somehow I missed this thread but I have been working towards my own goal of WL in 2010. I have achieved this goal before when I was relaxed but since going natural, I usually wear my hair between shoulder length and BSL.

I cowash every other day in warm weather and wear buns in cold weather and my hair seems to thrive from it.

I airdry my hair 99.9% of the time, don't straighten more than 1-2 times per year. I baby my ends, seal them with castor oil or shea butter when I wash, detangle with a shower comb

I do not straighten my hair much but I plan on doing a roller set on big gray rollers in Feb or March to see how long my hair actually is when semi straight.

The pic in my siggy is from 3 months ago and I'm now MBL.

Happy Growing!!
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