
As fast as your hair grows, you'll be at waist length in no time.


This is EXACTLY what I think, too. I've seen it what...3x's...with my own eyes. Girl, you can grow 'you' some hair...and in a minute.
Good grief the heck did you get to 4" from WL so fast? Has it been that long since the setback? WOW! WTG :)
aw, you suck... jus playin! calm down! but really, congrats, and get your hands on some mega-tek, stat!:cowgirl:
hi faith, i cut my hair to neck, in Dec 2006 to get rid of my damaged texturized ends, my hair has thrived since the cut, i still cornrow and use my line of products, and condition regularly. the pics will be coming in Sept. I hope i will be waistlength by then

Good grief the heck did you get to 4" from WL so fast? Has it been that long since the setback? WOW! WTG :)
I'm in the same boat. I'm going to step up my DC game, keep my hair twisted/braided up, and crank up my BT usage. If I do that, I could be there by Halloween but I'm allowing myself until Christmas.
I'm currently 4 inches above waist, anyone else in the same boat, call it over ambitious however, i'm hoping to reach this goal by beginning of sept. what are you doing to ensure that you reach waist length this year? i'll start first, i'm using my growth Aid, keeping up with cornrows technique, co washing up to 3 times weekly, taking my iron, and moisturising up to 3 times daily.

Do ya thing! You'll be WL in no time:yep: I'm trying to make it to midback myself:grin: I'll see WL next year (hopefully):drunk: