Waist Length in 2010

my hair is doing well and being good. in the shower i'm only like 2 inches away from wl, but i get a bit of extra stretch when under running water lol so i dunno. i'mma flat iron in like 3wks and i'll take pix then to verify where my hair is actually at lol
my hair is doing well and being good. in the shower i'm only like 2 inches away from wl, but i get a bit of extra stretch when under running water lol so i dunno. i'mma flat iron in like 3wks and i'll take pix then to verify where my hair is actually at lol

You are very close; I can't wait to see the pix in 3 weeks :grin:.

In an extremely ambitious move I joined the HL challenge as well. The chances of me reaching that are slim but I am going to have a lot of fun trying:grin:. The host of that challenge recently posed several questions that I thought were pretty cool and I wanted to ask you ladies.
1) What is your final goal length?
2) What do you like most about your current length?
3) How are you celebrating that length? I know we are all chasing longer lengths but what do you do to celebrate the length you have right now?

For me I think my final goal length is going to be HL. However, in the last couple of days I have been toying with the idea of TBL :grin:.

With my current length I love, love, love the flexibility I have with styling and the fact that I don't have to do much to make it look good. What I love the most though is the way my daughter responds to it. She loves to play with my braids and my curls.

I enjoy my hair the most on wash days. Because I'm natural and don't use heat the only time I fully experience my length is when I am in the shower. I love to just stand under the shower head and feel the weight of my hair on my back. I also enjoy taking care of my hair. I take my time when oiling, and applying henna or other DT. I really just try to appreciate the hair that I have.

What about you all =)
1) What is your final goal length? tbl

2) What do you like most about your current length? that it 'feels' long. like when i'm messing with it i dont think about length. i'm fine with this length because it satisfies my length need i guess. lol i dont know how else to explain it

3) How are you celebrating that length? i dont think i actually celebrate my current length, though i should, i think its a great idea. but i do enjoy it. i like taking care of my hair at home and i like keeping it out of my way with buns when i'm not home. i often tell people that my hair and make up is MY meditation. i void my self of all worries, stresses, and thoughts. i zen out for the whole time i'm washing, dc'ing, detangling, putting products in, and putting on my face lol. just the whole act of it is very calming and soothing to me.
Hey - let me chime in here! I was just thinking "how long will it take for my hair to reach waist length"?

I just started wearing my natural hair about 2 weeks ago and its currently past my shoulders (but before my bra strap). I'm not sure how many inches my hair is to my waist (I'm guessing 8 inches?) nor do I know how fast my hair grows per month (I'm guessing very fast because, when I was getting a relaxer, I had to have a retouch every 4 weeks because I had so much new growth!).

I'll use my profile pic as my before pic and I'll check in periodically to show my growth process. I'm hoping I can reach waist length at the end of this year but, if not, I think I can do it by 2011.
Joining this challenge. I've been away since the end of October due to illness. I managed to keep most of my hair thanks to my cousin. She was a gift from God. Shout out to you cuz.

What I plan to do to my hair? Keep the same reggie that I've been doing.

1. No poo or Low poo, and DC 2x a week
2. Moisturize and seal with whipped shea butter mixed with EO and castor oil nightly.
3. Protein treatment every 2 months.
4. Low maniputation (only comb 1x per week )
5. Heat next Jan. '11 (I've been straightening 1x/yr for a couple of years)
6. If I can afford a steamer at all this year, I'll start using that with my DC's

Pics coming by 1/30/10.
Been able to DC once a week with a co-wash and tea rinse after.
I tried a Shikakai powder paste on Friday night to clarify my hair :nono:.
I'll have to read up on more moisturizing mixes of this because my hair got really tangled (even though I washed in braided sections!)
I did find that my hair loves a rinse with warm water during the week to airdry in a bun (overnight) after applying leave-ins and sealing!

My regi so far:
DC once a week followed by a co-wash (HE HH) and tea rinse (organic white tea and horsetail herbs).
Moisturize and seal twice daily.
Buns (donut) for most of the week.
Trying out twist-out sets on the weekend but still not perfect! :ohwell:
Meant to baggy daily but......:blush:
May add in a rinse with water during the week to keep my ends moisturizesd inside the bun whilst I keep M&Sing the edges!

That's me this past week!
When stretched my longest layers are WL but I don't feel comfortable claiming it until it falls a bit more naturally
I'm dying to straighten but I did a heat pass in November (my signature) and didn't do a deliberate length check (that was a candid shot). I didn't feel like my hair had grown much since Sept. I want to baby it and wait for a while. I've been stuck at MBL forever. I think I may have a hair or two touching my waist when I wash my hair. OOOHHH....I hope I can wait until spring for my next reveal.
I guess I havent updated here in a while. I've been soo lazy with my hair, nearly been in my install for 8wks. I have been cowashing and DC'ing every 3-4 days. And thats pretty much it. Im trying to keep this install for 12wks but IDK if I can make it. I have a lot of growth right now and Im inching to do a length check. But I know what is going to happen, I am going to take down my install, do the length check, then realize "now I have to deal with my own hair or put another install in" (both of which Im too tired to deal with) So I will regret taking it down early. So this is my motivation to keep it til I hit 12wks, plus my hair will have been hidden for a whole month more so thats means more growth.

I'm staying the course :armyhat: I'm taking my supplements, drinking lots of water, eating protein. My hair is now cornrowed up under a wig. It sure was fun wearing it out for 2 whole days, lol, but now I need to get back on track.

I'm trying to stick to a hair schedule now of a DC 1x a week, protein 2x a month, indigo 1x a month, rebraiding every 4 weeks. I am SO CLOSE I can taste it!
i need to dc... i havent done it at all in '010 i think lmao!!! that's horrible! i need to do it, but my hair hasnt suffered, i dont think lol. my hair is feeling quite moisturized and my ends are looking well.

i've been using HE HH for like a week or 2 now and i really love it! i use it as a leave in cond even though its a rinse out, my hair laughs at leave ins lol. i also dyed my hair black about a wk ago, not sure if i previously mentioned it. that's how i learned about HE HH actually. my natural color is black but i bleached a few yrs ago and since i leave my hair long i still have bleached ends that i was previously rinsing black. i got irritated with the rinses so i bought a box color and let my friend put it in. afterwards, i realize i didnt bring any of my hair stuff so i told my friend to let me use any rinse out conditioner she has and some evoo. she bought to me the HE HH, i was a little iffy about it but once my hair dried, i was IN LOVE!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! went and purchased my own bottle right after that lol
Cool updates ladies. I am glad that everyone's hair is fairing well.

LadyPaniolo- I think you have already reached WL. You look like you are grazing HL. I think I told you this on another thread but it is worth saying again, your hair is GORGEOUS :yep:. Very thick and healthy looking.

I am doing well too. I am so close to WL. I conditioned my hair today and did a length check in the shower, A good portion of my hair is only 1.5 inches away from my natural waist :grin: (my hair grows in a slight V and I have some long layers).

I have been wearing buns all year. I had gotten really board with them but I have recently gotten my second wind. I've been spicing them up a bit using braids. I never really did PS before, I wore my hair down most of the time. But now I don't feel right if my hair is out. Even when I am in the house I keep my hair up and my ends tucked away. When my hair is down I feel like every second that my ends are exposed damage is being done. Like the air is somehow damaging my ends. It is ridiculous and a bit extreme but that is how my mind works :lachen:. The good thing is that I have no desire to straighten my hair. Let's just hope this feeling lasts through the winter.
Cool updates ladies. I am glad that everyone's hair is fairing well.

LadyPaniolo- I think you have already reached WL. You look like you are grazing HL. I think I told you this on another thread but it is worth saying again, your hair is GORGEOUS :yep:. Very thick and healthy looking.

I am doing well too. I am so close to WL. I conditioned my hair today and did a length check in the shower, A good portion of my hair is only 1.5 inches away from my natural waist :grin: (my hair grows in a slight V and I have some long layers).

I have been wearing buns all year. I had gotten really board with them but I have recently gotten my second wind. I've been spicing them up a bit using braids. I never really did PS before, I wore my hair down most of the time. But now I don't feel right if my hair is out. Even when I am in the house I keep my hair up and my ends tucked away. When my hair is down I feel like every second that my ends are exposed damage is being done. Like the air is somehow damaging my ends. It is ridiculous and a bit extreme but that is how my mind works :lachen:. The good thing is that I have no desire to straighten my hair. Let's just hope this feeling lasts through the winter.

:grin:I think the same way!
lol i think the same way too... like i air dry at home with my hair down (cause if in a pony or bun it will never dry) so i try to do very little while my hair is drying because i think "my hair is DOWN and WET!!!!" so i like picture my hair breaking off with every movement like an old dry brown leaf lmao... so we're crazy, that's ok right?

and i no desire to straighten my hair either. i plan on doing it for valentines weekend. well actually week, but still. and i dont even want to do that. but i am anxious to see where my length is at. like i check when i wash my hair, but since my hair stretches i really dont know what i'm working with
Ok, I feel better now, I may be crazy but at least I am in good company :grin:. And hay everyone is a little crazy...right :drunk:.

y'all, just think, one day we are going to reach our ultimate hair goals and won't have to be so ridiculous about retaining growth. Oh happy day, one happy day :lachen:... I wonder what I will obsess over then :look:?
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Ok, I feel better now, I may be crazy but at least I am in good company :grin:. And hay everyone is a little crazy...right :drunk:.

y'all, just thing, one day we are going to reach our ultimate hair goals and won't have to be so ridiculous about retaining growth. Oh happy day, one happy day :lachen:... I wonder what I will obsess over then :look:?

Eyeshadows:lachen::lachen::lachen:....i'm obsessed over makeup right now!! Lol!!!

We'll be all up in MAC accidentally slapping the makeup artists in the face with our Waist Length hair talkin bout "how you think this'll look on me?":lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Cool updates ladies. :yep:I am glad that everyone's hair is fairing well.

I have been wearing buns all year. I had gotten really board with them but I have recently gotten my second wind. I've been spicing them up a bit using braids. I never really did PS before, I wore my hair down most of the time. But now I don't feel right if my hair is out. Even when I am in the house I keep my hair up and my ends tucked away. When my hair is down I feel like every second that my ends are exposed damage is being done. Like the air is somehow damaging my ends. It is ridiculous and a bit extreme but that is how my mind works :lachen:. The good thing is that I have no desire to straighten my hair. Let's just hope this feeling lasts through the winter.

Same here.
My hair is doing well. I am also in the rollersetting challenge so I've been rollersetting every 5-7 days. I'm 5 weeks post and plan to relax the first week of March. I'll do a length check then.

with becoming waist length and I know its only January but I am having serious doubt...Thank God I have you ladies to keep me in check. :)

with becoming waist length and I know its only January but I am having serious doubt...Thank God I have you ladies to keep me in check. :)

From you signature pic, with the braid, it looks like you are so close that you could sneeze and be there. Just keep checking in. We're all in the same boat. You can do it.:yep: