Waist Length in 2010

Njoy, Myselfandj, and OP
you have make alot of great progress, congratz
MAJ I think you're WL already :woot: let's start the party :band2: :bouncy:
Ohh I wanna party but I feel like I need a good 2-3 more inches before I can claim it. Im thinking Dec, by im gonna be shouting WL from the mountain tops. lol
Ohh I wanna party but I feel like I need a good 2-3 more inches before I can claim it. Im thinking Dec, by im gonna be shouting WL from the mountain tops. lol

What the?! 2-3 more inches? :rolleyes: I think you're on that stuff too? :lachen::lachen: Your hair is looking good, girl! If you don't claim wl at least by the end of this month, I'll be looking fo ya. :spank:
I have my hair up in braids but I see no growth :(

It's okay though :)

I only plan on joining the WL challenge next year as far as length goal. I might subject myself to two more challenges.

I am hanging in there right now with my new schedule :) Next tuesday makes 2 weeks, wish me luck.

I am trying so many new things at the moment. New diet (what a BIG change), & New hair schedule and some speed walking :) trying to trim this waist line.
I have my hair up in braids but I see no growth :(

It's okay though :)

I only plan on joining the WL challenge next year as far as length goal. I might subject myself to two more challenges.

I am hanging in there right now with my new schedule :) Next tuesday makes 2 weeks, wish me luck.

I am trying so many new things at the moment. New diet (what a BIG change), & New hair schedule and some speed walking :) trying to trim this waist line.

I hear you on this one. My update pics have been calling me out left and right. I at least want to arrive at WL with an actual WAIST! I figure, no need drawing attention to my waist with wl hair if I'm not in shape. So, I'm trying to focus on shaping up too, girl. :ohwell:
Happily wearing my wl phonytail. Yep. :yep: Instant WL. Can't tell me no-thing! :grin:

Where is everybody?
Here's a little update. I touched up last week, but just did a rollerset.


I tried to do one of those half-half shots that some ladies do, but... meh


I'm not sure if I'll make WL before new years eve. If I don't I'll just join 2011's WL and HL challenges.

Please ignore my raggeteh "house" clothes... and backfat.
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Here's a little update. I touched up last week, but just did a rollerset.


I tried to do one of those half-half shots that some ladies do, but... meh


I'm not sure if I'll make WL before new years eve. If I don't I'll just join 2011's WL and HL challenges.

Please ignore my raggeteh "house" clothes... and backfat.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: You Divas crack me up with "I'm not sure if I'll make it" when you know GOOD AND DERN WELL YOU'RE BREATHING ON WL RIGHT NOW! :yep: You will DEFINITELY be WL by the end of the year. Heck, you'll be scraping it by the end of this month. :congrats: Your hair looks FABULOUS!!! :waytogo:
Here's a little update. I touched up last week, but just did a rollerset.


I tried to do one of those half-half shots that some ladies do, but... meh


I'm not sure if I'll make WL before new years eve. If I don't I'll just join 2011's WL and HL challenges.

Please ignore my raggeteh "house" clothes... and backfat.

Oohhh OP your hair is :lick: you go Girl! You'll be there by years end for sure. You'll be in HL 2011 :D
Yeah it has been quiet in here. I'm tryin so hard not to do a length check thats why I haven't been stoppin in. Feel like I'm in the same spot. I think my last length check was July so I'm gonna wait until September.

Optimus Prime what you talkin bout?! Looks like you only need about an inch to make it!
Here's a little update. I touched up last week, but just did a rollerset.


I tried to do one of those half-half shots that some ladies do, but... meh


I'm not sure if I'll make WL before new years eve. If I don't I'll just join 2011's WL and HL challenges.

Great hair and pics! You are literally right there! 1-2 months you'll most likely be full WL. And your ends look good too :yep: CONGRATS!
uhhh, prime.... you know you're like >< right there darn near right???? it will not take you no 4 months to make up that lil bit o' space between your ends and wl. i'm sure if you sneeze hard enough you'll be there!!!

on this end of things... i may finally be headed out of purgatory land (that space between wl and hl lol) cause its seems about about 2-3inches away from hl. i think i can make it by nov or dec
Here's a little update. I touched up last week, but just did a rollerset.


I tried to do one of those half-half shots that some ladies do, but... meh


I'm not sure if I'll make WL before new years eve. If I don't I'll just join 2011's WL and HL challenges.

Please ignore my raggeteh "house" clothes... and backfat.
you are going to be there soooo soon congrats. dec 31st youll be full WL trust
Random Thought:
Ladies....my SIGGY pic contains my FIRST official Length check, I have to admit...I didn't feel like my hair was budging at all :nono:, but now that I have some evidence I'm feeling pretty confident and motivated!!
wooot wooooot!!
LOL noooooooooooo!! How about I posted in the wrong thread! Thought this was the Waistlength in 2012 thread!!!
yup im shame! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
HAHA! That's ok! Great progress! KUTGW

BTW I personally think you can be WL in 2011 if you retain most of your growth....but no pressure!

AND you can change your siggy because you're APL!!! Congrats!
Thank you so much everyone. You guys are so encouraging cause that hair anorexia is no joke. If I hadn't learned to take pics, I'd swear I was apl.

on this end of things... i may finally be headed out of purgatory land (that space between wl and hl lol) cause its seems about about 2-3inches away from hl. i think i can make it by nov or dec

You'll most likely be there this year. I be spyin' on you on deez hairboards :peek2: and you're pretty close.

I'm almost there again. Have about an inch left to go. Please don't mind my crazy hair, I just came back from the water park.



You look WL to me. You're only stretching and your hair isn't straightened in these pics. :congrats:
Kurli-Q, beautiful hair and congrats. You are there. :yep:

Optimus_Prime, you are so close to waist length and I love that roller set. Your hair is very beautiful and is going to look so amazing at waist length. You will definitely make it by the end of the year.

Congrats ladies. All of you are doing a great job.
Been wearing my natural hair flatironed these past few weeks. So glad to have a break from the SSK's. I still workout. I re-iron the frizzy hair when it becomes really bothersome to me.

Current length: I'd say MBL. Doesn't look like I'll make WL this year but I'm not discouraged. I've always been a slow grower.
Kurli-Q, beautiful hair and congrats. You are there. :yep:

Optimus_Prime, you are so close to waist length and I love that roller set. Your hair is very beautiful and is going to look so amazing at waist length. You will definitely make it by the end of the year.

Congrats ladies. All of you are doing a great job.

Thanks, young lady! You're very gracious :)

Been wearing my natural hair flatironed these past few weeks. So glad to have a break from the SSK's. I still workout. I re-iron the frizzy hair when it becomes really bothersome to me.

Current length: I'd say MBL. Doesn't look like I'll make WL this year but I'm not discouraged. I've always been a slow grower.

Take a pitcha! you may be surprised :yep: