Waist Length in 2010

oh no ma'am!!! i hate the humidity lmao but my hair loves it :wallbash: i will still with the 2 months of humidity

Lol, I agree the humidity is very good for the hair. I have absolutely no issues with hair dryness during the summer. Unfortunately, this results in more acne too. I hope you get your rain very soon Mz. MoMo, lol!
Well its been raining every single day where i'm at....particularly every evening....don't know if i truly received my growth spurt yet:ohwell:

Still pushinng for Full Waist Length by the end of the year.....i just need 2 inches to do it!:yep:
I got my hair done on Friday :) I am so happy I went, I am so satified with this weeks services, From my hair to goes they've done a great JOB!
HEllo Ladies :)

How are you doing, I have been so Busy with the Mr. and now my boys are back. I have used 1 thing up.

My NTM Silk Touch Leave in is all finished.

I am also going to be making a couple of trips to the Salon for the SUmmer, I think since I like to pamper myself in the warmer months usually from May - September.

I am also putting this on prepaid cards and making request for gifts for gift certificates.
I Realized I miss being pampered.

I had a Prescriptive Facial, Pedicure, Wax and my hair done this week and it felt so relieving. I haven't gotten this much attention in such a long time. I feel like a new woman :)

I think the Mr. Needs one he is a bit cranky! :D
Sure is quiet in here. Checking back to see if JJ decided to post some pics (cough*hint*cough) :lick:
No real updates here. I made the serious decision not to cut until next year. Hopefully that will help get me to WL by December.

Want see to some updates from everyone else-need some inspiration ladies!
Sure is quiet in here. Checking back to see if JJ decided to post some pics (cough*hint*cough) :lick:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: no I don't have any pics. Plus my curls so nicely dropped today which sucks I am like all that work to have the humid heat just drop my curls like nothing :nono: I will be taking some more pics in December. I want to give my hair time to regrow after my trim :D
I'm about to be a hennindigo-head. Just ordered henna and indigo last night. Gonna try it for the first time. I'm looking for a way to get jet black hair but, the strengthening benefit of henna is a big plus. Anyone here use either? Look at my hair. Won't that black be stunning?!

ETA: Trying to be jet black like the lovely JJamiah.
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Hey ladies! So I made BSB in mid April, BSL about a month and a half ago, and am currently in the MBL 2010 challege & WL 2011 challenge. I decided to come in this thread to peak in, and I recognize some of the other ladies in the MBL challenge over here as well. :)

So I'm thinking, for fun, I'd like to join this challenge too, if it's not too late. :) I say "for fun" because my actual goal is WL by next May, but hey you never know right? Maybe I could possibly graze WL by the end of the year with a summer growth spurt. I'm about 1.5 inches inches from MBL and about 4.5-5 inches from WL. I'll be over here getting inspiration from you ladies! Best wishes to you all and HHG!
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Ok so can I vent for a second? It has nothing to do with my hair but....it leads up to my hair lol

So....I'm so freakin sick of my body and its proportions and the way my body stores fat. So I've gained 15 pounds since being in college. Graduated HS in 07 at 135 lbs....everybody told me I was too skinny and needed to gain weight (although I didn't feel that way). My arms were skinny, my legs were skinny, I hardly had a butt or hips. Fast forward to now, I'm a senior in college. I definitely gained the freshman 15. I'm satisfied with my legs, hips, and arms BUT I HATE my waist, backand stomach. The fat went there FIRST and then the other places. So whenever I start losing weight (I would like to get back down to 135) it leaves my legs, butt and hips first. I don't wanna have a child's body forever but I HATE my fat back.:wallbash: I can't even tell where my waist is anymore:sad:...which leads me to my hair...can ya'll tell me how far I have until waist length? I thought it was where my roll was but then in another pic, it seemed to be higher than the roll (I looked from where it started going in). So I posted 3 pics with red lines of where I THINK my waist is. WHERE IS IT?!! And how many inches do I have to get there?

Ok my rant is over....I'm just really emotional right now. Earlier I was whining about my slow growth and now this.:sad:

ETA: ok looking at the AFTER pics, my back doesn't look that bad. But trust me, before I cropped the pics....*shudders*


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you store fat exactly like me. my gut is like my camels hump for fat lol, my back rolls are no joke and i hate my shape w/o properly fitting close.

also, when i lose weight my thighs and hips are the 1st to go. i feel you pain my friend.

but i also go by my fat roll for wl lol it seems to work the best for me. but that is why i only take length check pix WITH shirts lol i dont want the world to see my fatty sexiness lol

eta: i think the 1st 2 pix have the line in the right place... and i wish i had your rolls. i have monster rolls compared to yours lmao
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Ok so can I vent for a second? It has nothing to do with my hair but....it leads up to my hair lol

So....I'm so freakin sick of my body and its proportions and the way my body stores fat. So I've gained 15 pounds since being in college. Graduated HS in 07 at 135 lbs....everybody told me I was too skinny and needed to gain weight (although I didn't feel that way). My arms were skinny, my legs were skinny, I hardly had a butt or hips. Fast forward to now, I'm a senior in college. I definitely gained the freshman 15. I'm satisfied with my legs, hips, and arms BUT I HATE my waist, backand stomach. The fat went there FIRST and then the other places. So whenever I start losing weight (I would like to get back down to 135) it leaves my legs, butt and hips first. I don't wanna have a child's body forever but I HATE my fat back.:wallbash: I can't even tell where my waist is anymore:sad:...which leads me to my hair...can ya'll tell me how far I have until waist length? I thought it was where my roll was but then in another pic, it seemed to be higher than the roll (I looked from where it started going in). So I posted 3 pics with red lines of where I THINK my waist is. WHERE IS IT?!! And how many inches do I have to get there?

Ok my rant is over....I'm just really emotional right now. Earlier I was whining about my slow growth and now this.:sad:

ETA: ok looking at the AFTER pics, my back doesn't look that bad. But trust me, before I cropped the pics....*shudders*

(Y'all, please don't get me cryin. :rolleyes:)

Your hair looks great and is growing nicely.

Btw, I use my fat roll as my wl marker. I'm in the same position as you with wanting to put on weight in certain areas and adding where you didn't want it. :nono:
lol maybe instead of the "wl challenge" we should be the "fr (fat roll) challenge" lol

but yalls rolls still have nothing on mine
lol I love the challenge. Just the motivation I need to hit the gym hahaha. I remember taking pics before I started working out for my comparison pics and they looked HORRIBLE! But I proabbly think I have more rolls than I really do just like I don't think my hair is long. Oh the craziness of being an insane woman.
lol I love the challenge. Just the motivation I need to hit the gym hahaha. I remember taking pics before I started working out for my comparison pics and they looked HORRIBLE! But I proabbly think I have more rolls than I really do just like I don't think my hair is long. Oh the craziness of being an insane woman.

had to repeat this lol
lol I love the challenge. Just the motivation I need to hit the gym hahaha. I remember taking pics before I started working out for my comparison pics and they looked HORRIBLE! But I proabbly think I have more rolls than I really do just like I don't think my hair is long. Oh the craziness of being an insane woman.

Wow. Y'all shamed me back over to the fitness side where I'm MIA in at least 2 challenges. :blush: I just want to lose this back fat. Course, I'm sitting here eating dark chocolate peanut m&m's now. I feel so dirty. :blush:
^^^ bad girl! you should give those m&m's to me :D lol

so monsoon has finally come and my hair is behaving so well. my friends (who i've been helping with her hair) hair is behaving too. i think we found the secrete to humidity and hair lol
I guess I missed this thread and challenge. I think I can make full WL by December. I'll stick to my 1x a week DCing and moisturising every other day for optimum retention. I'll be retouching every 8 - 12 weeks.
I guess I missed this thread and challenge. I think I can make full WL by December. I'll stick to my 1x a week DCing and moisturising every other day for optimum retention. I'll be retouching every 8 - 12 weeks.

Welcome!!:grin: I believe that I can make WSL by December too. I have 4" to go, but I don't think I'll be full WSL.