Waist Length in 2010

Great job Dee Raven! Ladies all of you are looking like December will be a great month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow lane IT's so funny because I was looking through my favorite photos on hairlista and your current profile pic was one of them. I was sad to notice that the pic was from like 09. Do you have any more recent pics?

The profile pic on hairlista is a pic from August 2010. My prior profile pic on hairlista is the pic you see in my profile. I added pic of my hair from today, dried not straightened. I'm considering flat ironing my hair around the end of October or November.
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lane Your hair looks so thick and healthy. Nice!

Ok ladies. Here we are in the final stretch, the last quarter of this year. How's everyone feeling about making the WL goal? And, if you're planning to up your game for this last quarter, what will you do differently?

As for me, I'm still hoping for wl but, I'm very pleased with the progress made so far this year. :yep: I've been slacking last quarter and am not really motivated like I was in the beginning but, I do plan to increase my water intake and continue with what's been working so far. Definitely going back to my sulfur treatments, maybe every other day. I won't try anything new. Just coasting with what I've been doing, but more consistently.
Im flat ironing tonight, because I cant stand this bun any longer. Last night I washed, did a protein dc with steam, and did a black rinse, air dried in plaits. This morning I took out the plaits put my hair into a loose braid out bun for work. And when I get home tonight I will flatiron. Im excited. Whoo Whoo!! This is the longest I've had my hair out in the past year. its been two months since I removed my last install. Hopefully I see some length progress and not a setback. I am still learning how to deal with my own hair and retain, we'll see tonight If I have been doing a good job. Or if I need to go back to weaves asap. lol
Njoy, thanks! I think my hair just looks thick because I didn't flatiron my hair. I just dried it under a hooded dryer. What do your sulfur treatments consist of?

Memyselfandj, I'm sure you will do fine and there will be know need to go back to weaves, unless you want to.
So I'm at the point where I know I need a touch up. NG hasn't been difficult to manage but, today it felt like a lot of my shed hair was actual demarc breakage. I'm not sure but, this is around the time that I'm sure I'm going to go bald. I won't be able to relax for another week which will put me at 14 or 15 weeks post. Um, stretching is so not for me. But, to tie me over, I'm doing a carmel treatment to settle my ng a bit. *sigh* I hope to make it to wl, even if I cross the line with 3 wl hairs left on my head. :rolleyes:
Just finished slathering Miss Jessie's Super Sweetback Treatment onto my dry hair and covering with a plastic bag from Target. I get better results when I apply conditioners onto dry hair.

My bathroom smells oh so bubble gummy right now!:drunk:

We'll see how SST compares to my beloved Aubrey Glycogen Protein Balancing. Tough challenge because me and GPB have been going strong for 8 years! :love3:
Here's a tiny update. I'm 9 weeks post so I may touch up next week or a month from now.
Eh, sticking with Aubrey GPB. The SST was okay but the results were not worth the price I paid for that jar. :perplexed
Hello ladies!

I've updated my siggy and the very ends of my hair are touching my waist. My goal is to have the majority of my hair at my waist. But for the past few months my hair has been growing in a 'V' shape :ohwell: There's still 2months left so hopefully it can fill out a bit. Fingers crossed!!

Congrats to all those who have made it already :yep:

I can't wait to see all the updates on 31/12/10!

OMG I am soooo anxious to straighten my hair. I was gonna straighten it for Thanksgiving for my 1 year post relaxer anniversary but I'm braiding my hair right now and I think I will keep these in for a while and rebraid as needed. So this will be my last length check before Christmas. Hope I don't have to trim too much when I straighten.


Oh yeah, and I have no idea where my waist is. I thought it was where my rolls were but as they begin to disappear, it looks like my waistline is lower but those little bulging areas on the side will soon be gone 15 lbs from now so I guess I'll figure out where my waist is then lol

Where is everyone! What ya'll be doin wit the hair?
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Hello ladies!

I've updated my siggy and the very ends of my hair are touching my waist. My goal is to have the majority of my hair at my waist. But for the past few months my hair has been growing in a 'V' shape :ohwell: There's still 2months left so hopefully it can fill out a bit. Fingers crossed!!

Congrats to all those who have made it already :yep:

I can't wait to see all the updates on 31/12/10!


@angel_tee, I could've sworn I responded to your post. Maybe in another thread? Who knows, the site has been ridiculous lately. Just wanted to say your hair looks beautiful!. Can't wait to see how much it fills out at the end of this year. Either way, it will look great. KUTGW!!

OMG I am soooo anxious to straighten my hair. I was gonna straighten it for Thanksgiving for my 1 year post relaxer anniversary but I'm braiding my hair right now and I think I will keep these in for a while and rebraid as needed. So this will be my last length check before Christmas. Hope I don't have to trim too much when I straighten.


Oh yeah, and I have no idea where my waist is. I thought it was where my rolls were but as they begin to disappear, it looks like my waistline is lower but those little bulging areas on the side will soon be gone 15 lbs from now so I guess I'll figure out where my waist is then lol

Where is everyone! What ya'll be doin wit the hair?

@LaFemmeNaturelle, Wow! 1 year post in November? That's awesome and your hair is coming along great! I can't wait to see it flat ironed. How much relaxed/texlaxed hair do you still have, if any? I'm trying to make this transition decision. Gotta do so before the 3rd. I'm most concerned with being able to handle natural hair after being relaxed 100 yrs.

In any case, KUTGW! You're breathing on wl, girlie! Nice! Oh, and I feel you on the side bulges thing. Congrats on slimming down and KUTGW there too.
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HAHAHA NJoy, the majority of my hair is definitely still relaxed. I have about 5-5.5 inches of ng stretched so I'm just about average. Don't fear taking care of natural hair. I honestly don't think it's harder than caring for relaxed hair and if anything, it's easier because its not as fragile. I basically have the same reggie I had when I was relaxed except I no longer deep condition and I had to switch some products to help with detangling. Plus, if you feel you can't handle it, you can always go back to texlaxing but you should at least give it a try to see if you like it/can handle it.

And yeah I've been working out! I didn't work out today or yesterday because I took a nap and everytime I take naps I wake up with migraines. I guess God wants me to workout when I'm tired instead of sleep lol But why do you have to decide before the 3rd?
LaFemmeNaturelle, thanks for the info. I'm saying I have to decide by the 3rd because that's when I'm scheduled to relax. And that date came from wanting it freshly relaxed again by NYE. But, like I said in the other thread, my ng is growing in softer (I think it's the msm) and is looking like the previously texlaxed hair. Don't know how I'll be able to relax without overlapping. So, in a way, since the ng is manageable (and the waves are beautiful), I think transitioning might be ok....but...what happens if it turns on me? What if it starts breaking at the point of demarc and I have a major setback? *sigh* And transitioning to natural, what if I can't handle natural hair? Girl, is it getting dark? I think the room is spinning. *faints* I have no earthly idea what I should do. But, I might not have a choice, girl. Cold, cruel reality is upon me. I think I'm gonna go for it. *gulp*
LaFemmeNaturelle, thanks for the info. I'm saying I have to decide by the 3rd because that's when I'm scheduled to relax. And that date came from wanting it freshly relaxed again by NYE. But, like I said in the other thread, my ng is growing in softer (I think it's the msm) and is looking like the previously texlaxed hair. Don't know how I'll be able to relax without overlapping. So, in a way, since the ng is manageable (and the waves are beautiful), I think transitioning might be ok....but...what happens if it turns on me? What if it starts breaking at the point of demarc and I have a major setback? *sigh* And transitioning to natural, what if I can't handle natural hair? Girl, is it getting dark? I think the room is spinning. *faints* I have no earthly idea what I should do. But, I might not have a choice, girl. Cold, cruel reality is upon me. I think I'm gonna go for it. *gulp*

NJoy, you better stop that right now! There is no reason you should be scared of the beautiful hair that God gave you. Better change that attitude girly. Just like you have to prevent your relaxed hair from breaking, you have to prevent the two textures from breaking. Do you think about set backs before you relax? Don't be pessimistic about it. Getting to know your natural hair if you haven't seen it in a while is a beautiful thing (so I've heard. My first relaxer was at 17). Plus, you already said your new growth has been manageable so what's to be afraid of? I doubt if it changes too much and if its to msm thats making it behave well then continue with the msm. At least try to stretch until Christmas time so if need be, you can have that fresh relaxer by NYE. How many weeks post are you anyway? Do you know your hair type? Start watching youtube videos and blogs and check out the transitioning threads. We'd love to have you join!
NJoy, you better stop that right now! (Yes Ma'm) There is no reason you should be scared of the beautiful hair that God gave you. (Yes Ma'm) Better change that attitude girly. (Yes Ma'm) Just like you have to prevent your relaxed hair from breaking, you have to prevent the two textures from breaking. Do you think about set backs before you relax? (No Ma'm) Don't be pessimistic about it. (Yes Ma'm) Getting to know your natural hair if you haven't seen it in a while is a beautiful thing (so I've heard. My first relaxer was at 17). Plus, you already said your new growth has been manageable so what's to be afraid of? (shrugs) I doubt if it changes too much and if its to msm thats making it behave well then continue with the msm. At least try to stretch until Christmas time so if need be, you can have that fresh relaxer by NYE. (*wipes runny nose on sleeve*) How many weeks post are you anyway? (Almost 13 wks) Do you know your hair type? (Uh, I'm gonna say 4a/b) Start watching youtube videos and blogs and check out the transitioning threads. (*stands up straight and feels hopeful* ) We'd love to have you join! (Ok, but some hand holding is required. I'm high maintenance and prone to freakouts, ya know. :rolleyes: )
Ok! I'll do it! What's the worst that can happen? (scratch that!) I'm in.
Hey janet! I just flat ironed 2 sections of my hair and I think I'm there! But I'm gonna wait until I straighten my entire head for Thanksgiving. I'm so excited I can't wait! I was able to get my natural hair really straight without blowdrying :-)
LaFemmeNaturelle I thought you removed it. What heat protectant did you use?

Heat protectant?:look: No heat protectant lol this wasn't a planned thing. I just all of a sudden got an urge to test this new flat iron. So I washed my hair Friday and put in diluted Vo5 and grease (my normal leave ins). No added heat protectant:nono: but it was only 2 sections so if it wants to break it can break lol no breakage so far!
So....I THINK I made it. Ya'll know my torso is weird lol



But of course my ends look disgusting so I tried to v-shape using feye's method


Not the greatest shape but um....yeah I'm not fixing it until January at the earliest. Hopefully I can make it to WL POST trim by...April? That will give me 8 more months to get to HL.
Thanks Janet but not anymore after the trim as youcan see. Question, do you think those middle ends are still scraggly because I needed to trim more or because I cut wrong? This was my first time ever being a complete diy!

And Janet you really should win a reward for most supportive member lol is Beverly paying you to keep the members happy so they can keep subscribing? Lol

Hope everyone has a wonderful and peaceful holiday!
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