Waist Length in 2010

Lovely hair MoMo and Maria!

I feel like my hair is growing sooooo slow but I guess that's because I haven't straightened and my ng looks exactly the same as it did 2 months ago. Gosh I wish I was still getting relaxers so I can see some length lol

My hair could in fact be growing slower than last year because I was outside everyday, worked out 3 times a week, walked around campus all day, and co-washed more often.

I'm back to working out everyday, I started work yesterday and class starts next week so I'll be walking around outside alot, I started MSM for my joints (with a hair bonus) and I'm making my own growth oil mix. Still hoping to make WL by the end of the year. BTW, do we have official updates or do we just update when we want? If there's no official time, I will do a pulled length check at the end of the summer and a straightened check around November.

HHG ladies!

ETA: NJoy I can't WAIT until your next update!
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Hi ladies nice to see all the gorgeous heads of hair out and about. I'm getting a lil bit frustrated here because last year I was definitely brushing MBL but now it feels like it's hardly brushing BSL (although I gave myself a much needed trim-about an inch or so).

I may have to bow out of this challenge and concentrate on the health of my hair especially since I'm transitioning.
Lovely hair MoMo and Maria!

I feel like my hair is growing sooooo slow but I guess that's because I haven't straightened and my ng looks exactly the same as it did 2 months ago. Gosh I wish I was still getting relaxers so I can see some length lol

My hair could in fact be growing slower than last year because I was outside everyday, worked out 3 times a week, walked around campus all day, and co-washed more often.

I'm back to working out everyday, I started work yesterday and class starts next week so I'll be walking around outside alot, I started MSM for my joints (with a hair bonus) and I'm making my own growth oil mix. Still hoping to make WL by the end of the year. BTW, do we have official updates or do we just update when we want? If there's no official time, I will do a pulled length check at the end of the summer and a straightened check around November.

HHG ladies!

ETA: NJoy I can't WAIT until your next update!

Way ta put the pressure on, girl! :grin: I can't wait to update either. Having my hair texlaxed makes it hard to see my ng's length too. So, for my next update, I hope to have it straight. I'll probably do that on Friday, July 2nd. Today's my birthday so, this weekend will be crazy.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! No pressure girl lol I just love your hair and I love to see updates from EVERYBODY! Plus, I wanna see how that sulfur is working lol
I was going to just join the MBL in 2010 challenge but I think I want to try and aim for WL by the end of the year.
Honestly... I never thought I'd be aiming for waistlength when I first joined the board :grin: .
*sigh* waist length still seems so far away

Like an 18 mile drive with a full bladder. I am hoping wearing it in a PHony pony protective style so I am hoping it will hinder my need to length check. I am going to chew my fingers until a few months have passed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! No pressure girl lol I just love your hair and I love to see updates from EVERYBODY! Plus, I wanna see how that sulfur is working lol

I was going to just join the MBL in 2010 challenge but I think I want to try and aim for WL by the end of the year.
Honestly... I never thought I'd be aiming for waistlength when I first joined the board :grin: .

Happy belated birthday NJOY!

Testimony, glad to see you back. I hope all is well.

Awwww did I miss a BDAY!

HAPPY BELATED NJOY :) :alcoholic

Thanks for the Birthday wishes, ladies. No. You haven't missed it. It's today and I had a great Birthday.

, your hair has come a long way and looks great!

I'm SO ready to touch up my hair. Whenever it gets close, I always start panicking that it's breaking off and I just don't notice. I saw what could be the beginning of a split end on a short hair in the front and am SURE it's a broken hair. Uh, now I'm thinking there's a lot of point of demarcation breakage throughout that I just haven't noticed. Aaaaaackkkkk! I have another week until my touch up. How will I survive? HOW WILL I SURVIVE?!!!
So, a touch up next week won't work for me, schedulewise so, looks like I'm going to touch up within the next 2 days. Wish me luck. I'm always nervous at touch up time too. UGH! This hair stuff is driving me batty! :wallbash:
So, a touch up next week won't work for me, schedulewise so, looks like I'm going to touch up within the next 2 days. Wish me luck. I'm always nervous at touch up time too. UGH! This hair stuff is driving me batty! :wallbash:

You'll be okay, just post those updates when your done :D
Couldn't wait until TUesday or thursday to wash my hubby said the build up from my gel was showing :( so therefore I am sitting under the dryer with APhogee 2 Step on my hair. I will steam today haven't done that in a while. :). I think My Ion moisture extreme will be the choice for today. I clarified my hair :) whew hew, will shampoo with Hair one after the APhogee 2 step, I have found this allows me to make sure not too much protein is on my head and will prevent protein overload. Not many choices of open Moisturizing conditionersl I have my Banana Brulee Hmm maybe this one, but when I get under the steamer she is wicked she will make it seem like Aphogee 2 step was never applied LOL. I have Ion extreme moisture, Yes to carrots and Aussie 3 minute moisture.

It's 5:30. I started at 5:15 wonder how long it's going to take :look:
Ladies I am determined you hear me Determined to be very close to WL this year, my goal isn't really until next year or WL but I am pushing it and will be happy with Close yet no Cigar.

I am Phony Pony my hair for the summer and pretty possible to do it after. I will continue my monthly deep proteins so that I keep it strong and maybe alternate every other week with my aphogee 2 minute.
so i used giovanni 50:50 shampoo for the second time yesterday and its official, i love it! hair was soft after and no tangles. and my conditioner glided on after. and i may be able to do away with the giovanni direct leave-in as i found a way to make my tresemme work as a leave-in without leaving residue. i like the giovanni, but no reason to have to buy an extra product that i can only get at one specific place around here (that is not the closest). i also both a tape measure so i can really keep track of growth. i ordered it so it should be here by the end of the week.
Ok, so I'm chickening out on relaxing this weekend and will probably stretch for a bit. Still plan to do an update at the end of the month tho since I have to for a challenge.

But, dang! I read a thread on pH levels of relaxers that has me straight trippin, boo. (:lachen:) So, I'm going to stretch a bit til I can figure this thing out. Funny because prior to LHCF, I was doing all sorts of unthinkable things to my hair...like touching up ng and then overlapping and smoothing down the entire length of my hair. :blush: Now look at me. Punking out. :rolleyes: I just don't want to lose all of my progress.

I'm with you, JJ, I'm headed for wl but will settle for close enough. Uh, but I hate not meeting a goal exactly so, we'll see. We have a half a year left. That's plenty o' time to do something big!! :yep:
Ok, so I'm chickening out on relaxing this weekend and will probably stretch for a bit. Still plan to do an update at the end of the month tho since I have to for a challenge.

But, dang! I read a thread on pH levels of relaxers that has me straight trippin, boo. (:lachen:) So, I'm going to stretch a bit til I can figure this thing out. Funny because prior to LHCF, I was doing all sorts of unthinkable things to my hair...like touching up ng and then overlapping and smoothing down the entire length of my hair. :blush: Now look at me. Punking out. :rolleyes: I just don't want to lose all of my progress.

I'm with you, JJ, I'm headed for wl but will settle for close enough. Uh, but I hate not meeting a goal exactly so, we'll see. We have a half a year left. That's plenty o' time to do something big!! :yep:

NJoy I wouldn't worry about the PH of the relaxer, most of the things if not all of the things have some form of PH level.

Bringing your hair back to it's normal level is important tis Neutralizing. Any who.

I AM relaxing this Wednesday :D Yeah, I am Happy! I will be getting my relaxer cut, color and deep condition. So I am gearing up and ready to go (as soon as I put together a bag, LOL)
I had severe matting that I was able to detangle. A lot of hair came out but I still had some growth. It may have been hair that was shedd over the 5 months I didn't comb. :blush: I'm closer to waist now and won't know for sure how long until I straighten which will be in mid-July.
So I just decided that I am gonna put single braids (no extensions) in my hair next week. I need a break from doing my hair everyday, and I need to retain every inch possible if I want to reach all my goals this year. Plus I can wear my hair down without watching the humidty make it GROW as the day goes on. lol. Bunning is good and all, but...change is necessary sometimes. So I will be doing them on the 8th because I don't have class or work that day. And this will take some time cuz I have a lot of hair. I hope to keep them in for a month (2 weeks minimum). does anyone cowash with their hair braided up?
currently dcing ! :p

Me too, girl. While watching the BET Awards. Oh, and thanks for the birthday wishes!

NJoy I wouldn't worry about the PH of the relaxer, most of the things if not all of the things have some form of PH level.

Bringing your hair back to it's normal level is important tis Neutralizing. Any who.

I AM relaxing this Wednesday :D Yeah, I am Happy! I will be getting my relaxer cut, color and deep condition. So I am gearing up and ready to go (as soon as I put together a bag, LOL)

I don't know, girl. Check out this thread. And don't read it with the lights off. It's scary!!


Especially the part where someone said something about overlapping disintegrating the hair. :eek2:

I had severe matting that I was able to detangle. A lot of hair came out but I still had some growth. It may have been hair that was shedd over the 5 months I didn't comb. :blush: I'm closer to waist now and won't know for sure how long until I straighten which will be in mid-July.

Most likely shed hair. Congrats on getting closer. :yep:
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Me too, girl. While watching the BET Awards. Oh, and thanks for the birthday wishes!

I don't know, girl. Check out this thread. And doing read it with the lights off. It's scary!!


Especially the part where someone said something about overlapping disintegrating the hair. :eek2:

Most likely shed hair. Congrats on getting closer. :yep:

I am too tired to go to read it, I went to school for it and watched it eat away a can live. LOL, but that is known, just continue to take care of your hair. :) LOL
I also have a few hair books still and chapters on PH, I wouldn't let it scare you.

Overlapping isn't cool, which is one reason I no longer self relax. To each their own I just don't do it. I have a great Stylist who does my relaxers, cut and color when needed (3 times a year) and I color in between otherwise I am a DIY with everything else.