Waist Length in 2010

Thank you Nakia, it took me a loooong time to get here as you can see from my join date!! :look:

Njoy, that bling is all down to Africa's Best Organics, they have a product called 'Organic Smoother & Polisher'. You just use a tiny bit after you have styled your hair, it really gives it a nice shine.

Happy hair growing ladies...waistlength here we come!! :yep:
Hey girls! Back from vacay, i see things are progressing nicely for everyone!!

Condishies I haven't found my holy grail yet unfortunately.
Hey all, I love aphogee products... my fav condish at the moment is emergencia....and (skala)..

Look at angel tee!!! Beautiful !!!
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My hair feels perfectly hydrated, thicker, heavier and longer. I'm trying to resist length checking like crazy but, I'm definitely feeling changes in my hair. :spinning:
Ladies, I'm back in the challenge! :nono:

I don't know what got into me when I asked my friend who usually trims my hair for a slight dusting but to keep my "V" shape. That did not happen.

I really don't know where to go from here. Hopefully with some dedication I will be able to make full WL by end of this year.
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Just wanted to pop my head in cuz it's been forever since i've posted here! My hair's growing well, I'm 8.5wks post right now; not getting a relaxer till july 27th so i still have a lot more growth to gain b4 then. Everyone's hair looks so long and healthy :-D keep it up ladies!
Hey ladies keep the posts coming!! what r your fav condishes you are using that have stood the test of time?

#1 is still Lacio Lacio
and I had to go back to LTR ( Hello Hydration's Long Term Relationship) it still gives me more slip than Aussie Moist. That's definitely a keeper.:yep:
whew! This thread was buried!
I have been psing and moisturizing like crazy
I'm upping my vitamins
still can't tolerate msm though :(
2 more inches to claim MBL :D and 4 more to claim WL. I am excited ladies. I will be back to where I was.


I washed my hair today with Hair One Tea Tree on scalp and Hair One Olive Oil on my strands. I rinsed and applied APhogee 2 minute for about 30 minutes. I then rinsed that out and put Silk elements Megasilk treatment with PC in for 2 hours. Lo and behold it was better than BUTTER, ahhhh, I sprayed CHI keratin mist, HSH Soy Leave In, Argan Oil, got under the dryer for 5 minutes, blow dried for 2. :)

Silky Smooth hair!

I flipped it up in an ouchless band and called it a day!
ok...so I am about...5 inches away. siggie is updated chart, but I'll post it here too. I was looking at my pics for this year, and I have been getting about an inch a month since like march. If this continues, I can make it this year!


I am going to try not to take another length pic until August, but watch my take one in July lol
Hello ladies,

I have been away from the board for a while because of life stuff. I have felt so bad that I sort of abandoned the thread but its been rough ya'll and there has just not been time for hair. I am happy to see all the great progress that people are making! There is some stunning hair in this thread and I am really excited to see the end results come December.

As for me I will likely continue to lay low for a while. The forced break from hair kind of put some things into perspective for me and I have decided to try my darnedest to just enjoy the ride to WL, HL and possibly beyond without all the fuss and obsessing.

I have had some hair revelations during my break. I now know that past BSL I must begin trimming my hair regularly. Dusting and S&Ds work just fine to get me to BSL but once my hair gets past that point I need regular trims to maintain the integrity of my strands. Otherwise my ends start to split easily and there is no amount of protein or moisture that will prevent that (I have learned this the hard way). I have also learned that while buns are great there is such a thing as overdoing it. I noticed some breakage at my nape on the left side that I believe came from wearing my buns too tight and twisting them in the same direction every time (it is basically the same kind of breakage you get when you wear a ponytail in the same place all).

Anywho, I am really happy to see that you all are doing well on your hair journeys and I am really sorry that I have been MIA.

Happy Hair Growing Ladies :yep:
Hello ladies,

I have been away from the board for a while because of life stuff. I have felt so bad that I sort of abandoned the thread but its been rough ya'll and there has just not been time for hair. I am happy to see all the great progress that people are making! There is some stunning hair in this thread and I am really excited to see the end results come December.

As for me I will likely continue to lay low for a while. The forced break from hair kind of put some things into perspective for me and I have decided to try my darnedest to just enjoy the ride to WL, HL and possibly beyond without all the fuss and obsessing.

I have had some hair revelations during my break. I now know that past BSL I must begin trimming my hair regularly. Dusting and S&Ds work just fine to get me to BSL but once my hair gets past that point I need regular trims to maintain the integrity of my strands. Otherwise my ends start to split easily and there is no amount of protein or moisture that will prevent that (I have learned this the hard way). I have also learned that while buns are great there is such a thing as overdoing it. I noticed some breakage at my nape on the left side that I believe came from wearing my buns too tight and twisting them in the same direction every time (it is basically the same kind of breakage you get when you wear a ponytail in the same place all).

Anywho, I am really happy to see that you all are doing well on your hair journeys and I am really sorry that I have been MIA.

Happy Hair Growing Ladies :yep:

Good Morning Testimony how are you? I am glad to see you back :D
ok...so I am about...5 inches away. siggie is updated chart, but I'll post it here too. I was looking at my pics for this year, and I have been getting about an inch a month since like march. If this continues, I can make it this year!


I am going to try not to take another length pic until August, but watch my take one in July lol

Hey BHC, we are almost the same with the amount of inches to MBL and WL I have 2 for MBL and 4 for WL. My hair doesn't grow as fast as yours though. I hope to reach WL by the end of this year definitely hoping to reach MBL. :D
^^we will get there and have an e-party! =D

:D :alcoholic

I received my Ponytails from Hairsisters today!
I quickly gelled up my hair :D and put a Pony HOok in it. Got under the dryer and dried my hair most of the way. I put my pony on :D AHhhh just like old times. I will rock this for the WHOLE SUMMER. I love it, it is low manipulation and I look groomed not to mention it last the whole week :D
I've always wanted to post in this thread. This is my rollerset hair, no flatiron that's why its shrinking up. My tail is more of a U shaped now. I've noticed that my hair isn't growing as fast, but the sides are growing in thank God. The awkward layers are almost all gone.

oh, i forgot to post my pic here! this is what i posted previously

ok, here is my poor excuse for an update. i was having some issues so my hair already started to shrink by the time i took the pic. also, i attempted to show where hl was on me by putting on a belt, but it kept moving around and then i realized, i'm not all that sure where hl is so then i just put a yellow line where my pants where at lmao then i attempted to guess where tlb was and then where classic... i think i've just hit a slump in my hhj where i'm just ignoring my hair or something lol i dunno what's wrong with me.
:D :alcoholic

I received my Ponytails from Hairsisters today!
I quickly gelled up my hair :D and put a Pony HOok in it. Got under the dryer and dried my hair most of the way. I put my pony on :D AHhhh just like old times. I will rock this for the WHOLE SUMMER. I love it, it is low manipulation and I look groomed not to mention it last the whole week :D
Ooooo! Sounds exciting but...uh...where da pics at? :rolleyes:

I've always wanted to post in this thread. This is my rollerset hair, no flatiron that's why its shrinking up. My tail is more of a U shaped now. I've noticed that my hair isn't growing as fast, but the sides are growing in thank God. The awkward layers are almost all gone.


Your hair looks great, Maria! Sounds like it's filling in nicely for that full, fab look!

oh, i forgot to post my pic here! this is what i posted previously

ok, here is my poor excuse for an update. i was having some issues so my hair already started to shrink by the time i took the pic. also, i attempted to show where hl was on me by putting on a belt, but it kept moving around and then i realized, i'm not all that sure where hl is so then i just put a yellow line where my pants where at lmao then i attempted to guess where tlb was and then where classic... i think i've just hit a slump in my hhj where i'm just ignoring my hair or something lol i dunno what's wrong with me.

If tailbone is where your natural spine ends then I think it's more like midway between the yellow and blue lines (just below the cracken. :look: :lachen:) Course, I'm nowhere near so, I may have no idea about tailbone hair length.

BTW, wasn't it you who mentioned the measuring pants? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
yes... but i'm not ready to graduate to the pants yet lol... one day, one day

i'm still hovering at wl. in fact. last month i was wl but i dunno if i lost any length from my skala experience. in the pic above i'm not wl but i dunno if its cause i have shrinkage kicking in already or if i did loose some length :( i'm hoping it was the shrinkage though

the red line was a guess at where my booty crack started... i'm pretty sure in those pants my crack starts where my pockets start... but since i didnt lift my shirt up like i told my self i would, i had to guess where that was lmao... so yeah, i have no clue whether or not the lines were where they was supposed to be. i'm not even sure if my hl is in the right spot. i tried to feel for my hip bone, but since i have some meat on me... well, all i felt was meat :lol:
:look: NJoy always calling me out, see I took pictures :drunk:. Since I am rocking this for the whole summer I will eventually upload them to my album and fotki. I do want ot keep up with my pics for later sakes, see the things I am doing with my hair along the way :D
Ooooo! Sounds exciting but...uh...where da pics at? :rolleyes:

Your hair looks great, Maria! Sounds like it's filling in nicely for that full, fab look!

If tailbone is where your natural spine ends then I think it's more like midway between the yellow and blue lines (just below the cracken. :look: :lachen:) Course, I'm nowhere near so, I may have no idea about tailbone hair length.

BTW, wasn't it you who mentioned the measuring pants? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
:look: NJoy always calling me out, see I took pictures :drunk:. Since I am rocking this for the whole summer I will eventually upload them to my album and fotki. I do want ot keep up with my pics for later sakes, see the things I am doing with my hair along the way :D

Just keeping you on your game, mama. Just keeping you on your game. :grin: Mwaaah!! (I'll be watching out for those pics tho. :sekret:)
yes... but i'm not ready to graduate to the pants yet lol... one day, one day

i'm still hovering at wl. in fact. last month i was wl but i dunno if i lost any length from my skala experience. in the pic above i'm not wl but i dunno if its cause i have shrinkage kicking in already or if i did loose some length :( i'm hoping it was the shrinkage though

the red line was a guess at where my booty crack started... i'm pretty sure in those pants my crack starts where my pockets start... but since i didnt lift my shirt up like i told my self i would, i had to guess where that was lmao... so yeah, i have no clue whether or not the lines were where they was supposed to be. i'm not even sure if my hl is in the right spot. i tried to feel for my hip bone, but since i have some meat on me... well, all i felt was meat :lol:

First, I don't think you lost length. It's just shrinkage, hon. That hair is as gorgeous as ever.

And next, who would'a thunk we'd be talking about your cracken? :lachen::lachen: Wherever you say it is, I'm gonna take your word for it. :grin: