Waist Length in 2010

Can I play? I'm like a hundred miles from wl, I know. But I'm trying to get it done by the end of this year. Ok if I join? :lick: I wanna talk wl talk too. :drunk:

I want to talk WL talk too :D

I know I have a ways to go and might not reach until March or December of next year. Like the Lotto I just want to be in it to win it. Hey It is my Final Goal giving myself 2 years to get there :cry: ahhhhh.

Starting pic is in my siggy :)

So will you ladies please have me? :look:
Hey jjamiah, Im like you, I wanna be here too.... My goals are like yours, just happy to be here for the ride....

ETA: Njoy as far as products for heat styling... I have tried John Frieda's "Heat Defeat", its pretty good..

ETA#2: Can the experts look at my back fat and give me their opinions on inches to wl, sorry the pic isnt great... thanks in advance...
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Im so pissed! I have some breakage and I have no idea how it happened. It's the same thing that happened when I was relaxed. I'd noticed short pieces (like 1") throughout my hair. I have two areas where my hair is really short. I just braided it up because I don't want to see it. :-(
I want to talk WL talk too :D

I know I have a ways to go and might not reach until March or December of next year. Like the Lotto I just want to be in it to win it. Hey It is my Final Goal giving myself 2 years to get there :cry: ahhhhh.

Starting pic is in my siggy :)

So will you ladies please have me? :look:

How many inches do you have to go? Welcome to WL!!!!
I'm sure you'll get there before you know it

Hey jjamiah, Im like you, I wanna be here too.... My goals are like yours, just happy to be here for the ride....

ETA: Njoy as far as products for heat styling... I have tried John Frieda's "Heat Defeat", its pretty good..

ETA#2: Can the experts look at my back fat and give me their opinions on inches to wl, sorry the pic isnt great... thanks in advance...

I can't really tell, maybe 4 inches?? The hair pix on an angle from above always trick me cuz we cant really see the true length.

Im so pissed! I have some breakage and I have no idea how it happened. It's the same thing that happened when I was relaxed. I'd noticed short pieces (like 1") throughout my hair. I have two areas where my hair is really short. I just braided it up because I don't want to see it. :-(

Aw man, sorry Ediese. Have you done anything different recently? Was there any tension on that area or anything? What's your plan for fixing it? Good luck!
How many inches do you have to go? Welcome to WL!!!!
I'm sure you'll get there before you know it

I can't really tell, maybe 4 inches?? The hair pix on an angle from above always trick me cuz we cant really see the true length.

Aw man, sorry Ediese. Have you done anything different recently? Was there any tension on that area or anything? What's your plan for fixing it? Good luck!

Thanks Whimsy, I believe I have 5 inches to go :)
I hope it does go quick!
Aw man, sorry Ediese. Have you done anything different recently? Was there any tension on that area or anything? What's your plan for fixing it? Good luck!

Thanks Whimsy! I'm not sure what I'm going to do. The only thing I can think of is not moisturizing as often as I'm used to. That might be an issue if I'm drinking 3 Ensures a day. I'm planning on cutting my hair at the end of the year to even things up, so we'll see.
I'm about to get in here and shampoo and do a really good deep conditioning treatment. I'm gonna mix some Lustrasilks Shea Butter Cholesterol with Vatika Oil and Olive Oil and let it sit on my head for about an hour...my hair deserves it :D
Ok, Just got my hair blown out @ the salon tonight. This is my head half blown out just the back. The girl that took the pic couldn't get the camera phone to capture all the way down to my ends, but it looks like I have retained sooome length. I pray I meet waist length soon!!


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Ok, Just got my hair blown out @ the salon tonight. This is my head half blown out just the back. The girl that took the pic couldn't get the camera phone to capture all the way down to my ends, but it looks like I have retained sooome length. I pray I meet waist length soon!!

I just want to put you on notice that I am upset with you for teasing us with that one halfass picture.
I wasn't aware that I had to post numerous photos. I used what the beautician's daughter captured with her camera phone.



Girl I was joking with you!!!

That was the whimsy way of saying that I wanna see more pix of the delicious results!!! :yep:
I got my hair braided in a circle yesterday so my wigs would lay flat. :) I am going to cut out the combs in the half with and just pin it instead those combs are killing me.

I want to leave my hair like this for as long as I can take it (shooting for 3 weeks :) )
I used my soft curlers to roller set the bang I left out.
dcing with ors mixed with coconut oil. Been cowashing everyday, sealing and moisturizing consistently. Having some shedding and breakage issues so I am trying to not panic because it may be all in my head.


Girl I was joking with you!!!

That was the whimsy way of saying that I wanna see more pix of the delicious results!!! :yep:

Sorry Whimz, had a bad day yesterday. Felt like everyone was attacking me in my life, lol. I will take more pics soon. Thanks!! :)
Yay, I'm excited!!!:lots: I'm officially joining this challenge!! I believe that I can get to WSL by the end of this year! I'll be back to post details.:grin:
Joining in! Will post a reggie as soon as I figure one out.
BUT one lone tiny tail is ALMOST there..

by the end of 2010
hoping to name it claim it :) :)
Taj I hope you don't mind me doing this......If so let me know....

But here's Taj's most recent length check. She's closin in on WL!! :)

I think that I may be able to reach WL by the end of this year. I'm about 2 inches away from MBL and 4 inches away from WL. I'm hoping to reach MBL by the end of the summer or before...


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So.....I'm back in the challenge ladies! I know I know, it's almost like crying wolf....but I'm for real this time. After having a discussion with my friend, we talked about the bible and women cutting their hair. I'm not clear on it because I still have my interpretation of that scripture but I'll be praying about it and in the meanwhile, I've decided not to cut my hair anymore until I get a clear understanding and answer.

That being said, no more cutting equals WL by December wahoo! So I'm not quite clear on how long I have to go. I had 3 inches before I did my cut last week, so maybe I have about 6 inches or less to go? I mistakenly cut my hair into a v shape somehow so I still have some strands at mbl, most at bsl and some at apl. I think I'll make it by December. HHG!
So.....I'm back in the challenge ladies! I know I know, it's almost like crying wolf....but I'm for real this time. After having a discussion with my friend, we talked about the bible and women cutting their hair. I'm not clear on it because I still have my interpretation of that scripture but I'll be praying about it and in the meanwhile, I've decided not to cut my hair anymore until I get a clear understanding and answer.

That being said, no more cutting equals WL by December wahoo! So I'm not quite clear on how long I have to go. I had 3 inches before I did my cut last week, so maybe I have about 6 inches or less to go? I mistakenly cut my hair into a v shape somehow so I still have some strands at mbl, most at bsl and some at apl. I think I'll make it by December. HHG!

Care to share the passage?? :yep:
1st Corinthians 11 NIV says:

2I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the teachings,[a] just as I passed them on to you.
3Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 4Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. 5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. 7A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. 8For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head.

11In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God. 13Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.

I never interpreted it the way some churches do. My thinking was that this scripture says that women should wear a covering...like a hijab to cover the head and that if a woman does not cover her head, then her head should be shaved BUT since cutting the hair or shaving the head is/was seen as a disgrace, then it is better to just wear the covering.

So I *considered* wearing a covering at all times except in my home (kind of like Muslims)

But further in the scripture it says the hair was given as the covering...and this is how some Christian churches and my friend interprets it. The hair is the woman's covering and does not need to be covered. But they still see cutting the hair as a disgrace so a woman should not cut her hair.

I'm not clear on any of it because first it says the HAIR should be covered, then it says the hair IS the covering. So since I'm confused on whether or not we should cut our hair, I will pray on it and won't be doing any cutting until I'm no longer confused.

And I don't know if this is my way of justifying a sin lol but back then, they were not encountering different things that damages the hair like we do today, so cutting was not necessary. But sometimes we have to cut to get rid of damage right? lol But yeah, i don't really know, but I do TRY as much as I can to follow what I think God wants me to do so until I know for sure, I won't be doing it.

And I guess this also goes into the fact that I try to humble myself and not have an extravagant outwardly appearance, thinkin about how fly I am.....so the things that cause damage to my hair, I probably shouldn't be doing anyway? IDK it's all confusing and probably doesn't matter. I need to get back to the MCAT and stop worrying about how my hair relates to different sins lol
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well, i cant say what that is supposed to mean...

but i went to h.s. with a girl who was like super religious and i remember have a conversation with her about this and some other stuff. and what she said is that man is supposed to have short hair and women long. also that women are supposed to wear skirts and dresses (super long) so she never wore pants (which is what actually started the convo) and i asked her about the length part and my understanding of what her and her family and churches say is that a mans hair should not cover the ears and a womans should... so basically as long as your hair can cover your ears (not that the hair has to, i mean she wore ponies and buns and stuff) then it was acting as "your covering"...

but i hope you're able to find your answer... i dont like being confused so i dunno what i would do in your situation. but if you pray, you will get your answer :)