~~~waist Length Dreams~~~ Challenge 2018

Didn't do a real length check or anything but a couple days ago I pulled the front of my hair and it was mid boob length. And yesterday I pulled the back left side and it was at the very bottom of my bra strap (mid back). Not going to get too excited because I know how uneven my hair is lol but still I should be full MBL in like August/September ish.
I'm looking forward to getting some good real growth this summer too! :D
This is why I don't give up. My hair is a little bit past APL on the way to BSL. This picture is slept on loose hair that was actually stretched out after being air dryed. My shrinkage is crazy, especially when it's air dryed without being stretched. I have one spot that shrinks up to NL, then I have to blend it. But I just think OMG, can you imagine if I chopped it? That's why I'm so committed to taking care of the hair that I have now and going forward. It's finally filling in enough. Everytime when it's wet and I'm putting in my leave ins. I just try to picture it longer and it really helps to keep working at it and not do anything that could set me back.

Like yesterday I was itching to whip out that flatiron but I thought about it was like.. "No, Billie Jean, you hair needs moisture, not heat. And I jumped in the shower and CW'd and did my usual regimen. So instead I let it air dry and stretched it out with an indirect heat tension blowdry to feel some length.


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    Slept On Hair 5 April 2016.png
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Hey y'all? How y'all been?

It's been a while since I've posted on here. If you remember, last time I was crying (not really) over some African threading gone wrong lol I wanted to straighten my hair and I was legit planning on it but that same day I had to go out of town and since then I've lost the urge.

I recently rolled my hair and I got a lot of compliments on it! It was my second time using these rollers and I'll make a more detailed post about them later on on LHCF. But things have been a bit bumpy (in life in general) so my vitamin/supplement intake hasn't been the best. I know that it was working because I've also received compliments on my skin too. Anywho, I'll post some photo updates of my current hair length.

Short-term goals: get back on track with vitamins and such, exercise a looooooooooooot more, and try inversion this month

Long-term goals: Still trying to reach waist length with a braidout (not with the rollers because I have to do breaks in between sets plus braidouts are waaaaaaaay easier) and I guess I'm making progress with my length? :bricks:


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Chlorella is making my hair grow like a weed! It's amazing. However, I've been neglecting my hair. Went to the Caribbean with an old twist out and did nothing to it (it looked fabulous though). My second to last night there I finally slathered it with leave in conditioner, which helped remove tangles, but I know I have ssks galore.

Now that I'm back, I'll gently finger detangle after my pre-poo, wash, protein treatment, DC, and then twist. Oh, I'll also do a S&D. I'm planning on straightening near my graduation in May, so I'll post pics then. I may get a trim.
Chlorella is making my hair grow like a weed! It's amazing. However, I've been neglecting my hair. Went to the Caribbean with an old twist out and did nothing to it (it looked fabulous though). My second to last night there I finally slathered it with leave in conditioner, which helped remove tangles, but I know I have ssks galore.

Now that I'm back, I'll gently finger detangle after my pre-poo, wash, protein treatment, DC, and then twist. Oh, I'll also do a S&D. I'm planning on straightening near my graduation in May, so I'll post pics then. I may get a trim.
Umm, so lank to your brand please?

@CurlyRy Your hair looks great as usual! I can't wait till you reach your WL braidout. What length will your hair be stretched then do you think?

@Caramel74 I'm glad you didn't give in to what you know your hair didn't need right now! Save the heat for the year end check in!
I need to catch up for the week:

1. Tuesday = Put TJ Tea Tree Tingle on my hair & sat under the heat cap for 30 minutes. Rinsed out 80% of Kynx I Am Strong and added Design Essentials Mouse for a rollerset.

2. Saturday = Prepoo'd overnight with AVJ spritz & Belle Butters Orange Dream Cream on ends. DC'd with SM Manuka under heat cap for 1 hour; Used CC's Natural Scalp Scrub, CW'd with TJ Tea Tree Tingle, Garnier Reconstructor & rinsed out 80% of Kynx I Am Strong. LCOB'd with L = Ion Repair; C = Coco Curls; O = Mission Condition on length; B = Kyra's Shea Rejuvenation on scalp & Belle Butters Orange Dream Cream on ends.

3. Sunday = Day 1 inversion with Keravada Alter Ego on scalp for 4 minutes.
Hey y'all? How y'all been?

It's been a while since I've posted on here. If you remember, last time I was crying (not really) over some African threading gone wrong lol I wanted to straighten my hair and I was legit planning on it but that same day I had to go out of town and since then I've lost the urge.

I recently rolled my hair and I got a lot of compliments on it! It was my second time using these rollers and I'll make a more detailed post about them later on on LHCF. But things have been a bit bumpy (in life in general) so my vitamin/supplement intake hasn't been the best. I know that it was working because I've also received compliments on my skin too. Anywho, I'll post some photo updates of my current hair length.

Short-term goals: get back on track with vitamins and such, exercise a looooooooooooot more, and try inversion this month

Long-term goals: Still trying to reach waist length with a braidout (not with the rollers because I have to do breaks in between sets plus braidouts are waaaaaaaay easier) and I guess I'm making progress with my length? :bricks:

:gorgeous: :gorgeous: Absolutely!! Welcome back!
@CurlyRy Your hair looks great as usual! I can't wait till you reach your WL braidout. What length will your hair be stretched then do you think?

D'aww thanks :blush2: And I can't wait to reach it either girl! Sigh...

Mmm right now the back of my hair is tailbone but the front of my hair is just under my bellybutton. I think my crown is lower back but not just yet tailbone. I got too many layers and textures lol but I think when the back of my hair hits mid-butt I should be there. Lorddddd, that's crazy thinking about all that hair o_O but I guess I want it? haha
I'm looking forward to length checks next month. If anything my hair will be much thicker than it was at the start of the year. I started finger detangling a couple weeks ago and it is everything my hair has been missing. Less shedding, minimal breakage, and quicker wash days!
Umm, so lank to your brand please?

@CurlyRy Your hair looks great as usual! I can't wait till you reach your WL braidout. What length will your hair be stretched then do you think?

@Caramel74 I'm glad you didn't give in to what you know your hair didn't need right now! Save the heat for the year end check in!
Source Naturals Yaeyama Chlorella in the pill form.
Put TJ Tea Tree Tingle on my hair & sat under the heat cap for 30 minutes. Rinsed out 80% of Kynx I Am Strong & LCSO'd with L = Ion Repair; C = Blue Roze Okra Curling Cream; S = Olive Oil Eco Styler Gel; O = Mission Condition on length.
Oh yeah...we have a lc in three weeks. May 1st yall. I'm kind of not looking forward to it since my hair hasn't grown/retained that much since Jan so far...but I want to see other people's hair, so I know I can't be stingy. :look:
I'm not looking forward to it either! I ended up with a ton of splits trying to be a heat trained natural which required a b-i-g cut! I gave up the heat and texlaxed in January and am on the road to recovery!
So much has been going on in my life that I have neglected my first love - hair care. Well, I'm trying to get back on it. It's difficult but I'm in a much better place today than I was a few months ago.

Anywho, due to the major neglect, I have sooooo many SSKs. I used to be one of those lucky naturals who barely had SSKs. In fact, I always doubted the impact they had on hair care because they never seem to bother me much. But now I know. They are HORRIFIC.

I don't really know how long my hair is, but I'm trying to grow/maintain at MBL until I trim off all my damaged ends (and then continue my journey to WL with healthy ends). I might already be MBL. I might be past it. I might be BSL because of breakage. Who knows. I won't be straightening my hair anytime soon, that's for sure. (Direct) Heat is the debil. My heat damaged ends agree.
Direct heat breaks down the hair and after a while it can't hold in moisture anymore and that's why it looks and feels damaged and you end up having to cut it off.

In May it will be 1 year since my big chop. My hair has grown and it is healthy due to my moisturize and seal regimen and also I stopped using direct heat since Feb 4th (2 months ago) and even that was only to microtrim.

It's taking forever to get to BSL and my hair is fine so it's not all the same length. It grows into a V. So even when it's long it's going to taper. But I figure the new growth will be thick and if I continue to take care of my ends I should be okay.

With the way it's going so slow, I know for sure if I was using direct heat I'd be getting so much breakage and I would be back up to shoulder length by now.
Shampoo & Twist Saturday
  • Prepoo'd overnight with AVJ spritz and Duafe Unscented Whipped Amla & Honey's Handmade Knot Going Bananas.
  • Added HQ The Slip, Roux Porosity & Bhringrai Powder DC mix under the heat cap for an hour.
  • Shampoo'd with Coco Curls, CW'd length with TJ Tea Tree Tingle, Garnier Reconstructor, ACV rinse & Kynx I Am Strong with 80% rinse out.
  • LCB'd: L = Carol's Daughter Monoi; C = Blue Roze Okra Curl Cream; B = Kyra's Shea Rejuvenation on scalp & HQ Twisting on length & ends.
I twisted my hair and penned it to stretch while it dries.
Straightened my hair today. My hair looks thicker than last time, not sure if longer. Didn't check just wrapped it until I'm ready to leave out

After this. I think I'm doing mini braids all summer. I'm over this heat/color damage, I do eventually want my coils back. I'm not cut out for this straight hair life, I look better with wash n go's & braid outs.
I got my Conair essentials wide tooth shower comb this week. Now I only see a hair or two instead of a clump, so happy there. And it has a little hook thingy so it just hangs out on the shower curtain rod.

I love love doing my olive oil pre poo. My hair feels so much stronger after this treatment. Just washed it after my olive oil treatment with Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion shampoo and matching conditioner. Now no product just air drying in my four plaits.

So I don't think I put a length in the first post, so I'm putting one now. Last measurement is ~15" from nape. To waist for me is 18" from nape. To get my crown to waist, though, is like 23", 24", which I have never done in my life. And may never. But once my nape gets to my waist I will go no longer and just maintain. Sometimes it's annoying having hair so tightly coiled; no matter how long you grow it, it still looks short.
Happy Tuesday Ladies! I haven't been on in a week or so because I have was prepping for foot surgery (that I had yesterday). Everything went well, but I am off of my feet for 6 weeks! Needless to say, my hair is in two big goddess braids so that I don't have to worry about my hair during this healing process. I am not going to drop out because sometime soon, I will be able to put weight on my foot and therefore will be able to do what I do..but for now...
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Neglecting my hair again. I've been traveling a lot, but I've had time to moisturizer, I just haven't done it. I'm going to condition and twist today though, I know I'll end up with a ton of ssks
Happy Tuesday Ladies! I haven't been on in a week or so because I have was prepping for foot surgery (that I had yesterday). Everything went well, but I am off of my feet for 6 weeks! Needless to say, my hair is in two big goddess braids so that I don't have to worry about my hair during this healing process. I am not going to drop out because sometime soon, I will be able to put weight on my foot and therefore will be able to do what I do..but for now...
I'm glad your surgery went well and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Last night, I pre-poo'd with Avon Volume for about 45 minutes in the heat cap & CW'd. I added Kynx I Am Strong with 80% rinse out. LCOB'd: L = Carol's Daughter Monoi; C = Blue Roze Okra Curl Cream; O = Annabelle's on length & Keravada Alter Ego on scalp; B = HQ Twisting on ends.