Waist Length 2012 Challenge

Hi Ladies,

All this week I’ve been having the Natural Hair crave, thus I've been looking a lots of utube videos and reading up on long term transitions.

I'm not 100% sure yet but I will be making a mental note to really try to hold off from a relaxer long enough to see if I would like to make that plunge. I'll just take it 1 week at a time.

I don't want to just make this change because it's "in" now. So I’m really searching within myself for the answer. I have a 1 year old DD and I love her hair. I’ve promised myself that I will NEVER add any chemicals to it.

I haven't had natural hair since I was in the 6th grade - 26 years ago. I always told myself I wanted to cut my hair for my 40th (which is next year), I don’t think I'll be cutting but going natural is looking allot more promising.

I know I will find lots of info and support if I do make that ultimate jump.

Thanks for letting my ramble for a min. HHJ.
Hi Ladies,

All this week I’ve been having the Natural Hair crave, thus I've been looking a lots of utube videos and reading up on long term transitions.
I know I will find lots of info and support if I do make that ultimate jump.

Thanks for letting my ramble for a min. HHJ.

Just remember to do what is best for you! Taking it one week at a time sounds like a good plan!
I'm in. Unless something miraculous happens, I'm not going to make it by 12/31. I should be there by spring time though.
im joining
i'll post pics later on

im starting at BSL im not too far from MBL so i think i can make it to WL by Dec2012
I am joining. I hope to make WL in the next 8-10 months.

Starting pic:

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alright!! alright!! alriiiiight!!

Here is my starting pic for this challenge. I have 4 inches to WL.
LADIES 2012 IS OUR YEAR!! :grin:

I'm just going to continue to wear wigs all day, every day. :spinning:
Protein and Moisture balance are my friends. :lick:


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After much pondering, I have decided that I am going to join this challenge :spinning:

I only need 7-8 inches to make waist length :look:. I finally "get" my hair and plan to shoot for the stars.

My next relaxer is in January and I will post a starting pic then.

My Plan of Attack: Protective styles using wigs and buns. Sulfur mix daily. Biotin and MSM daily.

Goal Month: 12/2012
I'm grazing APL should b there by dec bt we'l see :) I'm joining to push myself bc I know thru hard wrk I can achieve WL duno if I can do it by dec but I'm giving myself til thn to giv it all I got lol - will post a pic in Jan when I'm sure of my length :)

I don't hav a strict Reggie just try to listen to my hair n keep it simple, takr my vits every day well try as best, regular excercise and eat healthy-ish :)

Goal date= dec 2012
Hi Ladies,

All this week I’ve been having the Natural Hair crave, thus I've been looking a lots of utube videos and reading up on long term transitions.

I'm not 100% sure yet but I will be making a mental note to really try to hold off from a relaxer long enough to see if I would like to make that plunge. I'll just take it 1 week at a time.

I don't want to just make this change because it's "in" now. So I’m really searching within myself for the answer. I have a 1 year old DD and I love her hair. I’ve promised myself that I will NEVER add any chemicals to it.

I haven't had natural hair since I was in the 6th grade - 26 years ago. I always told myself I wanted to cut my hair for my 40th (which is next year), I don’t think I'll be cutting but going natural is looking allot more promising.

I know I will find lots of info and support if I do make that ultimate jump.

Thanks for letting my ramble for a min. HHJ.

One of the reasons I'm natural was because when I get older like say 50 or 60, I didn't want to still be putting chemicals in my hair. Oh no :nono:
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I'm going to straighten my hair next week to see where I am. I should still be BSB.

But in all honesty, I've been thinking of cutting my hair.

Back in February I highlighted my hair a honey blonde... It was absolutely beautiful and I lived it! But now I feel like the highlights REALLY ruined my hair. I have 5 inches of new growth/dark hair and it just FEELS so much better than the highlighted portion.

So right now I'm going to see where I am in this hair care journey. I might grow out my hair for another year to see how long it gets and how much more growth I can get. But if by say, June of 2012, my hair is still a mess, I'll have to join the SL thread :-(

Okay I'm some venting. Sorry for all that folks.
I would like to join unofficially too! I think I can get there in 2012.

I can't believe I should be WL next year. Even when I'm WL I probably won't feel like I am because of the shrinkage. I wonder how my hair will look when I straighten it in December.

Omgoodness I feel the same way! My shrinkage go up to about ear level at times lol
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I think I'll be dropping out of this challenge. I just got my hair straightened yesterday night, and my trim put me a little higher than BSB. I need a whole 8-9 inches to be WL, so I'm just going to focus on making it to MBL in 2012.

Good luck to everyone in here reaching their goal.