Waist Length 2012 Challenge

I would like to join. Between now and Dec. 2012 I should have 8 inches :grin:

Eta: guess I'm already in it :grin: lawd my mind....I needed a reminder :lachen:

Imma do better.
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If I do REALLY well, I'll make it to waist length by December 2012. Depending on the bra I'm wearing i'm between an inch and an inch and a half from BSL. Once I reach BSL definitively, I'll be able to tell how my hair is looking and if I'm on track to WL.
Hi Ladies :hiya:

I flat ironed yesterday and I think I'll make just past APL by the end of the year. I have been slacking on my PS'ing. I hid my hair from Jan- Jun and gained & retained 3 inches. I had a 1/2 inch trim in July. I am also taking Nioxin vitamins and they are giving me hair everywhere.

After this week I'm going back to Hiding my hair full time.

Hope your journeys are comming along well.
I'm in the wl 2013 but I'm going to try my luck n see if I can make wl by dec 2012. I'm currently scraping bsl with hopes to be full bsl by dec.
Had to get my ends lobbed off today. Hoping I'll still make waist length by the end of next year!



I think I'm still around BSL in the back, but my ultimate goal is to grow out my layers and be fully at WL.
I took out my weave. I only lasted 2 weeks with it in because the hair was breaking me out.

So now it's still in a bee hive, but I might only wig it a few more days. My hair is begging for freedom lol.

Btw: I WISH I could wear my BAA all time time. I styled it like below a few weeks ago... Nobody could tell me nothin! I felt so bad@ss! Please excuse how big the pic might be.
:alcoholic Hum, I just pulled a chunk of hair down and it was about two inches from BSL. Thinking I might join this challenge as my stretch goal for next year. I am about nine inches from waist lenght.
Hey ladies! Just a quick check in. I plan on doing C&G for an extended period of time. Im about 7 inches from waist length! That's what's up! Everyone's update pics looks fab!!

Please add me to this challenge. Would love to see if this is possible. I will post a starting pic in Dec.

Since I'm fairly new...Here are my hair updates as of April 2011 and Aug 2011. Pleaaaasseee forgive me in advance if they show up so big. I'm still learning the threads.

Mimi :grin:


stretched when deep conditioning pic below makes BSL as of Aug 2011

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I laugh at myself for even having the nerve to be on the post, :lachen: most of my hair is SL, and I got the nerve to be in the waist length challenge. I recall the date, I saw all these waist length challenges, said to myself these black women done lost it up in the LHCF, I am just trying to grow my bangs to SL. Now that my bangs are SL :lachen::lachen::grin: Here I am.

Oh well, I paid my membership dues, and I am going to try like everybody else in between glover's greasing my scalp, emu oiling my hair and sealing with coconut oil for a pre poo hot oil treatment hoping for the best. If nothing else hope everyone will post a lot of pictures, I think maybe I can do it too, whenever I see ya'll make it. :reddancer:
Checking in w/and update. I think I am MBL but I am a slow grower so I dont think full WL is in the cards for next year. I know I'll make WL though :)

Sent from my Super Kewl EVO... Please blame the phone for the typos
Forgot the darn pick lol

Sent from my Super Kewl EVO... Please blame the phone for the typos


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I can't believe I should be WL next year. Even when I'm WL I probably won't feel like I am because of the shrinkage. I wonder how my hair will look when I straighten it in December.
Wow..I forgot I joined this challenge...but needless to say I'm hoping to make WSL by dec 2012..my hair is BSL (hopefully full BSL)..I will take a pic within the next couple weeks..
I'm SO IN!!!

I figure I can realistically reach waist again by December 31, 2012!! :yep:

I'll be back with info soon.

PS: Next time I mention cutting my hair...for the love of God someone please stop me!
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In August I was 6 inches away from WL. I'm hoping my length check next month will make me 4 inches away if I maintained a good 2 inches these last 4 months. If so, my faith in WL will be stronger & I can see full WL by Dec 2012. Yayyy!

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In August I was 6 inches away from WL. I'm hoping my length check next month will make me 4 inches away if I maintained a good 2 inches these last 4 months. If so, my faith in WL will be stronger & I can see full WL by Dec 2012. Yayyy!

Sent from my LG-MS690 using LG-MS690

Before that even!!! good luck!:yep:

Hair goals: Waist Length by December 31, 2012.

I'm currently about 7 inches away. I should be able to do this!!

My regimen for winter is weekly washing and DC, followed by moisturizing, sealing and airdrying. Then either flat iron and wear in a variety of updos or twist and wear in a variety of twisted styles for the week.
On lazy weeks I may let the flat ironed hair last 2 weeks unless my scalp is itching like crazy.
This is what works for me in the cold months.

Starting point photo right now is: (October 17th)

I'll post my "official" starting point photo on December 31, 2011!