Waist Length 2012 Challenge

I think I'm still on track to make WL by Dec 2012, but I'm starting to get worried because my DCing has slacked off considerably and I am too done with wet bunning. Has anyone else been able to maintain good growth by flat ironing once every 2-4 weeks?
Hey Ladies, just checking in! I hope everyones doing ok! Ive been having an internal mind battle as regards what to do with my hair :spinning:. I dont know if I want to just become a long term transitioner (cause I REFUSE to do another BC), or just a long term stretcher (relax every 6 mths) Im thinking about leaning toward the stretcher, only because I just dont feel like being natural again so soon. (I just texlaxed 5 mths ago, after being natural for 3 yrs) I dont have time for the 5 hr detangling sessions in my life right now. I want to enjoy my texlaxed hair.........but I MISS my natural hair!!! :-( *SIGH* decisions, decisions. If I go back natural, I have to be prepared to just keep it in stretched styles, ALL the time, because the longer it gets the easier it tangles! *Kanye Shrug* I guess I'll sit on my decision a bit more, since Im only 8 weeks post. I guess the good news would be that if I DID decide to go back to natural hair, that it wouldnt be too much of a shock for my hair, since my texlaxed hair still has MOST of its texture!
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I literally had a dream last night that I had waist length hair lol.

I need to step up my protective style game and make sure I'm taking care of my hair if I want to make my dreams a reality!
Hi ladies, How did I miss this?
I'm definetly in this. I'll come back with my regimen.
This is my starting pic. I have about 6' to wl.
I always join these challenges and then never post LOL
Anyway I guess I can say I am MBL now which puts me WAAYYY ahead of schedule. I am pretty sure I will have to trim back to BSL but I'm alot more confident now than when I fisrt joined this challenge. I am sure I will make it to WL before the end of 2012 :)
I will try to remember to post pics.
If its not too late, I'd like to get in on this.

I think I am just about APL in the back but the front of my hair seems to be very slow growing. I am still trying to figure out a reggie that works for me currently I wash with shampoo and DC 1x wk. My dream is HL :grin: but WL will work too :yep: . My BC was 10/29/10, I think I have 4a more coarse in the front and crown than the back. I have not flat ironed or used a blowdryer since the bc. I'm not to savvy with pics but I will try to get some uploaded by this weekend.
Welp, here is my update....a little late.

I actually went to the salon because I had an event to go to, so my hair is straighter than I would do at home. The stylist cut off about an inch. She wanted to cut about 4", but I was not having it. I went in with my hair mbl and inching towards wsl, but came out with it barely scraping mbl. It's all good though.

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^^^Growing VERY slowly. At least to me it is. Chopped in Feb and approaching SL within the next month or so. Not gonna make it to WL next year but it's a great way to motivate me to keep up my reggie.
Hello ladies I would like to join. Is it too late for me?

I have about 7 inches to get to wl. I grow about 1/2 inch per month normally. So I think I can make it by the end of 2012.

As my hair is growing my reggie is changing but this is what I am doing now.
Warm Weather
Co wash 1-3x's a week
DC 1-2x's a week alternating between protein and moisture
(Just added) Scalp massage 3x's a week (Peppermint, Rosemary, Vit E, Castor Oil Mix)
Clarify at least 1x a month (Suave or V05 Clarifying Shampoo)
Wash with Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo 1x a week
Will be wearing wng's and buns in the summer. No heat

Cold Weather
I usually alternate between twists and straight hair in the winter.
I usually leave my hair straight for two weeks then wash and wear twists for 3 weeks. Then I may bun for a week and press again. I don't have a real schedule it's how I feel and what I have time for. I try to wash and DC my hair every other week or every 3 weeks. I might step that up.

Oh and I also trim my hair every 3 months. I only trim about .25 of an inch. I haven't had any real breakage or splits. I did have a mini battle with ssk But I've found that keeping my hair moisturized, stretching my hair, sealing my ends and air drying in twists has dramatically reduced them.

Here is my starting pic as of May 2011
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Hey ladies, jst dropping in to say, that I doubt I will reach my goal by December 2012. During my last relaxer I realized that my hair has suffered considerable damage from split ends that has pretty much brought my process to an uneven halt:

Sometime this month I plan on going back to my stylist and getting my hair cut back to this:

From here on out I'm focusing on HEALTH first, THEN length. *sigh* I count this as a lesson learned!
Hello ladies I would like to join. Is it too late for me?

I have about 7 inches to get to wl. I grow about 1/2 inch per month normally. So I think I can make it by the end of 2012.

As my hair is growing my reggie is changing but this is what I am doing now.
Warm Weather
Co wash 1-3x's a week
DC 1-2x's a week alternating between protein and moisture
(Just added) Scalp massage 3x's a week (Peppermint, Rosemary, Vit E, Castor Oil Mix)
Clarify at least 1x a month (Suave or V05 Clarifying Shampoo)
Wash with Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo 1x a week
Will be wearing wng's and buns in the summer. No heat

Cold Weather
I usually alternate between twists and straight hair in the winter.
I usually leave my hair straight for two weeks then wash and wear twists for 3 weeks. Then I may bun for a week and press again. I don't have a real schedule it's how I feel and what I have time for. I try to wash and DC my hair every week or every other week when wearing straight, during the winter.

Oh and I also trim my hair every 3 months. I only trim about .25 of an inch. I haven't had any real breakage or splits. I did have a mini battle with ssk But I've found that keeping my hair moisturized, stretching my hair, sealing my ends and air drying in twists has dramatically reduced them.

Here is my starting pic as of May 2011

Not at all! Welcome keepithealthy!!! :wave:
Hey ladies, jst dropping in to say, that I doubt I will reach my goal by December 2012. During my last relaxer I realized that my hair has suffered considerable damage from split ends that has pretty much brought my process to an uneven halt:

Sometime this month I plan on going back to my stylist and getting my hair cut back to this:

From here on out I'm focusing on HEALTH first, THEN length. *sigh* I count this as a lesson learned!

Oh no[USER=238014]D.Lisha[/USER][/email][/email]! Sorry to hear about this. How do you think you got your splits? Just curious because I ended up with some splits after using the Tangle Teazer thingy.

Well, health first is definitely the way to go. It won't take you long to get back in the game :yep:
Hmmm wondering if I should go back to co-washing again... my hair is irritating me, and I need to stop trimming it so much...
@Naturallista: I believe my splits came from me not trimming/dusting the way I should. In all honesty, I haven't had a real good trim since Last June (when my stylist gave me the cut) and my dusting is absolutely TERRIBLE since I was trying to hang on to every inch I could get! lol. :look: I can't say that I'm familiar with the Tangle Teazer first-hand, but between here and youtube I've heard some pretty mixed-reviews on it. They actually have me kinda scared to even consider it lol.

But this time around I plan to be ON IT when it comes to my trims. I'm talking the trims will be done every 6 months, and in between time I will dust after every relaxer with the Split-Ender. I feel like that's a fail-proof plan to help me stay on top of these ends.
I want to try! We can all get there together. My goal is to have WL hair, I think I can do it by December 2012. I'm ready!
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@Naturallista: I believe my splits came from me not trimming/dusting the way I should. In all honesty, I haven't had a real good trim since Last June (when my stylist gave me the cut) and my dusting is absolutely TERRIBLE since I was trying to hang on to every inch I could get! lol. :look: I can't say that I'm familiar with the Tangle Teazer first-hand, but between here and youtube I've heard some pretty mixed-reviews on it. They actually have me kinda scared to even consider it lol.

But this time around I plan to be ON IT when it comes to my trims. I'm talking the trims will be done every 6 months, and in between time I will dust after every relaxer with the Split-Ender. I feel like that's a fail-proof plan to help me stay on top of these ends.

D.Lisha I feel yah, I need to do better with my trimmings too.

Don't forget to post pics after your cut.... you know, hair porn is hair porn :yep: