Waist Length 2012 Challenge

Can any of you ladies post threads about Moisture/Protein Balance, I think that's what my problem is now and I can't work the search anymore. TIA
When I get my hair done in December, I am also going to measure my hair in inches. Starting at my hair line. This will help me track my growth with more accuracy.
Hi Ladies!

I DC'd sunday using the Cathy Howse dc recipe and I now have protein overload:sad:

I think I may need to cut off a lot of my beautiful hair...well my once beautiful hair.

I'm learning alot about hair care but I fear it may be too late to save my hair. :cry2:I have like an inch and a half of brillo on my ends. I hate to have to go to my girlfriend/hairdresser to get it cut cause I know she's gonna tell me I should have listened to her in the first place.

I'm thinking maybe I'll just get some moisterizing shampoo and just keep it moisterized and in a bun for a few months. But I have an event to attend later this month and I need a real hairdo for it. I don't know guys.

Even though I have had alll natural hair for a long time, I never used protective styles. I'm so used to going and getting a wash blowdry and curl every two weeks. Then I would just pin curl / wrap it for the two weeks. But my growth was snail slow.

If you guys know anything to save this poor brillo that currently rests on my ends...talk to me.

On a positive note I won that printer from the HP commercial with that baby that's traveling on the expressway in his walker in a drawing at my job!!!! YAY ME!!!
If anybody needs any picture prints...just let me know :lol:. I can't wait to replace our old printer.

I pray everyone is well!!
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Also since I'm having such a hard time with my hair in it's natural state; I'm seriously contemplating this whole texlaxing thing.
I'm going to a professional conference in NYC. I really want to straighten my hair, but I did a quick length check (by stretching my hair). I'm sooooo close to BSL. I don't want to straighten and cause any damage or a setback. What should I do with my hair for the conference?!?!

I think you should do a rollerset.
@prettybyrd ~ Welcome to this amazing group. With regards to my layers I length check by my longest layers since I will probably always wear my hair slightly layered.

@rockstar ~ Have you thought about a french roll? You can add more pizzazz with a swooped bangs or a few pin curls.

@Danniquin ~ I tend to stick with the threads by Sista Slick. If I should come across others, I’ll make sure to post them for you.

@Mrs. Verde ~ I am going to as well. I dislike having to part my hair to do it the way I am currently. I will post a starting length check in Jan after my texlax and flat iron.

@Drtondalia ~ I only shampoo my hair if it feels overburdened with products or I need to clarify. I’m more of a co-washing kind of gal. Might I suggest that you DC and oil your ends, after moisturizing, the way that QB of “The Truth is Hair” videos. Since I started using her method my ends are much more manageable. As far as texlaxing is concerned I like it. For me it fits well into my lifestyle. Congratulations on winning a printer!

I posted all of this and more in a message yesterday but the site ate it so…yeah.
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Last night I did my very first co-wash. My SO told me this morning that he's amazed at how good my hair looks in such a short period. Yesterday he said, "Now that's the way that your hair should look". I've been moisturizing and sealing. I haven't used any heat for the week and I've worn it up in a bun.
^^^What are you cowashing with??

I applied VO5 Moisture Milk Strawberry and Cream and let it sit for about 30 minutes. After I rinsed it off, I applied Nexxus Humectress and washed off immediately. I think that I'll alternate btwn the two to see which works better, so next time just VO5. I saw a great thread about co-washing on another forum which advised against using silicone and protein based conditioners. They recommended VO5, Herbal Essence Hello Hydration, Suave and Nexxus Humectress as some of the best for co-washing.
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^^^That sounds like a great combo. Very moisturizing so that has to leave your hair feeling like butter!

So out of sheer boredom, I made my own growth chart from a pic I took when I was 10 weeks post. I'm now approaching 29 weeks on Friday/officially 7 months on the 23rd. When I flat iron next month, I'll try to make an updated growth chart to see how much progress I've made.

growth chart.JPG
Soooo, yeah, I did something a couple of days ago that I wasn't sure that I would ever do again.... um yeah, I straightened. :shocked: :huh: I don't know if the devil made me do it or what.... I just felt like it....so I did.

**Disclaimer** Viewer Discretion- Pictures are very crappy and there is back fat and flabby arms present :lachen:

Here is my hair in the process of drying with just heat protectant

I did not straighten bone straight because (a) I don't really like it that way (b) I'm still wary of heat damage....kept the flat iron very low and no blow drying

This one is for Bigmommah because she doesn't believe I have grays-peep the red henna hilights on the left :lol:

The small fat role is my bra, if I pulled my hair down, it is at the bottom of the strap. I guess that means full bsl.

Obligatory pony pic

This is the next day after being in a bun and poufing. The bra shows were midback is on me.

I'm about an inch or an inch and a half from mbl. Not sure if I'll make it by the end of December or not. If I do, I'll just barely be grazing...We shall see.

Thanks for looking. Sorry the pics are so big, but I like big pics when I'm looking at peoples' pictures because I'm blind- so sue me!
Naturallista, thanks for the update, I really enjoyed the pics. I usually can't hold out for too long on my relaxers. I get very bored. Until recently I didn't know how to care for natural hair. I relaxed about 4 weeks ago, so I'll see how long I can hold out for.
Naturallista ~ Thank you so much for my personalized hair pron (Gamer speak for porn)! Although all I see are lovely henna highlights and no grays! I am so close to straightening my hair it's not funny. I don't mind the big pictures at all. I like pictures that are larger myself.

amazing possibilities ~ I am with you on learning to care for natural hair. Most of the time I'm ok but there are times, like last night, when my hair seemed to be soo much work it was discouraging.
I find that it's easier to get discouraged when I'm rushing. I should have just postponed or skipped my mid-week cowash since I went shopping last night which threw off my normal schedule.
amazing possibilities, Thanks! I so get hair boredom, but usually I'm to busy to do anything about it. Don't know what happened this time. And keep holding out on that relaxer, you can do it!

Bigmommah, pron hmmm, that's a new one for me! See those red highlights would all be gray if I didn't henna and well, I just can't have that....yet....maybe 15 more years I'll let them go :lol:

I can't wait to see you straighten (do it do it do it :evilbanana:)!!! Did I tell you how lovely your braid picture was? Well, I meant to, if I didn't (I don't know which way is up, lately). And congrats on the 3 inches of growth! Woot Woot! Measuring is something I'm trying to get better at. I have one of those shirts, but it is so tight right now, it's not really reliable. I do better with body landmarks, I guess.

@ everyone else, hope all is well!
Hello Ladies just checking in:
I am still doing my weekly Wash, DC and Roller Sets. I'm applying JBCO to my scalp 2x's a week and to my nape and edges nightly. Moisturizing with NTM ( which I am still on the fence with ) I stopped sealing with JBCO it's just to heavy for my ends so instead I'm sealing with Hollywoods Beauty Castor Oil it's waaaaaaaaaaay lighter and keeps my ends Hydrated. It contains Castor Oil, Mink Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Vitamin E, Jojoba oil, Paraffin Oil and Safflower Oil it smells great and I love it. Just like everything else a little goes a long way.
I'm still trying to master the bun as one of my protective styles, once I get it I will post pics.
Ladies today the hair won. I attempted to wrangle it and then said "Forget it!", slapped on a head band and went out the door. I wore a braid out yesterday that I attempted to wear again today. It looks like a cross between a auburn lion's mane and the cotton insides of a pillow.

I am trying to stretch with no direct heat until Jan but today was a bit discouraging. Curly, my shed hair loves to grab onto my other hair and create some of the most intricate knots you've ever seen. I never know when one is going to come falling down.

Now that my ng is longer I've been trying to "type" it, to no avail. To me it appears that I'm 4b with a heaping dose of 4c and the lightest sprinking of 4a at the very edges. I'll ask my daughter to take pictures of my hair freshly washed with no product on it and you ladies can guess along with me!

Thanks for the support and have a groovy weekend!
Hello Ladies just checking in:
I am still doing my weekly Wash, DC and Roller Sets. I'm applying JBCO to my scalp 2x's a week and to my nape and edges nightly. Moisturizing with NTM ( which I am still on the fence with ) I stopped sealing with JBCO it's just to heavy for my ends so instead I'm sealing with Hollywoods Beauty Castor Oil it's waaaaaaaaaaay lighter and keeps my ends Hydrated. It contains Castor Oil, Mink Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Vitamin E, Jojoba oil, Paraffin Oil and Safflower Oil it smells great and I love it. Just like everything else a little goes a long way.
I'm still trying to master the bun as one of my protective styles, once I get it I will post pics.

Are you natural or relaxed?
Sooo I went home at lunch and decided to put in my pre-poo (olive oil) and toss a snood over it before heading back to work. We have casual friday's and there is nothing that speaks to snoods in the dress code.

Anyway as I was trying to work the oil in I realized I have been lying to myself and others. I have don't have 4b hair what I have is something that has yet to be typed! I am just going to call it THE HAIR.

My daughter, who hadn't seen me when I left this morning, walked in to the downstairs bathroom and her eyes just about fell out of her head. Being a sweetie she said, "It's a good thing you like big hair mom". :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Now ladies keep in mind that the majority of my hair is texlaxed but I kid you not the further I get away from my last relaxer the more "natural" even my texlaxed hair behaves. I am dumbfounded by this here business. When I did my braid out the day before yesterday I used pretty heavy duty products to seal and I used both a liqued and a cream moisturizer. Let me not forget the jbco. Today my hair feels like "Barbie Doll" hair, to quote my daughter. :blush:

I know this sounds too fantastic to believe so what I am going to do is take a picture of my hair with the olive oil still on it before I shampoo it tonight and then I'll take a no product shot after. I set a goal to not relax before Jan 1st, and I plan to stick to it, but I will probably drive you all insane with my updates and "somebody help me" pictures.

To wrap this up my daughter suggested that I start treating my hair as if it's completely natural to see if I have better styling and management results that fit into my lifestyle.
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Ok here are the shots of my hair with enough olive oil on it to fry chicken for 6.

My front edge, the baby hair curls and immediately turns into a thick mat of hair:

A complete picture of the front:

And oh the nape:
I caved in and flatironed my hair! Here is a pic. Such a blank stare going on but you guys get the deal. I miss my curlies so much!
@Drtondalia ~ Thank you for the support. I'm working towards my goals and keeping my eyes on the prize.

@NikkiQ ~ At this point I'm 4 months into a 5.5 month stretch. Since I don't use direct heat and this is the 1st time in my life I'm attempting to manage my natural hair I'm not ready to attempt a transition yet. Unless I find a miracle product that helps me manage my new growth better I will be texlaxing Jan 1st.

@Rockstar ~ I like how thick your hair looks. I can't wait to flat iron mine in January. I'm ready to swang the dang thang!

Have a great day!
checking in ladies...Still sticking to my Reggie. I stopped moisturing with NTM for some reason my hair still feels dry no matter how much I use my hair drinks it up. So now I'm using HE Long Term Relationship so far so good. Since I've learned how to make the perfect bun last week (thanks youtube) I have been a bunning fool. LOL Also I purchased a applicator bottle for my JBCO it's easier to grease my scalp with the pointy tip!
I am rollersetting my hair once a week and wearing buns and braidouts. My bottom layer is 6.5 inches away from my waist, I want to be full waistlength tho by Dec 2012.