Waist Length 2012 Challenge

A little Blah about my hair today. I had to co-wash a little earlier than normal because an evening work out destroyed what was left of a knot out. I decided to make 8 large box braids and then curl my hair with satin covered foam rollers.

I worked out this morning, took a shower AND got dressed only to find that my hair was still soaking wet. Wet to the point that I had to squeeze the braids to help them dry a bit. I needed to leave so I combed/smoothed the top into a pony tail and unbraided the back to let it dry. When I got to work I used a hair zing to make a pony tail in the back and I'm going to tuck the ends under when they dry a little more.

After the amount of time and effort I spent detangling and styling last night I am a bit disappointed at not having a cute "do" this morning.
So today makes 5 weeks for my braids and they will be coming out today. I can't wait to see the progress!!! I may do a good DC today and then Aphogee on Thursday. So excited!!!
Is it December yet????

If it's not can we pretend that it is?

I'm ready to be excited about progress and use lot's of emoticons and stuff.

Really, I am.
^^@Bigmommah: girl I'm with you on that! I'm ready for December myself. I'm jst ready to be able to feel my scalp again. 8 weeks of new growth is no joke :ohwell:
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^^^try 6 months of it :lachen:

Took my braids down and boy boy boy...my NG is THICK and healthy! I love it. I'll try to upload pics in a bit.
I'm nervous to check for BSL. I'm going to hold off to the last possible day, but I think I'm using a heat pass in 9 days.
Hello, everyone!

Welcome, Shaunie Stephenson!

*Waits patiently* NikkiQ to post more pictures :coffee::popcorn:

Bigmommah, I'm torn. I want December to be here so I can see some good hair porn, but I don't want December to be here because I need more time for my final projects in school:dizzy: Arrgghh!

Welp, henna'd on Monday, and now my hair is blingin, so at least I can be happy about that.

And where in the heck did soldierforhair run off to??????

Ok, back to work!:spank:
@NikkiQ ~ Luverly hair! We really must insist upon more pictures.

@JJamaiah ~ I posted in your other thread but I have to say it again. Your hair is beautiful.

@rockstar ~ We want pictures!! Give us pictures! Ok I'm better now. I can't wait to see your results.

@Naturallista ~ Education is important. I need you to educate us with examples of your hair in December, kthanx! I'm sure you'll get all of your projects done. I believe in you! I can't wait until Friday night when I plan to henna my hair. There is an Indian market in between my house and my job and they have Jamilla for $1.99 for 100g. They have a $10 minimum if you slide plastic so I bought rose water as well to try out. They have all of the oils Amla, vatika etc but I am a die hard coconut oil fanatic so I'll be looking into those slowly. As for Soldierforhair, I'll have to give her a call to see how she's doing.

So at 14 weeks post my hair is doing it's own thing and I am enjoying it. I am trying to create styles that work with where my hair is now and my fitness goals so here is a picture or todays style.

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Sorry ladies. I can't show too many pictures. I'm in the Hide Your Hair challenge. I will be doing my length check in 7 weeks(Christmas) so I'll have lots of pics then :)
NikkiQYou are coming along very well.
Bigmommah your hair is looking fabulously thick.

We're almost at the end of the year ladies. Best wishes. 2011 will bring us closer to our 2012 goal.:yep:
I tried to take a better picture for you guys. I know I'm violating some rules in my HYH challenge but eh here we go :lachen:

afrochique ~ Thank you! I'm only 14 weeks post but my ng is a force of nature. I wore the same style today but tried twisting a little tighter. We'll see what I look like when my hair drys.

NikkiQ ~ Thank you for the sneak peek. It's like burlesque instead of hair porn, and don't worry we won't tell the ladies over at the HyH challenge. =)

Do any of you ladies own a Denman brush, and if so which one? I'm not concerned about my shedding but I am concerned because my shed hairs always seem to tangle with my non-shed hair and causes knots and breakage. My thought is to detangle with a wide tooth shower comb and then go over my hair again with the Denman to make sure most of the shed hairs are removed.
i was looking at my hair over the weekend and I think I've got some hairs grazing APL. My hair grows really unevenly, so I know it will take a whlie for the rest to get there. Still, I can look at old pictures and relaly see the progress, so I'm excited.
Just a quick check in ladies! Going back to get my hair braided tomorrow and will keep them in for 6 weeks this time around. one last hurrah before the big length check! About to blow it out too I'll see if I can catch some pics of the fro.

oh! I do have another pic of my curlies I'll try to post later :giggle:
I have henna'd and the world is a beautiful place. I tried to simply the process as much as possible so I only used henna and warm water and let it sit for 12 hours before applying it. The color is really red right now but I know it will tone down in a few days. I took a few pictures and hopefully I can get them uploaded to my on-line album this weekend.
My weekend was good. I am so inspired by all of you ladies to take control of my hair. I've been very loyal to my hairdresser, but I've decided that no one will love and care for my hair the way that I do. I'm so excited to see how my hair responds now that I'll be taking care of it on my own.
@amazingpossibilities ~ I love the freedom of being my own hair dresser. I can start as early or as late as I would like and I get to choose what works for me. I'm glad you're taking the time to work with your hair. Who knows perhaps you'll learn some things you can teach your hairdresser that will make it possible for you to partner with her on keeping your hair the way you'd like it.

As for me I had a bit of a revelation yesterday. I haven't been able to accurately measure my ng because the henna relaxes my coils a bit and my hair is only bone straight at the ends. Someone posted a link to a video by QB of "The truth is hair" and I started watching her videos and had several "aha" moments. She says to measure your ng by feeling where your hair is puffy and then sliding your hand until it’s not (this is not word for word I’m paraphrasing). This made perfect sense for me since my curl pattern is not uniform but you can definitely tell where my roots are by feel. Not wanting to get too excited I also used a measuring tape to confirm what I found.

I last relaxed my hair July 25th. I didn’t take any pictures because I didn’t plan to wear it down. However, I did have my husband measure the back with a measuring tape hanging from my crown. My hair was 14 inches long. Following QB’s advice I measured my roots and then used the measuring tape from crown to end.


After doing a happy dance I spent some time assessing my hair’s overall health. I can see that my nape is doing better but may never match the rest of my hair (thyroid issues), if I don’t do a better job of moisturizing my ends I may have to take off more that the planned ½ inch in January. Thanks again to QB on how she moisturizes her hair, my ends looked so much better this morning and responded well to being handled pretty roughly (I was running late).

I am so happy to have found things processes and products that work for me and even more so to have a group of women to support and be supported by on this journey.
^^ Note to self:-->Stop being lazy and get a tape measurer to aide in tracking my hair growth progress* :yep:

My weekend was pretty laid back and somewhat eventful. Saturday, I spent the day with Mom dukez and my lil [bad a$$] brother :). We treated him out to see Sesame Street for his early surprise birthday gift. My style of choice was a simple two-strand twist out. I usually resort to a style of this sort in order to let my hair "breathe" for the weekend. I was pretty apprehensive about my ends for most of the day, since the weather getting noticeably cooler...I think I may keep my hair bunned up-even on the weekends-for the sake of my ends.
Fast forward to Sunday...I pretty much stayed in all day with a scarf over my edges and the back hanging out. And once again....I was uneasy about my precious ends, so I ended up tucking them in with a mini-gator clip. So I guess it's safe to say i'm going to be bunned up for the ENTIRE Winter o.O. 'Tis a sacrifice i'm willing to make for long, lush, healthy hair :yep:.
That is all for now.......
Bigmommah, I drive about 30 -35 minutes to my hairdresser, then I spend another 10 minutes trying to get a parking space. She tries to get there at 7 for me, but usually gets started on my hair at 8. I don't think that I've ever left the salon before 11. If you consider that I get up 5/5:30 to get prepared to leave by 6, it would mean that I'm investing about 6 hours all together. It's a waste of time. Yesterday I applied my DC and left it in for 2 hours while I did some house cleaning.
D.Lisha ~ I won't be without mine again. It made this much more "real" for me. I don't wear my hair down other than the few hours I was when I rollerset and now I don't do that anymore so I had no real way of seeing my progress other than the "poof" at my roots.

@amazingpossibilities ~ I understand completely. I would probably have done the same thing once I found out the information I have now. I enjoy being able to take care of my hair while I am taking care of other things.

@Bigmommah, I drive about 30 -35 minutes to my hairdresser, then I spend another 10 minutes trying to get a parking space. She tries to get there at 7 for me, but usually gets started on my hair at 8. I don't think that I've ever left the salon before 11. If you consider that I get up 5/5:30 to get prepared to leave by 6, it would mean that I'm investing about 6 hours all together. It's a waste of time. Yesterday I applied my DC and left it in for 2 hours while I did some house cleaning.
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I joined a long time ago, but I'm just getting around to posting pics. :blush: Please forgive!

This is from my Oct. length check (same as siggy, but that will likely change):

Please pardon my zit - I went back to grease and (re) discovered why that was a bad idea for me all over again.
View attachment 99559

You can't really see the layers here, but they are definitely there! I have a love hate (mostly hate) relationship with these layers.
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My natural layers are very obvious in this pic. My back is just touching my shoulders, the crown is chin length, the front is to the bridge of my nose. I want to claim WL when the front is WL, and I'll probably keep it cut to one length after I reach WL.
View attachment 99563

This is my regimen. I may be adding more products, but I'm happy to have found some suitable staples.

Wash and condition (Oyin Grand Poo Bar and Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner)
DC (LeKair)
Detangle (Infusium Original Formula)
JBCO scalp/seal ends

Co-wash (Oyin Honey Hemp)
Detangle (Infusium Original Formula)

Massage Scalp
Re-plait as needed
Moisturize hair and seal ends

For ladies with natural layers, how are you planning to chart your growth, but the longest section or the shortest?

Right now I'm trying to protective style using wigs. I don't know how successful I will be at that, so I may alternate one week wigs, one week french braids until I can get it right.

Happy Styling!
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I'm going to a professional conference in NYC. I really want to straighten my hair, but I did a quick length check (by stretching my hair). I'm sooooo close to BSL. I don't want to straighten and cause any damage or a setback. What should I do with my hair for the conference?!?!
I'm going to a professional conference in NYC. I really want to straighten my hair, but I did a quick length check (by stretching my hair). I'm sooooo close to BSL. I don't want to straighten and cause any damage or a setback. What should I do with my hair for the conference?!?!

rockstar, have you thought about getting a BKT?