Waist Length 2012 Challenge

Good Day All!!

Well I finally tried to do a roller-set on my 100% natural 4a hair and it came out ok I think. I had just DC'd and at first it seemed like it just wasn't working. My hair was shriveling up into lets just call it tight thickness..lol and I was getting really discouraged. I used the perm rods and the magnetic rollers just to see the results of each. I can say that I like the perm rod results better but I think I need a bigger size than I used this time.
Let me know what you think! HHG!



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Hey everybody! :grouphug:

Long time, no talk. I've pretty much been lurking because I've been so frickin' busy with school, life, and what not...

Anyway, glad to see the joint is still jumpin and people are doing well.

Haven't really been doing much to my hair lately, but it is time for a henna (stupid grays) and a dc. Eh, I don't know, maybe Monday. I've been going through conditioner like a fiend and I'm starting to get worried- I see lots of $$$$ in my future with wl hair. I can only imagine what it will be like for you ladies with thicky thick hair. *sigh*

It's starting to take a long time to wash my hair- I actually have to part it now, which is something that I never thought that I would have to do :lol:. Also,I have switched up my sealing oil from evoo to jojoba oil and I like it. Think I'll save the evoo for salads and drizzling :lick:

Drtondalia, love your roller-set! That is definitely something I wish I could master, but the times I have tried have been a big FAIL. What ever happened with your hairdresser friend? I would have had to cut her loose, but you are probably nicer than I.

December is coming and I can't wait to see everyone's hair! I'm crossing my fingers for mid-back because that will be a milestone for me- my longest hair ever! Fingers crossed for everyone to meet their hair goals!

HHG *hugs*
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Hey ladies,
Just checking in. So, I gave up on bunning and decided to go back to my faithful ol' wigs. I can't cornrow so I make 10 big braids and tuck them under to keep my ends protected. I am 19 weeks post today and trying to stay away from heat until the end of the year. HHG
NikkiQ: I was up on the site...and all I can say is WOW...there are some nice ones up there..and for fairly reasonable prices.
How about when I got on there...I realized... I really need to watch a Wig tutorial video or something O.O
As crazy as it sounds...I don't even know where to begin when it comes to wig wearing (don't judge me!)
I mean..I know you braid your hair in cornrows first..then after that do you jst place the wig on top of that? I've heard something about a "net-cap" or something...where does that come into play at? (boy do I sound slow! lol)

Checkin in:
So apparently I've been sleeping on the scarf method *choir sings "hallelujah!*. Just the other night I grew tired of my raggedy edges. I would usually brush it off as "oh well at least I can see my hair is growing :)" but blah...i did want to look presentable in the work place, you know? So that night as I was doing my M&S session....I decided to comb all of my hair back..and apply some elasta QP Mango Butter to the edges and my nape. Then I tied the scarf securley around my edges..and in the morning? VOILA! My edges were laid DOWN! No Gel! No Heat...nada! And the best part? It remained like that ALLLLLL DAY! :clap:. I mean it's really amazing...you can't even tell that i'm 6-weeks post :woot:.

That is all......

The scarf has definitely saved my life. I'm growing out bangs and I try not to brush my hair back into my pony's and buns -that scarf is the only thing keeping from looking like a crazed crackhead :hair:
Hey ladies,

Still bunning it until Dec when I touch up. I started adding castor oil to my scalp and I'm hoping that I get some growth and thickness from it. We'll see.

Just over 2 months to the reveal. What we gonna see?
^^^Gonna see lots of NG from me :lol:

But I'm actually thinking about trying a BKT out. Anyone ever gave it a try and what were your results?
I'm getting bored with my hair. I'm in the Curly 'Til Christmas challenge. I was going to straighten for my birthday, but instead I'm saving my pass for an advertising conference I am going to. I've been diffusing and wet bunning, and I need something different. I love wearing my hair out, but I have SO much of hair, it becomes cumbersome. I want two-strand twists, but I'm not patient enough to sit and do them. Decisions decisions...does anyone have any advice?
Hey Everybody!

I hope everyone is doing well.

I have only been at this for a few weeks and though I have read the Cathy Howse book, I still don't really have a clue.

Friday I DC'd and I kinda made my own DC with melted Shea Butter, EVOO, coconut oil, and VO5 Moisture Milks Conditioner.

My hair came out soft but kinda greasy at the same time.

I then proceeded to do a roller set which came out OK, (I posted pics in my album) but here I am a few days later and it looks like I have a brillo pad on my head.

I want to use a protective style but my hair is 100% natural and nappy to a fault. Oh yeah and it's thick as possible. :nono:

I'm starting to get nervous because I'm so used to my hair looking a certain way. But I don't want to go to the shop and gett all that heat put on it cause then I have a bunch of breakage.

So could you all help me and let me know what I am doing right and what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to wash my hair tonight but I'm not sure what to do with it after that?

Help Me!

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Please count me in. I am currently in the MBL 2011 Challenge and would definitely be interested in joining this one. I'll post my pics by the end of the week.

I'm currently grazing APL because of a recent trim.

Here's my regimen:

Pre-poo - Virgin Coconut Oil (overnight)

Wash - Joico K-Pak Shampoo

Deep Condition - 1. Joico K-Pak Intense Reconstructor (10 - 15 minutes heat)

2. Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment Balm (10 - 15 minutes heat)

Moisturize Scalp - Virgin Coconut Oil

Seal - Apoghee Essential Oils

Vatika Hair Oil
My suggestions are in blue.

Friday I DC'd and I kinda made my own DC with melted Shea Butter, EVOO, coconut oil, and VO5 Moisture Milks Conditioner.
My hair came out soft but kinda greasy at the same time.
I think your hair was greasy because you used too many oils. Try to use one oil at a time to see which one your hair prefers or establish a ratio that works without the greasiness.

I then proceeded to do a roller set which came out OK, (I posted pics in my album) but here I am a few days later and it looks like I have a brillo pad on my head.
After DC your hair, did you apply a leave-in conditioner?
It is also important to keep your hair moisturized as you see necessary. This will keep your hair soft, moisturized and avoid breakage.

I want to use a protective style but my hair is 100% natural and nappy to a fault. Oh yeah and it's thick as possible. :nono:
You could try bunning as a protective style to protect your ends.

I'm starting to get nervous because I'm so used to my hair looking a certain way. But I don't want to go to the shop and get all that heat put on it cause then I have a bunch of breakage. You are right about keeping away from frequent heat styling. It will help with retention. Or you can blowdry on a cool setting to keep tangles away.

So could you all help me and let me know what I am doing right and what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to wash my hair tonight but I'm not sure what to do with it after that?
I think it is important for you to come up with a regimen that includes:
-Washing and DC - Moisturizing and sealing - Protective styling (wigging, bunning, weaving_ whatever works for you).

Help Me!

I thought I joined this challenge? If it's not too late, I still want to join. Here are my starting pictures.

My regimen
I cowash at least 5xs a week, even in the winter. I cowash with cheap conditioners like Suave, V05, etc. I'm not one of those people who gets sick if their head is wet. I have reduced my combing a lot. I only comb my hair once a week. I finger comb a few times a week. After the cowash, I put in a leave-in conditioner (or two). I am stepping up my game on sealing. I have started sealing with olive butter. I also steam my hair 2xs a week. I DC a few times a week. I usually slap on the DC and go to bed. I will do more S&D.

August 2010

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LOL Dang ya'll why can't I be down?!?!?!?!?!?!? I need to cut 1-2 inches. I don't know if I get the full 6 inches of growth every year. We will see where I am in December 2011.
@afrochique: :notworthy Thanks so much for all your help. Last night I washed and conditioned my hair. Then I sprayed it with aphogee leave in conditioner. I put my hair in like ten big twists and sat under the dryer for 20 minutes on low/warm. My hair was still damp as I proceeded to two strand twist with QP Mango Butter and sealed each one with coconut oil. My hair was soft and moisturized when I untwisted them this morning. The only problem I had was that I rolled my twists on my satin covered rollers and I must have done it too tight or rolled them in the wrong direction cause my curls were going everywhere.

You live and you learn!!:lol:
Tonight I will re-twist them and leave them be.
Feeling a lot better than I was yesterday....the frizz is gone!:bdance:
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Ladies, you are a huge inspiration to me. I've never felt this motivated to take care of my hair. Before coming to LHCF, I always felt like putting anything on my ends would weigh my hair down. As a result, I ended up with split ends. I constantly had to chop the ends off to try to make it look healthy. Now I'm sealing the ends, but alternating between Coconut Oil and Vatika Oil. I told my SO, that I'm now using the same thing that my grand mom tried to get me to use when I was younger. Growing up in South America, my grand mom who's Indian would make pure coconut oil and try to get me to use it on my skin and hair. I detested the smell and associated its use with people who couldn't afford to buy commercially made products . . . I was young and was having none of it. Now, I wish that I let her have her way. My mom had no idea how to care of a biracial hair, so left it in the hands of hairdressers who I now know didn't understand either.

I feel like now like I have a family of women who understand and can help me on my journey to healthier hair.

Thank you ladies!
Welcome to our new members!

I'm using black tea rinses and french braids to finish my stretch. I have lead hairs and ng galore and am doing my best to not cut or "play" in my hair because I have a horrible habit of breaking off ssk's and twisting my bone straight ends until it tangles with the texlaxed part and then....well I think you get the picture.

On a happier note my hair is definitely growing and is pretty darn healthy. I need to find something to put on my hair when I braid it to help it hold a bit better since I am just learning to french braid and my braids aren't very tight. I'll take a picture of it and post it soon.

I plan to henna my hair on November 6th and that should take care of my hard core protein until I get ready for my texlax in Jan.

Have a groovy day!
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So I plan on taking my braids out this coming Tuesday and I can't wait! It'll be 5 weeks and I'm anxious to see my progress. But alas...my hair will go back in hiding soon afterwards.
Drtondalia ~ Texlax is a relaxer that is deliberately underprocessed. There are several ways to go about it; from mixing in oils, to applying the relaxer and rinsing it out without smoothing, and other variations.

I personally apply my relaxer with minimal smoothing because I prefer my curl pattern to be loosened more than many ladies do.
My last roller set on Sat didn't dry all the way so I just pinned it up and then wore it in a messy side pony tail on Sunday and then braided it up Sun night. I still don't have pictures of this braided style but I hope to take some before I take my hair down Friday.

I'm currently 13 weeks post. Oh yeah and I told y'all I had wings :lachen:.


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Hey Everybody!

It has been an eventfull week for my hair. After trying the twist out style It only lasted one day the I looked like a puff ball. I then tried the wash & go but it just wasn't working. Unfortunately I would up washing, conditioning, sitting under the hooded dryer, and flat ironing my hair last night. There is a big chunk of hair in the back that feels like brillo. I've never felt anything like it in my hair.

So I'm wondering if I split a bunch of my ends with all the activity this week? And it so what the heck do I do now. I tried putting it in a bun but my husband said it makes me look like an old lady, plus I couldn't get the edges in the back to lay down.

I have watched like a million how to videos on twist outs, braid outs, roller sets, buns and puffs. I just don't seem to be able to get any really good results. Is there any way I can get my hair to grow in and use my flat irons on a regular basis?

I am getting discouraged again and my family isn't very supportive with husband commenting that I need to just go back to my old style "cause i look like kizzie". :darkcloud:

Trying not to be a brat about all this.....I don't usually complain about anything. I just hate when I can't get stuff right :angry2:.
Drtondalia: :bighug:
Welcome to the family chicka :)...you sound like me when I first embarked on my HHJ lol. Although I'm no "hair style" guru (I can't even BRAID RIGHT), I willl try to offer as much helpful advice on the subject as much as I can lol. Now for starters, what products are you using for your hair? What kinda moisturizer are you using? What kinda shampoo/conditioner are you using? Do you moisturize and seal on a regular basis? From what you're saying about the a patch of your hair having a "brillo-pad" like feel....your hair may be on the porous side. See This Article on Porosity

And for your edges to lay down gurl let me introduce you to the SCARF METHOD :yep: This method has to be by far...one of my most utilized methods! Ok so what you do is grab some of your favorite moisturize/leave-in conditioner and apply it to your edges. Then proceed to brush it in to make sure it is evenly distributed. Finally take a silk scarf and tie it around your edges overnight or for a couple of minutes (if you're in a hurry) and BOOM your edges will be laid DOWN! Believe me :D
Now mind you...this is MY preferred method.
If you'd like to hear some more methods check out this thread
Hope this help! :)
Don't give up gurl, you have to keep at it, in order to perfect it..after all happens overnight...right?
D.Lisha Ok so these are all the products I've been using:

Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair
Aphogee keratin 2 minute reconstructor
V05 moisture milks conditioner
Aphogee provitamin leave-in conditioner
Aphogee keratin & green tea restructurizer (on my DC day)
Elasta QP design foam (for my roller sets)
Shea butter (moisturize)
Coconut oil (seal)
Elasta QP Mango Butter (for my twist outs)
S-Curl spray (moisturize)
Hot six oil (seal)

I don't use them all at once but maybe it's too much. this is like week four for me and the first two weeks I spent shopping for all this stuff and reading Cathy Howse's book. Maybe I need a chart that shows what I should use and do when and how. I don't know.

Tryna hang in there...off to read this article about porosity.

^^Drtondalia: looks like you have a good stash to work with. As far as establishing a reggie to help you utilize them I suggest you check out this article as well. (yet another article, I know...but alla these have helped me get well established in my HHJ lol) :yep: