Waist Length 2012 Challenge

Still chugging along in my beehive. I'm almost ready to order a few more wigs, but I think I might wait until Black Friday to see if there are any awesome sales going on at hairsisters.com
NikkiQ ~ What type/style wig are you looking to buy this time? I need to buy a good hair wax/stick for my edges but I'll need it Waaaay before Black Friday. I need to stop by Sally's and buy one, along with nail polish thinner and more Infusium 23.

Have a groovy day ladies!
Still chugging along in my beehive. I'm almost ready to order a few more wigs, but I think I might wait until Black Friday to see if there are any awesome sales going on at hairsisters.com

I dont NEED anymore wigs, but I'll probably get a few next time they have a sale. (since when has need ever stopped us,, lol)

I'm liking my braids too (mine aren't cornrowed though). It's so simple to deal with and this morning I washed and conditioned before work. I def think this will help me keep my routine going since i dont have to deal with all the extra detangling/styling on wash days
@NikkiQ ~ What type/style wig are you looking to buy this time? I need to buy a good hair wax/stick for my edges but I'll need it Waaaay before Black Friday. I need to stop by Sally's and buy one, along with nail polish thinner and more Infusium 23.

Have a groovy day ladies!

I need quick and easy wigs for work and my promotional jobs. Been looking at a little of everything really. Got a few of each(LF,full cap,halfies) on my list.
I dont NEED anymore wigs, but I'll probably get a few next time they have a sale. (since when has need ever stopped us,, lol)

I'm liking my braids too (mine aren't cornrowed though). It's so simple to deal with and this morning I washed and conditioned before work. I def think this will help me keep my routine going since i dont have to deal with all the extra detangling/styling on wash days

Braids are most def a time saver and helps me maintain my sanity during this transition lol. I have to text my stylist next week to see if she's open the following week to get my beehive redone. after 4 weeks, they are crazy loose.
I didn't have a chance to do my hair this weekend so I plan to wash, dc and do a knot out for the rest of the week. This weekend I plan to frenchbraid my hair into an updo to take me through the rest of the month. I plan to henna my hair the 1st Sat in November and then just keep french braiding my hair until we take our family portrait when I'll switch back to a knot out. December will be spent in braids and then.....TEXLAX Jan 1st!

I hope you all have a super successful week!
Hi Everyone!! Just checking in to say hi. I have decided that my new style will be a roller set. Does anyone know which rollers I should use for the best outcome on my hair. I'm not sure what I would be labeled as but I'm guessing in the 4 range. I want to get away from all the direct heat for a while and see what that does for my hair.

My husband thinks I've gone hair crazy. ("I've been givining complete strangers tips on getting healthy hair. That's me though, I like to share the love..lol") He thinks I'm using "my new hair fetish" as he calls it to divert my attention away from the finishing touches for my book.

He dosen't have a clue. Anyway, hope everyone is having a great day....HHG!!
I'm an avid reader do you mind sharing a bit about your book?

Also, with regards to the rollers it will depend on what you want the finished "look" to be.


Hi Everyone!! Just checking in to say hi. I have decided that my new style will be a roller set. Does anyone know which rollers I should use for the best outcome on my hair. I'm not sure what I would be labeled as but I'm guessing in the 4 range. I want to get away from all the direct heat for a while and see what that does for my hair.

My husband thinks I've gone hair crazy. ("I've been givining complete strangers tips on getting healthy hair. That's me though, I like to share the love..lol") He thinks I'm using "my new hair fetish" as he calls it to divert my attention away from the finishing touches for my book.

He dosen't have a clue. Anyway, hope everyone is having a great day....HHG!!
I wanted to go for the extra curly look. Kinda like Corinne Bailey Rae.

I have a few books. Below is the first chapter of one I'm working on now called Mrs Quinten Fletcher. Not sure if this will be the final name yet. Let me know what you think. Here goes:


This story started when I woke up and realized that I was indeed living a lie. My family had no idea of the truth of my life. (Or should I say lives.) Here I am 5:30 in the am on a Saturday morning mentally preparing to leave my boyfriend Q and mines new apartment located in the lovely Northeast section of Philadelphia. After starring at the ceiling for five more minutes while my mind raced with my thoughts. I try to slip out beneath his arm. I don't want to wake him and have to hear the whole sermon about me taking one morning off from the gym, me staying home and sleeping in with him or us watching Saturday morning cartoons together. All things I do want to do some Saturdays, but I have to stay on schedule. I'm afraid if I stray from my routine my life will fall apart.

My left foot almost makes it to the floor and I think I'm home free but he wakes up.

After stretching and yawning he says to my back, "Lay back down, I thought you said you were staying home with me today?"

"Now you know I never said I was taking a day off from the gym," I say with a chuckle, still not turning to look at him. I'm too afraid he will see the expression of a liar all over my face. Cause the truth be told, I did say I would stay home today. But that was only because we were in the middle of love making last night and when he knew he had me at that point, he slowed his stroke and whispered in my ear, "So it's us all day tomorrow right?" "Yes!" I said in more of a gasp than actual words.

He then drove deep into me, hitting that spot with perfect aim while asking, "So, no gym talk in the morning right?"

I replied with, "No. Please do it again Q."

Then he sealed the deal with, "Only if you promise not to leave this bed in the morning."

He had me and he knew it. I was on edge. I needed to finish so badly that his wish was my command, "Ok, I won't leave."

That's all he needed to hear. My man went to work. Finished me off and climaxed with me. While I'm gasping for air and reaching for the glass of water on my bedside stand, he kisses my forehead as you would a child then proceeds to the bathroom to flush the condom. I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot that there was no way in hell that I could stay in all day the next day.

So here we are on the brink of an argument about the only issue we ever argue about. I can feel his disappointment striking my back. So now I have to do damage control. I have to think fast cause me just giving him some is not going to work this time.

"Now you know if I start getting all fat then you gonna be tripping," I finally turn to face him sitting back in the spot I formerly occupied.

He half laughs and I know he's not buying it. "Truthfully, I'm looking forward to you putting on a few pounds. We been together long enough. My mom loves you. I'm a need a seed soon."

I love when he shows his age. I think his being younger than me is what turned me on about him when I met him. Yeah, that's what sealed the deal.

I lean over and plant a kiss on his cheek look up into his eyes and say, "How do you ask a woman to have your child before you ask to marry her. Do you expect me to be satisfied with just being your 'baby's momma'?"

I have lain down on my side facing him. He is on his side propped up on his elbow. "Now you know I want you to be my wife too."

"But in what order?" I ask running my fingers across his chest

He looks at me like he is in deep thought. From just the look in his eyes I can tell Q loves me with his whole heart. That scares the hell out of me cause I think I feel the same way. But I shouldn't be feeling this way. We weren't supposed to get this far. He was just meant to be this thing I did once. He is only 22 for god's sake. Here I am 35 years old. What was I thinking?

I met Q while on a girl's night out a little over a year and a half ago. He was tall and handsome. He was the breath of fresh air I needed at the time.

We talked on the phone for hours on end about everything and nothing at all. Most of these conversations were during my workday. So it's a good thing that I have a career that is flexible. It just felt good to have this new relationship. I felt young again. Then to top it all off he had his **** together. He knows where he is going in life and is just about there. I convinced myself that it was OK to deal with him.

He was on the right path and not some dude that was hanging on the corner all day. That and I just didn't think it was going to go that far. Just some fun, a few sexual escapades and then it would more than likely be over when he realized he wasn't getting the attention he deserved.

But that wasn't the case. This young boy has staying power. In the last year and a half we went from me spending a couple of hours at his apartment a week to him giving me a key to come and go as I pleased. To him moving closer to where I work so that the commute wouldn't be as long and I would stay overnight more often. To me actually living here. But I still only live here part time.

Q has never been to my house and he doesn't even trip about it. The only thing he trips about is that I don't come home every night.

In the beginning I tried to stop things from moving in the direction they were moving in. But he makes me feel so good that sometimes I just give in. I know I'm wrong for letting things get this far with us but what am I going to do? How do I stop it? I don't know so I just keep my tracts covered. It's tiring though. Some days I just wish that it all would end.

But when he looks at me the way he is now, I just want us to work. I want to disappear with him and start my life over. I want to be Mrs. Quinton Fletcher.
Drtondalia: You just made all of my work come to a halt with that passage. Lol, as homegurl stated in the passage "it had me"
I'm looking forward to the launch of this book! I want to know where ol girl was going && what's the deal with her!
And wow...she's 35 and he's only 22? Um, Imma need for you to give me an EXACT description of what she looks like to pull her something like that! lol

Anywho, :hiya: ladies :) how's everything going with you all?

Hair Thoughts:
-->So yea..i'm currently 6 weeks post. This stretch is going more smoothly than the last one for the most part. Although my edges are becoming alil more rebellious.....I just slap some elasta QP Mango Butter on them to whip them back in shape :).
.........On another note: I've never been a wig-person...but all of sudden I've got the urge to "look into" them alil more. (NikkiQ...I think you're beginning to rub off on me chick! :lol:)
:giggle: my bad at D.Lisha and Bigmommah

I'm actually about to wash my 2 top girls now and I have a few more in the works to purchase next. I didn't think my wig fetish would rub off on you guys. You should see how we are in the Hide Your Hair challenge. That's all we talk about are wigs we plan on buying :lachen:
Been a while, just checking in!

Currently in cornrows. Pleased to say I've got hangtime though. My braids reach almost APL :)

So when it's out I can't WAIT!

Of course I still need a trim, but I feel like I'm moving in the right direction with my hair.

Sidebar: I'm thinking about getting a BKT, but I'm not sure... I really like being "Natural", no chemicals... But the BKT isn't permanent so will I still be natural? ::bbm can't look face::

Hay Ladies! Soooooo Ive officially noticed that my hair is stupid loose since the BKT thing. I think Ive heat damaged it a little bit because Ive already washed all the BKT out! GGGRRRRRRR! Oh well, I did a deep protein treatment in preparation for my texlax on friday and it shrunk up alot (almost to its normal state) so Im not too worried about it. I plan on texlaxing on Friday. Ive been doing mad research for the past couple months, so hopefully im all set. I feel so weird about this big change , but Im ready!!!!!
Sunbubbles I hope everything works out well.
I am currently trying to get a PS that will give me a break from the wigs. Still hanging in there, all the way to 2012 lol.
Hair update:
So yea, I washed my hair last night, DC'd overnight, and threw it into a bun to let it air-dry for the rest of the day, so far so good :yep:
NikkiQ: So, what website do you purchase your wigs from? (I think I'm beginning to undergo a wig tranformation :giggle:)
^^^I normally order them from hairsisters, but I've been looking around for other sites that may have more options.
Hhhhmmmm, why is this thread suddenly becoming my favorite? Lol, I think this might be the 1st challenge that I actually stick to!
^^sunbubbles: This is my favorite thread, because to me...it feels like "home base" :)
Not to knock the other threads or anything.....but, I feel like i'm part of a close-knit family when I come here :). I mean check out the posts:
--We check on each other
--Make sure each other is doing well
--Provide encouragement
--Help resolve each other's issue (if it's in our power)
*sigh* I love these ladies! lol
I joined the castor oil challenge on hairlista! I apply JBCO to my scalp every other day and adding 3 tbs to my deep conditioner. Hoping for some serious growth :)
D.Lisha ~ This feels like home to me too. I need to get in contact with Soldierforhair to see how she's doing.

NikkiQ ~ If anyone could inspire me to get into the wig game it would be you.You rock those styles like there's no tomorrow.

sunbubbles ~ I know what you mean about this group. There is something about the ladies of this thread that keep me checking and rechecking at least twice a day, even if I don't always have time to post.

Danniquin ~ I am in a castor oil challenge here at LHCF and I don't know about extra growth but I can tell you that an area that I thought would never thicken and grow, my nape, is well on it's way to recovery from my thyroid imbalance.

NikkiQ: I was up on the site...and all I can say is WOW...there are some nice ones up there..and for fairly reasonable prices.
How about when I got on there...I realized... I really need to watch a Wig tutorial video or something O.O
As crazy as it sounds...I don't even know where to begin when it comes to wig wearing (don't judge me!)
I mean..I know you braid your hair in cornrows first..then after that do you jst place the wig on top of that? I've heard something about a "net-cap" or something...where does that come into play at? (boy do I sound slow! lol)

Checkin in:
So apparently I've been sleeping on the scarf method *choir sings "hallelujah!*. Just the other night I grew tired of my raggedy edges. I would usually brush it off as "oh well at least I can see my hair is growing :)" but blah...i did want to look presentable in the work place, you know? So that night as I was doing my M&S session....I decided to comb all of my hair back..and apply some elasta QP Mango Butter to the edges and my nape. Then I tied the scarf securley around my edges..and in the morning? VOILA! My edges were laid DOWN! No Gel! No Heat...nada! And the best part? It remained like that ALLLLLL DAY! :clap:. I mean it's really amazing...you can't even tell that i'm 6-weeks post :woot:.

That is all......
Hey ladies! I'm just checkin in since I haven't in a while. I love how ya'll are so motivated and upbeat. It's really awesome! Well I'm doing some little pixie (box, whatever u wanna call it) braids. I think I'll end up with about 20-26 of them. I have half my head done right now. I think I'm gonna keep these in until Thanksgiving and then straighten so I can trim. KUTGW everyone!
NikkiQ: I was up on the site...and all I can say is WOW...there are some nice ones up there..and for fairly reasonable prices.
How about when I got on there...I realized... I really need to watch a Wig tutorial video or something O.O
As crazy as it sounds...I don't even know where to begin when it comes to wig wearing (don't judge me!)
I mean..I know you braid your hair in cornrows first..then after that do you jst place the wig on top of that? I've heard something about a "net-cap" or something...where does that come into play at? (boy do I sound slow! lol)

Lol a wig cap? I wear one to protect my braids from being snagged or being exposed under the wig. Keeps everything sorta together under there. When you put the wig on (depending on if you get a half wig, full cap, or lacefront aka LF) you can either slide the teeth into a spot under one of your braids or you can use bobby pins to secure them at the temples.