Waist Length 2012 Challenge

Thank you. I find that when my hair is out of my way and I'm not bothering it, it grows quickly.

I wash once a week with Hello Hydration or Long Term Relationship. I detangle both with a wide tooth comb and after with a fake denman lol.

Then I apply my shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie generously throughout my hair. I then put a mixture of jojoba, castor and grapeseed oil on my ends, and bun it up.

I don't usually touch my hair again until a couple days later, or if it's feeling dry. I will spritz with water, moisturize and seal, then bun it up again.

When I'm not bunning, I have my hair in twists. I've started to get back into braidouts, but for growth, bunning is key for me. I just make sure to change the position of the bun each time.

I keep it pretty simple. I'm shamefully not a big DC'er, but will be getting back into it to combat the dryness of the winter. I think that the more you keep it simple and 'ignore' your hair per say, the more it thrives.

Just checking in...Ive been greasing my scalp and edges with JBCO followed by a message 2x's a week..moisturizing with NTM and sealing with hollywoods Castor Oil w/ Mink Oil.....(much lighter on my ends than JBCO).....Tomorrow I will be washing and deep conditioning with Silicone Mix...
For the ladies here that are beyond SL, how long did it take you to get to APL from SL? just curious
Hey everybody!:wavey: Hope all is well. Welcome to the new joiners as well :circle:

Bigmommah, hope you have officially made it back from the "Hairlight Zone" :lachen: I feel your pain because I've so been there before...

NikkiQ, I'm really not good at keeping up with how long it takes my hair to grow, I really need to do better with that...anyhoo, I got my hair cut last October to neck length (shoulder, stretched) from just above bsl.


This was my starting pic for this challenge in July


I am now bsl again a year later(sorry, no pic yet), so... I'll guess 4-6 months :confused: Now, I don't know if that is normal, slow, or what....

When did you hit shoulder?
Quick check in I'm in the last stage of the move! I am working with my pre-poo on tied down with a scarf while I finish grabbing the last of the stuff at this house and cleaning it up.

Naturalista ~ I'm back.....I think. Since I plan to bun this week if I can find time I will post pictures of my hair when I leave for work in the morning and after I take it down at night before I do my night routine. When I say my hair is thick I mean IT'S THICK. At 10 weeks post it is becoming more obvious and I hadn't thought about just how obvious the difference would be between the 2 textures. Oh well I am grateful to have it growing and getting to know it better so viva la big hair!

I don't know when I'll be posting again this week so I wanted to wish you all a very successful week!
Bigmommah, glad to hear you are back and yay for upcoming pictures! You have a great week, too girl!

So, I henna'd again last night because the gray hair already started popping up! I swear I just henna'd, but maybe not. I will have to go back to check. Maybe I'm experiencing a little spurt, because I don't remember having to henna so quickly after an application. Perhaps, I just didn't notice the grays in the past :lachen:

Also, the other night I had a dream that my hair was tailbone length and it looked so frickin' good :reddancer::yay: The weird thing is that it was straight...but I was thinking that my ultimate goal is to be hip length curly, soooooo that would land me at about tailbone straight :grin::grin: I'm going to call this dream a premonition! Yep, I'm calling it now!:yep:


I colored my hair with *gasp* permanent hair color last night. I know I'm gonna have to keep my moisture game up and plan to bun and throw in weekly hot oil treatments. I just couldn't resist. I love black hair. Wish me luck and keep it moving toward our goal!
I'm new to the site. I want join this challenge. I am currently NL and my goal is WL. What should I do to get there?
Thank you. I find that when my hair is out of my way and I'm not bothering it, it grows quickly.

I wash once a week with Hello Hydration or Long Term Relationship. I detangle both with a wide tooth comb and after with a fake denman lol.

Then I apply my shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie generously throughout my hair. I then put a mixture of jojoba, castor and grapeseed oil on my ends, and bun it up.

I don't usually touch my hair again until a couple days later, or if it's feeling dry. I will spritz with water, moisturize and seal, then bun it up again.

When I'm not bunning, I have my hair in twists. I've started to get back into braidouts, but for growth, bunning is key for me. I just make sure to change the position of the bun each time.

I keep it pretty simple. I'm shamefully not a big DC'er, but will be getting back into it to combat the dryness of the winter. I think that the more you keep it simple and 'ignore' your hair per say, the more it thrives.

thanks for sharing ur regime!! im thinking about texlaxing soon, and I know ill need a simple regime to get me to my goals.
:hiya: Waistlength 2010 FAM!
^^@NikkiQ, my weekend was pretty laid back
Just kicked back and chilled with the fam/homegurls
Last night was supposed to be my wash night....but me and the girls got alil caught up having "gurlie-time" and acting goofy with my homeboy, that i didn't leave around 12:30 p.m. (knowing good and well that I had to be up at 9:00 for work!)
So yea..that pretty much caused my "me-time" with my hair to go OUT the door! lol.

On another note
Who baggies on a regular basis? (regular meaning at least 3x-7x's a week)

I just started doing a whole-head baggy last week sometime (almost everynight) and it keeps my hair feeling lush all day! It goes well with my religious moisturizing and sealing :yep:
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Got a relaxer yesterday after a 6 month stretch. Gained some much need thickness back, but I'm never stretching that long again! I'm 1 inch from BSL I can't wait!
D.Lisha, I baggy my bun nearly everynight. I love the way my hair feels too. It's also helped my ends which means no trimming!
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@D.Lisha, I baggy my bun nearly everynight. I love the way my hair feels too. It's also helped my ends which means no trimming!

Gurl ikr?
I'm trying to keep my ends on point until I decide to trim maybe around February sometime *shrugs*
they look fine so far, so as the old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" lol
thanks for sharing Mrs. IQ :grin:
I'm new to the site. I want join this challenge. I am currently NL and my goal is WL. What should I do to get there?

Welcome to the site and the challenge! :welcome:

Everybody is different how they achieve their goals, but I think a good general rule is keep your hair super moisturized and baby your ends....most people do this by hiding them away.

What is your current regimen?

I colored my hair with *gasp* permanent hair color last night. I know I'm gonna have to keep my moisture game up and plan to bun and throw in weekly hot oil treatments. I just couldn't resist. I love black hair. Wish me luck and keep it moving toward our goal!

Wishing you luck!
Hey, chicas!

I've been passing by this thread everytime I log on, but today finally had the nerve to come on in! I'm slowly getting to APL (should be there by the end of year, or early next year), but I'm almost afraid to join thinking that I won't get there! Here would be my starting pic:

Length check 10.3.10.jpg

Do you think I would make it?

TIA! :)
I am taking few minutes to catch up with you all.:grin:

Naturallista ~ Doesn't your siggy say don't just dream it, be it? Claim the dream sister, claim the dream! Also, how often do you henna your hair. I've only done it once but I want to add it as a staple. I like the color. I'm thinking once every 2 months should do it for me.

MrsIQ ~ Black hair can be so dramatic and pretty. I can't wait until December to see it at the "reveal".

Drtondalia ~ Welcome to the group. I hope you enjoy your stay.

@ D.lisha ~ How do you baggy your hair? I can't seem to find a procedure that I like. I feel as if my hair is being damaged by the edge of the cap while I sleep.

Danniquin ~ Your update pic's are awesome. Congratulations on the progress.

charmtreese ~ I think you're right on target. Your hair is lovely.

tricie ~ Welcome to the fun. This is an amazing group of women.
Welcome tricie! You will definitely be able to make it!

Bigmommah, I would *like* to henna once a month to keep those pesky grays under wraps, but before these last couple of times, I think I let it go three months. Let me just say that half gray half coppery hair is not cute :nono2: So, Ima try to do better. And you are right, I'm gonna claim it!
Do you use the Aphoghee 2 step protein treatment? I want to re-henna my hair but it feels like it does when I use Aphogee 2 step so I don't want to use them both in the same month. I am thinking of alternating them since I won't be relaxing again until Jan 1.

And what grays are you talking about? I keep looking but I'm not seeing them. I'm going to have to claim shenanigans!

Welcome tricie! You will definitely be able to make it!

Bigmommah, I would *like* to henna once a month to keep those pesky grays under wraps, but before these last couple of times, I think I let it go three months. Let me just say that half gray half coppery hair is not cute :nono2: So, Ima try to do better. And you are right, I'm gonna claim it!
I am taking few minutes to catch up with you all.:grin:

Naturallista ~ Doesn't your siggy say don't just dream it, be it? Claim the dream sister, claim the dream! Also, how often do you henna your hair. I've only done it once but I want to add it as a staple. I like the color. I'm thinking once every 2 months should do it for me.

MrsIQ ~ Black hair can be so dramatic and pretty. I can't wait until December to see it at the "reveal".

Drtondalia ~ Welcome to the group. I hope you enjoy your stay.

@ D.lisha ~ How do you baggy your hair? I can't seem to find a procedure that I like. I feel as if my hair is being damaged by the edge of the cap while I sleep.
Danniquin ~ Your update pic's are awesome. Congratulations on the progress.

charmtreese ~ I think you're right on target. Your hair is lovely.

tricie ~ Welcome to the fun. This is an amazing group of women.

Bigmommah-My baggie reggie is pretty simple. I just grab a medium-sized plastic bag, and place it on my head, while tying the two "handles" together at the back of my nape. Then I proceed to throw my silk scarf over my baggie, tie it in a knot in the front of my head, and off to sleep I go. Now idk y, but for some reason, when I use a shower cap, it doesn't give me the same results as a regular plastic bag *shrugs*.