Waist Length 2012 Challenge

cute game!

"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is_JUMP UP AND DOWN FOR ABOUT A HALF AN HOUR!___ While Wearing NOTHING BUT A SPORTS BRA AND UNDERTHINGS!
and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will NOT LET ANYONE (OTHER THAN DH) GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO PULL IT BECAUSE I WILL BE WALKING ON CLOUD 9!!!

glad to know that i'm not going to be the only engaging in my hair celebration while nakey (or at least half-nakey) lmao
"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is pretend I'm Lady Godiva with my husband while wearing my hair and nothing else :bdance:and if someone walks up to me and pulls my hair I will be wondering what they are doing all up in my biznezz.....unless it's my husband but that's another story for another day.:angeldevi

hey now...I have PG-13 eyes here! lol
Well, I guess I'll join the party! When I hit WL, I'm gonna rollerset and flat iron it then swing it until my neck hurts! Then I'll head to the mall and wait to feel the eyes burning the back of my head! Yall know imma have to do the flip!

I know it sounds silly, but hey I'm working hard for this!

hey Mrs.IQ you didn't tell us what you're gonna do if one of the onlookers attempt to grab your hair! lol
"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is pretend I'm Lady Godiva with my husband while wearing my hair and nothing else :bdance:and if someone walks up to me and pulls my hair I will be wondering what they are doing all up in my biznezz.....unless it's my husband but that's another story for another day.:angeldevi

lawd, yall gonna be honey mooning all over again huh? :lol:
Now Nikki my post was cleaner than most of what can be seen on Nikelodeon or the Disney Channel! I just wanted to say that my husband has been incredibly supportive of my hair journey and I want to share the fruit of our labor with him. *WINK*

@Dlisha Yes ma'am. I'm a firm believer in keeping the happy in my marriage.
hey Mrs.IQ you didn't tell us what you're gonna do if one of the onlookers attempt to grab your hair! lol

Girllll, imma be like the Matrix! And when it scrubs the carpet to avoid the tomfoolery, imma take it home and let DH wash it for me!!!!
lmao MrsIQ, I can see that matrix move playing in my head soo good :lol:

Awww yall hubbies seem so supportive of yall's hair journeys i'm jealous.......I just want to go upside my SO's head because he seems so darn nonchalant about everything and it just frustrates the h-e-double hockey sticks outta me
when I throw hints that my hair grows, he jst replies back with "it looks the same to me o.O" and when I show him pics he's like "oh....i guess it did grow huh?....." like ugh!!!
am I overreacting about the whole thing or what?
lol, I like that JJamiah :lol:
now you know what questions aren't gonna stop there, they're gonna proceed to ask:
How much was it?
How many Packs did you use?
How many inches is that?
What color is that?

LOL I know,

Girl it was expensive, one full head of hair pack, 27 inches LOL, and it is a number 1 :D
LOL I know,

Girl it was expensive, one full head of hair pack, 27 inches LOL, and it is a number 1 :D

JJamiah you are killing me lol. I can just see that scene going down.

Dlisha it's ok sometimes our DH's/SO's can be a bit slow on the uptake but most of them "get it" down the line.
^^^i agree with Bigmommah, @D.Lisha, my hubby was all nonchalant at the beginning around feb/march, too and would even ask me why i was doing so much.

ya gotta admit, it wasn't easy seeing me use products for feminine parts and horse grooming products on my head, lol!

but after he started seeing the results, he sure turned around and now, he even reminds me of things like "isn't it cowash time or what about your ayurveda honey, etc...", lol!

yours will turn around soon too.....i'm sure! just keep letting him bask in the results of your hard work!:yep:
Grow, I had to giggle at the "reminders". My husband asked a woman at the bank how long she had been natural. She about hit the floor because my husband is white. She actually took him over to another teller to talk about him knowing about natural black hair. He then proceeded to tell her that he knows because his daughter is natural and his wife is transitioning (Now I don't know where he got that because I told him that I was thinking about it not totaly committed to it, lol).

They may not be as "in" to our hair care as we are but a good man is always paying attention. =)

^^^i agree with Bigmommah, @D.Lisha, my hubby was all nonchalant at the beginning around feb/march, too and would even ask me why i was doing so much.

ya gotta admit, it wasn't easy seeing me use products for feminine parts and horse grooming products on my head, lol!

but after he started seeing the results, he sure turned around and now, he even reminds me of things like "isn't it cowash time or what about your ayurveda honey, etc...", lol!

yours will turn around soon too.....i'm sure! just keep letting him bask in the results of your hard work!:yep:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now that is funny right there. Too cute!

I can't wait for update time, because I am ready to see some pictures, lol!
I am late, but will attempt this:

When I reach WL the first thing I'm going to do is_make sure my hair is straightened to swinging point ......and go to the mall, Walmart, Walgreens, Starbucks everywhere.......while wearing__a nice dress or skirt
and if someone walks up to me and pulls my hair I will flip it in their face then turn round and do the swang swaang :grin: Oops, pardon me, excuse me!
Single, so no mischief for me :sad:
^^^i agree with Bigmommah, @D.Lisha, my hubby was all nonchalant at the beginning around feb/march, too and would even ask me why i was doing so much.

ya gotta admit, it wasn't easy seeing me use products for feminine parts and horse grooming products on my head, lol!

but after he started seeing the results, he sure turned around and now, he even reminds me of things like "isn't it cowash time or what about your ayurveda honey, etc...", lol!

yours will turn around soon too.....i'm sure! just keep letting him bask in the results of your hard work!:yep:

Awww, thanks for that grow! That's so cute how your hubby issues out "reminders" lol
At least now I know there's HOPE in the near future :yep:
For now i'm not going to say anything else about my hair to him and see what happens
.::Random Hair Note::.
So last night? I was sooooooo lazy about my hair....I didn't even bother to M&S or even cover it up before I went to bed :nono:, i just laid on the [cotton] pillow and dosed off
So for my punishment, I moisturized it with Care-Free-Curl and threw it up in a bun
(To me that's punishment, since I usually wear my hair down on the weekends :lol:)
We want details Ms. Nikki!

@ D.Lisha ~ If we punish ourselves I'd have to go to hair jail because I noticed some splits in 2 braids I had hanging in the front and just reached up and broke them off. :blush:

Ok back to packing again....
Welcome to the fun Notlookingback06!

This is an amazing group and the folks here are encouraging to say the least.

Btw ladies, I notice that I seem to be the largest woman in the group (working on becoming healthy so I'm not upset about it) but I notice that on my photo's that if I want to show apl I have to have my arms lifted because my arms are still very "fluffy" and the fluff can obscure the true line.

I know that they sell those cute pre-lined tshirts but with my weight going down consistently I don't need anything else drooping while I tone =).

I wonder if I should just say that I'm SL to cut down on the confusion until I'm full apl or a bit beyond so that it's obvious even with my wings tucked close. :grin:

Hi there everyone! I'm a lil' late but I'd really like to join this challenge.
I believe that I can definitely reach WL by 2012.

Peace & blessings!
Welcome to the fun Notlookingback06!

This is an amazing group and the folks here are encouraging to say the least.

Btw ladies, I notice that I seem to be the largest woman in the group (working on becoming healthy so I'm not upset about it) but I notice that on my photo's that if I want to show apl I have to have my arms lifted because my arms are still very "fluffy" and the fluff can obscure the true line.

I know that they sell those cute pre-lined tshirts but with my weight going down consistently I don't need anything else drooping while I tone =).

I wonder if I should just say that I'm SL to cut down on the confusion until I'm full apl or a bit beyond so that it's obvious even with my wings tucked close. :grin:

No, don't do that...I don't think anything's confusing now. Even on us fluffy people, armpits are clearly visible...it's waistlines that tend to be more problematic. :lachen:
But calling yourself SL if you're APL will be confusing, and plus it's crazy. If you worked to get somewhere, then you should claim it. Just put your hands on your hips for your length check pictures, until you feel comfortable resting them at your sides. Even many of the thinner ladies do this, because it is universally easier to see the contours of the body with the arms out and not down.
You just have to be careful not to hunch up your shoulders or tilt your head back so you can get an accurate picture.
Thats a good idea Chaosbutterfly.

I'll just have my daughter take them from now on with my arms out. I'll just put big bows on the triceps so no one notices that they look like bags of caramel pudding.

Nikki ~ Yes, I can be quite silly. It goes along nicely with being crazy!

No, don't do that...I don't think anything's confusing now. Even on us fluffy people, armpits are clearly visible...it's waistlines that tend to be more problematic. :lachen:
But calling yourself SL if you're APL will be confusing, and plus it's crazy. If you worked to get somewhere, then you should claim it. Just put your hands on your hips for your length check pictures, until you feel comfortable resting them at your sides. Even many of the thinner ladies do this, because it is universally easier to see the contours of the body with the arms out and not down.
You just have to be careful not to hunch up your shoulders or tilt your head back so you can get an accurate picture.
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QUOTE=Bigmommah;12028484]Welcome to the fun Notlookingback06!

This is an amazing group and the folks here are encouraging to say the least.

Btw ladies, I notice that I seem to be the largest woman in the group (working on becoming healthy so I'm not upset about it) but I notice that on my photo's that if I want to show apl I have to have my arms lifted because my arms are still very "fluffy" and the fluff can obscure the true line.

I know that they sell those cute pre-lined tshirts but with my weight going down consistently I don't need anything else drooping while I tone =).

I wonder if I should just say that I'm SL to cut down on the confusion until I'm full apl or a bit beyond so that it's obvious even with my wings tucked close. :grin:[/QUOTE]

Aww Mommah, don't sell yourself short by claiming SL when you're really APL due to the "fluff" lol
I agree with Chaosbutterfly's suggestion to just place your hands on your hips to that your body's contours is easily depicted, therefore making the length checks more accurate :yep:
And if you don't mind me asking, what workout are you engaging in?
I am currently working on Jillian Michael's 30-day shred (Day four for me) in hopes that it will help me loose my side-hams :lol:
QUOTE=Bigmommah;12028484]Welcome to the fun Notlookingback06!

This is an amazing group and the folks here are encouraging to say the least.

Btw ladies, I notice that I seem to be the largest woman in the group (working on becoming healthy so I'm not upset about it) but I notice that on my photo's that if I want to show apl I have to have my arms lifted because my arms are still very "fluffy" and the fluff can obscure the true line.

I know that they sell those cute pre-lined tshirts but with my weight going down consistently I don't need anything else drooping while I tone =).

I wonder if I should just say that I'm SL to cut down on the confusion until I'm full apl or a bit beyond so that it's obvious even with my wings tucked close. :grin:

Aww Mommah, don't sell yourself short by claiming SL when you're really APL due to the "fluff" lol
I agree with Chaosbutterfly's suggestion to just place your hands on your hips to that your body's contours is easily depicted, therefore making the length checks more accurate :yep:
And if you don't mind me asking, what workout are you engaging in?
I am currently working on Jillian Michael's 30-day shred (Day four for me) in hopes that it will help me loose my side-hams :lol:
Thats a good idea Chaosbutterfly.

I'll just have my daughter take them from now on with my arms out.I'll just put big bows on the triceps so no one notices that they look like bags of caramel pudding.

Girl, I spit out my green tea laughing at this!!!!!!
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D.Lisha ~ I am a fanatic for just about anything by The Firm. In total I have lost 70 or so pounds so far and I have no plans to stop. I've also taken up jogging. I like to jog on the weekends when my house seems to be full from top to bottom with teenagers lol. I'll also toss in other things like the 100 push-up challenge and belly dancing. I am committed to working out 365 days per year.

@ MrsIQ ~ I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you spit out your tea. *Smiles*
Good for you, BM! Losing weight is a challenge and I'm glad that you are doing something about it. Keep it moving, girl!

Thanks for mentions pushups. I need to get back on mine. I cannot do 1 standard pushup and my goal for the end of the year is ten.