Waist Length 2012 Challenge

wow Mommah! you're committed to working out the whole 365 days of the year?!
now that's commitment right there :yep:. My stamina wants to be like yours one day lol. Have you ever tried the Insanity challenge? I started it last month sometime, but then came to the drastic conclusion that it WAS NOT for me (at least not now) So I switched over to Jillian Michael's, and I am loving it! It's more my speed (for now lol)

Bigmommah if you don't mind me asking...what's your diet like?
@ MrsIQ ~ Thank you for the encouragement! I can currently do 11 military style push-ups which makes me very happy and my goal is 100 in a row by the end of the year.

@ D.Lisha ~ You can do it! I believe in you and can testify that what you may not be able to do today you'll be able to do one day if you keep working on it. I have heard of Insanity but it's not something I want to try yet. I can still get a good work-out with all of my Firm equipment, I love strength training, so I'll keep at it at least until the end of the year.

With regards to my calorie intake it fluctuates based on my calories burned during working out. It varies between 1700 - 2000, with the average being 1700. I normally consume at the high end when I'm transitioning to higher weights. I typically burn 600 calories or more in an hour of working out although I can burn 800-1000 depending on which of my tapes/dvds I'm using.

I hope you ladies have a remarkably successful day!
good for you, Bigmommah!

i'm in the "can't even do one good push-up" club, lol!

you know what ladies? i was looking at my subscriptions list and saw Waist Length and thought to myself "hmmm....that sounds really long"....THEN i remembered, if it's in my subscriptions list, it's because i'm in that one too!

just the idea of having hair anywhere near my waist is soooo exciting!!!

COME ON 2012!!! and horray to anyone who can get there sooner!
I mentioned "letting my hair grow" to a friend and then I realized that it is exactly what I am doing. I would normally get a "good trim" ie hair cut by now. Or try 3 new colors for highlights on my bone straight hair.

I am letting it grow ladies. Like a flower in bloom or a tree in its season. I'm not going to prune it, shape it or anything that will alter it's course in 2010.

I want to share one of my favorite affirmations with you all. I have a list of 8 that I say to myself every day at least once.

"I am healthy in mind, body and spirit. I look terrifice and feel terrific. I become more attractive every day, on every level: emotional, spiritual and physical. I am a shining example to others."

good for you, @Bigmommah!

i'm in the "can't even do one good push-up" club, lol!

you know what ladies? i was looking at my subscriptions list and saw Waist Length and thought to myself "hmmm....that sounds really long"....THEN i remembered, if it's in my subscriptions list, it's because i'm in that one too!

just the idea of having hair anywhere near my waist is soooo exciting!!!

COME ON 2012!!! and horray to anyone who can get there sooner!
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Random Hair Thought:
Ladies, I've discovered a "problem" area of mine. At the back of my head, toward the lower nape area, I have hair that's much shorter than the rest as a result of a catastrophic sew-in I got last year sometime :(. Any one know an effective method to remedy this?


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I'm about 60:40 relaxed/texlaxed. I love the thickness of my texlaxed roots, but it makes my relaxed ends look so puny. They fight sometimes, but I make them play nice!
Random Hair Thought:
Ladies, I've discovered a "problem" area of mine. At the back of my head, toward the lower nape area, I have hair that's much shorter than the rest as a result of a catastrophic sew-in I got last year sometime :(. Any one know an effective method to remedy this?

Hi DLisha,
I would suggest that you baby the area and keep it super moisturized.
Lisha I agree with Afrochique in terms of caring for it. I'm sure it will catch up with the rest of your hair.

I'll have to post later about "Bigmommah and the Terrible, Confusing, Smhwhathappened Hair Day".
Hi DLisha,
I would suggest that you baby the area and keep it super moisturized.

Thanks for the input afrochique
Do you have any "special nape area" products the you would highly recommend for area at all?
I've heard of Dr. Miracle's nape balm....but I REFUSE to let any Dr. Miracle's products come close to my hair :nono:
You're welcome DLisha. I don't know if I can recommend that Dr. Miracle stuff. The smell is really intense! You can use castor oil or your regular moisturizer :S Curl, Hawaiian Silky. I don't know if your stretch your relaxers. If you don't, maybe not relaxing as frequently as the rest of your head would help?
BigMommah, what is going on over there?
@ Afrochique ~ To be honest I don't know. Yesterday my hair just had a freak out. I simply could not tame it. It escaped from the hair zing, braid and good day pin I used. It shed like crazy and looked weird. Nothing changed in my products or their application the only thing I can say that was different was I let my hair dry in 3 braids this weekend vs roller setting and we've had less heat and humidity.

My daughter looked at my hair last night and said it looked like it was "floating like a bad weave does" on my head.

I co-washed, used my leave-ins, cream hairdress and put in 2 french braids because I needed to keep moving and today it's better but still off. It's as if my relaxer has just slipped off my head lol. All of my hair feels "bigger" if that makes sense. I have it pulled back with a hair zing and it feels like I have a pillow under it. I know that I have some ng at almost 10 weeks post but that wouldn't account for the ends of my hair uncurling from the braids and escaping the pins.

I know this sounds dramatic, I'm just trying to convey what I was feeling yesterday. I'm still not sure what's going on but I plan to braid my hair on Sunday and leave it alone for a week or so to see where we're going next.

In spite of my trip to the "Hairlight Zone" I'm still loving this journey and glad I'm sharing it with you all.

BigMommah, I'm glad that everything is better. <hugs>
When you air dried, did you use your scarf to lay your hair down? When I airdry, I put my scarf on after applying the leave-ins. I am almost 14 wks post so the edges are kinky aka nappy, but it doesn't bother me (its growing lol) since my hair is able to lay flat until I next mess with it.

I heard lots of ladies swear by JBCO to help their weaker areas for fast growth. Have you tried it?

^You know, I don't know why I didn't think about that. I JUST ran outta my JBCO last night, i'm going get some more and try a "JBCO+Megatek" experiment and see what happens :yep:
Thanks for the advice NikkiQ!
@ Afrochique ~ It was tied down with a satin scarf. I tell you my hair just took a flight of fancy lol. Thank you so much for the suggestion/video and the support.
Ok- this sounds do-able. I'm around shoulder-length/APL right now, and barring total disasters or drastic cuts, can be at BSL by mid-2011, so WL by Dec 2012 seems pretty reasonable!
I haven't taken a hair photo in a while and don't want to straighten it just for a pic, but I'll take one in it's "natural" state and pull down a section to get an idea of starting length...
*be back w/ pic and regimen...*
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Welcome BahamaMama!

Nikki I wish Jan 1, 2011 was tomorrow so I could straighten my hair, lift my wings and take my 22 week stretch, healthy hair habit having pictures of victory!

Yep I'm tired and headed to bed.

You go girl!

Before LHCF the thought of not relaxing my hair every 6-8 weeks would have been unheard of. Now I never want to relax before 12 weeks ever again.

It's interesting that when I joined the board back in '08 I didn't really get "in" to it, if you know what I mean. I joined so my daughter could look for ideas and things for transitioning to natural but I didn't think about it for me.

Now however I have no idea what I would do without you ladies. This group has become my bastion of hair sanity in the midst of my madness lol.


^^^I'll be 8 months post then :D
Bigmommah:--->Aww that was so sweet of you to say :)
Without LHCF just WASHING my hair once EVERYWEEK would have been un-heard of :nono: and a hassle for me
But now that i've learned the proper techniques/practices to healthy hair care....babying my hair is something I actually look FORWARD to each day :yep:
I know I didn't officially join the challenge, but I'm doing it anyway lol. I was APL in August and am now one inch away from BSL! This completely surprised me as I thought I'd be at BSL by December. Hopefully by then I'll be at least 2 inches from where I am now. At the beginning of my hair journey, I bunned a lot, and retained a lot of length from that. So, I will be consistently bunning until December, just to flat iron for a length check. After that, I'll be bunning again. Waist length no longer seems so far away!
Welcome Sopo144!

@ Lisha ~ One of the things that I learned recently is that I have options. A LOT of options. Texlax, natural or bone straight. Twists, braids and knots. Up-do's and let it swings. It is very empowering, if a little addictive. =)
I know I didn't officially join the challenge, but I'm doing it anyway lol. I was APL in August and am now one inch away from BSL! This completely surprised me as I thought I'd be at BSL by December. Hopefully by then I'll be at least 2 inches from where I am now. At the beginning of my hair journey, I bunned a lot, and retained a lot of length from that. So, I will be consistently bunning until December, just to flat iron for a length check. After that, I'll be bunning again. Waist length no longer seems so far away!

WOW! That's some awesome growth. So mostly bunning huh?? What's the rest of your reggie like if you don't mind me being nosey?