Waist Length 2012 Challenge

KUTGW ladies. I'm gonna just observe this challenge from afar from here on out. I don't feel want anyone else to feel like I'm "biting their heads off" so I'll just be quiet. I'll cheer you guys from the sidelines. Good Luck everyone! QUOTE]

lawd :drunk:
that comment wasn't meant to be taken seriously or offensively....it was just a my light-hearted/joking way of saying "oops my bad! let me back back alil bit" or something of that nature........
I'm not here to turn the runner's of the race into onlookers by any means (I mean...we're in this together aren't we? o.O), I was simply trying to understand where you were coming from when you asked about the tea rinses.....tis all....
Once again I apologize :perplexed
^^^No need to apologize. with the internet, you can never really understand how people are trying to come across. sorry if i got feisty. didn't mean to get snippy with you about your response.
^^^No need to apologize. with the internet, you can never really understand how people are trying to come across. sorry if i got feisty. didn't mean to get snippy with you about your response.

you're good
no harm done chick........y do I feel like the WL 2012 thread just turned into an episode of a reality show for a min. there? :lachen:
"Let's find out what happens with 32 hair junkies are put together in one challenge to make it to WL by 2012 and see what happens. This...is the Real Hair World!!!"
lmao, *plays dramatic music*
Who will come out on top? Who will flip flop? who will moisturize and seal the deal all the way to healthy, WL hair? Stay tuned to find out! :pulpdance:
:lachen:You two are too much:lachen:

When I read your posts my mind filled in the voice of the guy who does the movie announcements. It was pretty funny.
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Hi Ladies,
Tea and coffee rinses can also be used to darken hair, in addition to reducing shedding.
Nothing much going on with me. Wearing my wigs, moisturizing, sealing, DC, the usual. I am 13 wks post relaxer and my new growth is not a pain to work with so I am pushing this til December in the hopes of making APL- a tiny step closer to WL lol.
Happy growing!
Ok ladies here is my starting pic...I'm hoping I can make BSL by my Birthday 12/01

I'm 8 weeks post relaxer...Trying to see if I can stretch to 12 weeks or longer
I've been washing and deep conditioning ( under the dryer) every Thursday, trying to stop her from blowing my roots but I cant take the puffiness as you can see in my pic.(BUT loving my NG)
I just started using JBCO on my scalp and edges 2x a week Mondays and Wednesday with 20 min massages. (waiting on those results)
So as you can see my Remedy is very simple
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for BSL.
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I love when we can agree to disagree and in this case realize it was just a misunderstanding (yes I was reading from the sidelines, :D ) Good Job Nikki and D.Lisha ;) (bigmomma great job too ;) )

I love when we can understand I am sorry is so mere to keeping the drama going on. Love you ladies!

With the net you can easily over think words sometimes, :bighug: great Job again ladies.

December 2012 is two years away. Think of how many things will change, least of all our hair length. We will have learned so much about our own hair and how to help those with textures and lengths unlike ours. We'll have had a great opportunity to practice our e-manners and learn about working as a co-operative group even though we've not met face to face.

I feel like when I come to this thread you all understand me. Not even knowing my life story you encourage and support my choices and that is a rare find anywhere.

So hang on in there girle, we'll get there just fine.


@MsSonya, i am SURE you will see progress when you perm!

congrats on making it 3 months post!

as far as wl in 2012, it just seems so far away....but i'm staying hopeful.....
Oops I'm late to the making up party. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by my comment I just did not understand what you two were trying to get at when you asked what the point was. I did not realize you were asking how it was to be done.

Well, I've tried tea rinses and it was no bueno for my hair. Made it hard and rough booooo. But I only tried it once.
^^^Do you use anything else for shedding that might work for us who don't have great results from tea rinsing either?
Nope I've just learned to accept that I shed a million hairs a day lol I heard that msm and aloe vera juice sprayed on the scalp will help (I kind of assume the aloe vera juice works because of the sulfur content since msm is sulfur as well but i'm not sure). Neither of those did a thing for me so I give up. It's hard to look at but if it isn't detrimental to my hair then I'm gonna stop wastin money trying to "cure" something that my body wants to naturally do.
I feel the same way. When I see what other ladies call extreme shedding and breakage I'm like "oh wow, why aren't I bald yet?" because I shed a lot more than the pic's and vid's I've seen lol.

Since my hair is not visibly thinning anywhere and the majority of the hairs have bulbs (yes, my ocd made me check) I'm not super worried. The short ends that I was seeing stopped as soon as I used a chelating shampoo, darn this hard water so I'm pretty happy.

On a side note; I've been learning to french braid my own hair. Do you ladies know of any products that will hold the look nicely for 2 weeks? don't braid really small and they aren't tight I just don't want them to be unkempt looking.

I am moisturizing daily and oiling between the braids and around my edges. I will take them down every week if I need to but I would prefer for them to last for 2 weeks at a time so I can really concentrate on upping my fitness while still looking nice.

Nope I've just learned to accept that I shed a million hairs a day lol I heard that msm and aloe vera juice sprayed on the scalp will help (I kind of assume the aloe vera juice works because of the sulfur content since msm is sulfur as well but i'm not sure). Neither of those did a thing for me so I give up. It's hard to look at but if it isn't detrimental to my hair then I'm gonna stop wastin money trying to "cure" something that my body wants to naturally do.
Hey everybody(that includes you, JJamiah, watching from the sidelines :curtain:)! I agree with LaFemme, shedding is as shedding does....I've given up and just let the shed hairs flow :lol: Actually, the coffee rinses did work for me, but it just messed up my tub too much...couldn't take it :ohwell:

December 2012 is two years away. Think of how many things will change, least of all our hair length. We will have learned so much about our own hair and how to help those with textures and lengths unlike ours. We'll have had a great opportunity to practice our e-manners and learn about working as a co-operative group even though we've not met face to face.

I feel like when I come to this thread you all understand me. Not even knowing my life story you encourage and support my choices and that is a rare find anywhere.

So hang on in there girle, we'll get there just fine.



Bigmommah, darling, you are a Godsend!!!!

thank you so much for your encouraging words!

such wisdom, such kindness, such strength.....wow, i feel better about this "long-term" goal already!

you are sweeter than sugar!!!!!!!:grouphug::blowkiss::bighug::circle::hug2:
I Feel the Love!!!

You ladies are such an encouragement. You keep reminding me that by actively trying to be a positive influence I can help someone no matter how far away they are physically.

Thank you for being such amazing examples of what is possible in the digital age, where manners and common sense are too easily lost behind the veil of anonymity.

awwww yall are the best!
I have to admit, this has to be my fav. thread throughout the entire forum :yep:, because it feels so much like a family :bighug:
yall are the best!
lol, ok enough of my mushiness
I want to play alil hair game with yall called "When I reach WL!"
Ok so it's fairly simple, you have the standard sentence:

"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is__________________ While Wearing________________
and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will __________________________"

I think this should be fun :yep: i'll go first!

When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is Snap A Pic While Wearing Absolutely nothing, so you can CLEARLY see the hair falling all over my back and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will say, "Yess Boo Boo, that's all 100% me, now who's the baddest chick?!" :lachen:
"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is go on vacation LOL. While Wearing a Bathing Suit
and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will say It's 100% REMY hair ;) (my last name) LOL"
"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is go on vacation LOL. While Wearing a Bathing Suit
and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will say It's 100% REMY hair ;) (my last name) LOL"

lol, I like that JJamiah :lol:
now you know what questions aren't gonna stop there, they're gonna proceed to ask:
How much was it?
How many Packs did you use?
How many inches is that?
What color is that?
"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is go find a big ol hill (a la "Sound of Music" ) and twirl around swinging my hair While Wearing a tank top and a long hippie skirt ( I don't know, lol)
and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will say, "Uhh uhh, fool! You did not just come up in her and ruin my moment! :look:
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When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is go to a family get together and take my hair out of my bun for a full swang While Wearing a bad BACKLESS dress on and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will karate chop their hands and tell them to back off. Love my fam, but back off the goods. They all want to tell me to relax now so don't sweat me when I'm long and natural! :lachen:
cute game!

"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is_JUMP UP AND DOWN FOR ABOUT A HALF AN HOUR!___ While Wearing NOTHING BUT A SPORTS BRA AND UNDERTHINGS!

and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will NOT LET ANYONE (OTHER THAN DH) GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO PULL IT BECAUSE I WILL BE WALKING ON CLOUD 9!!!
Well, I guess I'll join the party! When I hit WL, I'm gonna rollerset and flat iron it then swing it until my neck hurts! Then I'll head to the mall and wait to feel the eyes burning the back of my head! Yall know imma have to do the flip!

I know it sounds silly, but hey I'm working hard for this!
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"When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is pretend I'm Lady Godiva with my husband while wearing my hair and nothing else :bdance:and if someone walks up to me and pulls my hair I will be wondering what they are doing all up in my biznezz.....unless it's my husband but that's another story for another day.:angeldevi
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When I reach WL the first thing i'm going to do is go to a family get together and take my hair out of my bun for a full swang While Wearing a bad BACKLESS dress on and if someone walks up to me and pull my hair I will karate chop their hands and tell them to back off. Love my fam, but back off the goods. They all want to tell me to relax now so don't sweat me when I'm long and natural! :lachen:

I know that's right!
It's like when you see the hair actually hit your BARE BACK, it takes the wow factor to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL
Boom chica wow wow!!! :gorgeous: