Waist Length 2012 Challenge

Oh hells no, I would have been :swearing:

I know, I went through my supplies and I was shocked to see that I still had a lot of nail stuff ( I used to be obsessed back in the day). Still, I need to up my game. I don't know though, I'm not sure I can stand the chemicals anymore :ohwell: We shall see....

I felt as if it was my fault for not mentioning my preference in the beginning.

I'm going to change my color and shape today. My nails will be a little shorter than I normally wear them but they grow pretty quick.

So I've decided to try henna tomorrow night. I'm hoping that it's something I can enjoy for a while because I'm really bored with my hair. I'm not giving up on taking care of it I'm just out of ideas for healthy maintanence at the moment.

Does anyone else have THICK hair? I mean the kind of thick that makes you go Hmmm after it gets to a certain point? I've noticed that even the ends of my hair remain fairly thick as it grows out as long as I take care of it.

My issue is that I've not let it get big in years.I honestly don't know how I'm going to style it in a few weeks when I'm futher into my stretch. I don't know if my starting pic really shows it but that is my hair completely dry with a rollerset.

I'll stop whining now since I'm barely 4 weeks post. I'm sure things will be fine. Thanks for letting me vent. :grouphug3:
Who rollersets on natural 4A hair?

I would really like to see what it looks like because I'm tying NOT to spend 4 hours braiding my hair every other week during the winter (since wash and gos/ wet buns are a no no in the soon to be cold).

Also, I just took down some individuals, so I'll be rocking a bun this week, then back to twists in about a week and a half (just to check in :)

Iman I can't answer your roller setting question since I"m texlaxed, but it sounds as if you have a solid plan.

Nikki, gratz on your transition going so well.

I'm trying henna today so wish me luck. I'm also going to look for a water softener for our shower since we have hard water.

I think I may do a bantu knot out for my ps style this week. We'll see
thanx Bigmommah! I only hope it keeps doing well for me:yep:
You know we want pics after you finish the bantu knots!
I felt as if it was my fault for not mentioning my preference in the beginning.

I'm going to change my color and shape today. My nails will be a little shorter than I normally wear them but they grow pretty quick.

So I've decided to try henna tomorrow night. I'm hoping that it's something I can enjoy for a while because I'm really bored with my hair. I'm not giving up on taking care of it I'm just out of ideas for healthy maintanence at the moment.

Does anyone else have THICK hair? I mean the kind of thick that makes you go Hmmm after it gets to a certain point? I've noticed that even the ends of my hair remain fairly thick as it grows out as long as I take care of it.

My issue is that I've not let it get big in years.I honestly don't know how I'm going to style it in a few weeks when I'm futher into my stretch. I don't know if my starting pic really shows it but that is my hair completely dry with a rollerset.

I'll stop whining now since I'm barely 4 weeks post. I'm sure things will be fine. Thanks for letting me vent. :grouphug3:

*Napolean Dynamite voice* Luuuuuuuuckyyyy :crying3:
Hello Ladies..glad to be here...

Welcome, Kayte! I think I speak for everyone when I say "meet you at waist!". This time is gonna fly by and we'll all be here cheering each other on.

Thank you Mrs IQ and Bigmommah~
Yes! Definitely..meet you & everybody at the waist!!!

Welcome please make sure to post your regimine and a starting picture. Waist Length 2012!

Therein lies the rub....
My trouble is I do not have a reggie...which is probably why I've stayed stuck at APL
it's been hit or miss with whatever I can grab..
lol..my poor hair....

Fo the time being ..I co-wash once a week...been trying out different detanglers
for my thick natural 4c? Is that the coarse-est hair type?Ifi it is ..that's my hair
Nothing REALLY seems to impress it or me
my hair does not like most conditioners..it tolerates the ORS...
does not really like the CHI...it does not like the Aussie stuff
it's so coarse it's hard to find a conditoner or a leave in that will also truly soften it
I'm considering trying the Carol's daughter line ...even tho it's pricey...
cas I'm desperate

Paul Mitchell ..at last ...seems to be a keeper..It detangles at the roots and new growth
so I can actually part my hair from the root with a comb~!
I plan to begin DC-ing over night with his line ...

joined the STEAM challenge and the egg drink challenge..hot oil treatments...low manip..
plan to use...herbal oil stimulants & massage on the scalp
and will probably use growth things like...MN...
vitamins....sea weed..lectithin...hot yoga... AND a slant board!

mmm..so maybe there's a developing regimen in there after all...
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Ok here is my hair after henna and my knot out. First I let my hair dry too much before knotting and then after I added more moisture I didn't let it dry enough before I took it down so parts aren't curly enough but I'm not overly concerned as I will be wearing it up until I co-wash Wed.

I found the henna made my hair dry but dc'ing seemed to help. The color is definitely more red now I'm still trying to decide if it's something I will continue.
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Ok here is my hair after henna and my knot out. First I let my hair dry too much before knotting and then after I added more moisture I didn't let it dry enough before I took it down so parts aren't curly enough but I'm not overly concerned as I will be wearing it up until I co-wash Wed.

I found the henna made my hair dry but dc'ing seemed to help. The color is definitely more red now I'm still trying to decide if it's something I will continue.

Looks nice!
Hey everyone :wave:

Just checking in to say that I think that I think that I have found a new love :infatuated: It's name is Giovanni Magnetic Restruxturing Conditioner :heart: My hair feels sooooo good after I use it! I was having a problem with my hair kind of sticking together while washing, well that problem is now gone and detangling with my fingers goes through like buttah!

I have also added flaxseed oil to my routine. it seems to really be working for me. My shedding is really down too, not sure why, but I'm happy.

Now if my henna would hurry up and arrive....:spinning:

Sidebar- I'm not seeing avatar photos or siggy pics....Is it just me or are they still working out kinks?
Ok here is my hair after henna and my knot out. First I let my hair dry too much before knotting and then after I added more moisture I didn't let it dry enough before I took it down so parts aren't curly enough but I'm not overly concerned as I will be wearing it up until I co-wash Wed.

I found the henna made my hair dry but dc'ing seemed to help. The color is definitely more red now I'm still trying to decide if it's something I will continue.

:yep: I like it!
Hairstyle, color and all! I might have to try this style out for myself :grin:
Hey everyone :wave:

Just checking in to say that I think that I think that I have found a new love :infatuated: It's name is Giovanni Magnetic Restruxturing Conditioner :heart: My hair feels sooooo good after I use it! I was having a problem with my hair kind of sticking together while washing, well that problem is now gone and detangling with my fingers goes through like buttah!

I have also added flaxseed oil to my routine. it seems to really be working for me. My shedding is really down too, not sure why, but I'm happy.

Now if my henna would hurry up and arrive....:spinning:

Sidebar- I'm not seeing avatar photos or siggy pics....Is it just me or are they still working out kinks?

Yup, i'm having the same problem :ohwell:........I hope they fix it soon, I miss seeing all of the siggy's and avatar pics :(
Thanks D.Lisha!

I am so loving my hair right now. I have tried 2 different ps since the knot out. When I work out I sweat like there's no tomorrow so adding the moisture and then styling is easier than I thought it would be. Before y'all get grossed out I co-wash on Wed's and do my weekly wash, dc etc on Sat.

Monday I left the front hump there and pulled my hair into a mid head pony tail using the accessory that is made up of two combs with the elastic and beads criss crossing it (sorry I can not think of the name of them right now) and tucked the the ends using the good days hair pins (LOVE THEM) so I had a crinkly poof.

Last night I took it down and tucked my ends like a loose french roll put on my cap and that was that.

Today I moisturized pulled the hair up high used the same hair thingie tucked the ends forward so now I have a messy bun poof on top and I am so happy.

The IC leave-in I've been using and the Cantu that I found has made this stretch so much easier than I thought it would be.

Have a great day!
Yup, i'm having the same problem :ohwell:........I hope they fix it soon, I miss seeing all of the siggy's and avatar pics :(

Yeah, I'm seeing that it is not just me...I'm sure they are working hard to fix :ohwell: At least we can still access the site, cause I was having serious withdrawls without it :lachen:
Just checking in. I did a mini length check last night. I took a portion of hair in the back of my head, a portion on each side, and a portion of my bangs to flatiron. I do see growth. I am a little more confident of reaching my 2012 goal as well as my APL by December. It has been 12 weeks since I have straightened any part of my hair. Wish I could show you guys but I am in a hide your hair, no heat challenge..lol. I will say I am about 3 inches from APL. Once that happens I will do a major trim to get rid of the last bit of straight ends. Yes I know this will put me back a lil, but I then can claim 100% natural!
Welcome Kristenhair!

Naturallista I am going to add your product to my list of things to try. At this point my daughter and I have so many products we're looking at one of those salon carts many beauticians use. I also need something to hold all of the new nail stuff I'm buying (darn my foray into the nail fanatics forum. Who knew they made stamps for nails?)

Jujubelle, gratz on the progress! I'm not far enough into my stretch to even think about whether I might, maybe perhaps someday transition.:lachen:

Ok I'm off for a bit since the site is not all that stable for me.
Hi girls!

I've probably joined about every hair challenge on this site. But I just joined yesterday and all this hair talk is exciting. I am currently part of BSL 2010, MBL 2011 and now WL 2012

-Protective Styles (Braids and Sew Ins) Left in for two months at a time
-Keep hair clean and conditioned underneath, washing hair 1-2x per week
-Removing protective styles and straightening once every 2 months for deep conditioning, end dusting and length check
-Hair vitamins (Aphogee or Nioxin)
-Health diet, 64 ounces of water, exercise 3-4x per week
Hoping to reach my goal by my Nov 30, 2012 (my 26th Bday!!!)

WELCOME MISSMED07!!! your hair looks great!!!

Jujubelle, reading your post about the flat ironing part and seeing the length had me drooling!
last night when i put my heavy dc on, it weighed my hair down so much that i finally saw that it is touching my BSB bone. (it was just shy of it in the last pic i took---the one in my siggy)

but with the texlaxing i just did last week, i think i will have to wait extra time to "see" that new length because even wrapping and rollersetting does not get my hair bone straight.
those things flatten it out nicely so that it's combable, but the length can only be seen if i use heat.
and yep, i'm in the hyh, and nh (no heat) challenges, too.

this has me thinking that maybe i need to aim for TL hair to have my texlaxed ends "look" WL.
shrinkage is a beast!
Have any of you had success with the silkening shrink wrap thing? I've only tried it once and to say that it didn't work would be an understatement. I plan on rollersetting Saturday and I would hate for my August and September pictures to look exactly the same because of my thick hair and about its business ng.

At least this time I'll remember to not wear a dark shirt when taking a hair picture (smh on that one).

Hello everyone! I just want y'all to know that I have been lurking in my own thread for the past 3 weeks and its been great. I'm almost 3 weeks post cornrows believe it or not and I think I am going for 3 more weeks. I was down about my hairgrowth but now I have not been thinking about my hair and it feels great. It's excellent to know that you all are doing great. You all rock!

Oh and thank you all for the words of encouragement through messages. Yes, I did need encouragement Bigmommah. I have really gained friends from off of this thread and it feels great.

Food for Laughs: I heard that there is going to be a sun attack in 2012 and guess what the first thing I thought about was ah man....I won't be able to enjoy my hair.... not that the earth would be in a bad state. I am so bad you guys.

Happy Hair Growing Ladies

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Food for Laughs: I heard that there is going to be a sun attack in 2012 and guess what the first thing I thought about was ah man....I won't be able to enjoy my hair.... not that the earth would be in a bad state. I am so bad you guys.

You're not bad. It just means that we might have to add 1 track at the bottom to leave our "Full" WL pictures in a time capsule in 2012.:grin:
I think I may invest in a SplitEnder this weekend. Just adding to my list of "must buys". Already on there is a nice steamer. Christmas gift to myself :giggle: