Twist/Braid/Bun For Growth Challenge 7/1/13 - 9/30/13

My boring little bun. It ain't the prettiest but I like it :lol:


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I may have to rethink using curl activator as a moisturizer for twists. I took one down to retwist (it was looking a little frizzy) and the ends were tangled up. That never happens especially after only a few days. I'm going to retwist my whole head with something else on Monday just to check for knots/tangles/matting. Can't have that.
crimsonpeach does you hair do well w/artificial ingredients? That's the only think I'd be worried about w/trying activator. My hair doesn't respond well to those type of ingredients-- and tangles/matts up
@crimsonpeach does you hair do well w/artificial ingredients? That's the only think I'd be worried about w/trying activator. My hair doesn't respond well to those type of ingredients-- and tangles/matts up

My hair usually has no problem with artifical ingredients in stylers. I try to avoid them for cleansing and conditioners but will use them for stylers. I get better hold and definition with the fake stuff. :lol:

When my hair was shorter curl activators were my go to moisturizers. My hair loves glycerin. I think I will bring out the Qhemet's Honey Hydrating Balm since it's glycerin heavy. I haven't used it in a few months.
I've been wearing my hair in 4 - 6 large braids for most of the summer. When I go out during the day I either pin them up, connect them together or cover them with a wrap. I'm co-washing a lot as well. I've also done a few S & Ds on some bad ends. Being very lazy with my hair so far this summer but it seems to be doing ok.
I started taking my braids out last night and I'm almost done now. My hair is so soft :grin:. I plan to not wash until Sunday, so I need to figure out how to wear my hair until then. I might do a single plait, 2 braids, or 2 flattwists. Decisions, decisions.
@NikkiQ how long is your hair? There is a bun tutorial that I love-- it's for the shorter haired girls: Natural soliel started using this bun at 4inches. So if you have at least that much hair you should be able to do it. It is my favorite bun-- so it works well for longer/med hair also
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@NikkiQ how long is your hair? There is a bun tutorial that I love-- it's for the shorter haired girls: Natural soliel started using this bun at 4inches. So if you have at least that much hair you should be able to do it. It is my favorite bun-- so it works well for longer/med hair also

virtuenow my hair is between APL and BSB right now after a few much needed trims and SUPER thick. I think I've seen that tutorial before, but never gave it a try. I may have to experiment with it soon.
:look::ohwell::wallbash:sooooo about that time i took my twist down and put some henna in my hair....then my glove ripped and i didnt know and now one of my hands is orange....
Your bun is awesome!!

I finished my braid take down, moisturized and sealed my hair, and did too flattwists. I even pinned the ends up, and will wash on Sunday.
Scratch washing on Sunday, I'm taking my hair down tomorrow. I watched a couple of 1ballerina videos that I don't remember seeing, and I want to try her double sealing technique. If I can finally get my hair nice and stretched out like she does (she actually has a lot of shrinkage), then my life will be made. I think I'll seal first with my oil mix and then with shea butter. I'm a little scared about using shea butter, and I wish I still had my jar of Crisco :blush:.
:look::ohwell::wallbash:sooooo about that time i took my twist down and put some henna in my hair....then my glove ripped and i didnt know and now one of my hands is orange....
I tried henna one time and that was enough for me. Entirely too messy and time consuming when I can get all the protein I need from a bottle of Aphogee or even some blackstrapp molasses and egg :nono:.
I DC'd last night with QH Super Cholesterol under a heating cap for about an hour. I looove that stuff! Cowashed this am with TJ Nourish Spa, sealed with EVCO and wearing my side bun for the day (wet bun).
Ladies, what does it mean when you do your twists but the ends get tangled up at the end of the hair. Especially after you have the twists for like 2 weeks and you take it apart.

Also.. every time I do twists.. I see shed hair sliding out of them to the point it causes things to tangle up.
Ladies, what does it mean when you do your twists but the ends get tangled up at the end of the hair. Especially after you have the twists for like 2 weeks and you take it apart.

Also.. every time I do twists.. I see shed hair sliding out of them to the point it causes things to tangle up.

Lute Sometimes it means your ends are porous (due to weathering) and ready to be trimmed. Then again, sometimes it means you just have kinky hair, and it coils and catches at the ends b/c of how coily it is and tangles; having uneven ends exacerbates this problem (i.e., stray longer strands double wrap and bind the ends). I try to twist a little looser at the ends and it helps. I also just evened out my ends.