Top 10 Rules for dating and relationships - Makes sense to me


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Top 10 Rules





Being a creature unlike any other is really an attitude, a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe. It's the way you smile (you light up the room), pause in between sentences (you don't babble on out of nervousness), listen (attentively), look (demurely, never stare), breathe (slowly), stand (straight) and walk (briskly, with your shoulders back). When a relationship doesn't work out, you brush away a tear so that it doesn't smudge your makeup and you move on!

[FONT=VERDANA,ARIAL,Helvetica]Realize that you may not meet Mr. Right naturally and that you therefore must take social action immediately even if you don't want to.[/FONT] [FONT=VERDANA,ARIAL,Helvetica]Get a manicure and go out on another date or to that singles dance -- do something to increase your chances of meeting men.[/FONT]


Don't waste time on a fantasy relationship. You may have a good rapport with your doctor, lawyer or accountant, and you may find yourself wondering if he is interested in you romantically. How can you know for sure? If he's never asked you out, then He's Just Not That Into You!


On all non-business e-mails, responding once for every four of his e-mails is a good rule of thumb. Remember, you never know who has access to your e-mail, so keep all romance off the screen and save it for Saturday nights.


Remember, the first three visits are really nothing more than three dates... and on the first three dates we don't have sex with a man or have him stay at our place overnight.


It goes back to the basic premise of The Rules: Man pursues woman. When writing your ad, remember that every man has a type, a voice or a look he likes. There has to be a spark for him that attracts him to you, something that makes him find you unexplainably special.


We know this is hard to accept, but it's not that he hasn't called because he's busy, or because you didn't smile or talk enough (or did too much). It's not that he lost your phone number. The bottom line is, if he hasn't called, he's not that interested.


If you've followed The Rules, your man probably loves you and wants to marry you. Your problem is not if he marries you, but when! If it's been more than a year, see less of him and think about dating others. You've already spent more than a year waiting for him to propose; do you have another year to wait?


Love may be blind, but Rules girls are not stupid! How does he act in the relationship? Is he cheap on dates? Is he critical of you? Remember, The Rules are not about marrying the first man you are attracted to who calls you by Wednesday for Saturday night and buys you flowers. It's about marrying your own personal Mr. Right -- a man whom you love and whose character you admire and can live with.


Take care of yourself, take a bubble bath and build up your soul with positive slogans like "I am a beautiful woman. I am enough." You must learn to accept that, as an adult, you can't always rely on a friend to do things with you. Even if you don't meet Mr. Right, going out -- whether it's a restaurant, lecture or party -- is a chance to meet new people and practice The Rules.
I love The Rules.

I have implemented 2 for living in Atl.
1) No contact after 10pm.
2) No going to each other's house to "chill"
Yes! I will not chill at your house and you can not chill at mine if we are at the beginning stages of dating. There are other free/cheap things to do outside of the house.

But when in a relationship, its cool for the majority. However he still has to spend some time outside of the house.
Yes! I will not chill at your house and you can not chill at mine if we are at the beginning stages of dating. There are other free/cheap things to do outside of the house.

But when in a relationship, its cool for the majority. However he still has to spend some time outside of the house.

I didnt mean the initial stage.
Don't waste time on a fantasy relationship. You may have a good rapport with your doctor, lawyer or accountant, and you may find yourself wondering if he is interested in you romantically. How can you know for sure? If he's never asked you out, then He's Just Not That Into You!

This one made me wonder....
Even in the current economy???
No maam:nono:. There's tons of free stuff to do. All you have to do is use your imagination.

I've dated broke people before and we always found something to do. One time my date and I went to a playground in the park. It was so much fun:yep:.
Even in the current economy???

No. There are plenty of cost efficient things to do. I can plan a fun date that will cost him no more than $15-$20, if need be. There are even free things.

Sitting on someone's couch watching tv every weekend is not courtship.

ETA:Of course if you are in a relationship with someone, chilling is of course allowed. Even then though, not all the time. :nono:
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No maam:nono:. There's tons of free stuff to do. All you have to do is use your imagination.

I've dated broke people before and we always found something to do. One time my date and I went to a playground in the park. It was so much fun:yep:.

I like the sound of that. Going to the park with some 3 Buck Chuck and 2 sandwiches is about as low cost as you can get. Dating on a tight budget is possible, just gotta be creative with it.

So many of these men are lazy and don't want to do the work required to court properly. Take you out a few times and then want to start "chilling" at home.:perplexed

Nope, take that somewhere else buddy.
I like the rules except one. I don't agree with the long distance rule... although maybe it depends on how far away you live. I dated a guy long distance for almost 2 years. He's from Ohio and I am from North Carolina. We took turns flying to see each other. If I made him fly 3 times in a row to see me... I don't think we would have lasted as long as we did lol. But I'm sure it would be different if he was only a few hours away.
No maam:nono:. There's tons of free stuff to do. All you have to do is use your imagination.

I've dated broke people before and we always found something to do. One time my date and I went to a playground in the park. It was so much fun:yep:.
Even when it was freezing cold outside?
Good rules!

...except for the "don't wait 2 years" one...does a woman really need to wait a whole TWO YEARS before she knows what a man wants? Does it really take that long to figure out if you want to be with a woman (in most cases)? I don't think so.
I'm thinking more like 1 year. and after that, I begin looking for better options.
Good rules!

...except for the "don't wait 2 years" one...does a woman really need to wait a whole TWO YEARS before she knows what a man wants? Does it really take that long to figure out if you want to be with a woman (in most cases)? I don't think so.
I'm thinking more like 1 year. and after that, I begin looking for better options.

Wouldn't that be considered for established people? If you're both in college and have like ten dollars to your name, that's not really fair lol. Or do they just mean that you've discussed marriage by then? My SO and I have been together since high school and started discussing marriage after maybe...9 or 10 months of dating/being in a relationship. We're seniors in college now. Should I be concerned that he hasn't proposed? :scratchch
Wouldn't that be considered for established people? If you're both in college and have like ten dollars to your name, that's not really fair lol. Or do they just mean that you've discussed marriage by then? My SO and I have been together since high school and started discussing marriage after maybe...9 or 10 months of dating/being in a relationship. We're seniors in college now. Should I be concerned that he hasn't proposed? :scratchch
I think it's 5 years for younger people:yep:. But like with anything, use common sense.

I could never quite get with the turn down dates after Wednesday night