Sometimes the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. OP with all your backtracking and excuses you're making for him, one can't help but wonder what you want us to tell you.

Usually the ladies go by what was posted and you did complain about a lot of things. And they must have been eating at you for you to post them. I do wish you the best and pray that you make the right decision for you and your son.

Im sorry but the things that are being said arent my truth I let my Bestfriend read the post and all the replies and she was like what the hell are they talking about ( no offense to anyone ) for you guys im making excuses and backtracking for me im telling you guys the honest to god truth(in my explanations) i shouldnt have put the words NEVER and NEVER EVER in my OP but hey I was angry and putting everything into one category (if it makes sense). Im tired of trying to explain the other aspects of our relationship so im just going to let it go most people on here wont understand because you guys dont know us personally so thats why its hard for me to understand and listen to all of your (not you in general poster) comments and suggestions... Thanks for your advice.... The only thing that I was asking in my orginal post was whether or not I was being too sensitive about the situation at that time.... Thanks to all the ladies that gave their opinion and advice on the situation and on other stuff too!!!! :grin: Your ALL very much Appreciated!!! Thanks Ladies!
This doesn't make any sense. It sounds like you're making excuses for him

No I'm not making excuses for him. Our relationship is in no way perfect, but over the time we have been together we have both learned to accept each others flaws. I just have a hard time accepting his issues with expressing his feelings, it is so frustrating sometimes because I am the complete opposite with this. I grew up in a family where we tell each other we love each other every day and we are always hugging and kissing. He grew up in a family where no one expressed any emotions or feelings and the last time he heard I love you from his mom, was when Katrina happened and he really didn't know how to respond to her, because she has never said it.

We have been together a while, but our first few years together we weren't ready for marriage at all, but now that we are pushing 30, its something we both want, i just get so irritated at times because of the expression. I am learning though that his way of showing his feelings is different than the way I show mine, but other than that we cool.

I never wonder where he is at night, because he is home. We spend time together, his family likes me and my family like him. We our both working towards a common goal for our future, i just don't know how to get him to see its okay if he expresses himself.

We talk about it all the time and he tells me that he will try to open up more because he wants me in his life, so we will see what happens.

I will keep you girls updated
thanks for the advice