I totally agree.
Some people make it seem like if you’re single after 30 or 35 then your life is over. Now you’re forced to settle because all the good ones are taken. You’re a “leftover woman” like they say in China. I call bs on this. Age doesn’t matter. You can’t force love to fit your timeline. That’s how people end up in the wrong relationships. I thought I’d be married with 3 kids by age 28!
God must’ve had a really good laugh at that one!
I’m so happy that didn’t happen! The guy I was obsessed with in my 20s turned out to be a serial cheater who wanted me to chase him. I found out that my family was dysfunctional and abusive towards me.
When you’re in that situation your picker is broken. You WILL choose to be with the wrong men! I needed help and it took years to heal from all of that and fix my picker. After that I took time to enjoy the life that was denied me my early years. I got to be selfish and discover who I was, outside of what other’s expectations. I had a blast along the way. Now I’m finally at a place where I want a relationship and I’m excited about it. Instead of dreading it like I used to. This kind of journey you cannot put a timeline on it.