This Time Next Year, I Want To Be...

I Want To Be...

  • Neck Length

    Votes: 8 1.3%
  • Shoulder Length

    Votes: 48 7.7%
  • Arm Pit Length

    Votes: 135 21.8%
  • Bra Strap Length

    Votes: 194 31.3%
  • Mid Back Length

    Votes: 139 22.4%
  • Waist Length

    Votes: 70 11.3%
  • Hip Length or Beyond

    Votes: 26 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
By this time next year, I hope to be BSL. I'm hoping this year I can reach my goal of APL. So hopefully BSL is in my future for next year.
This time next year I want to be full bsl or just below. I am about 2 inches away right now but the way I like to trim I plan on cutting and regrowing it to BSL by next yr.
Well a lot of those choices are wishful thinking, but I went with APL. But I am transitioning. So I'm not really going for length that bad. I need some growth aids.
Shoulder length streched im nachel and i have 100% shrinkage. I know my poor hair is trying to grow but you can't see it. Im thinking of really investing in growth aids. I want to be able to twist and put my hair back in a bunny tail. This time next year.
I should be bcing this year and hopefully nl stretched, next year I want to be at least full sl or on my way to apl with no set backs
wow your hair looks beautiful in your avatar. Can't wait to get that healthy thick look.

awww. :kiss:

it is at least 3-4 inches shorter than the avatar.
i went about a year w/o trimming, and eventually my ends started yelling bloody murder.

it is as long as the siggy pic, and i plan on doing some trims for the next few relaxers, until i am satisfied the ends are good.
I just did the BC a few days ago so my hair is at a TWA. Hopefully by next year I should be touching APL.
I really really really would like to be full, healthy bra strap length. I think I could actually get more length than that in a year, but once I'm at bra strap I think i'll keep it that length.
This is a spin-off from the thread that I created last year about the same topic. :look: I'm praying that with a healthy diet, exercise, and a solid regimen, I'd like to make BSL (but I'll settle for a healthy APL :yep:). What is the length that you would like to achieve this time, next year?

I'm with you BSL, but healthy APL would suffice!
Since I just cut my hair it's time to change my goals!

This time next year I want to be full shoulder length. I'm hoping that cutting my hair and getting rid of all of the overprocessed mess will allow my hair to grow in nice and thick. :yep:
BSL hopefully. But I'd settle for full APL. I used to be full BSL when I was younger, but since I didn't use heat protectant/healthy hair practices it wasn't nice looking. This time around, I only want to achieve my goals with healthy hair!
:crossfingers: Here's to all the sweatin' I'll be doing in the summer will amount to some extreme hair growth!
Well, at least I'm only 5'1. My hair doesn't have as far to grow! :lachen:

I am 5'2 isn't it sweet when you don't have far to go!!!

I want to be BSL, but from the way my hair grows I should be MBL; if I don't cut it, which ain't (yes AIN't because I am a scissor happy feen) Happening so I will just hope for a healthy BSL hair. And I pray for no set backs.