~*Thicker Hair Challenge 2009*~

Thanks ladies for joining:). I been air drying for atleast a month now and I've noticed much thickness. Usually when I wear a pony tail I would have to wrap the ban around my hair 3 times. But now I wrap the ban around twice! And its getting tight!
nice! having a thicker ponytail must be nice. ;-)

i haven't noticed much added thickness for myself. i am going to add megatek to my regimen... after researching the boards and reading so many positive things, i figure why not? i'm going to apply it as per the directions twice a week for now and then maybe adjust it as i see fit.

i also need to get a trim. i have noticed that my roots are thicker than some of the ends of my hair. i am not sure if this is due to the relaxer or split ends or what... but i want thicker ends. healthy ends lead to healthy hair... i just don't want to lose the length i've gained.
Thanks! I have no idea how to get thicker hair but I'm sure about to figure it out!!! LOL!
Starting pic... I believe that my hair is airdryed and flat iron after my texlax.

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I'm in!

Going for BSL this year, but not if it's going to be two strands dangling for dear life!! :lachen:

Mine is getting thinner by the day! :ohwell: Around relaxer time my head turns into a whole new head of hair. Tangles, matts, and sheds like crazy.

New regimen (esp around relaxer time):
Co wash 2x per week
poo 1 x wk
Shikakkai or tea rinse for shedding
Return to my beloved halfwig to decrease manip
Airdry more often
Find a good detangler (any suggestions?)
Return to taking MSM
Decrease combing to 2x week
Thanks ladies for joining:). I been air drying for atleast a month now and I've noticed much thickness. Usually when I wear a pony tail I would have to wrap the ban around my hair 3 times. But now I wrap the ban around twice! And its getting tight!
OMGosh! I've noticed the same thing...my ponies are thicker and the bands are beginning to bother me....my pony was like, nickel-sized, now it's a little more than quarter-sized....i chopped off a few inches in decemeber, and i think it helped.
OMGosh! I've noticed the same thing...my ponies are thicker and the bands are beginning to bother me....my pony was like, nickel-sized, now it's a little more than quarter-sized....i chopped off a few inches in decemeber, and i think it helped.
and I've noticed that my hair doesnt relax as quickly as it use to..........which is a good thing........I guess:look:
Count me in! I'm using megatek every night, frequent cowashes, DC 3x per week, moisturize daily and no heat! My hair is very thin... starting pic is in my siggy!
for the ladies that have thin hair, are you on any type of birth control? i really feel my hair is thin because of it. i'm going to start air drying. i've always rollerset my hair after a wash but i want to now start w/no to low manipulation. i'll just air dry in a bun and call it a day. my SO is deployed anyway so i really have no one to look cute for right now.
Your my inspiration. I just came out of braids and got my hair done today so I'm beginning my healthy journey. Your pics are inspiring. I'm almost where your 07 pic is, so I'm going to hang in there and not cut for a whole year and see where it gets me.
I'm really late but I'd like to join as well. I'm not sure what I will be doing to obtain this thickness but I will post a regimen when I figure it out.
for the ladies that have thin hair, are you on any type of birth control? i really feel my hair is thin because of it. i'm going to start air drying. i've always rollerset my hair after a wash but i want to now start w/no to low manipulation. i'll just air dry in a bun and call it a day. my SO is deployed anyway so i really have no one to look cute for right now.
buming for ya!

I was thinking of starting one myself, so
I am thankful to the moderater of this
one (Thanks Qualitee!)for starting it :grin:

So here's what I do to help me achieve/maintain thickness

  • Recently starting Gelatin (haven't started yet)
  • Trim every 3 months (without fail)
What can I do be better:

  • Low Mani, especially when washing (I have itchy scalp, so I have a habit of scratching a lot when washing)
  • Try not to use the comb, use the Pick more
  • Remember to take Vits every day
My starting photo is my Siggy :drunk:
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I'm excited about this challege!!!

I'm locking up my blow dryer, flat iron and curling irons...............

I'm not using any direct heat (rollersets only or wet styles)

Deep Conditioning

Stretching (this is my first time stretching, so far so good)

My starting photo is my siggy......
Hiya. I just joined the boards. Can I get in late on the challenge? I need to thicken my hair and the support would be great. If not, I understand. I will just be lurker poster. :ohwell:
Ok. I am very new at this, but here goes. I think this is my new regimen:

Daily - Mega tek with shea butter and mango butter on scalp and hair, seal with olive oil (is this right)
Wed - Co-Wash with something (have not done that yet)
Sat - Wash/condition/DC
Monthly - Trim, I have a lot of frizzy ends.

Somewhere in here I am adding those Indian powders. I am researching those now. Maybe that will be Wed and Sat?

Anyway, I will post a picture sometime this weekend. As soon as I can take one that shows more than the top of my head.

I am so excited!! :yep:
Can I join?

My sides are only 2 inches long and its making my hair looks very thin. I am trying to grow them back.

Also, if you relax protect those ends when you relax with conditioner and/or oil to prevent your ends from thinning.
How did I miss this challenge? My poor hair has gotten so thin and I have had so much breakage. So I am on a mission to get my hair thicker again. I do believe that having my hair flat ironed every two weeks has taken away my thickness, so that's one thing thats going away, only once a month now. Still fine tuning the rest of my regimen.

This is my hair in 2005. I want this thickness again.

This is where I am now.
This week (ending yesgterday) to my regimen I added:
- Ayurveda oil and powders. Still working on getting it right though
- Added aloe vera juice to my moisture regimen
- Replaced the olive oil spray for sealing with Amla oil
- Dusted ends (versus the planned trim)

My hair is getting so incredibly soft. Since I relaxed the previous week (14th week), I can't tell my growth yet. But I am taking pictures, and as soon as I figure out how to post without them taking up the whole screen, I will post.
Just in case people are checking in - Ayurveda is really thickening up my hair. I am not sure how well it is showing up on the pics, but I am keeping a record to show at end of June.

Loving Ayurveda!! I am using my shikakai oil and amla oil every night. My hair has a wonderful shine and feel to it. My hair looks darker and thicker. It is much healthier than it has been in a long time.

I am also using Kalpi Tone paste and the results are amazing!

I have not checked in lately - I just relaxed my hair last night after 10 weeks (it was not easy). I definitely know now that "Protein is my friend"!!!!

I use protein everytime I shampoo followed up with a moisturizing dc or one of my protein packed moisturizing condishes- which is 3-4 times a week. It definitely made a difference when it came to relaxer time - my hair feels so much stronger but still soft -Using protein has definitely thickened my strands -

I am currently growing out my no-lye relaxer - I switched back to lye (MBB) in September and u can definitely tell the difference between the two on my hair -
Cassia is doing wonders for my hair.

My hair has weight and body, it feels and looks better...I'm pleased with the continual increase in thickness.

I can't wait until my flat ironed hair is uber-thick, i'm giving it a few more months to do it's thing.

i've come to realize that this is a process and i'm appreciative of each milestone i cross. decreased shedding is major milestone #1 for me.
Im using bee mine as an growth aid, and I noticed my hair getting thicker. Its getting so thick that my hair doesnt relax as easily as it use to. I think I have to go from fine color treated hair to normal hair.:)
I haven't checked in lately.....I'm part of a couple of other challenges so I'v ebeen co-washing 2-4x's/wk, depending on my mood and my hair. I was only roller setting but the past two weeks I've been trying air drying, braid outs and bunning. I purchased some amla and shikakai oils and poweders as well as brahmi powder. I was stretching to 18+ weeks but now I'm thinking of relaxing on April 17th and using a heat pass from bootcamp. I'll be 2 days shy of 17 weeks post.
First time updating, my hair has thickened up though!
-air drying
-liquid/powder msm in conditioner/powders
-JBCO/Indian castor oil
-Bee Mine
-Detangling out of shower
How did I miss this!! I really need to thicken my hair. I'm doing all that I can to do so in any case. I've only used direct heat once since August 2008; and I don't plan on using it at all this year. My hair is already starting to thicken and have more body. I'll post some pics when I get home from work. :)
Hello Ladies...new to LHCF and I am so anxious to see my end results but I know that patience is a virtue, so just looking forward to the journey. Thnx in advance for all the inspiration and much needed encouragement. I see soooo many suprrr delicious hair it's not even funny. Soooo excited...let the fellow hairship begin:grouphug:
This is a must.

You must drink 14 gms of gelatin in water or juice - daily. I'm on a 4-month gelatin challenge and I expect to have 3 times as much hair. My hair is already showing signs of thickness. I can't believe that more people are not on to this. I've been doing this for 3 weeks now and i am committed to taking this in addition to my Waistlength Cocktail, which also has helped my hair thicken IMMENSELY.

I'm super-excited about reaching my hair goals.