continued from top...
03/26/2009: had just taken down my kinky twists..
04/16/2009: I tracks glued into my hair b/c I was tired of the weaves..this is when the setback can probably tell in some of the pics..I took out the tracks and just took pics of my real hair...
06/24/2009: jus recently took down my 2 month sew-in..did a henna treatment..airdried in twists and the look was nice but i didn't know what to do w/ it so instead i sprayed water to dampen my hair and did a 5min blowdry on 4 sections and ended w/ a puff..
What have I learned:
-Patience is the key to healthy hair
-Salon visits are a no no
-My hair loves natural products (AOHSR, Giovanni, Shea Butter, honey, oils (vatika, olive, and coconut)
-Herbal Essence conditioners are great for natural 4a/b's who would like to co-wash or just detangle
- a little goes a long way
Thanks 2:
- LHCFand its members
and there you have it..for the next six months i plan to take better care of my ends..continue the henna treatments learn to trim my own ends.. I haven't had a trim six december and I know i'm in need of one badly..but here's to the first six months..and here's to another six months.....