The Truth About Yoga

Supergirl said:
Thanks for answering honestly. That tells me alot of what I was wondering about your particular beliefs.

I'm not sure how that tells you so much about my beliefs, but, . . . ok.

Supergirl said:
I don't know anywhere that I said I was judging anyone though.

I didn't write that you are judging, I wrote "when we judge others . . . "

Supergirl said:
I don't dislike someone or judge them because they are homosexual. However, I do dislike homosexuality . Hate the sin, not the sinner. We all have sinned and come short of the glory... you know the rest. :)


Supergirl said:
Also, your responses seem to indicate that you think I am the one saying that yoga is occultic. I'll say it like one of my college Bible study leaders said once: "I didn't say it, God said it. Don't get mad at me if you don't like it."

When and where did God say yoga is occultic? The only proponents of this train of thought are the author of the article you posted, you, and other posters who agree with you and the author. While I respect your belief on the subject, I don't find where God is in this.
When and where did God say yoga is occultic? The only proponents of this train of thought are the author of the article you posted, you, and other posters who agree with you and the author. While I respect your belief on the subject, I don't find where God is in this.[/quote]

First of all, Supergirl I'm glad that this was posted. It has an important purpose. Look at the timing of it...a year later it's brought back to the surface.

What Supergirl began with and has maintained with this post is that the origins, the roots, the genesis of Yoga was in worship of that other than God our Father. And God has said, "...thou shalt have no other Gods before me." He warns us time and again not to partake in the practices of those who do not honor Him.

It is a must for us to be aware of the origins of anything we practice. For there is a Spirit behind all that we decide to do. The question is always "which Spirit?" For God also says to us, "...try the Spirits to see if they be of God." He says further, "...for not all have faith." And one most important thing that God says, "...the deceiver is out to fool even the very elect of God."

Okay, hear me out, for I truly see 'all sides' in this. Jesus also said that we are to '...occupy until He comes". (His return). And He says for us to not be so Spiritually minded that we are no earthly good. Now Hold on! This does not give us the mind to do as we please and justify it as such. For we still must '...try the Spirits, and see if they be of God..." for all have not faith..."

The women who have felt uncomfortable with Yoga are correct; God has given them a conviction about it and they must follow. I'll tell you something. I have no doubt that these women sensed an unwholesome presence from the Instructor and the atmosphere about them. Their gift of discernment was queued in. For what was the spirit behind the instructor who taught the instructor what spirit was attached to them?

Now for those who have no conviction, I can understand that as well. For you see, I've lived both. As one who's taken part in Yoga, I have had both feelings of discomfort in my spirit in some classes and feelings of peace in another class.

There is a famous world-renowned dance instructor that I respect and admire dearly who offered Yoga classes and I could not go. My spirit just could not be a peace. I have other Christian family members and friends, who also could not take these classes.

Yet, our Dance instructor who incorporates some of the stretches in our class warm-ups and cool-downs, we have no conviction at all. Our focus is on the stretches only. We do not zone out, meditate or do the 'worship poses.' Though I have not read the book introduced in this post, I truly believe that we have taken on the 'alternative' to Yoga for we do not worship other Gods.

The only saddness in this post was the comment made that this post was garbage, which it is not. This post is a wonderful blessing for those who do and for those who don't partake in Yoga. It's an awakening to all of us to just be aware of the origins and that we will not be caught unawares.

Ladies, keep your stand in Jesus Christ. We're in this world, but not of it. Take the good out of everything and enjoy this life. But always bear in mind that in all we do, let it all give Glory unto our God. For He delights in each of you and always will.

Thanks again for posting this, Supergirl. Excellent post and I'm buying the book. There's something here for all of us to learn and be aware of.

My love to all,

"Shimmie..." :)
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ShimmieGirl said:
It is a must for us to be aware of the origins of anything we practice. For there is a Spirit behind all that we decide to do.

I guess Christians should reconsider all of the holidays we observe since they have their orgins in pagan holidays. The spirit of the holiday designations was to convert pagans to Christianity by incorporating some of their pagan practices. Christmas, anyone? Easter?

ShimmieGirl, I have to admit that I often don't agree with your posts, but I respect the fact that you considered both sides of the issue.

**If we use the word "occult" correctly, I will admit that yoga can be classified as such, as can Christianity.

Main Entry: occult
Function: noun
: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them -- used with the
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mkh_77 said:
I guess Christians should reconsider all of the holidays we observe since they have their orgins in pagan holidays. The spirit of the holiday designations was to convert pagans to Christianity by incorporating some of their pagan practices. Christmas, anyone? Easter?

ShimmieGirl, I have to admit that I often don't agree with your posts, but I respect the fact that you considered both sides of the issue.

:lol: Ahhhh, You're talking to a teacher here...12 year vetern of Christian Day School and Sunday School. This is how I taught my students:

Three sides of Christmas:

The first side: Christians who celebrate Christmas (Mass of Christ) who give honor in celebrating the birth of or Lord and Savior.

The second side: Those who eliminate Jesus. They call it 'Xmas' and bow to Santa as God.

The third side: Commercialism. Those who could care less for either of the above. To them it's the season of "Cha - Ching" :look:


The first: Christians who honor the ressurection of Jesus who Did infact rise from the dead. We honor the One who died for our sins and went to hell so that we would not have to.

The second: Those who celebrate and eliminate Jesus; negating his death, burial and resurrection.

The third: Commercialism....(as stated above - "Cha-Ching").

All of us here know that there is no way to avoid being in this world and that we will continue to be exposed and partake in many things that are not fully in line with our Christian convictions. All any of us want to do is to grow more in God each day in all that we say and do.

That's why this thread from Supergirl is so important. To make us aware of the truth and then allow God to lead us where He would have us in this. And for those who choose, we have an alternative.

I understand where each of the women in this thread are coming from. I see no one's choice at fault. The women who have convictions have been awakened to something not right with the spirit behind the Yoga source.

Those who are in Christ and have peace about their experience have not encountered these spirits. And they have also shared that they have not delved deeply into Yoga. I'm happy to be made aware

As I shared in my earlier post, whatever we do in this life, let us give all glory to God, in all that we choose to do; for there is none other above Him and there never will be.

There's a scripture in the book of Job, that I cherish:

"Lord, teach thou me, that which I do not see; where I have sinned, I will do no more.."

We're humans. We are frail. The devil knows this and he plays on it. It's not about Yoga, Christmas, "Easter or any other practice. It's about living this life, changing what I have to change and give God glory in all that I do, that He is so worthy of.

This thread was started by Supergirl, with only a kind heart to inform, not impose. She maintained her personal stand, the same as others.

I know that I've been a 'pill' to some on this forum, but pills are meant to be hard. For me, I have to be open to Him. As much as I love what this exercise has done for me, there are alternatives. And that's all that this thread has been about.

Love to all,

"Shimmie..." :)
ShimmieGirl said:
First of all, Supergirl I'm glad that this was posted. It has an important purpose. Look at the timing of it...a year later it's brought back to the surface.

What Supergirl began with and has maintained with this post is that the origins, the roots, the genesis of Yoga was in worship of that other than God our Father. And God has said, "...thou shalt have no other Gods before me." He warns us time and again not to partake in the practices of those who do not honor Him.

It is a must for us to be aware of the origins of anything we practice. For there is a Spirit behind all that we decide to do. The question is always "which Spirit?" For God also says to us, "...try the Spirits to see if they be of God." He says further, "...for not all have faith." And one most important thing that God says, "...the deceiver is out to fool even the very elect of God."

Okay, hear me out, for I truly see 'all sides' in this. Jesus also said that we are to '...occupy until He comes". (His return). And He says for us to not be so Spiritually minded that we are no earthly good. Now Hold on! This does not give us the mind to do as we please and justify it as such. For we still must '...try the Spirits, and see if they be of God..." for all have not faith..."

The women who have felt uncomfortable with Yoga are correct; God has given them a conviction about it and they must follow. I'll tell you something. I have no doubt that these women sensed an unwholesome presence from the Instructor and the atmosphere about them. Their gift of discernment was queued in. For what was the spirit behind the instructor who taught the instructor what spirit was attached to them?

Now for those who have no conviction, I can understand that as well. For you see, I've lived both. As one who's taken part in Yoga, I have had both feelings of discomfort in my spirit in some classes and feelings of peace in another class.

There is a famous world-renowned dance instructor that I respect and admire dearly who offered Yoga classes and I could not go. My spirit just could not be a peace. I have other Christian family members and friends, who also could not take these classes.

Yet, our Dance instructor who incorporates some of the stretches in our class warm-ups and cool-downs, we have no conviction at all. Our focus is on the stretches only. We do not zone out, meditate or do the 'worship poses.' Though I have not read the book introduced in this post, I truly believe that we have taken on the 'alternative' to Yoga for we do not worship other Gods.

The only saddness in this post was the comment made that this post was garbage, which it is not. This post is a wonderful blessing for those who do and for those who don't partake in Yoga. It's an awakening to all of us to just be aware of the origins and that we will not be caught unawares.

Ladies, keep your stand in Jesus Christ. We're in this world, but not of it. Take the good out of everything and enjoy this life. But always bear in mind that in all we do, let it all give Glory unto our God. For He delights in each of you and always will.

Thanks again for posting this, Supergirl. Excellent post and I'm buying the book. There's something here for all of us to learn and be aware of.

My love to all,

"Shimmie..." :)

Wow, there is no way you would have known this but the scripture reference above (bolded) is what I'd typed in my last post on this thread in reference to my comment of God saying for us not to practice yoga. Now, I know those words didn't literally come out of his mouth "Thou shalt not do yoga!" but the above scripture is what I meant. I deleted it and didn't include it in the post because I felt that God was telling me to back off and not be a "know-it-all." And then you came along and posted it! Wow again. :)
So, Shimmie and Supergirl, you two are relying on inferences to support your claim that God doesn't want us to practice yoga? I'm glad that provides support for your cause, but that still doesn't cast yoga in a negative light for those of us who can and do still hold our faith in God while doing the Downward Dog.

*Shimmie, I'm sure there are many who have told you that your style of dancing isn't glorifying to God, but I'm also sure you find ways to justify it (in fact, I read a post where you did such). People do that . . . , justifying, I mean, when they believe what they are doing is ok. It's just a matter of personal preference.

Lastly, Shimmie, since you know so much about Christmas, why didn't you include the fact that Christmas is celebrated it in Decemeber, near the time of the Winter Solstice because that was a pagan holiday honoring fertility gods, hoping they would provide a good harvest? The Church saw this as a prime opportunity to incorporate Christianity into pagan celebrations, thereby converting more folks to Christianity. I guess you forgot that fourth side, and if you don't inculde it in your teachings, then you really are short-changing your students as to the reality of the holidays Christians celebrate.
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Supergirl said:
Now, I know those words didn't literally come out of his mouth "Thou shalt not do yoga!" but the above scripture is what I meant.

No, God didn't literally say that. And, people can and do make activities and other people into gods in their lives, putting them before God--I'm not advocating that. It's all about what you value and how much value you place on that person or thing.

By the way, how does exercising in a way that might provide you relaxation and flexibility not honor God? As I wrote above, I'm not advocating placing anyone or anything before God, but as another poster wrote, you can practice yoga while meditating on the Word.
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mkh_77 said:
So, Shimmie and Supergirl, you two are relying on inferences to support your claim that God doesn't want us to practice yoga? I'm glad that provides support for your cause, but that still doesn't cast yoga in a negative light for those of us who can and do still hold our faith in God while doing the Downward Dog.

No one has said that God doesn't want us to practice Yoga. I still do in all of my warm-ups. The stretches indeed relax me and stretch my muscles.

However, we still need to know the origins of what we choose to do. I can understand if this does not convict you. That's fine. But there are some who happy to have been made aware. I am one of them. The downward dog happens to be one that really gives my body the pull that it needs. Still, it's good to know it's origin so that I do not become caught up in it's original intent.

*Shimmie, I'm sure there are many who have told you that your style of dancing isn't glorifying to God, but I'm also sure you find ways to justify it (in fact, I read a post where you did such). People do that . . . , justifying, I mean, when they believe what they are doing is ok. It's just a matter of personal preference.

You are absolutely right, there is no justification. My 'hips' are a serious weapon of mass seduction. ;) Even my 'friend' (my sweetheart) has not seen my hips in action. He'd have to be 'peeled' from off the floor...

However, I am a Dancer, of many forms; Bellydancing is not my only style of dancing. You will never see me bellying dancing in a public restaurant; or for an audience of men. But you will see me in (some) cutural events; bridal showers (female only), (some) family events; and our shows. Yet, in class among my teacher and friends, I'm a pure cut up.

The Dance is about women; for women celebrating life and was also originated to prepare a woman for givng birth. Still, I will not justify how it has moved from that origin to what it has become now.

I am prayerfully considering what I've learned in all forms of Dance into a ministry for "Wives Only" -- Dancers Husbands Have More Fun...:Blush2: "

This is a strong and prayerful project for me; for I encountered so many Christian woman who want to learn other levels of Dance just to add more fun and Romance in their marriages and I have a lot of knowledge to share. But, I won't move with this unless God says yes.

I'm extremely grateful for this thread for it brings a conviction as to what am I personally doing to give God glory. How do I apply the things that I have learned and practice and give Him glory in it? I have a strong and beautiful gift in Dance and a heart for women in marriage, and my heart is purely to give God His glory in it, not mine.

Lastly, Shimmie, since you know so much about Christmas, why didn't you include the fact that Christmas is celebrated it in Decemeber, near the time of the Winter Solstice because that was a pagan holiday honoring fertility gods, hoping they would provide a good harvest? The Church saw this as a prime opportunity to incorporate Christianity into pagan celebrations, thereby converting more folks to Christianity. I guess you forgot that fourth side, and if you don't inculde it in your teachings, then you really are short-changing your students as to the reality of the holidays Christians celebrate.

:lol: I don't know everything about Christmas or anything else. :lol: I wish, I did. I'd be richer than Bill Gates and Donald Trump put together. :lol:

My students were taught far more than this forum has space to post it.
You can't teach about any holiday and its origin without teaching about the pagans, (Easter and Christmas) and the druids (with Halloween) .

They know that Jesus was not born on December 25, (actually in September). They also know that the pagans did not celebrate on December 25 as well. :)

As is the same with Halloween, the Christians instituted "All Saints Day", November 1, instead.

As with Easter, they know, that Jesus did not die on a Friday, for one cannot get 72 hours from Friday to Sunday. God who created day and night, is not confused with 24 hours in a day.

However, as the Passover Lamb, Jesus did die according to Hebrew law, on the Sabbath before the Passover (the day when the Passover sacrifice was prepared)...a Wednesday, on the end of the 14th day of Nisan and He actually rose on Saturday (end of the Sabbath) and his tomb was discovered empty on a Sunday, the first day of the week, as scripture says.

My students were never short-changed. They know their history, which was always backed up with scripture and our leadership.

I am so sorry that anything that I've shared has offended you or has brought to any type of frustration. That was never my or this thread's intent.

The posts here show many views and reactions about Yoga. Many are greatful (me, included) that it was shared.

Until I hear from God a resounding 'stop', I still plan to do the stretches that I have learned in Yoga and I will continue to dance.

Yet, still no matter what I choose to do in this life I still have to stay open to what the Spirit of God is saying. I still live to make changes in my life. Changes that please Him. Be it in anything, I still open my heart to please Him in what I choose to do.

Take care. My heart in anything that I've shared is not to dispute one's choice or offend. I'm glad for those who have benefit from Yoga moves, as I have done so as well.

And I'm still glad for Supergirl's obedience to the Spirit of God to post this thread and I hope she continues. I respect her pure intent which was to simply share and inform those who needed it. I for one, needed it. As much as I love my Dance and fitness activities, I love God more.

Keep us aware, Mrs. Supergirl (Star is on my mind - LOL). For you are a beautiful light as your name declares. Note: Supergirl, your light does indeed shine bright.

"Shimmie....:) "

Both Star and Supergirl are total beams of beautiful light. Star, I've had you on my mind...(smiles) I kept typing your name in this post instead of Supergirl's. Love you much Supergirl...(LOL)
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ShimmieGirl said:
No one has said that God doesn't want us to practice Yoga.

I think she did write that God doesn't want us to practice yoga given it's origins.

Supergirl said:
Also, your responses seem to indicate that you think I am the one saying that yoga is occultic. I'll say it like one of my college Bible study leaders said once: "I didn't say it, God said it. Don't get mad at me if you don't like it."

ShimmieGirl said:
However, we still need to know the origins of what we choose to do. I can understand if this does not convict you. That's fine. But there are some who happy to have been made aware. I am one of them. The downward dog happens to be one that really gives my body the pull that it needs. Still, it's good to know it's origin so that I do not become caught up in it's original intent.

Until I hear from God a resounding 'stop', I still plan to do the stretches that I have learned in Yoga and I will continue to dance.

Yet, still no matter what I choose to do in this life I still have to stay open to what the Spirit of God is saying. I still live to make changes in my life. Changes that please Him. Be it in anything, I still open my heart to please Him in what I choose to do.

The above is the point I have been making all along. Have/seek knowledge and then make an informed decision while respecting the rights of others to make their own decisions. A prime example is your myraid styles of dance. You acknowledge their origins as well as what they have become, but you recognize why you practice and for whom you practice.

ShimmieGirl said:
I am so sorry that anything that I've shared has offended you or has brought to any type of frustration. That was never my or this thread's intent.

I was never frustrated--simply stating my opinion on the topic.
from the original article/post "I received an e-mail from a staff member of the Classical Yoga Hindu Academy in New Jersey. The staff member wrote, 'Yes, all of yoga is Hinduism. Everyone should be aware of this fact.' This staff member included that she didn't appreciate my 'running down the great Hindu/Yogic religion,'" Laurette says.

Her statements about yoga have also drawn criticism from some Christians. Some accuse Laurette of being judgmental. Others say her fears about yoga are irrational.

This is a good portion of the article. I see that she was criticized--that's to be expected. I don't mind the criticism. I don't mind anyone disagreeing simply because I didn't start this thread to prove a point. I didn't start it to be right. I didn't start it to argue with anyone who didn't agree or see what the big deal was. I started it to enlighten and to share truth. Those who choose to be enlightened have been and I believe that whomever this thread was to reach, it did. It served it's purpose. Truth is Truth and I don't think anyone can disagree with that. For anyone that doesn't see "the big deal" I've prayed for your protection from the spirits behind the practice of yoga. I know what it is to engage in seemingly harmless practices as a Christian and then to see the evil fruits of it roll around into your life later. It is nothing to be taken lightly. There are just some doors that you do not want opened in your life. It is even possible for individuals' ancestors to open gateways to these demonic forces for future generations. So, please consider your actions of today because they could affect your children and grandchildren and so on. If anyone feels that these forces have some how entered your life (through your own actions or actions of ancestors) you can ask God to close those gateways and declare them closed in Jesus' name and that your life and the life of your descendents are covered by the blood. Much love everyone :kiss:
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Supergirl said:
I started it to enlighten and to share truth. Those who choose to be enlightened have been and I believe that whomever this thread was to reach, it did. It served it's purpose. Truth is Truth and I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

The truth is the truth, but the article you posted isn't it--that's someone's opinion.

Supergirl said:
It is even possible for individuals' ancestors to open gateways to these demonic forces for future generations. So, please consider your actions of today because they could affect your children and grandchildren and so on.

WHAT??!! The purpose of the coming of Jesus was to provide salvation from our sins--those past and those not yet committed. All that is required of us is to confess in our hearts and with our mouths that He is our Lord and Savior. The opening of demonic forces by our ancestors to be visited on future generations is foreign to Christianity if you've accepted Jesus Christ into your life. There is no room for that sort of thing as Jesus is the only covering Christians need!
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If you would like to start a separate thread on generational curses, I'd be more than happy to dialogue with you. But as I stated earlier, the purpose of this thread has been accomplished.
Supergirl said:
If you would like to start a separate thread on generational curses

I don't believe in those kinds of things, nor do I give them my time for the reasons I stated above.
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Supergirl, I fixed my 'blunder' in my post. I kept typing Star's name instead of yours. :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm seeing 'stars'....:lol: Yes, 'Star is beautiful."

I just wanted to let you know that I am so glad for this thread you shared with us. I don't ever want to live my life, thinking my choices are in line because others think so. I can't live on man's approval. I still have to live my life to give Glory unto God our Father.

God has used you as a beacon of light with this thread, for there are many reading and though not posting, they have been enlightened and have taken this message to heart.

To me, Jesus is about an 'alternative' lifestyle, but the ultimate one that has an ending promise of Eternity with Him. So whatever I choose to do in this life, I have to do it with the alternatives that please Him.

For me personally, if I am to continue with the stretches that I do in Yoga, then I am more open to the alternative methods that do not relate to other gods. The same applies to all I have chosen to do in this life.

So to you, I applaude your stand and I support what I know to be your pure intent with this thread which was only to inform and enlighten.

God knows the pureness of your heart. And I have been given the priviledge of getting to know you as well.

Supergirl, I am honored to have you as one of my sisters in Christ Jesus.

We all have a part in the Body of Christ, to keep us rounded. Your gift is that of enlightenment. Please stay strong in this. For as God told the phophet Jeremiah, '...speak what I tell you." and God admonished him also, " not afraid of their faces." So whatever God tells you to speak...'Speak.'

If anything that I have shared in this entire forum, or anything about my lifestyle (Dancing) and the things I share about Romance, has offended you or raised questions about my devotion to the Lord, I humbly apologize to you, and to the rest of our sisters on this forum. My intent was never to offend.

And Mkh_77, this apology includes you too, for you too are my sister in Christ.

With all sincerity,

"Shimmie..." :)
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ShimmieGirl said:
Supergirl, I fixed my 'blunder' in my post. I kept typing Star's name instead of yours. :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm seeing 'stars'....:lol: Yes, 'Star is beautiful."

I just wanted to let you know that I am so glad for this thread you shared with us. I don't ever want to live my life, thinking my choices are in line because others think so. I can't live on man's approval. I still have to live my life to give Glory unto God our Father.

God has used you as a beacon of light with this thread, for there are many reading and though not posting, they have been enlightened and have taken this message to heart.

To me, Jesus is about an 'alternative' lifestyle, but the ultimate one that has an ending promise of Eternity with Him. So whatever I choose to do in this life, I have to do it with the alternatives that please Him.

For me personally, if I am to continue with the stretches that I do in Yoga, then I am more open to the alternative methods that do not relate to other gods. The same applies to all I have chosen to do in this life.

So to you, I applaude your stand and I support what I know to be your pure intent with this thread which was only to inform and enlighten.

God knows the pureness of your heart. And I have been given the priviledge of getting to know you as well.

Supergirl, I am honored to have you as one of my sisters in Christ Jesus.

We all have a part in the Body of Christ, to keep us rounded. Your gift is that of enlightenment. Please stay strong in this. For as God told the phophet Jeremiah, '...speak what I tell you." and God admonished him also, " not afraid of their faces." So whatever God tells you to speak...'Speak.'

If anything that I have shared in this entire forum, or anything about my lifestyle (Dancing) and the things I share about Romance, has offended you or raised questions about my devotion to the Lord, I humbly apologize to you, and to the rest of our sisters on this forum. My intent was never to offend.

And Mkh_77, this apology includes you too, for you too are my sister in Christ.

With all sincerity,

"Shimmie..." :)

Awww Shimmie, you're a sweetie. :kiss:
mkh_77 said:
I don't believe in those kinds of things, nor do I give them my time for the reasons I stated above.

Your non-belief in it doesn't change it, unfortunately. I wish there were no such thing. Good news is, they CAN be broken. Glory to God!

Also wanted to respond to what you said above about the article writer's information on yoga being an opinion. Yoga comes from hinduism. I don't think we can accurately call that an opinion.
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Supergirl said:
Your non-belief in it doesn't change it, unfortunately. I wish there were no such thing. Good news is, they CAN be broken. Glory to God!

You have your opinion and I have mine. We aren't going to agree on this issue just as we are not going to agree on "the truth about yoga".

Supergirl said:
Also wanted to respond to what you said above about the article writer's information on yoga being an opinion. Yoga comes from hinduism. I don't think we can accurately call that an opinion.

I was referring to her negative opinions about yoga. I never disputed it's origins in Hinduism, did I?
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There are a lot of deep truths that people don't know about. I personally ask God to forgive me everyday because I know that there is so much Paganism prevalent that most of our everyday activities and products have some spiritual links that aren't Christian. I have looooooong known about the Hindu roots of Yoga, and that's why I don't participate in it. There are a milllion other things that I probably do in ignorance that go against my Christian faith, but this one I KNOW ,I've researched and made a personal choice not to partake in. Thanks for putting it out there SuperGirl.

To each one their own.
ShimmieGirl said:
Supergirl, I fixed my 'blunder' in my post. I kept typing Star's name instead of yours. :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm seeing 'stars'....:lol: Yes, 'Star is beautiful."

I just wanted to let you know that I am so glad for this thread you shared with us. I don't ever want to live my life, thinking my choices are in line because others think so. I can't live on man's approval. I still have to live my life to give Glory unto God our Father.

God has used you as a beacon of light with this thread, for there are many reading and though not posting, they have been enlightened and have taken this message to heart.

To me, Jesus is about an 'alternative' lifestyle, but the ultimate one that has an ending promise of Eternity with Him. So whatever I choose to do in this life, I have to do it with the alternatives that please Him.

For me personally, if I am to continue with the stretches that I do in Yoga, then I am more open to the alternative methods that do not relate to other gods. The same applies to all I have chosen to do in this life.

So to you, I applaude your stand and I support what I know to be your pure intent with this thread which was only to inform and enlighten.

God knows the pureness of your heart. And I have been given the priviledge of getting to know you as well.

Supergirl, I am honored to have you as one of my sisters in Christ Jesus.

We all have a part in the Body of Christ, to keep us rounded. Your gift is that of enlightenment. Please stay strong in this. For as God told the phophet Jeremiah, '...speak what I tell you." and God admonished him also, " not afraid of their faces." So whatever God tells you to speak...'Speak.'

If anything that I have shared in this entire forum, or anything about my lifestyle (Dancing) and the things I share about Romance, has offended you or raised questions about my devotion to the Lord, I humbly apologize to you, and to the rest of our sisters on this forum. My intent was never to offend.

And Mkh_77, this apology includes you too, for you too are my sister in Christ.

With all sincerity,

"Shimmie..." :)

Yep, I especially agree with the bolded text. Thank you.
newme2003 said:
Yep, I especially agree with the bolded text. Thank you.

The 'thanks' goes to you. Your 'siggy' says it we stand or fall? :)

"Shimmie..." :)
Shimmie, you were right. There are people out there reading this that I don't even realize.


Thanks for such sweet affirmation. :kiss: It's greatly appreciated. :) And like Shimmie, I agree that your signature is on point. :up:
Supergirl said:
Shimmie, you were right. There are people out there reading this that I don't even realize.

Exactly! I was thinking about this the other day. This thread is helping more people than you realize, Supergirl.

BTW, I co-sign with Shimmie....we're very fortunate to have you as a sister in Christ. :)
Denim And Leather said:
Exactly! I was thinking about this the other day. This thread is helping more people than you realize, Supergirl.

BTW, I co-sign with Shimmie....we're very fortunate to have you as a sister in Christ. :)

Wow, I feel so blessed to be affirmed by you guys. Positive words go a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg way, especially from certain people! I believe some are just blessed with the gift of edification. :) Thank you ;)
Supergirl said:
Wow, I feel so blessed to be affirmed by you guys. Positive words go a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg way, especially from certain people! I believe some are just blessed with the gift of edification. :) Thank you ;)

Does not God say, "...He chastises those whom He loves."

Don't think for one moment that I don't have a 'sting' in my spirit about this topic. I've struggled for years to correct my body issues and to gain and maintain flexibility. I don't want to be 'stiff' and unable to walk, let alone Dance. I'm not a model 'thin' person, so when you find an exercise that works you leap for joy.

Can I be honest? I saw this thread title several times before I would even open it. Oh indeed God I did. I would purposely bypass it. But this past weekend I yielded because I knew God wanted to speak to me about this subject. I am always open to Godly alternatives. I've been in the 'Arts' all my life and I love it. But not to my detriment and not to hurt the One who loves me and died for me.

I'm not putting anyone down who chooses to do yoga, because I understand what it means to them to have an exercise that has helped them. But at least there's an alternative for those who can achieve the same benefits, if not more from this information shared.

The devil has enough 'play' in our lives. Now it's time to reclaim what's ours, clean it up and enjoy it to the glory of God the Father.

Again, that's what this thread is about. Being aware, by what you shared, cleaning it up, giving God the glory for it.

I love you, Supergirl. Love you too, Denim and Leather. Love you too, Star. :lol: Star, I sure typed your name enough in my posts earlier today to prove it...:lol:


Supergirl I totally agree with what you have said.
My 5 year old daughter's teacher started teaching them Yoga(with the ohm thing as well) at school said it was to relax them . When I heard I wrote her . Told her in my opinion you cannot disassociate the practice from the origins. Long story short got everybody I know to start praying was even considering taking her out the school but My God sure does answer prayers and quickly she stopped.

My opinion:
This practice was created to worship a foreign God! The bible says thou shalt worship thy Lord God, and him only shalt thou serve.(Matt 4:10)

Stay strong Supergirl
beauty said:
Supergirl I totally agree with what you have said.
My 5 year old daughter's teacher started teaching them Yoga(with the ohm thing as well) at school said it was to relax them . When I heard I wrote her . Told her in my opinion you cannot disassociate the practice from the origins. Long story short got everybody I know to start praying was even considering taking her out the school but My God sure does answer prayers and quickly she stopped.

My opinion:
This practice was created to worship a foreign God! The bible says thou shalt worship thy Lord God, and him only shalt thou serve.(Matt 4:10)

Stay strong Supergirl

Wow, that is unbelievable that the teacher was teaching the little one's yoga. My goodness! But we get slapped all upside our heads if we want to say anything about God in school. A shame :nono:

I'm glad you took a stand and I'm glad it stopped. I remember teaching in a school where the principal had arranged a field trip for the WHOLE school to go see one of the Harry Potter movies on opening day. I was so uncomfortable with this--it just did not settle right within me. Well, wouldn't you know it--some parents rescued me. Not knowing my situation, there were some Christian parents that would not allow their children to go and of course a teacher was needed to stay behind with those children. (ME!) So I said all that to say, you never know how your taking a stand can end up helping others. :up:
Jessy55 said:
I apologize if this book was already mentioned in the thread ( I don't have the patience to reread all the pages), but I was in a bookstore today, and I saw this book:

An Invitation to Christian Yoga with CD (Audio)
by Nancy Roth, Susan Mangam (Illustrator)

Edition: Paperback

You can read some of the customer reviews at:

I havent gone in a while, but when I did take yoga my teacher was a Christian and we never chanted. Are we saying that the lady who wrote this book is not a Christian because it is about yoga? Deep breathing helps clear your lungs and helps you relax, how can that hurt? As you go through your day your mind gets filled with to do lists and other things and the clearing your mind is not to let other spirits enter (because why cant GOD enter at that point also) but just to get rid of some clutter. When I left yoga class I would always feel relaxed and no further away from God than when I went in. I also used to take bellydance classes for for some reason now I just cant get into it anymore (doesnt feel right). Who knows maybe one day I will dance again but for now I dont feel comfortable with it.

I do not want to discourage anyone who is thinking of taking Pilates over yoga because I like both. But I bought a Pilates book and the introduction said that "Joseph Pilates created a complete regimen that combined East and West, gymnastic and yogic principles." "He was also an ardent student of Eastern philosophies such as yoga and karate."

This website states: Both Pilates and Yoga are holistic approaches to fitness and well being. In combination, both provide a mind and body conditioning program designed to attain and maintain the complete coordination of mind, body and spirit.

Decide for yourself :perplexed
How did I miss this thread???

Supergirl, I have to tell you that I have a new found respect for you, lady!!! You are such a blessing! I stand in awe of you. You are bold, grounded, unwavering, and extremely graceful! Your faithfulness is truly inspiring! You go, girl, and continue to stand bold in JESUS! High-five!! :up:
Supergirl said:
Wow, I feel so blessed to be affirmed by you guys. Positive words go a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg way, especially from certain people! I believe some are just blessed with the gift of edification. :) Thank you ;)

Anytime, SG! :kiss: I'm so glad that we have a sister in Christ who's not scared to stand for the truth. :yep:

P.S. Sorry I'm late in replying!