How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christian"?

Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Yes. Exactly!!! That's why I question my salvation. When I read the bible verses, I see something different than what people feel, think, hope, and wish. :yep: I know getting rid of sin out of one's life is a process, but there are some sins that I keep committing that makes me question my love for God and what's truly in my heart and mind. I can actually feel conflicting spirits that I've never had before when I was younger.[/QUOTE]


^^ It sounds like you are in a spiritual battle. This battle is for your soul!

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

Do you remember when and why you have drifted into this?

What thoughts or experiences brought you to this place you are in today?

The question you have to ask yourself is do you desire to be saved?

Like someone said before. Do you want Christ to just save you but not be the Lord of your Life?

You don't have to answer these publicly but maybe these are some things you can ponder.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I do agree with that at some times in life we will struggle with things in our walk with God, but I dont like the fact the people make it seems like we have to CONTINUE to struggle, like there is no delieverance is Christ. He said "Whom the Son of Man have set free is free INDEED"...You are able to be completely free in dont have to live this life all bound up with things.Though some things does take time to overcome, but u can defintely overcome. He said greater is He that is IN us than he that is in the world...

Romans 6:14
For sin shall not have dominion over you.

Agree!! We don't have to struggle and be bound.
There was a time when I struggled with negative thoughts. I was tired of the struggle. I would read in the word, what thoughts I should have, according to the Word but It was not penetrating. I sat before the Lord in fasting and prayer and I cried out to Him and allowed to Lord to break that off of me. He set me free and I knew I was free. I was free to determine what type of thoughts I wanted to have. So I know Him as a deliverer.

The Word of God tells us what God expects of us and what Christ gave us and a sound mind is one of them!
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

@ktykaty - That's the thing... How can Christians be holy with sin in our lives??? What is holiness really if it has nothing to do with not sinning?
For example: Can you honestly say a Christian who commits fornication can be holier than a Christian that does not commit fornication, or are they equally holy just because they are both Christians???

When I said that it is not humanly possible to stop sinning, I meant that it is not humanly possible to love like God does 24/7. Our lack of perfect godly love can cohabit with our holiness. Holiness is a divine characteristic. To be holy mean to be set apart by God, for God. Someone who is holy reflects the glory of God. 2 Co 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

It's perfectly possible through Jesus to stop committing some sins like fornication, lying, cursing, ...
In order to avoid a particular sin, you have to call on Jesus when you are tempted. Temptation precedes sin. cf James 1:12-17.

Hope these clarifications will help you.

I'll have one question for you: What is your personal definition of sin ?
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

So this means everyone is going to Heaven then, right? If there is no sin that can send you to Hell, then what's the point of trippin when people commit such sins, especially the ones that are considered "big" like homosexuality, murder, fornication, lying, adultery, etc. I know no sin is greater than another but people do tend to put sins into categories. Plus, there are Christians that go as far as to say if you don't go to church, don't tithe, evangelize, don't do what the pastor says, etc. you're salvation is questionable.

OR are blasphemy and unbelief the only sins that send you to Hell???

I believe its impossible because I personally have never seen it and if it were possible, Jesus would not have needed to die for us. This is what repentance and forgiveness is about. Sin (not the same things over and over again but I make a mistake) and I ask the father for forgiveness and strength to stop. But it is a HEART condition. If your heart aint in it, the Lord will know. No one can tell you whats in your heart but God.

This is the point I disagree with. Some say if you sin, you're not a Christian. I don't agree with this. I am saved when I confess him with my mouth and believe in my heart the Lord Jesus Christ. I demonstrate this love by obeying him.

And sin is not only in what I do, its also in what you think about others, yourself, God, etc. This is the hardest thing to fight and the easiest sin to fall victim to.

Every one is not going to Heaven because salvation is about confession of the Lord over your life and NOT based on good works (even our good is like filthy rags to the father). And YES, blasphemy against the holy spirit and not believing in him is unforgivable obviously.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Yes. Exactly!!! That's why I question my salvation. When I read the bible verses, I see something different than what people feel, think, hope, and wish. :yep: I know getting rid of sin out of one's life is a process, but there are some sins that I keep committing that makes me question my love for God and what's truly in my heart and mind. I can actually feel conflicting spirits that I've never had before when I was younger.


^^ It sounds like you are in a spiritual battle. This battle is for your soul!

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

Do you remember when and why you have drifted into this?

What thoughts or experiences brought you to this place you are in today?

The question you have to ask yourself is do you desire to be saved?

Like someone said before. Do you want Christ to just save you but not be the Lord of your Life?

You don't have to answer these publicly but maybe these are some things you can ponder.
Well, I supposedly got saved when I was 8 years old. That's when I first started believing in Jesus Christ and when I got baptized.

To answer your questions altogether, I would say allowing more people into my life caused this drift into more sin. For example: Using profanity. I never ever used curse words until late college years.

Right now, I just really don't know if I'm saved or not anymore.... I wonder if salvation is something none of us have yet (we are working toward it til the end) OR if what I've been taught all my life is true which is that once saved always saved doctrine (getting baptized usually at a young age and you're saved no matter what). I starting to believe that salvation is a future reward, it has not come yet according to what is said in these verses:

Matthew 24:13 - But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Romans 13:11 - And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Luke 13:23-24 - Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Hebrews 5:8-9 - Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him

Hebrews 12:14 - Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord

Just mere confession of faith does not save us. This verse is one that sticks out to me alot when I read it within it's context:

Matthew 7:21 - Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

And yes... I want Jesus to be my Lord AND Savior... not just Savior. I just feel like when I sin, I am not acting as if Jesus is the Lord of my life.

Health&hair28 - do you no longer sin? If not, how do you know you are saved? How do you know you love God with sin in your life? Do you feel like sinning less and less is what makes you more holy or keep your salvation?
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

When I said that it is not humanly possible to stop sinning, I meant that it is not humanly possible to love like God does 24/7. Our lack of perfect godly love can cohabit with our holiness. Holiness is a divine characteristic. To be holy mean to be set apart by God, for God. Someone who is holy reflects the glory of God. 2 Co 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

It's perfectly possible through Jesus to stop committing some sins like fornication, lying, cursing, ...
In order to avoid a particular sin, you have to call on Jesus when you are tempted. Temptation precedes sin. cf James 1:12-17.

Hope these clarifications will help you.

I'll have one question for you: What is your personal definition of sin ?

ktykaty - Thank you for your response. So your definition of sin is not loving like God loves?

My definition of sin is any word, thought, or action that is against God which is outline in the Bible.... examples lying, stealing, murder, sexual immorality, slander, malice, debauchery, wild partying, profanity, etc.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Well, I supposedly got saved when I was 8 years old. That's when I first started believing in Jesus Christ and when I got baptized.

To answer your questions altogether, I would say allowing more people into my life caused this drift into more sin. For example: Using profanity. I never ever used curse words until late college years.

Right now, I just really don't know if I'm saved or not anymore.... I wonder if salvation is something none of us have yet (we are working toward it til the end) OR if what I've been taught all my life is true which is that once saved always saved doctrine (getting baptized usually at a young age and you're saved no matter what). I starting to believe that salvation is a future reward, it has not come yet according to what is said in these verses:

Matthew 24:13 - But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Romans 13:11 - And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Luke 13:23-24 - Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Hebrews 5:8-9 - Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him

Hebrews 12:14 - Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord

Just mere confession of faith does not save us. This verse is one that sticks out to me alot when I read it within it's context:

Matthew 7:21 - Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

@Health&hair28 - do you know longer sin? If not, how do you know you are saved? How do you know you love God with sin in your life? Do you feel like sinning less and less is what makes you more holy or keep your salvation?

do you know longer sin?

I do sin, when I do something not pleasing to God. There are times when I say things I should not say. I know that I have to committ myself to the Lord when I fail in this area. It keeps me on my face before the Lord knowing that I can't do this walk outside of Him.

how do you know you are saved? Do you feel like sinning less and less is what makes you more holy or keep your salvation

I am saved because I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and I have relationship with the Lord. I desire to live a holy life. I spend time with Him in prayer, worship, and the the Word. When I do wrong, I know that I can go to my Father and repent and ask Him to help me. I am by no means perfect but He is.

We are saved by grace through faith. I trust in what Christ did on the cross for every person. I feel that the more time I spend with the Lord the more sensitive I am to what displeases Him; and I desire to do what pleases Him.

Also remember that this is a faith walk and we must see by the Spirit.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Yes @Alicialynn86!!! Exactly at what you said!!!

That's why I question my salvation. When I read these bible verses and others that I have came across, I see something different than what people feel, think, hope, and wish. :yep: I know getting rid of sin out of one's life is a process, but there are some sins that I keep committing that makes me question my own love for God and what's truly in my heart and mind. I can actually feel conflicting spirits that I've never had before when I was younger. I know there are things that we do that we do not want to do, but if we keep doing that thing that we do not want to do, when do we determine that it's something we actually DO want to do?
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

@ktykaty - Thank you for your response. So your definition of sin is not loving like God loves?
For me sin is a lack of love. That's the definition the Holy Spirit taught me. Strangely enough, I later discovered it's also the RCC's definition of sin.

My definition of sin is any word, thought, or action that is against God which is outline in the Bible.... examples lying, stealing, murder, sexual immorality, slander, malice, debauchery, wild partying, profanity, etc.

One's definition of sin evolves through time and growth in wisdom.

To quit sinning is the fruit of a collaboration between you (general you) and God. The one thing every christian needs to realize is that you cannot quit sinning on your own. Only god can make you stop practising/committing sin, and He did not choose to heal us from sin without our consent.
For me sin is like an illness and Jesus keeps asking us "Do you want to get well ?" (cf John 5:1-9).
Like an illness it gives us a good excuse to stay in the comfortable place where we are. Because getting out of our comfort zone means growing in Christ and going through the cross. Lot of people are really scared to be healed by God. For some, when they are healed by Him, it's just too overwhelming.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Pooh, when you are saved you are sealed up, imprisoned. You can't break free. Thank Jesus for that :yep: You are saved (that will not change). You are just not living a Christian life. We all have a mindset of some sort....flesh or Spirit.

Romans 8:6-8
6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.

There are 2 things we battle when we come to some kind of temptation.

1. Your mind
2. Your behavior

If you don't win the battle in your mind you are gonna lose the battle in your behavior because what the mind thinks governs everything..your behavior, what you see, how you speak, etc. These things will be constant for your entire life considering the world we live in.

So how do you overcome? You win the battle by yielding to the promptings of the Spirit.

I believe the Holy spirit is speaking to you and you know this. That feeling that makes you pause to not do something is HIM. He will always guide you in ways that you will never be able to do alone. That was a hard lesson for me.

Know that you cannot out do God in the love department. You can't love Him more than He loves you. His love is unwaivering no matter how bad you think screwed up.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Honi, thanks for your response...I see where you said, "You are saved but not living a Christian life"... so is the case for all Christians since all Christians sin?

If not, what does it mean to not live a Christian life? Does it entail certain sins?

And what does it mean to be living a Christian life? And is it important for salvation?

Pooh, when you are saved you are sealed up, imprisoned. You can't break free. Thank Jesus for that :yep: You are saved (that will not change). You are just not living a Christian life. We all have a mindset of some sort....flesh or Spirit.

Romans 8:6-8
6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.

There are 2 things we battle when we come to some kind of temptation.

1. Your mind
2. Your behavior

If you don't win the battle in your mind you are gonna lose the battle in your behavior because what the mind thinks governs everything..your behavior, what you see, how you speak, etc. These things will be constant for your entire life considering the world we live in.

So how do you overcome? You win the battle by yielding to the promptings of the Spirit.

I believe the Holy spirit is speaking to you and you know this. That feeling that makes you pause to not do something is HIM. He will always guide you in ways that you will never be able to do alone. That was a hard lesson for me.

Know that you cannot out do God in the love department. You can't love Him more than He loves you. His love is unwaivering no matter how bad you think screwed up.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

There has been much talk about the concept of sin. The bible says if you sin, you are of the devil and not born of God. However, the bible also says if you say you have no sin, you are a liar.

Then we get into the idea that Christians who make a practice of sinning or lifestyle of sinning or who commit wilful sin are not true Christians. However, isn't any sin that you do a wilful sin if you know for a fact that it's wrong and against God? Now, it's different if you did not know the sin was wrong to begin with. But once you find out it's wrong, you are not to do it again, correct?

Then people argue the fact that Christians can never stop sinning until they die. Well that means every Christian practices sin until they die if they don't stop sinning. Then we blame us committing sin on our flesh and on what Paul said in Romans 7. If that's the case, how do true Christians really distinguish themselves from sinners? "It's a heart matter"... well, the bible also says the heart can be deceiving.

And is there anyone here who can honestly say that they do not practice sin? If not, then what do you call the sin that you do commit? How do you make a distinction between practicing sin and just committing sin with full knowledge that it is wrong?

I've read this thread and believe you would find all the answers to your questions here.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Yes @Alicialynn86!!! Exactly at what you said!!!

That's why I question my salvation. When I read these bible verses and others that I have came across, I see something different than what people feel, think, hope, and wish. :yep: I know getting rid of sin out of one's life is a process, but there are some sins that I keep committing that makes me question my own love for God and what's truly in my heart and mind. I can actually feel conflicting spirits that I've never had before when I was younger. I know there are things that we do that we do not want to do, but if we keep doing that thing that we do not want to do, when do we determine that it's something we actually DO want to do?

Hey Poorbear, I did not read all the post, but here I have to agree with you on this part, I could not stop sinning even though I really tried. I question my relationship, my spirituality, God and If God really saw me at all. I came up short and develop nothing but fears and doubts.

Now my story is posted on here, When I learn how to study the bible differently then the way I was taught, and when I started researching the things I had questioned growing up. I was able to plead my sin before God, pouring it all out, all of it with the truth and with his words in the scriptures it was then they no longer held me in its grip. It was then that I was finally free, Do I still struggle with some of those old sins? yes I do, but no where near like I use to, it no longer has a grip on me at all. I see it coming and I am able to say okay well not to day and move on.

Practicing Sin to me is just the same as we practice anything, we continue to do it until it becomes something we do without thought. Sinning as a Christian well you know there are sin and there are sins, there are sins we think in our hearts, there are moments of rage and there are sins we do, there are sins we feel bad about, or not care because we do not believe its a sin, Only God will judge that. we live on this earth its very difficult to avoid sin and its consequences but its not as though we could not do it, it is just very difficult to do, why because Satan will always throw whatever he can at you to cause you to stumble and fall. As a child of God we are to do all we can to avoid sin and research the laws to see what is sin, in some cases we are ignorant of it, but many we just choose to do what we please. for instance a woman got up to give a testimony of how she overcame gambling, she played the lottery, and someone ridicule her saying that was not a sin, in his mind it was not a sin, but it is a sin just the same, only he was not aware of it and truth be told he played the lottery and did other things as well, but because he choose to do it he refuse to believe that it was not sin. I hear of many "Christians" that will argue you down because they do not want to believe what they are doing is sinful when in fact it is. On this board alone, many "christian" don't' believe we are to obey the law, well without the law there is no sin. Your questions really has to do with your relationship with God, as we draw closer to God we really honestly don't want to sin and we feel really bad about committing that sin, because we are becoming convicted. Add this in your prayer, I always ask the lord to help me not sin against him.
God keeps His promises
- God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that He should change His mind, so if he says nothing is impossible for him, then nothing is impossible for him.
(Num.23:19); Heb.10:23; Isa.46:11; Ps.89:34-36; Isa.30:18
God listens to our prayer
- For the Eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His Ears are attentive to their prayer
(1 Pet.3:12) Ps.34:17; 1 John 5:14; 2 Cron.16:9; Ps.4:4; Ps.102:17.
God answers our prayer
- Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear (Isa.65:24).
Jer.33:3; Mark 11:24; John 16:24; John 15:7; Isa.58:9; Eph.3:20; Matt.7:7
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I've read this thread and believe you would find all the answers to your questions here.

I've watched this video by Paul Washer before during the Fall of last year. I even took notes on it. Lol. I was somewhat feelin' him in what he was saying, until he said "The Bible teaches that even the most mature, the most godly Christian is still susceptible to sin," and again, "We all realize that the Bible’s already taught us that believers will sin." Where does the bible teach that?

After listening to the entire sermon, it seemed like he was saying watching tv, listening to secular music, shopping, what we wear, joking with others, etc. were sins rather than the sins that are actually pointed out in the bible such as lying, stealing, sexual immorality, murder, etc. But then he talks about legalism being death and how we shouldn't try to walk in sinless perfection.

Then he hangs on that word "practice" of sin and how it's a habitual rebellious lifestyle of sin. Doesn't everyone practice and habitually sin? It's not like we are sinning and not knowing what we are doing. I just don't see a difference in "practicing sin" and "sinning once in a blue moon". You can be sensitive to sin whether you do it often or do it less.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

To live a Christian life means to work out your salvation. Scriptures did not say work FOR your salvation but work it out.

Religion will tell you be good enough, live a good life and you will go to heaven. LIE!

Romans 3:20-28
Galatains 2:16
Ephesians 2:8-9

Salvation is not based on what you do. Salvation is based on what Jesus did on the CROSS. There is no one that is righteous within themselves. Your/our sin problem was already dealt with at the cross.

So here is what we do to work out our salvation. You put your salvation experience into operation mode. You already trust that Jesus is your Lord and Savior so you are to live out what HE has placed within you which is the life of Christ. The Holy spirit also comes to dwell in you forever making you set apart for His purpose.

It is the Holy Spirit working in and thru us where God works out our life. You work out what he placed in you. You read the word, you learn, you pray and trust Him, share the word with others, etc. You are a showcase of the life of Christ. Your character and conduct exemplifies Christ. So if you cuss for example, you are bringing in something that doesn’t belong there.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

To live a Christian life means to work out your salvation. Scriptures did not say work FOR your salvation but work it out.

Religion will tell you be good enough, live a good life and you will go to heaven. LIE!

Romans 3:20-28
Galatains 2:16
Ephesians 2:8-9

Salvation is not based on what you do. Salvation is based on what Jesus did on the CROSS. There is no one that is righteous within themselves. Your/our sin problem was already dealt with at the cross.

So here is what we do to work out our salvation. You put your salvation experience into operation mode. You already trust that Jesus is your Lord and Savior so you are to live out what HE has placed within you which is the life of Christ. The Holy spirit also comes to dwell in you forever making you set apart for His purpose.

It is the Holy Spirit working in and thru us where God works out our life. You work out what he placed in you. You read the word, you learn, you pray and trust Him, share the word with others, etc. You are a showcase of the life of Christ. Your character and conduct exemplifies Christ. So if you cuss for example, you are bringing in something that doesn’t belong there.

Makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your post Honi.

I've been starting to see it as "working out your salvation". I think alot of my confusion comes from the teaching of "once saved always saved". This teaching has made me think "It's okay to sin and do whatever you want as long as you believe you are saved" when I know in my heart it is not okay to sin. Technically, none of us are really saved yet since we are still living in this sinful world. Jesus is our salvation and we have to keep the faith and hope and trust in Him until He returns. When it comes to sin, we strive for perfection and holiness. Is this correct???
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

That is correct. There is no scriptures that prove that "once saved always saved", the bible continously speaks upon diligently keeping and working on our salvation until Christ comes. People just use that term alot of times to justify themselves. But once people realize who God really is, and know that He is holy and desires holiness in the inward parts, their understanding will be enlightening.But people have made this make believe God in their minds of how God is and what he accepts, but it's not biblical. We dont serve God on our terms, but how His word says to serve in him, and thats in Spirit and truth.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your post Honi.

I've been starting to see it as "working out your salvation". I think alot of my confusion comes from the teaching of "once saved always saved". This teaching has made me think "It's okay to sin and do whatever you want as long as you believe you are saved" when I know in my heart it is not okay to sin. Technically, none of us are really saved yet since we are still living in this sinful world. Jesus is our salvation and we have to keep the faith and hope and trust in Him until He returns. When it comes to sin, we strive for perfection and holiness. Is this correct???

Yes you are because of Christ redemption and in the words of Tamar B “point blank period”. I hear this argument all the time. Being saved does not mean that you get to live a licentious lifestyle. God hates sin. Let us be clear on that but it was already punished in the body of Christ. As others have said when you know who you truly are in Christ and how much he loves you, you just don’t want to do it anymore. Doesn’t mean that you won’t sin the rest of your life but you now have a partner named Holy spirit to help you. Seriously….do you think you will not sin in the next 5 min, 10 min… 1 hour knowing or unknowingly? :look: I just yelled at my husband for doing something stupid and I just couldn’t help it. I know it’s sin, I'm sorry but he deserved it. Ok...I'm working on my hot temper. :look:

If you cannot earn your salvation by doing good deeds, you can’t lose your salvation from bad deeds. If sin causes the loss of salvation, what kind or amount of sinning does it take? There is no scripture that tells you. Being saved and living a Christian life are two things that SHOULD work in tandem. Do you think that your past sins are forgiven and your present and future ones are “pending”? Once saved, the scripture says that God will remember your sin no more. It’s not just your past sins, it is present and future as well. This was all taken care of in the body of Christ. It is ETERNAL. It’s Gods promise.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 (New American Standard Bible)
31 “(A)Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a (B)new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32 not like the (C)covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I (D)took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My (E)covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the LORD. 33 “But (F)this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the LORD, “(G)I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and (H)I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 They will (I)not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they will all (J)know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the LORD, “for I will (K)forgive their iniquity, and their (L)sin I will remember no more.”

We are all born into sin because of Adams fall and because of it we were imprisoned in it. There would be nothing you can DO to get out of this sin prison even if you were a good person.

When you are saved, you are in this prison called GRACE. You can’t get out and there is nothing you can do that will land you back in the prison of sin. It doesn’t work that way. Side note: I used to be in a church that would call folks “backsliders” :giggle: But anyway.. to say that would mean that Christ dying on the cross meant nothing and was less than what Adam did when he fell. It’s a huge slap in the face of Christ and trust He is not coming back to do what he already did on the cross. There's no double jeopardy here.

Romans 5:20: GRACE super abounds ALL sin. Sin is swallowed up.

I do think that salvation can be lost by constant and consistent rejection of Christ.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

That is correct. There is no scriptures that prove that "once saved always saved", the bible continously speaks upon diligently keeping and working on our salvation until Christ comes. People just use that term alot of times to justify themselves. But once people realize who God really is, and know that He is holy and desires holiness in the inward parts, their understanding will be enlightening.But people have made this make believe God in their minds of how God is and what he accepts, but it's not biblical. We dont serve God on our terms, but how His word says to serve in him, and thats in Spirit and truth.[/QUOTE]

Yes, agree. They that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

The mind is something, this is why the word tells us in 2 Cor 10 to cast down those thoughts and imaginations that exalt against Christ (The Word). Your mind will tell you its okay to do things that are against God and if you continue to entertain those thoughts they cause you to walk according to your own way. The flesh wars against the Spirit. I am shocked, during the times I've encountered people who find a way to justify ungodliy behavior when the word clearly states what God thinks about it.

4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 5. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6. And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

bumping for anyone who wants to talk about sin..............
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I've watched this video by Paul Washer before during the Fall of last year. I even took notes on it. Lol. I was somewhat feelin' him in what he was saying, until he said "The Bible teaches that even the most mature, the most godly Christian is still susceptible to sin," and again, "We all realize that the Bible’s already taught us that believers will sin." Where does the bible teach that?

After listening to the entire sermon, it seemed like he was saying watching tv, listening to secular music, shopping, what we wear, joking with others, etc. were sins rather than the sins that are actually pointed out in the bible such as lying, stealing, sexual immorality, murder, etc. But then he talks about legalism being death and how we shouldn't try to walk in sinless perfection.

Then he hangs on that word "practice" of sin and how it's a habitual rebellious lifestyle of sin. Doesn't everyone practice and habitually sin? It's not like we are sinning and not knowing what we are doing. I just don't see a difference in "practicing sin" and "sinning once in a blue moon". You can be sensitive to sin whether you do it often or do it less.

Practicing sin, as I understand it, is a premeditated decision to sin. The difference would be going into the office planning to cuss a co-worker out for something they did rather than letting something slip when you drop a pot on your foot. Both would be sin, but one was planned for and harbored in your heart ( you knew and meditated on cussing out your co-worker) and the other was a slip due to weakness ( heavy pot on one's foot).