Lady Gaga To Become An Ordained Minister!

Sigh..........................usually i'm pro gaga, and anti-gay discrimination but really...smh......wth.

I hope this is just a publicity stunt..
I'm away from the forum for awhile, come back and see this mess....:nono:...makes me:lol:

Sis, I hear you loud and clear.

What bothers me is that this is a 'reproach' upon the purity of Ministry and its purpose ordained by God. She is NOT called to this office. Her motives 'cheapen' the meaning of what Ministry is about.

Hence, I turned Janet Jackson and started throwin' stuff... :fistshake: Ugggggh

I have to remember though, who's behind all of this and he is a defeated foe.

I take the pure meaning of Marriage seriously. All of 'us' in here do.

I'm just saying... Gaga and em' don't have a clue about what Marriage truly is. She needs to just sit her 'gaga' down and get to know Jesus.
Sis, I hear you loud and clear.

What bothers me is that this is a 'reproach' upon the purity of Ministry and its purpose ordained by God. She is NOT called to this office. Her motives 'cheapen' the meaning of what Ministry is about.

Hence, I turned Janet Jackson and started throwin' stuff... :fistshake: Ugggggh

I have to remember though, who's behind all of this and he is a defeated foe.

I take the pure meaning of Marriage seriously. All of 'us' in here do.

I'm just saying... Gaga and em' don't have a clue about what Marriage truly is. She needs to just sit her 'gaga' down and get to know Jesus.
I'm not surprised at this though...there will be many that will mock what God has put in place. Unfortunately for her, satan will make her and those like her, think that she is getting away with these things and when he has her in his grip....he will bite her in the butt! :nono: So sad indeed.

However, this false gospel that she will be talking about, doesn't have any power...its void of life and substance. :nono:
I'm not surprised at this though...there will be many that will mock what God has put in place. Unfortunately for her, satan will make her and those like her, think that she is getting away with these things and when he has her in his grip....he will bite her in the butt! :nono: So sad indeed.

However, this false gospel that she will be talking about, doesn't have any power...its void of life and substance. :nono:

I got sumpin' for her... :yep:

I'm praying for her heart and her salvation. God can get a hold of her and use her for HIS glory and none other. :amen:
I got sumpin' for her... :yep:

I'm praying for her heart and her salvation. God can get a hold of her and use her for HIS glory and none other. :amen:
That's right, sis...and I'm in agreement with you! She will begin to open her mouth and what she wants to come out..WON'T!
That's right, sis...and I'm in agreement with you! She will begin to open her mouth and what she wants to come out..WON'T!

:amen: Precious Wavy... :yep:

Taking it to the book of Numbers with Baalam and Barrak ... :up:

Even the donkey made sense. :yep:

Each time, Baalam tried to open his mouth with a curse (foolishness) it wouldn't come forth. The enemy's plan is rendered null and void.

Don't even get me started... :bat:
I knew she had a problem when she went out in that outfit that made her look like Satan himself. She's a piece of work for sure. And unfortunately she's got so many people following her.
I knew she had a problem when she went out in that outfit that made her look like Satan himself. She's a piece of work for sure. And unfortunately she's got so many people following her.

She's definitely a piece of work. :yep:

She had 'sex' on an elevated stage with a dance partner on last year's IDOL finale. Well, yeah they were 'clothed' :look: :)rolleyes:) but who wants to see that?

I was out done...

(Shimmie 'clutches' pearls')
What the? This heaux is gonna enjoy her time in hell

Sent from my fancy iPhone using LHCF
Yet, even in all her foolishness and in the ignorance of her actions....the Lord doesn't want anyone to perish (be separate from Him for eternity) but wants all to come to repentance and be saved. Hell was not made for man, but for satan and his fallen angels. She is not exempt from this...the Lord died for her too.:yep:

As I fast and pray this week, the one thing that I will be adding will be this woman who is so lost and broken inside. I pray that she will have a "Saul" experience, that her life may be saved.
This is only the beginning....unfortunately.We havent seen nothing yet. Thats why its so important for us to stand for righteousness! Cry aloud and spare not, blow the trumpet, so people wont think this foolishness is ok.We as believers can't have one foot in the world and out the world..we confuse people.We gotta be that light that cannot be hid, so people can see, you can live for God fully...

***steps off soapbox******
You know, folks who play with God have a strange way of converting to His way of thinking in the end. Think Saul of Tarsus, the guy who was the original Jesus in the play Hair (he had a show on TBN where he was preaching - still had long curly hair), even Jesse Duplantis (that's my boy, funny as all get out :lachen:). So let's watch as well as pray because this could be a big score for Jesus.
You know, folks who play with God have a strange way of converting to His way of thinking in the end. Think Saul of Tarsus, the guy who was the original Jesus in the play Hair (he had a show on TBN where he was preaching - still had long curly hair), even Jesse Duplantis (that's my boy, funny as all get out :lachen:). So let's watch as well as pray because this could be a big score for Jesus.

Ooh I hope so!

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse the typos.
Father Jeffrey on "Slave Trade, Free Trade & Lady Gaga, homily"

"When we have an art that becomes a religion unto [itself], you have a Lady Gaga...I pray that she'll rethink the value she got in her catholic school education...[and] say" just maybe, I could use my talent in a different way, not only for myself, but for all my fans who'll be influenced by my look, by my behavior etc." He doesn't condemn her, he said very clearly that their ministry prays for artists. But he clearly mentions the end of a life of promiscuity and drugs etc. In short, she is hurting. Pray for her to find the tender love of G-d and come back to Him.
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Interesting POV...

I was watching a show on bullying the other night where Dr. Drew was interviewing bullied youths in middle and high school, and this handsome young man, Jamey, was part of the discussion. Before he killed himself, he tweeted this:

LadyGaga bye mother monster, thank you for all you have done, paws up forever

What bothers me most about Gaga is the millions of children who hang on to her every word..her seducing music, like she's the Pied Piper. Many who are familiar with that children's story know and understand that at some point, we MUST pay the Piper. For this little boy to seek comfort from someone who is so anti-God/anti-Christ is beyond disturbing. It's to the point his own family doesn't matter. His parents seemed to have done all they could and they seem to really care very much about him, yet that didn't seem to be enough. He pined for the attention of everyone else and of Lady Gaga.

WHO is the real bully? {I am in no way discounting bullying in any form, esp in the schools...this is more of a spiritual question}

Painfully enough, after Jermey died, Gaga dedicated a song to Jamey , her "little monster" Why would anyone call a child a "little monster?" Even if we think she may be 'playing with God'...I see defiance in the midst of her pain. It's time we wake up and see all this foolishness for what it really is. Yes, there is still hope for Gaga, like for all of us. But let's not act like we don't know what is going on.

You know, folks who play with God have a strange way of converting to His way of thinking in the end. Think Saul of Tarsus, the guy who was the original Jesus in the play Hair (he had a show on TBN where he was preaching - still had long curly hair), even Jesse Duplantis (that's my boy, funny as all get out :lachen:). So let's watch as well as pray because this could be a big score for Jesus.
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