The Truth About Yoga

Supergirl said:
First of all, let me say that I appreciate the respectful way that you approached this question. I never want to take that for granted. But to answer your question, yoga along with astrology and many other seemingly innocent things all have their roots in the occult. The devil would have us to be deceived and to not understand why certain things are such a "big deal." he would love it for us to continue to think that certain things are harmless.

It's not my place to force my beliefs on anyone, but since this is a Christian forum then I don't feel like I am doing so. At the beginning of this thread, I paraphrased the portion of the Word of God that says that people perish due to a lack of knowledge.

There was a time in my life, as a Christian too, that I thought things like horoscopes, psychics, zodiac, etc. were perfectly fine. No one had ever even tried to tell me different. But as I chose to grow in my walk with the Lord, I was enlightened about some of these things. As Christians, we should always remain teachable and open or we will cease to grow in Christ. So what I am saying is that everyone is at a different spot in their walk with Christ. There are things that I have yet to know and understand, but as I continue to grow, more enlightenment will come. So I am by no means saying that I know all there is to know about being a Christian, but swallowing my pride and having the humility to learn new things in my walk with God is what my life is all about! I started not to respond to those who disagree with what I posted about yoga in order to avoid any conflicts or making anyone feel like I'm stepping on their toes. But there may be someone out there reading this that is truly seeking to learn more truths about victorious Christian living and so I responded. There were many times that Jesus said things that people did not agree with, so I am not the least bit bothered, nor surprised that there are people that do not agree. And for those who have chosen to disagree in a manner that shows that you have the love of Christ in your heart, may God continue to bless you and may you always grow in Him.

Standing Bold in Him,

EXCELLENT POST, Supergirl!!!
Yoga can be spiritual, or physical. As a child, growing up in a Christian home, I went with my mother on her spiritual quest. This journey put her back where she started, but I learned about Jesus for myself, by accompanying her.

One of our stops was an Ashram, where yoga and meditation is not used the way most of us intend: weight loss, long, lean muscles and overall flexibility. In the Ashram - you had to remove your shoes and bow to a photo of a woman. This was a problem for me, because I was raised to believe that NO ONE came before Jesus and to bow to this woman, no...not to her, but her mere photo, was sacrilegious.

The entire experience was bizarre for me, because it seemed to be quite the opposite of what I felt was right.

Eventually, my mother went back to her roots and I was grateful. Yoga, is great when you use it as a form of exercise, but it's completely different when you immerse yourself into the total way of living, the New Age way of thinking.

No offense to anyone here, who may practice Yoga (the spiritual tenets), but it was definitely not for me. I love the stretches, do them all of the time, but that's where it stops for me.
I don't think that its coincidence that I just read the same article from a different source. It brought back memories of my yoga days.

I kept hearing about the benefits of yoga so I wanted to try it especially since I had juvenile scoliosis. Something in me was just not settled about it although I had not heard anything negative at that time. I finally bought a book with just the asanas but even while doing the stretches, I don't know if it was the jargon used in the explanation or what but I was still unsettled and I just kept shoving those feelings aside. I can tell you of all the benifits I received not only interms of my shape but my period started coming regularly for the first time in my life. I started defending my practice of it. But I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling. I finally prayed and question God about it and I started getting information of the spiritual aspect. Even somethings in the bible that seems unrelated just started being relevant to my questions. One of those was the first deception in the garden of Eden. So subtle, so sweet, just a little twist of the truth and indeed the fruit must have looked and tasted delightful. I finally got rid of the book and honestly at first I questioned that decision but I am now sure I did the right thing.

Supergirl thanks for you boldness. I agree with you that as christians we all grow at different rates and what might be ok today may not be next year. I tried to tell my one of my sisters (biological) about my experience and she tried to convince me that I was being too simpleminded. So I've just decided not to push it but pray that what God revealed to me would be revealed to her in her time. However, I listen carefully to why others disagree with my stance on the issue.

God is merciful and He will not leave His children in ignorance of possible danger.
Interesting post. I take yoga when my schedule allows it. I like bikram yoga (the more physically advanced one where the heat is on so you sweat like crazy). These classes work me out harder than a step aerobics class and its near impossible to relax or clear my head cause my bum and abdominals are feeling the burn and I'm sweating like a horse!
Toward the end of the class they do let you lay down and relax for a few minutes. Even then my mind is racing with errands I have to run the next day, what I'm having for dinner, etc... so the class is pretty unsuccessful at clearing my head but its been very successful with making my butt look the most toned and fabulous its ever been! :lol:

Anyway, I'll do a little research into the bikram and make sure there are no spiritual hidden agendas I'm unaware of.
Supergirl said:
Growing up in church does not make one a Christian. A Christian is someone that believes with their heart and confesses with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and risen Saviour. That's the only "type" of Christian there is and that's what I am! And if someone is truly a Christian, then that's what they are too. No different "types" about it.

There are differences in churches, so I understand your statement there.

I asked you to excuse me in advance if I was incorrect in my thoughts that you weren't a Christian. It was something you posted a while back on the Off Topic board that lead me to think that. My mistake for drawing an incorrect conclusion. I too am surprised that you as a moderator cannot use a more gentle and conservative approach in some of your posts. There's a way to treat people even when you disagree with them.

Very well put Supergirl.:)

BTW, this is such a great post. I never looked at yoga this way. I am getting rid of my yoga tapes today along with all my other yoga materials. No wonder why I felt like my spirit was not lining up with it. :nono:
Supergirl said:
First of all, let me say that I appreciate the respectful way that you approached this question. I never want to take that for granted. But to answer your question, yoga along with astrology and many other seemingly innocent things all have their roots in the occult. The devil would have us to be deceived and to not understand why certain things are such a "big deal." he would love it for us to continue to think that certain things are harmless.

It's not my place to force my beliefs on anyone, but since this is a Christian forum then I don't feel like I am doing so. At the beginning of this thread, I paraphrased the portion of the Word of God that says that people perish due to a lack of knowledge.

There was a time in my life, as a Christian too, that I thought things like horoscopes, psychics, zodiac, etc. were perfectly fine. No one had ever even tried to tell me different. But as I chose to grow in my walk with the Lord, I was enlightened about some of these things. As Christians, we should always remain teachable and open or we will cease to grow in Christ. So what I am saying is that everyone is at a different spot in their walk with Christ. There are things that I have yet to know and understand, but as I continue to grow, more enlightenment will come. So I am by no means saying that I know all there is to know about being a Christian, but swallowing my pride and having the humility to learn new things in my walk with God is what my life is all about! I started not to respond to those who disagree with what I posted about yoga in order to avoid any conflicts or making anyone feel like I'm stepping on their toes. But there may be someone out there reading this that is truly seeking to learn more truths about victorious Christian living and so I responded. There were many times that Jesus said things that people did not agree with, so I am not the least bit bothered, nor surprised that there are people that do not agree. And for those who have chosen to disagree in a manner that shows that you have the love of Christ in your heart, may God continue to bless you and may you always grow in Him.

Standing Bold in Him,

This is a very interesting post Supergirl and I thank God for you posting this. :angel: I agree with the above quote because I am living a Christian life and this knowledge that you've provided has helped my walk with Him.

To tell you the thruth, I've only done yoga a few times throughout my life. And spiritually, I didn't feel right. Getting into the poses and the names of them "like up dog" etc. I don't want to practice anything except for the teachings of the Bible. :yep:

I also disagree with vevster (moderator) comment. I am very shocked at this. :shocked: I didn't expect this to come from a moderator at all!!! :nono:
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Thank you to Supergirl for bringing this to our attention. I wanted to try yoga for exercise reasons, but I will not now. You are so right when you say as Christians we should be humble and willing to learn so that we may grow in our faith. Sometimes as christians we don't like to accept anything that goes against our desires, we try to rationalise things or look for loopholes, and we can easily deceive ourselves. The Bible tells us that anything that has a relation to the occult is an abomination to God. Quite frankly, I wouldn't choose to be in the presence of people chanting or meditating on spirits other than the Holy spirit. I would be going against my conscience.
Supergirl, you responded VERY WELL to the comments made in this forum. I totally agree with you on everything! ;)
I apologize if this book was already mentioned in the thread ( I don't have the patience to reread all the pages), but I was in a bookstore today, and I saw this book:

An Invitation to Christian Yoga with CD (Audio)
by Nancy Roth, Susan Mangam (Illustrator)

Edition: Paperback

You can read some of the customer reviews at:
I was considering getting this

I also found a "Christian aerobics" certification course, the website link was in one of my old AFAA magazines if I can dig through them and find it I'll post it for anyone who's interested :yep:
Supergirl, I agree with everything you have posted. I first read about the harm of yoga in a book called "He came to set the captive free" by Dr. Rebecca Browne and I was truly blessed. I am also blessed by your post and continue to be bold for HIM!
Hmmm well Im not a christian but I dont deal with the so called spiritual forces that come with it. However I do the breathing techniques and the stretches and my body has benifitted from it immensely. I am really limber and my body is tight as a tiger :grin: There are people who look at yoga as spiritual, and there are others like me and Im sure tons of other ladies on this board who look at it only for fitness purposes. My advice is dont take it more than what it is. One article shouldnt deem enough to make something flat out "wrong". Rearch yoga or whatever is in question full fledged and then develop your opinion from there.
Interesting post. Rebecca Brown talks about this same subject in one of her books.
BLESSED1 said:
same here, it really helped my lordosis (excessive low back sway) and scoliosis. I'm going to have to pray on this, if this is something that I really need to give up. I've never done any classes that require chanting, they just say "breathe deeply and relax" I'm not sure if that's demonic or not :confused: Like I said I'll need to pray on this one, but it's not that serious I can just go back to regular stretching.

Oh I just remembered it's funny you just posted this SG. Just the other day I was teaching a staff member some yoga poses, as she just started teaching fitness classes. I had just finished demonstrating the sun salutation w/ my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and she was looking scared so I'm like what's wrong. She goes, I don't know what happened but I just got this weird energy and the lights in the gym looked like they got really bright and then just dimmed. I jokingly said well maybe because I'm saluting the sun and thought nothing more of this, but this post makes me think. Oh and that staff member is an atheist, btw, don't know if that adds more into what possibly happened that day :ohwell:

Oh Boy!!! What have I stumbled into . All I did was search on MSM and this came up with 2 other threads don't ask me why.

Sometimes, posts can be vicious.

Well I am saved, know the Lord and he calls me friend. I have always been intereseted in yoga for health and flexibility. It was not a "practice" I never sat and said Ohm Ohm.

I have a myself fitness yoga CD as well as Yoga on the exercise ball as well as Yoga for pain. This has never swayed me in any direction away from Christ. What effects one does not effect all.

My weakness is not others. I too have a sway back.

I had a discussion with my Bible Study teacher about 2 months ago. She was saying how people often associate "everything" with Satan that they are not used ot. She was saying how we can take different things from denominations.

Now don't get it twisted what I am saying.

She was saying as a believer in Jesus Christ we "Protestants" put down Catholics when there are actually some on fire Catholics. In our class she Spoke on how they pray. She spoke of Monks and how they don't talk they just pray and we can learn from that. She spoke of the desert fahters and how they seperated themselves from others to focus "only" on God.

This is where I learned Centering prayer. I pray and then I just sit before the Lord Quiet. No talking, no chanting , no singing. This is where I learned the Examen of Conscience. She stated that people would associate sitting before the Lord quiet as Satantic. Yoga satanic. She looked at me and said Aromatherapy "santanic" because I am a budding aromatherpist.

I am covered in the blood, by the blood, If something ain't right the Holy Spirit will let me know. [

Not doubting that somethings can be Satanic. But not all things
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Supergirl said:
yoga along with astrology and many other seemingly innocent things all have their roots in the occult. The devil would have us to be deceived and to not understand why certain things are such a "big deal." he would love it for us to continue to think that certain things are harmless.

:mad: Sigh.... I just wrote this really long, (and IMHO great:perplexed ) post and lost it because of my stupid laptop.

So to summarize:

We cannnot cut out all the things in our lives based on the occult or else that would leave us with no Christmas (nothing about this holiday is Christian excpet for Jesus) , Easter (rabbits and eggs), burning certain color candles, aromatherapy and those nice herbal teas we all drink, saying God bless you when someone sneezes, and the list can go on and on. Being in the world and not of the world means, fully participating in life, but with the right motives. So if you want to go to Yoga class and fill your mind with Christ, then do so. We just have to make sure we guard our spirits. Remember, even Jesus went to parties. :grin:

And if you wanna bring Scripture into it:

Romans 14 says:
1Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. 2One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. 4Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

If you can do it and still maintian, great. If not, great. Just don't fight about it. Christians get into some of the goofiest fights, IMO. If it isn't a kingdom essential which is pretty much summed up by John 3:16, then we can all argue the rest out in heaven. :angel:

God bless you all,

LA Lighthouse Church, Pastor
Even though I'm late in coming to this, THANKS for posting this, SG! In addition to what you've said and posted about yoga, what a lot of people don't know is that certain stretches are forms of worship, so they're really worshipping these false yoga gods.
I witnessed something unsual during one of my therapy classes awhile back when one of our teachers decided to have us do a Yoga workout. I did not participate because from past experience of not feeling right and seeing people on Christian shows and reading about people having to be delivered from demonic spirits because of dealing with Yoga (what type I could not tell you). The person told us to empty our minds ( I prayed the whole time and did not close my eyes). During some of the stretches I believe the Sun God and some more you could hear something sound like it was hitting the outter wall. She even looked scared. Then the owner's grandson started saying he felt depressed after she asked everyone how they felt. I felt led to do a quick prayer over him and he looked like he felt a hundred times better. There was always trouble in the class and the owners were Christian people who attended the nondenominational church I attended so I do not know why they did not stop this lady from holding theses classes. Un less they thought it was harmless. I thought this way once. When I was younger and had just began working in the therapy field I had a co-worker from Canada who asked me to go to a Yoga seminar which seemed Ok at first but I kept getting these warning signals in my spirit and I was led to look into another room adjacent to where we were sitting. This guy was taking off his shoes and kneeling down in front of this statue that looked like some sort of an elephant monster . That was enough for me I left but my co-worker stayed and she wished she hadn't because the guy had each one of them go into a room by themselves and just sit in front of him and concentrate on emptying their mind. This was different from the exercise form.
Just speaking for myself, I believe as the word says that We perish from a lack of knowledge. So thank-you SG for sharing what seems like a workd of knowledge.
Aissasmommy said:
:mad: Sigh.... I just wrote this really long, (and IMHO great:perplexed ) post and lost it because of my stupid laptop.

So to summarize:

We cannnot cut out all the things in our lives based on the occult or else that would leave us with no Christmas (nothing about this holiday is Christian excpet for Jesus) , Easter (rabbits and eggs), burning certain color candles, aromatherapy and those nice herbal teas we all drink, saying God bless you when someone sneezes, and the list can go on and on. Being in the world and not of the world means, fully participating in life, but with the right motives. So if you want to go to Yoga class and fill your mind with Christ, then do so. We just have to make sure we guard our spirits. Remember, even Jesus went to parties. :grin:

And if you wanna bring Scripture into it:

Romans 14 says:
1Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. 2One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. 4Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

If you can do it and still maintian, great. If not, great. Just don't fight about it. Christians get into some of the goofiest fights, IMO. If it isn't a kingdom essential which is pretty much summed up by John 3:16, then we can all argue the rest out in heaven. :angel:

God bless you all,

LA Lighthouse Church, Pastor

This makes the most sense out of anything I've read in a long time. Thank you.
Thanks for the post SG. I had heard that practicing yoga was a false religion but it was not explained to me why. I used to do Denise Austin's Fit and Lite in the morning, which incorporates yoga poses. I never felt right doing them. This post explains it. Thanks again.:D
Participating in yoga for health/exercise purpose is not practicing a false religion or in some way allowing "the devil" into your life/mind/body/spirit.
mkh_77 said:
Participating in yoga for health/exercise purpose is not practicing a false religion or in some way allowing "the devil" into your life/mind/body/spirit.

The devil would have you to think that.
Supergirl said:
The devil would have you to think that.

You are entitled to your opinion.

I don't believe the culture and practices of those who are different from me are "of the devil." They are just different cultures and practices, yoga being one of those things.

Xenophobia much? The devil would love for you to live that way!
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mkh_77 said:
You are entitled to your opinion.

I don't believe the culture and practices of those who are different from me are "of the devil." They are just different cultures and practices, yoga being one of those things.

Xenophobia much? The devil would love for you to live that way!

Mmmm, well it seems that xenophobia is a fear or the unknown or things that are different. So I'll first start by saying I don't fear yoga or any other thing with occultic roots. Those things are real and since I've chosen a Christian lifestyle I will not dabble in those things. And though this thread is over a year old, I've received a few PMs just this week from people thanking me for starting this thread--people that have real stories of how they or someone they knew was deceived by the seemingly harmless yoga.

As a Christian, I cannot comfortably do anything that is blatantly in conflict with my lifestyle. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but as a Christian there comes a time when you have to stand for something and stand against certain things. There are ladies who've posted in this thread saying they've never felt comfortable with yoga and they didn't understand until they found out this information. I can also say that I never felt settled as I considered taking yoga classes in college and I didn't even know this info. at that time. So, the words we're saying back and forth are small compared to what I and others have experienced in our spirits as far as yoga is concerned. When you are in tune/in relationship with The Father and you have asked for His guidance in your life, He will let you know when a certain thing is not a good thing.

Also, MKH--I'm curious since you say that you don't believe that cultures and practices different than your own are "of the devil." Does that include homosexuality? Would you say that homosexuality is of the devil? I am asking this because your answer would help me to see where you're coming from on your views.

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hmmmm interesting. I've always said that I wanted to start exercising more as I got older. :look: I had yoga in mind. I don't see how yoga can be so evil if you're not chanting another god's name or worshipping something else. BUT better be safe than sorry. SO pilates it is.
Supergirl said:
. . . I'll first start by saying I don't fear yoga or any other thing with occultic roots. Those things are real and since I've chosen a Christian lifestyle I will not dabble in those things.

How presumptive of you to label other people's culture as deriving from the occult!

Supergirl said:
And though this thread is over a year old, I've received a few PMs just this week from people thanking me for starting this thread--people that have real stories of how they or someone they knew was deceived by the seemingly harmless yoga.

I remember this thread when you started it. I thought it was overboard then, and I still feel the same way.

As to those who have sent you positive pms about the content of this thread, that fact in no way sways my opinion. I could send you a pm telling you real stories of how I or someone I know was deceived by the seemingly harmelss act of walking into a church, only to be ripped off and left disappointed, not to mention deceived and lied to about what God wants from me and my life.

Supergirl said:
As a Christian, I cannot comfortably do anything that is blatantly in conflict with my lifestyle.

While I respect that, I don't think it's right to label another's cultural practices as "occult". There could possibly be members of this board who are married to, or are related by blood to those for whom yoga is a part of their culture. Where is the sensitivity?!

Supergirl said:
I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but as a Christian there comes a time when you have to stand for something and stand against certain things.

I am a Christian, and I do agree with your above comment. However, I don't and won't label someone's cultural practices as occult simply because I don't agree with them and/or don't care to follow those practices.

Supergirl said:
There are ladies who've posted in this thread saying they've never felt comfortable with yoga and they didn't understand until they found out this information. I can also say that I never felt settled as I considered taking yoga classes in college and I didn't even know this info. at that time. So, the words we're saying back and forth are small compared to what I and others have experienced in our spirits as far as yoga is concerned.

If this is the case, then you might want to consider labeling this thread, "My truth about Yoga". Not everyone who practices yoga feels the way you or others you mention do. And, as I've posted before, your personal truth does not equal the truth. It's just that, your personal truth. I don't want to make it seem as if having a personal truth is of any less importance, but it doesn't equal everyone else's truth.

Supergirl said:
When you are in tune/in relationship with The Father and you have asked for His guidance in your life, He will let you know when a certain thing is not a good thing.

Again, I agree with this comment. But, it really irks me when posters, most particularly in this forum, make it seems as if someone is wrong or lacking in their personal relationship with the Lord if they don't see things the poster's way. If I told you that I've prayed to God about practicing yoga and He lead me to believe it is ok, are you inclined to tell me that my relationship is lacking or that I am just flat out wrong?

Supergirl said:
Also, MKH--I'm curious since you say that you don't believe that cultures and practices different than your own are "of the devil." Does that include homosexuality? Would you say that homosexuality is of the devil? I am asking this because your answer would help me to see where you're coming from on your views.

I honestly believe that many homosexuals are born with the sexual orientation they exhibit. I also believe there are people who choose that lifestyle for whatever reason. God loves all of His creations, and it is only God who can and should judge us. When we judge others, we are fooling ourselves because we are not and never will be perfect. But, that topic is for another thread on another day.

Supergirl said:

Same to you.
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I honestly believe that many homosexuals are born with the sexual orientation they exhibit. I also believe there are people who choose that lifestyle for whatever reason. God loves all of His creations, and it is only God who can and should judge us. When we judge others, we are fooling ourselves because we are not and never will be perfect. But, that topic is for another thread on another day.

Thanks for answering honestly. That tells me alot of what I was wondering about your particular beliefs. I don't know anywhere that I said I was judging anyone though. I don't dislike someone or judge them because they are homosexual. However, I do dislike homosexuality . Hate the sin, not the sinner. We all have sinned and come short of the glory... you know the rest. :)

Also, your responses seem to indicate that you think I am the one saying that yoga is occultic. I'll say it like one of my college Bible study leaders said once: "I didn't say it, God said it. Don't get mad at me if you don't like it."